927 resultados para Global Navigation Satellite System, Orbit Monitoring, Troposphere, Positioning


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This paper examines some of the central global ethical and governance challenges of climate change and carbon emis-sions reduction in relation to globalization, the “global financial crisis” (GFC), and unsustainable conceptions of the “good life”, and argues in favour of the development of a global carbon “integrity system”. It is argued that a funda-mental driver of our climate problems is the incipient spread of an unsustainable Western version of the “good life”, where resource-intensive, high-carbon western lifestyles, although frequently criticized as unsustainable and deeply unsatisfying, appear to have established an unearned ethical legitimacy. While the ultimate solution to climate change is the development of low carbon lifestyles, the paper argues that it is also important that economic incentives support and stimulate that search: the sustainable versions of the good life provide an ethical pull, whilst the incentives provide an economic push. Yet, if we are going to secure sustainable low carbon lifestyles, it is argued, we need more than the ethical pull and the economic push. Each needs to be institutionalized—built into the governance of global, regional, national, sub-regional, corporate and professional institutions. Where currently weakness in each exacerbates the weaknesses in others, it is argued that governance reform is required in all areas supporting sustainable, low carbon versions of the good life.


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Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)-based observation systems can provide high precision positioning and navigation solutions in real time, in the order of subcentimetre if we make use of carrier phase measurements in the differential mode and deal with all the bias and noise terms well. However, these carrier phase measurements are ambiguous due to unknown, integer numbers of cycles. One key challenge in the differential carrier phase mode is to fix the integer ambiguities correctly. On the other hand, in the safety of life or liability-critical applications, such as for vehicle safety positioning and aviation, not only is high accuracy required, but also the reliability requirement is important. This PhD research studies to achieve high reliability for ambiguity resolution (AR) in a multi-GNSS environment. GNSS ambiguity estimation and validation problems are the focus of the research effort. Particularly, we study the case of multiple constellations that include initial to full operations of foreseeable Galileo, GLONASS and Compass and QZSS navigation systems from next few years to the end of the decade. Since real observation data is only available from GPS and GLONASS systems, the simulation method named Virtual Galileo Constellation (VGC) is applied to generate observational data from another constellation in the data analysis. In addition, both full ambiguity resolution (FAR) and partial ambiguity resolution (PAR) algorithms are used in processing single and dual constellation data. Firstly, a brief overview of related work on AR methods and reliability theory is given. Next, a modified inverse integer Cholesky decorrelation method and its performance on AR are presented. Subsequently, a new measure of decorrelation performance called orthogonality defect is introduced and compared with other measures. Furthermore, a new AR scheme considering the ambiguity validation requirement in the control of the search space size is proposed to improve the search efficiency. With respect to the reliability of AR, we also discuss the computation of the ambiguity success rate (ASR) and confirm that the success rate computed with the integer bootstrapping method is quite a sharp approximation to the actual integer least-squares (ILS) method success rate. The advantages of multi-GNSS constellations are examined in terms of the PAR technique involving the predefined ASR. Finally, a novel satellite selection algorithm for reliable ambiguity resolution called SARA is developed. In summary, the study demonstrats that when the ASR is close to one, the reliability of AR can be guaranteed and the ambiguity validation is effective. The work then focuses on new strategies to improve the ASR, including a partial ambiguity resolution procedure with a predefined success rate and a novel satellite selection strategy with a high success rate. The proposed strategies bring significant benefits of multi-GNSS signals to real-time high precision and high reliability positioning services.


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Many large-scale GNSS CORS networks have been deployed around the world to support various commercial and scientific applications. To make use of these networks for real-time kinematic positioning services, one of the major challenges is the ambiguity resolution (AR) over long inter-station baselines in the presence of considerable atmosphere biases. Usually, the widelane ambiguities are fixed first, followed by the procedure of determination of the narrowlane ambiguity integers based on the ionosphere-free model in which the widelane integers are introduced as known quantities. This paper seeks to improve the AR performance over long baseline through efficient procedures for improved float solutions and ambiguity fixing. The contribution is threefold: (1) instead of using the ionosphere-free measurements, the absolute and/or relative ionospheric constraints are introduced in the ionosphere-constrained model to enhance the model strength, thus resulting in the better float solutions; (2) the realistic widelane ambiguity precision is estimated by capturing the multipath effects due to the observation complexity, leading to improvement of reliability of widelane AR; (3) for the narrowlane AR, the partial AR for a subset of ambiguities selected according to the successively increased elevation is applied. For fixing the scalar ambiguity, an error probability controllable rounding method is proposed. The established ionosphere-constrained model can be efficiently solved based on the sequential Kalman filter. It can be either reduced to some special models simply by adjusting the variances of ionospheric constraints, or extended with more parameters and constraints. The presented methodology is tested over seven baselines of around 100 km from USA CORS network. The results show that the new widelane AR scheme can obtain the 99.4 % successful fixing rate with 0.6 % failure rate; while the new rounding method of narrowlane AR can obtain the fix rate of 89 % with failure rate of 0.8 %. In summary, the AR reliability can be efficiently improved with rigorous controllable probability of incorrectly fixed ambiguities.


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This research investigates how to obtain accurate and reliable positioning results with global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). The work provides a theoretical framework for reliability control in GNSS carrier phase ambiguity resolution, which is the key technique for precise GNSS positioning in centimetre levels. The proposed approach includes identification and exclusion procedures of unreliable solutions and hypothesis tests, allowing the reliability of solutions to be controlled in the aspects of mathematical models, integer estimation and ambiguity acceptance tests. Extensive experimental results with both simulation and observed data sets effectively demonstrate the reliability performance characteristics based on the proposed theoretical framework and procedures.


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There are many excellent books on climate justice and ethics, and their theorizing is a crucial and natural step in moving towards a justified response to this urgent problem. However, the purpose of this book lies elsewhere; it explores how ethical values can and should work in driving and structuring the global carbon integrity system.


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© 2016 The Author(s).Mid-ocean ridges display tectonic segmentation defined by discontinuities of the axial zone, and geophysical and geochemical observations suggest segmentation of the underlying magmatic plumbing system. Here, observations of tectonic and magmatic segmentation at ridges spreading from fast to ultraslow rates are reviewed in light of influential concepts of ridge segmentation, including the notion of hierarchical segmentation, spreading cells and centralized v. multiple supply of mantle melts. The observations support the concept of quasi-regularly spaced principal magmatic segments, which are 30-50 km long on average at fast- to slow-spreading ridges and fed by melt accumulations in the shallow asthenosphere. Changes in ridge properties approaching or crossing transform faults are often comparable with those observed at smaller offsets, and even very small discontinuities can be major boundaries in ridge properties. Thus, hierarchical segmentation models that suggest large-scale transform fault-bounded segmentation arises from deeper level processes in the asthenosphere than the finer-scale segmentation are not generally supported. The boundaries between some but not all principal magmatic segments defined by ridge axis geophysical properties coincide with geochemical boundaries reflecting changes in source composition or melting processes. Where geochemical boundaries occur, they can coincide with discontinuities of a wide range of scales.


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Ecosystem-based approaches (EBAs) to managing anthropogenic pressures on ecosystems, adapting to changes in ecosystem states (indicators of ecosystem health), and mitigating the impacts of state changes on ecosystem services are needed for sustainable development. EBAs are informed by integrated ecosystem assessments (IEAs) that must be compiled and updated frequently for EBAs to be effective. Frequently updated IEAs depend on the sustained provision of data and information on pressures, state changes, and impacts of state changes on services. Nowhere is this truer than in the coastal zone, where people and ecosystem services are concentrated and where anthropogenic pressures converge. This study identifies the essential indicator variables required for the sustained provision of frequently updated IEAs, and offers an approach to establishing a global network of coastal observations within the framework of the Global Ocean Observing System. The need for and challenges of capacity-building are highlighted, and examples are given of current programmes that could contribute to the implementation of a coastal ocean observing system of systems on a global scale. This illustrates the need for new approaches to ocean governance that can achieve coordinated integration of existing programmes and technologies as a first step towards this goal.


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This paper discusses the importance of integrated sensing systems comprising techniques that give different types of data from a structure exposed to the marine environment so that its service life could reliably be predicted. For this purpose, a novel sensor combination was designed and installed in concrete panels which were exposed to Hangzhou Bay Bridge in China. The integrated sensor probe was used to monitor the cover concrete as well as the reinforcement. The sensor probes were connected to a monitoring station, which enabled access and control of the data remotely from Belfast, UK. The initial data obtained from the monitoring station gives interesting information on the early age properties of concrete and distinct variations in these properties with different types of concrete. This paper also reports the variation in electrical properties of different concrete samples and environmental data in response to the marine exposure condition at Hangzhou bay bridge.


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Modern computer systems are plagued with stability and security problems: applications lose data, web servers are hacked, and systems crash under heavy load. Many of these problems or anomalies arise from rare program behavior caused by attacks or errors. A substantial percentage of the web-based attacks are due to buffer overflows. Many methods have been devised to detect and prevent anomalous situations that arise from buffer overflows. The current state-of-art of anomaly detection systems is relatively primitive and mainly depend on static code checking to take care of buffer overflow attacks. For protection, Stack Guards and I-leap Guards are also used in wide varieties.This dissertation proposes an anomaly detection system, based on frequencies of system calls in the system call trace. System call traces represented as frequency sequences are profiled using sequence sets. A sequence set is identified by the starting sequence and frequencies of specific system calls. The deviations of the current input sequence from the corresponding normal profile in the frequency pattern of system calls is computed and expressed as an anomaly score. A simple Bayesian model is used for an accurate detection.Experimental results are reported which show that frequency of system calls represented using sequence sets, captures the normal behavior of programs under normal conditions of usage. This captured behavior allows the system to detect anomalies with a low rate of false positives. Data are presented which show that Bayesian Network on frequency variations responds effectively to induced buffer overflows. It can also help administrators to detect deviations in program flow introduced due to errors.


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Diese Arbeit behandelt Controlled Traffic Farming (CTF) Anbausysteme, bei denen für alle Arbeitsgänge satellitengesteuert immer dieselben Fahrspuren benutzt werden. Lässt sich mit CTF die Belastung des Bodens verringern und die Effizienz von Direktsaat-Anbausystemen steigern? Neben agronomischen und bodenphysikalischen Parametern wurden Auswirkungen von Lenksystemen und Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten von CTF in die Praxis untersucht. Die Analyse einer CTF-Umsetzung unter europäischen Bedingungen mit der Verwendung von Standardmaschinen zeigte, dass sich CTF-Anbausysteme mit den heute zur Verfügung stehenden Maschinen für Dauergrünland, Mähdruschfrüchte und Mais auf kleiner und grösser strukturierten Flächen relativ einfach mechanisieren lassen. Bei Zuckerrüben und Kartoffeln können Kompromisse notwendig sein. Generell erfordern CTF-Anbausysteme eine sorgfältige Planung und Umsetzung in die Praxis. Im dreijährigen Feldversuch (Winterweizen, Wintergerste, Kunstwiese mit Kleegrasmischung) auf einem Lehmboden wurde CTF-Direktsaat mit konventionell zufällig befahrenen Direktsaat- und Pflugverfahren verglichen. Unter CTF zeigte sich eine Differenzierung der nicht, gering und intensiv befahrenen Varianten. Auf dem vorliegenden kompakten Boden mit 1150 mm Jahresniederschlag waren die Unterschiede zwischen den nicht befahrenen Flächen und den mit niedrigem Kontaktflächendruck befahrenen Flächen eher gering. In den nicht befahrenen Flächen entwickelten Eindringwiderstand und Kohlendioxidgehalt der Bodenluft nach drei Jahren signifikant bessere Werte. Bodendichte und Porosität zeigten hingegen keinen eindeutig interpretierbaren Trend. Aufgrund teils suboptimaler Feldaufgänge liess sich keine generelle agronomische Tendenz ableiten. Die intensive Befahrung der Pflegefahrgassen zeigte allerdings klar negative bodenkundliche und planzenbauliche Auswirkungen. Es bietet sich daher an, vor allem für Pflegearbeiten permanent dieselben Fahrspuren zu nutzen. In der Untersuchung zu den Auswirkungen von Lenksystemen zeigten sich signifikante Vorteile von Lenksystemen in einer Verminderung der Fahrerbelastung und einer höheren Lenkgenauigkeit vor allem bei grossen Arbeitsbreiten ohne Spuranreisser. Die meisten anderen Messparameter waren mit Lenksystem leicht vorteilhafter als ohne, unterschieden sich aber nicht signifikant voneinander. Fahrer und naturräumliche Gegebenheiten wie die Schlagform hatten einen wesentlich grösseren Einfluss. Gesamthaft betrachtet erweitert CTF in Kombination mit weiteren Bodenschutzmass-nahmen die Möglichkeiten, Bodenverdichtungen zu vermeiden, den Bedarf an energieintensiver Bodenlocke-rung zu reduzieren und die Entwicklung einer stabileren Bodenstruktur mit höherer Tragfähigkeit zu fördern. Zusammen mit einer an Kultur und Anbausystem angepassten Saatbettbereitung und den in geraden Reihen einfacher durchführbaren mechanischen Pflegemassnahmen ergeben sich gute Voraussetzungen für die Gestaltung agronomisch leistungsfähiger und ökologisch nachhaltiger Anbausysteme.


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This paper describes the design and manufacture of a set of precision cooled (210K) narrow-bandpass filters for the infrared imager and sounder on the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) INSAT-3D meteorological satellite. We discuss the basis for the choice of multilayer coating designs and materials for 21 differing filter channels, together with their temperature-dependence, thin film deposition technologies, substrate metrology, and environmental durability performance. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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Limnologists had an early preoccupation with lake classification. It gave a necessary structure to the many chemical and biological observations that were beginning to form the basis of one of the earliest truly environmental sciences. August Thienemann was the doyen of such classifiers and his concept with Einar Naumann of oligotrophic and eutrophic lakes remains central to the world-view that limnologists still have. Classification fell into disrepute, however, as it became clear that there would always be lakes that deviated from the prescriptions that the classifiers made for them. Continua became the de rigeur concept and lakes were seen as varying along many chemical, biological and geographic axes. Modern limnologists are comfortable with this concept. That all lakes are different guarantees an indefinite future for limnological research. For those who manage lakes and the landscapes in which they are set, however, it is not very useful. There may be as many as 300000 standing water bodies in England and Wales alone and maybe as many again in Scotland. More than 80 000 are sizable (> 1 ha). Some classification scheme to cope with these numbers is needed and, as human impacts on them increase, a system of assessing and monitoring change must be built into such a scheme. Although ways of classifying and monitoring running waters are well developed in the UK, the same is not true of standing waters. Sufficient understanding of what determines the nature and functioning of lakes exists to create a system which has intellectual credibility as well as practical usefulness. This paper outlines the thinking behind a system which will be workable on a north European basis and presents some early results.


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Tropical Applications of Meteorology Using Satellite Data and Ground-Based Observations (TAMSAT) rainfall monitoring products have been extended to provide spatially contiguous rainfall estimates across Africa. This has been achieved through a new, climatology-based calibration, which varies in both space and time. As a result, cumulative estimates of rainfall are now issued at the end of each 10-day period (dekad) at 4-km spatial resolution with pan-African coverage. The utility of the products for decision making is improved by the routine provision of validation reports, for which the 10-day (dekadal) TAMSAT rainfall estimates are compared with independent gauge observations. This paper describes the methodology by which the TAMSAT method has been applied to generate the pan-African rainfall monitoring products. It is demonstrated through comparison with gauge measurements that the method provides skillful estimates, although with a systematic dry bias. This study illustrates TAMSAT’s value as a complementary method of estimating rainfall through examples of successful operational application.