111 resultados para Glare.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The concepts of light shelves consist of windows that have face towards the sun, which receive a vast quantity of energy that could be used for healthy day lighting. This paper debates a main assessment, investigates the optimization of daylight requirement by means of light shelves system. An experimental test was carried out assessing the measurements and lighting simulations of a model of a building in order to elucidate the characteristics of indoor lighting. Light shelf is an architectural element that permits daylight to enter deep into a building. It constitutes an optimal solution for an incorrect building orientation and less sunny days. The essential objective of this study is to highlight the vital role of light shelves in residential buildings in northern Europa where the requirement is to improve the daylight in the interior functional spaces. The main objects of this paper are to investigate the effect of daylight in the interior functional spaces using light shelves, the effect of natural light diffusion in interior space in the period of low daylight season, and glare effect in this field. This paper investigates a procedure for analysing the daylight performance using software habitat function
PURPOSE: To quantitatively evaluate visual function 12 months after bilateral implantation of the Physiol FineVision® trifocal intraocular lens (IOL) and to compare these results with those obtained in the first postoperative month. METHODS: In this prospective case series, 20 eyes of 10 consecutive patients were included. Monocular and binocular, uncorrected and corrected visual acuities (distance, near, and intermediate) were measured. Metrovision® was used to test contrast sensitivity under static and dynamic conditions, both in photopic and low-mesopic settings. The same software was used for pupillometry and glare evaluation. Motion, achromatic, and chromatic contrast discrimination were tested using 2 innovative psychophysical tests. A complete ophthalmologic examination was performed preoperatively and at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively. Psychophysical tests were performed 1 month after surgery and repeated 12 months postoperatively. RESULTS: Final distance uncorrected visual acuity (VA) was 0.00 ± 0.08 and distance corrected VA was 0.00 ± 0.05 logMAR. Distance corrected near VA was 0.00 ± 0.09 and distance corrected intermediate VA was 0.00 ± 0.06 logMAR. Glare testing, pupillometry, contrast sensitivity, motion, and chromatic and achromatic contrast discrimination did not differ significantly between the first and last visit (p>0.05) or when compared to an age-matched control group (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The Physiol FineVision® trifocal IOL provided satisfactory full range of vision and quality of vision parameters 12 months after surgery. Visual acuity and psychophysical tests did not vary significantly between the first and last visit.
The crystalline lens allows the eye to focus on near and far objects. During the aging process, it loses its ability to focus and often becomes cloudy during cataract formation. At this point, traditional medical therapy replaces the lens with an artificial replacement lens. Although replacement lenses for the crystalline lens have been implanted since 1949 for cataract surgery, none of the FDA-approved lenses mimic the anatomy of the natural lens. Hence, they are not able to focus in a manner similar to the youthful lens. Instead, they function in a manner similar to the aged lens and only provide vision at a single distance or at a very limited range of focal distances. Patients with the newest implants are often obliged to use reading glasses when using near vision, or suffer from optical aberrations, halos, or glare. Therefore, there is a need to provide youthful vision after lens surgery in terms of focusing ability, accurate optical power, and sharp focus without distortion or optical aberrations.
This thesis presents an approach to restoring youthful vision after lens replacement. An intraocular lens (IOL) that can provide accurate visual acuity along with focusing ability is proposed. This IOL relies on the natural anatomy and physiology of the eye, and therefore is actuated in a manner identical to the natural lens. In addition, the lens has the capability for adjustment during or after implantation to provide high-acuity vision throughout life.
The natural anatomy and physiology of the eye is described, along with lens replacement surgery. A lens design is proposed to address the unmet need of lens-replacement patients. Specific care in the design is made for small surgical incisions, high visual acuity, adjustable acuity over years, and the ability to focus similar to the natural lens. Methods to test the IOL using human donor tissue are developed based upon prior experiments on the ex vivo natural lens. These tools are used to demonstrate efficacy of the newly developed accommodating intraocular lens.
To further demonstrate implant feasibility, materials and processes for building the lens are evaluated for biocompatibility, endurance, repeatable manufacture, and stability. The lens biomechanics are determined after developing an artificial anatomy testing setup inspired by the natural anatomy of the human focusing mechanism. Finally, based upon a mechanical and optical knowledge of the lens, several improved lens concepts are proposed and demonstrated for efficacy.
Purpose: the aim of this pilot study was to test whether retinitis pigmentosa patients would benefit from filter contact lenses as an effective optical aid against glare and photophobia. Methods: fifteen subjects with retinitis pigmentosa were enrolled in this study. All of them were evaluated with filter soft contact lenses (MaxSight), filter glasses (CPF 527) and without filters (control). All patients were assessed for the three aid conditions by means of best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), contrast sensitivity (without glare and with central and peripheral glare)(CSV-1000) and a specific subjective questionnaire about quality of vision. Results: BCVA was slightly better with filters than without filter but the differences were not statistically significant. Contrast sensitivity without glare improved significantly with the contact lenses (p<0.05). The central glare had significant differences for the frequencies of 3 cpd and 18 cpd between the contact lens filter and the control group (p=0.021 and p=0.044, respectively). For the peripheral glare contrast sensitivity improved with contact lens versus control group for highest frequencies, 12 and 18 cpd (p<0.001 and p=0.045, respectively). According to the questionnaire the contact lens filter gave them more visual comfort than the glasses filter under the scenarios of indoors glare, outdoors activities and indoors comfort. Conclusion: the filter contact lenses seem to be a good option to improve the quality of vision of patients with retinitis pigmentosa.
Desde los primeros años del cristianismo la figura de la mujer no ha pasado desapercibida para los distintos autores. Nos parece muy interesante la figura de Tertuliano, autor africano de los siglos II-III d. C. Pagano de formación y atraído por el mensaje y las vivencias de la nueva religión, pero confundido por la radicalidad que surgieron en las sectas del cristianismo. Es el primer escritor cristiano del norte de África que se ocupó ampliamente de la mujer virgen, viuda y casada. Siente una especial predilección por las cristianas de Cartago, porque ejercieron una gran labor en el desarrollo del cristianismo primitivo, por su tarea como evangelizadoras. Estaba muy preocupado por la conducta que iban adquiriendo, pues se hallaban inmersas en una cultura pagana. Hemos elegido la obra Ad uxorem, una especie de testamento espiritual que Tertuliano le escribe a su mujer en caso de morir antes que ella. A partir de la lectura y análisis de esta obra y de la comparación entre la mujer pagana y la mujer cristiana se aprecia la influencia notable de la cultura pagana. Pero no debemos caer en el error de pensar que hablamos de dos mundos diferentes. No olvidemos que el cristianismo llegó a una Roma imbuida de una religión y de unos dioses paganos. Por lo tanto, no podemos estudiar ambos mundos como contrarios y distintos, sino que un mundo surge dentro del otro y se complementan. Tertuliano va a presentar una evolución en su pensamiento que sólo se podrá entender a través del estudio de diversos aspectos que se han considerado importantes. Para ello, hemos estructurado el trabajo en cuatro capítulos. Destacamos cómo se desenvolvía la mujer en el mundo mediterráneo antiguo, tanto en Roma como en el Norte de África. Igualmente, el contexto social y eclesial que envolvía a Tertuliano en estos siglos II-III d.C., junto con su vida y su obra, han sido claves para entender cómo inciden ambos contextos en el pensamiento del autor. También se analiza la obra Ad uxorem para mostrar algunos datos interesantes relativos a la época de composición del tratado, estudio de la estructura retórica del mismo, público al que va dirigido y la intención del autor. Por último, se ha realizado un examen más en profundidad de la obra mediante la observación de aquellos términos y textos que emplea Tertuliano para retratar a la mujer. Todo ello nos ha ayudado a extraer las diferentes características de dichas mujeres teniendo en cuenta los espacios en los que se movían, los proyectos que tenían, su relación con Dios, con el hombre y con la sociedad. El estudio del mundo pagano y cristiano presentes en la obra de Tertuliano se ha llevado a cabo a partir de un modelo al que hemos llamado “escenario”, a través del método socio-antropológico, que ha contribuido a completar todos los escenarios que envuelven tanto al autor como a la mujer en general. Este método se ha visto reforzado por el método analítico, para describir dichos factores y analizarnos en profundidad y, también, por el método comparativo, que nos ha llevado a completar nuestro objetivo último: las características de las mujeres paganas y cristianas en la obra Ad uxorem de Tertuliano. Tras la realización del análisis de la obra descubrimos la importancia que tienen los términos que emplea Tertuliano para referirse a las mujeres, expresando la familiaridad propia del cristianismo. Igualmente, su adhesión al montanismo hace que su opinión sobre las mujeres se endurezca. Así mismo, en el análisis de los textos se muestran las diversas virtudes que Tertuliano destaca en las cristianas: estas aparecen como univirae, pudorosas, castas, sumisas, continentes, perseverantes, sobrias y silenciosas, mientras que las paganas en su crítica resultan ser mujeres de varios esposos, impúdicas, desvergonzadas, desobedientes, orgullosas, avariciosas, ambiciosas y charlatanas, invitando siempre a las cristianas a alejarse del ejemplo de estas últimas. Sin embargo, nuestro estudio nos ha llevado mucho más lejos; hemos descubierto cuáles eran las conductas exigidas para la cristiana, y qué mujer era aquella por la que Tertuliano sentía una especial predilección. En conclusión, Tertuliano anhelaba aquella mujer casta, que consagraba su virginidad a Dios, mujer soltera y sin hijos, es decir, la virgen, pues su objetivo era la salvación de las cristianas y ésta era la mejor forma de conseguirla. No obstante, esto no quita que Tertuliano sea consciente del valor tan inmenso que adquiere el matrimonio dentro del cristianismo, lo que explicaría en la conclusión de su tratado esa bellísima alabanza del matrimonio cristiano. -Selección bibliográfica: -ALFARO BECH V. (2012), “Importancia y colaboración de las cristianas cartaginesas en la difusión del cristianismo y la evangelización en el Norte de África”, en F. RIVAS REBAQUE (ED.), Iguales y diferentes. Interrelación entre mujeres y varones cristianos a lo largo de la historia, San Pablo, Madrid, pp. 75-128. -BLAISE A. (1954), Dictionnaire latin-français des auteurs chrétiens, Brepols, Leuven. -BRAUN R. (1985), “Tertullien et le Montanisme: Église institutionnelle et église spirituelle”, Rivista di Storia e Letteratura religiosa XXI, pp. 245-257. _______ (1992), “Tertullien et la philosophie païenne. Essai de mise au point”, en ID., Approches de Tertullien. 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