985 resultados para Governs subestatals


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Natural genetic variation is crucial for adaptability of plants to different environments. Seed dormancy prevents precocious germination in unsuitable conditions and is an adaptation to a major macro-environmental parameter, the seasonal variation in temperature and day length. Here we report the isolation of IBO, a quantitative trait locus (QTL) that governs c. 30% of germination rate variance in an Arabidopsis recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the parental accessions Eilenburg-0 (Eil-0) and Loch Ness-0 (Lc-0). IBO encodes an uncharacterized phosphatase 2C-related protein, but neither the Eil-0 nor the Lc-0 variant, which differ in a single amino acid, have any appreciable phosphatase activity in in vitro assays. However, we found that the amino acid change in the Lc-0 variant of the IBO protein confers reduced germination rate. Moreover, unlike the Eil-0 variant of the protein, the Lc-0 variant can interfere with the activity of the phosphatase 2C ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE 1 in vitro. This suggests that the Lc-0 variant possibly interferes with abscisic acid signaling, a notion that is supported by physiological assays. Thus, we isolated an example of a QTL allele with a nonsynonymous amino acid change that might mediate local adaptation of seed germination timing.


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La dècada de 1980 va significar un punt i a part per als governs metropolitans. Després de viure una època daurada durant els 60 i 70, la reestructuració del sistema politicoeconòmic va comportar que les estructures de govern metropolità fossin qüestionades i fins i tot suprimides. Quan tot semblava indicar que restarien només com a record, la lògica de competència entre grans ciutats i la necessitat de reinventar-se en base a un desenvolupament sostenible va suposar un inesperat renaixement de la política metropolitana. Si fins aleshores la seva necessitat s'havia justificat bàsicament des d'un punt de vista funcional, seguint pautes tecnòcrates i burocratitzades, la nova metropolítica se centra en la competitivitat i en la sostenibilitat, alhora que posa èmfasi en assajar mètodes de governança. Londres, ciutat que presenta certs paral·lelismes històrics amb Barcelona, ha estat una ciutat pionera i de la seva experiència es pot aprendre per la capital catalana


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En aquest treball es tracten alguns aspectes del lobbisme. El seu origen, la seva expansió, el seu significat i les diverses formes en les que es pot desenvolupar serveixen com a punt de partida. També es descriuen els principals subjectes del lobbisme y els llocs en els que s’ha convertit en un instrument clau. Al llarg de tot el treball, es va descobrint que el lobbisme es realment necessari i eficaç, ja que és l’activitat que permet una defensa legítima dels interessos de diversos col·lectius davant dels poders públics, de manera que civils, companyies y governs facin un apropament de postures a l’hora de legislar. La funció social del lobbisme és el tema sobre el que gira tota la investigació. La seva aportació a la societat passa per ser una eina de diàleg i representació davant del poder i una activitat vital pel benestar de qualsevol democràcia.


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We consider a methodology to optimally obtain reconfigurations of spacecraft formations. It is based on the discretization of the time interval in subintervals (called the mesh) and the obtainment of local solutions on them as a result of a variational method. Applied to a libration point orbit scenario, in this work we focus on how to find optimal meshes using an adaptive remeshing procedure and on the determination of the parameter that governs it


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SIRT1 is a NAD(+)-dependent deacetylase that governs a number of genetic programs to cope with changes in the nutritional status of cells and organisms. Behavioral responses to food abundance are important for the survival of higher animals. Here we used mice with increased or decreased brain SIRT1 to show that this sirtuin regulates anxiety and exploratory drive by activating transcription of the gene encoding the monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) to reduce serotonin levels in the brain. Indeed, treating animals with MAO-A inhibitors or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) normalized anxiety differences between wild-type and mutant animals. SIRT1 deacetylates the brain-specific helix-loop-helix transcription factor NHLH2 on lysine 49 to increase its activation of the MAO-A promoter. Both common and rare variations in the SIRT1 gene were shown to be associated with risk of anxiety in human population samples. Together these data indicate that SIRT1 mediates levels of anxiety, and this regulation may be adaptive in a changing environment of food availability.


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Fatigue life assessment of weldedstructures is commonly based on the nominal stress method, but more flexible and accurate methods have been introduced. In general, the assessment accuracy is improved as more localized information about the weld is incorporated. The structural hot spot stress method includes the influence of macro geometric effects and structural discontinuities on the design stress but excludes the local features of the weld. In this thesis, the limitations of the structural hot spot stress method are discussed and a modified structural stress method with improved accuracy is developed and verified for selected welded details. The fatigue life of structures in the as-welded state consists mainly of crack growth from pre-existing cracks or defects. Crack growth rate depends on crack geometry and the stress state on the crack face plane. This means that the stress level and shape of the stress distribution in the assumed crack path governs thetotal fatigue life. In many structural details the stress distribution is similar and adequate fatigue life estimates can be obtained just by adjusting the stress level based on a single stress value, i.e., the structural hot spot stress. There are, however, cases for which the structural stress approach is less appropriate because the stress distribution differs significantly from the more common cases. Plate edge attachments and plates on elastic foundations are some examples of structures with this type of stress distribution. The importance of fillet weld size and weld load variation on the stress distribution is another central topic in this thesis. Structural hot spot stress determination is generally based on a procedure that involves extrapolation of plate surface stresses. Other possibilities for determining the structural hot spot stress is to extrapolate stresses through the thickness at the weld toe or to use Dong's method which includes through-thickness extrapolation at some distance from the weld toe. Both of these latter methods are less sensitive to the FE mesh used. Structural stress based on surface extrapolation is sensitive to the extrapolation points selected and to the FE mesh used near these points. Rules for proper meshing, however, are well defined and not difficult to apply. To improve the accuracy of the traditional structural hot spot stress, a multi-linear stress distribution is introduced. The magnitude of the weld toe stress after linearization is dependent on the weld size, weld load and plate thickness. Simple equations have been derived by comparing assessment results based on the local linear stress distribution and LEFM based calculations. The proposed method is called the modified structural stress method (MSHS) since the structural hot spot stress (SHS) value is corrected using information on weld size andweld load. The correction procedure is verified using fatigue test results found in the literature. Also, a test case was conducted comparing the proposed method with other local fatigue assessment methods.


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El creixement del mercat de les renovables impulsat pels governs per lluitar contra els efectes de l'emissió de CO2, ha permès un descens dels costos dels equips fotovoltaics i la consegüent reducció del cost de producció del kWh produït per aquesta tecnologia, fent-la competitiva enfront de la generació per mitjà de motors de gasoil. Les explotacions ramaderes allunyades de la xarxa de distribució que en l'actualitat es proveeixen per mitjà de generadors de gasoil poden millorar el resultat del seu compte d'explotació gràcies a aquest tipus de generadors. La instal·lació trifàsica a què fa referència aquest projecte tindrà una potència màxima del generador (pic) de 24,42 kWp, amb tres inversors carregadors de 7 kW nominals, i una bancada de bateries de Níquel Cadmi de 48V i 3300Ah, permetrà satisfer els requeriments energètics de l'explotació amb la qualitat i seguretat necessària reduint el consum actual de gasoil en un 95% i una reducció de les emissions de CO2 de 160 Tm.


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Si bien los estudios sobre las coaliciones de gobierno constituyeron uno de los campos más estudiados en la literatura en ciencias políticas, merece precisar que la gran mayoría de los estudios sufren de un eurocentrismo al centrarse esencialmente sobre los sistemas parlamentarios de gobierno. Al ubicarse en la órbita del debate en boga sobre presidencialismo vs. Parlamentarismo, los gobiernos de coaliciones fueron ampliamente sub-estudiados en los presidencialismos. Los pocos trabajos que se publicaron, se limitaron generalmente al análisis de los repartos de las parcelas de poder, o las disoluciones de las coaliciones. Este trabajo se propone asimismo realizar una actualización de las teorías de las coaliciones aplicándolas a los residencialismos latinoamericanos. Nos centralizaremos sobre las experiencias conosurianas, y demostraremos asimismo que lejos de ser un fenómeno «accidental», esas coaliciones incidieron sobre la gobernanza y el qué hacer político, y condujeron a un reordenamiento sustantivo de los sistemas partidarios.


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En la primera part d"aquest article s"analitza el fenomen de les personificacions instrumentals locals (PIL), tant de les funcionals (organismes autònoms, entitats públiques empresarials i societats mercantils locals), com de les cooperatives (mancomunitats, consorcis i societats mercantils constituïdes per diversos ens locals). L"estudi inclou dues dimensions: la quantitativa, que centra el seu objectiu en determinar el nombre de personificacions existents i classificar-les; i la qualitativa, en la qual l"anàlisi persegueix descriure i caracteritzar el fenomen i explicar els seus problemes i dificultats de funcionament, com també els criteris de funcionalitat i les alternatives a la seva constitució. La segona part del treball revela com s"ha invertit la tendència al creixement que havia caracteritzat el fenomen de les PIL. L"estudi dels projectes de llei aprovats el mes de juliol de 2013 pels governs estatal (de Racionalidad y Sostenibilidad de la Administración Local) i català (de governs locals de Catalunya) mostra que les propostes normatives contenen limitacions severes a la creació d"aquestes personificacions i d"altres ens vinculats a les entitats locals, així com un conjunt de mesures restrictives tendents al redimensionament del sector públic local, que, si s"aproven finalment, constituiran una manifestació més del declinar de l"auge de les PIL.


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L’actual context de crisi econòmica en què es troben molts dels països europeus sembla haver accelerat el debat territorial. Per una banda, alguns governs dels Estats membres han proposat unes reformes en la direcció de racionalitzar (i/o suprimir) els nombrosos nivells de govern que existeixen al llarg de la geografia europea. Per l’altra, la Unió Europea (UE) segueix apostant per una major participació dels ens territorials en les diferents fases del procés de presa de decisions comunitari. El present treball tracta de descriure i observar el paper dels governs locals intermedis en el procés de presa de decisions europeu amb l’objectiu de d’analitzar l’impacte del procés d’integració europea sobre el context territorial. La pregunta de recerca s'ha centrat en entendre com i de quina manera els ens locals intermedis poden participar e influir a la presa de decisions europea. La metodologia de l’estudi es basa en una anàlisi comparativa que inclou cinc autoritats locals intermèdies de cinc Estats membres: la Diputació de Barcelona (Espanya), el Landkreis d’Hannover (Alemanya), el powiat de Łódź (Polònia), la provincia de Roma (Itàlia) i el lan d’Estocolm (Suècia).


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L'assignatura pendent dels diferents governs és saber destinar els recursos als llocs adients i en la quantitat suficient. Sovint s'ha encertat en el lloc però l'import ha estat massa petit i els diners no han produït resultats apreciables. La massa crítica només s'aconsegueix quan els recursos són suficients. Altres vegades s'ha gastat més del compte, amb desencert, sense que els recursos invertits produïssin resultats. Catalunya, fent servir la palanca Barcelona, ha d'apostar pel coneixement, la innovació i la creativitat, i el govern té l'obligació d'invertir perquè els fruits no es perdin


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It is through the application of an electronic partition approach called Symmetry-Adapted Perturbation Theory (SAPT) that the nature of hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions can be unveiled according to the contribution of electrostatic, charge transfer, exchange repulsion, polarization, and dispersion terms. Among these, electrostatic partition governs the formation of the hydrogen bonds, whose energies are arguably high. However, the weakness of the interaction strength is caused by dispersion forces, whose contribution decisively lead to the stabilization of complexes formed via van der Waals interactions.


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Cell migration and adhesion to the extracellular matrix (ECM) are crucial in many biological and pathological processes such as morphogenesis, tissue repair, inflammatory responses, survival, and cancer. Cell-matrix adhesion is mediated by the integrin family of transmembrane receptors, which not only anchor cells to their surroundings, but also transmit bidirectional signalling at the cell surface and couple the ECM to the cytoskeleton. Another group of adhesion receptors are the syndecan proteoglycans, which engage the ECM and possess signalling activity in response to a variety of ligands. Cell migration is a complex process that requires spatial and temporal coordination of adhesion, cell contractility, intracellular traffic of integrins, and matrix turnover by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Thus, integrins and syndecans, as well as MMPs, play essential roles in cancer cell migration and invasion. The understanding of the cooperation of syndecans and integrins was broadened in this thesis study. The results reveal that syndecan-1 functions in concert with 21 integrin in cell adhesion to collagen, whereas syndecan-4 is essential in 21 integrin-mediated matrix contraction. Finally, oncogenic K-Ras was shown to regulate 21 integrin, membrane-type 1 MMP, and syndecan-1 and -4 expression and their cooperation in cell invasion. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is fundamental during embryogenesis and organ development. Activation of EMT processes, including the upregulation of mesenchymal intermediate filament protein vimentin, has also been implicated in the acquisition of a malignant phenotype by epithelial cancer cells. Members of the protein kinase C (PKC) superfamily are involved in cell migration and various integrindependent cellular functions. One aim of this work was to shed light on the role of vimentin in the regulation of integrin traffic and cell motility. In addition, the mechanism by which vimentin participates in EMT was investigated. The results show that integrin recycling and motility are dependent on the PKC–mediated phosphorylation of vimentin. In addition, vimentin was found to be a positive regulator of EMT and regulate the expression of several migratory genes. Specifically, vimentin governs the expression of receptor tyrosine kinase Axl, which is implicated in tumour growth and metastasis. Taken together, the findings described in this thesis reveal novel aspects of the complex interplay between distinct cellular components: integrins, syndecans, and the vimentin cytoskeleton, which all contribute to the regulation of human cancer cell adhesion, migration, and invasion.


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Most advanced tumours face periods of reduced oxygen availability i.e. hypoxia. During these periods tumour cells undergo adaptive changes enabling their survival under adverse conditions. In cancer hypoxia-induced cellular changes cause tumour progression, hinder cancer treatment and are indicative of poor prognosis. Within cells the main regulator of hypoxic responses is the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF). HIF governs the expression of over a hundred hypoxia-inducible genes that regulate a number of cellular functions such as angiogenesis, glucose metabolism and cell migration. Therefore the activity of HIF must be tightly governed. HIF is regulated by a family of prolyl hydroxylase enzymes, PHDs, which mark HIF for destruction in normoxia. Under hypoxic conditions PHDs lose much of their enzymatic activity as they need molecular oxygen as a cofactor. Out of the three PHDs (PHD1, 2 and 3) PHD2 has been considered to be the main HIF-1 regulator in normoxic conditions. PHD3 on the other hand shows the most robust induction in response to oxygen deprivation and it has been implied as the main HIF-1 regulator under prolonged hypoxia. SQSTM1/p62 (p62) is an adaptor protein that functions through its binding motifs to bring together proteins in order to regulate signal transduction. In non-stressed situations p62 levels are kept low but its expression has been reported to be upregulated in many cancers. It has a definitive role as an autophagy receptor and as such it serves a key function in cancer cell survival decisions. In my thesis work I evaluated the significance of PHD3 in cancer cell and tumour biology. My results revealed that PHD3 has a dual role in cancer cell fate. First, I demonstrated that PHD3 forms subcellular protein aggregates in oxygenated carcinoma cells and that this aggregation promotes apoptosis induction in a subset of cancer cells. In these aggregates an adaptor protein SQSTM1/p62 interacts with PHD3 and in so doing regulates PHD3 expression. SQSTM1/p62 expression is needed to keep PHD3 levels low in normoxic conditions. Its levels rapidly decrease in response to hypoxia allowing PHD3 protein levels to be upregulated and the protein to be diffusely expressed throughout the cell. The interaction between PHD3 and SQSTM1/p62 limits the ability of PHD3 to function on its hydroxylation target protein HIF-1alpha. Second, the results indicate that when PHD3 is upregulated under hypoxia it protects cancer cells by allowing cell cycle to proceed from G1 to S-phase. My data demonstrates that PHD3 may either cause cell death or protect the cells depending on its expression pattern and the oxygen availability of tumours.