439 resultados para Grout (Mortar)


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Masonry bond is affected by many parameters such as the type of mortar used, the techniques of dispersion of mortar and the surface texture of the concrete blocks. Additionally it is understood from the studies on conventional masonry that the bond characteristics are also influenced by the curing methods as well as the age of the bond at the time of testing. These effects on thin layer mortared masonry employing polymer cement mortars are not well understood. Therefore, the effect of curing methods and age to the bond strength and deformation of masonry containing thin layered polymer cement mortar was investigated as part of an ongoing research program at the Queensland University of Technology. This paper presents an experimental investigation of the flexural and shear bond characteristics of the thin layer mortared concrete masonry. The parameters examined include the effects curing and ageing to the bond development over a period from 14 days to 56 days after fabrication. The results exhibit that dry cured thin layer mortared masonry exhibits higher bond strength and Young’s and shear moduli compared to the wet cured specimens.


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This paper presents a study on the effectiveness of two forms of reinforced grout confining systems for hollow concrete block masonry. The systems considered are: (1) a layer of grout directly confining the unreinforced masonry, and (2) a layer of grout indirectly confining the unreinforced masonry through block shells. The study involves experimental testing and finite-element (FE) modeling of six diagonally loaded masonry panels containing the two confining systems. The failure mode, the ultimate load, and the load-deformation behaviors of the diagonally loaded panels were successfully simulated using the finite-element model. In-plane shear strength and stiffness of the masonry thus determined are used to evaluate some selected models of the confined masonry shear including the strut-and-tie model reported in the literature. The evaluated strut width is compared with the prediction of the FE model and then extended for rational prediction of the strength of confined masonry shear walls.


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This paper deals with a finite element modelling method for thin layer mortared masonry systems. In this method, the mortar layers including the interfaces are represented using a zero thickness interface element and the masonry units are modelled using an elasto-plastic, damaging solid element. The interface element is formulated using two regimes; i) shear-tension and ii) shearcompression. In the shear-tension regime, the failure of joint is consiedered through an eliptical failure criteria and in shear-compression it is considered through Mohr Coulomb type failure criterion. An explicit integration scheme is used in an implicit finite element framework for the formulation of the interface element. The model is calibrated with an experimental dataset from thin layer mortared masonry prism subjected to uniaxial compression, a triplet subjected to shear loads a beam subjected to flexural loads and used to predict the response of thin layer mortared masonry wallettes under orthotropic loading. The model is found to simulate the behaviour of a thin layer mortated masonry shear wall tested under pre-compression and inplane shear quite adequately. The model is shown to reproduce the failure of masonry panels under uniform biaxial state of stresses.


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Partially grouted masonry walls subjected to in-plane shear exhibit a complex behaviour because of the influence of the aspect ratio, the pre-compression, the grouting pattern, the ratios of the horizontal and the vertical reinforcements, the boundary conditions and the characteristics of the constituent materials. The existing in-plane shear expressions for the partially grouted masonry are formulated as sum of strength of three parameters, namely, the masonry, the reinforcement and the axial force. The parameter ‘masonry’ includes the wall aspect ratio and the masonry compressive strength; the aspect ratio of the unreinforced panel inscribed into the grouted cores and bond beams are not considered, although failure is often dominated by these unreinforced masonry panels. This paper describes the dominance of these panels, particularly those that are squat, to the shear capacity of whole of shear walls. Further, the current design formulae are shown highly un-conservative by many researchers; this paper provides a potential reason for this un-conservativeness. It is shown that by including an additional term of the unreinforced panel aspect ratio a rational design formula could be established. This new expression is validated with independent test results reported in the literature – both Australian and overseas; the predictions are shown to be conservative.


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Similar to most other creative industries, the evolution of the music industry is heavily shaped by media technologies. This was equally true in 1999, when the global recorded music industry had experienced two decades of continuous growth largely driven by the rapid transition from vinyl records to Compact Discs. The transition encouraged avid music listeners to purchase much of their music collections all over again in order to listen to their favourite music with ‘digital sound’. As a consequence of this successful product innovation, recorded music sales (unit measure) more than doubled between the early 1980s and the end of the 1990s. It was with this backdrop that the first peer-to-peer file sharing service was developed and released to the mainstream music market in 1999 by the college student Shawn Fanning. The service was named Napster and it marks the beginning of an era that is now a classic example of how an innovation is able to disrupt an entire industry and make large swathes of existing industry competences obsolete. File sharing services such as Napster, followed by a range of similar services in its path, reduced physical unit sales in the music industry to levels that had not been seen since the 1970s. The severe impact of the internet on physical sales shocked many music industry executives who spent much of the 2000s vigorously trying to reverse the decline and make the disruptive technologies go away. At the end, they learned that their efforts were to no avail and the impact on the music industry proved to be transformative, irreversible and, to many music industry professionals, also devastating. Thousands of people lost their livelihood, large and small music companies have folded or been forced into mergers or acquisitions. But as always during periods of disruption, the past 15 years have also been very innovative, spurring a plethora of new music business models. These new business models have mainly emerged outside the music industry and the innovators have been often been required to be both persuasive and persistent in order to get acceptance from the risk-averse and cash-poor music industry establishment. Apple was one such change agent that in 2003 was the first company to open up a functioning and legal market for online music. iTunes Music Store was the first online retail outlet that was able to offer the music catalogues from all the major music companies; it used an entirely novel pricing model, and it allowed consumers to de-bundle the music album and only buy the songs that they actually liked. Songs had previously been bundled by physical necessity as discs or cassettes, but with iTunes Music Store, the institutionalized album bundle slowly started to fall apart. The consequences had an immediate impact on music retailing and within just a few years, many brick and mortar record stores were forced out of business in markets across the world. The transformation also had disruptive consequences beyond music retailing and redefined music companies’ organizational structures, work processes and routines, as well as professional roles. iTunes Music Store in one sense was a disruptive innovation, but it was at the same time relatively incremental, since the major labels’ positions and power structures remained largely unscathed. The rights holders still controlled their intellectual properties and the structures that guided the royalties paid per song that was sold were predictable, transparent and in line with established music industry practices.


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In-plane shear capacity formulation of reinforced masonry is commonly conceived as the sum of the capacities of three parameters, viz, the masonry, the reinforcement, and the precompression. The term “masonry” incorporates the aspect ratio of the wall without any regard to the aspect ratio of the panels inscribed (and hence confined) by the vertical and the horizontal reinforced grout cores. This paper proposes design expressions in which the aspect ratio of such panels is explicitly included. For this purpose, the grouted confining cores are regarded as a grid of confining elements within which the panels are positioned. These confined masonry panels are then considered as building blocks for multi-bay, multi-storied confined masonry shear walls and analyzed using an experimentally validated macroscopic finite-element model. Results of the analyzes of 161 confined masonry walls containing panels of height to length ratio less than 1.0 have been regressed to formulate design expressions. These expressions have been first validated using independent test data sets and then compared with the existing equations in some selected international design standards. The concept of including the unreinforced masonry panel aspect ratio as an additional term in the design expression for partially grouted/confined masonry shear walls is recommended based on the conclusions from this paper.


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Out-of-plane behaviour of mortared and mortarless masonry walls with various forms of reinforcement, including unreinforced masonry as a base case is examined using a layered shell element based explicit finite element modelling method. Wall systems containing internal reinforcement, external surface reinforcement and intermittently laced reinforced concrete members and unreinforced masonry panels are considered. Masonry is modelled as a layer with macroscopic orthotropic properties; external reinforcing render, grout and reinforcing bars are modelled as distinct layers of the shell element. Predictions from the layered shell model have been validated using several out-of-plane experimental datasets reported in the literature. The model is used to examine the effectiveness of two retrofitting schemes for an unreinforced masonry wall.


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Handwritten caption: 226. Hussaków


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An attempt has been made experimentally to investigate the acoustic emission (AE) energy release in high-strength concrete (HSC) beams subjected to monotonically increasing load. Acoustic emission energy release during the fracture process of the HSC beams is measured. Stress waves released during the fracture process in materials cause acoustic emissions. AE energy released during the fracture of a notched three-point bend plain concrete beam specimens having 28-day compressive strengths of 50.0 MPa, 69.0 MPa and 78.0 MPa and mortar (cement: sand (1: 4) by weight) specimens are studied. Mortar consists of one part cement and four parts sand by weight. The specimens were tested by a material testing system of 1200 kN capacity employing crack mouth opening displacement control at the rate of 0.0004 mm/s. The fracture energy and the AE energy released during the fracture process of all the tested TPB and mortar specimens are compared and discussed. The observations made in the present experimental study have some applications for monitoring the integrity of structures.


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Masonry under compression is affected by the properties of its constituents and their interfaces. In spite of extensive investigations of the behaviour of masonry under compression, the information in the literature cannot be regarded as comprehensive due to ongoing inventions of new generation products – for example, polymer modified thin layer mortared masonry and drystack masonry. As comprehensive experimental studies are very expensive, an analytical model inspired by damage mechanics is developed and applied to the prediction of the compressive behaviour of masonry in this paper. The model incorporates a parabolic progressively softening stress-strain curve for the units and a progressively stiffening stress-strain curve until a threshold strain for the combined mortar and the unit-mortar interfaces is reached. The model simulates the mutual constraints imposed by each of these constituents through their respective tensile and compressive behaviour and volumetric changes. The advantage of the model is that it requires only the properties of the constituents and considers masonry as a continuum and computes the average properties of the composite masonry prisms/wallettes; it does not require discretisation of prism or wallette similar to the finite element methods. The capability of the model in capturing the phenomenological behaviour of masonry with appropriate elastic response, stiffness degradation and post peak softening is presented through numerical examples. The fitting of the experimental data to the model parameters is demonstrated through calibration of some selected test data on units and mortar from the literature; the calibrated model is shown to predict the responses of the experimentally determined masonry built using the corresponding units and mortar quite well. Through a series of sensitivity studies, the model is also shown to predict the masonry strength appropriately for changes to the properties of the units and mortar, the mortar joint thickness and the ratio of the height of unit to mortar joint thickness. The unit strength is shown to affect the masonry strength significantly. Although the mortar strength has only a marginal effect, reduction in mortar joint thickness is shown to have a profound effect on the masonry strength. The results obtained from the model are compared with the various provisions in the Australian Masonry Structures Standard AS3700 (2011) and Eurocode 6.


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Masonry strength is dependent upon characteristics of the masonry unit,the mortar and the bond between them. Empirical formulae as well as analytical and finite element (FE) models have been developed to predict structural behaviour of masonry. This paper is focused on developing a three dimensional non-linear FE model based on micro-modelling approach to predict masonry prism compressive strength and crack pattern. The proposed FE model uses multi-linear stress-strain relationships to model the non-linear behaviour of solid masonry unit and the mortar. Willam-Warnke's five parameter failure theory developed for modelling the tri-axial behaviour of concrete has been adopted to model the failure of masonry materials. The post failure regime has been modelled by applying orthotropic constitutive equations based on the smeared crack approach. Compressive strength of the masonry prism predicted by the proposed FE model has been compared with experimental values as well as the values predicted by other failure theories and Eurocode formula. The crack pattern predicted by the FE model shows vertical splitting cracks in the prism. The FE model predicts the ultimate failure compressive stress close to 85 of the mean experimental compressive strength value.


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This paper deals with an experimental study on flexural bond strength of masonry using various blocks in combination with different mortars. Flexural bond strength of masonry has been determined by testing stack-bonded prisms using a modified bond wrench test set-up. The effect of mortar composition and strength on the masonry's. flexural bond strength using three types of masonry units (stabilized mud blocks, stabilized soil-sand blocks and burnt brick) has been examined. The effect of the masonry unit's moisture content on flexural bond strength has also been studied. Increases in mortar strength lead to increased flexural bond strength for cement mortar, irrespective of the type of masonry unit. It has been found that combination mortars, such as soil-cement mortar and cement-lime mortar, lead to better bond strength compared to cement mortars. The moisture content of the masonry unit at the time of casting has displayed significant influence on the flexural bond strength of the masonry. It has been found that for each type of masonry unit, an optimum moisture content exists, beyond which the flexural bond strength falls off quickly.


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The use of silica from rice-husk for the production of various materials, including rice-husk ash-lime binder, has gained significance. In this context, the decomposition of husk, the properties of the silica ash, including its crystallization and the ash-lime reaction, are reviewed. The mechanism of ash-lime reaction is controlled mostly by the development of osmotic pressure. For lime-deficient ash-lime mixtures the reaction is complete in the initial few days and therefore no strength development is observed for such mortars in the later ages. The use of optimum ash/lime ratio is recommended for obtaining consistently good performance for the mortar. A method for the determination of this ratio is also discussed.


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Concrete is basically a heterogeneous material made up of ingredients with distinct physical and mechanical properties. As a result, the presence of interphases is inevitable. In the processing of concrete, fresh and hardened states are the two distinct stages. In the fresh state, the presence of inert constituents in the cement mortar matrix only dilutes the overall potential of concrete to flow. In the hardened state the synergetics play a dominant role in strength development. When the strength of coarse aggregate is far higher than the strength levels for which the matrix or concrete is processed, interphase bonding plays a dominant role on the strength. When the matrix strength is comparable to that of the aggregate strength, in contrast, the concrete strength is affected by the aggregate strength. Besides these aspects, the effects of the size and the surface texture of coarse aggregates have also been analysed. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Hardened concrete is a three-phase composite consisting of cement paste, aggregate and interface between cement paste and aggregate. The interface in concrete plays a key role on the overall performance of concrete. The interface properties such as deformation, strength, fracture energy, stress intensity and its influence on stiffness and ductility of concrete have been investigated. The effect of composition of cement, surface characteristics of aggregate and type of loading have been studied. The load-deflection response is linear showing that the linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) is applicable to characterize interface. The crack deformation increases with large rough aggregate surfaces. The strength of interface increases with the richness of concrete mix. The interface fracture energy increases as the roughness of the aggregate surface increases. The interface energy under mode II loading increases with the orientation of aggregate surface with the direction of loading. The chemical reaction between smooth aggregate surface and the cement paste seems to improve the interface energy. The ductility of concrete decreases as the surface area of the strong interface increases. The fracture toughness (stress intensity factor) of the interface seems to be very low, compared with hardened cement paste, mortar and concrete.