895 resultados para Gestural interface design
Ce document présente les résultats d’une étude empirique sur l’utilisation de la vidéoconférence mobile selon le contexte de l’usager afin de proposer des lignes directrices pour la conception des interfaces des dispositifs de communication vidéo mobile. Grâce à un échange riche d’informations, ce type de communication peut amener un sentiment de présence fort, mais les interfaces actuelles manquent de flexibilité qui permettrait aux usagers d’être créatifs et d’avoir des échanges plus riches lors d’une vidéoconférence. Nous avons mené une recherche avec seize participants dans trois activités où leurs conversations, leurs réactions et leurs comportements ont été observés. Deux groupes de discussion ont aussi servi à identifier les habitudes développées à partir de leur utilisation régulière de la vidéoconférence. Les résultats suggèrent une différence importante entre l’utilisation de la caméra avant et la caméra arrière de l’appareil mobile, et la nécessité de fournir des outils qui offrent plus de contrôle sur l’échange dans la conversation. L’étude propose plusieurs lignes directrices de conception pour les interfaces de communication vidéo mobiles, concernant la construction du contexte mobile de l’utilisateur.
Cette recherche porte un regard critique sur les interfaces de spatialisation sonore et positionne la composition de musique spatiale, un champ d’étude en musique, à l’avant plan d’une recherche en design. Il détaille l’approche de recherche qui est centrée sur le processus de composition de musique spatiale et les modèles mentaux de compositeurs électroacoustiques afin de livrer des recommandations de design pour le développement d’une interface de spatialisation musicale nommée Centor. Cette recherche montre qu’un processus de design mené à l’intersection du design d’interface, du design d’interaction et de la théorie musicale peut mener à une proposition pertinente et innovatrice pour chacun des domaines d’étude. Nous présentons la recherche et le développement du concept de spatialisation additive, une méthode de spatialisation sonore par patrons qui applique le vocabulaire spectromorphologique de Denis Smalley. C’est un concept d’outil de spatialisation pour le studio qui complémente les interfaces de composition actuelles et ouvre un nouveau champ de possibilités pour l’exploration spatiale en musique électroacoustique. La démarche de recherche présentée ici se veut une contribution au domaine du design d’interfaces musicales, spécifiquement les interfaces de spatialisation, mais propose aussi un processus de design pour la création d’interfaces numériques d’expression artistique.
In this article, we discuss the first year research plan for the INKE interface design team, which focuses on a prototype for chaining. Interpretable as a subclass of Unsworths scholarly primitive of discovering, chaining is the process of beginning with an exemplary article, then finding the articles that it cites, the articles they cite, and so on until the reader begins to get a feel for the terrain. The chaining strategy is of particular utility for scholars working in new areas, either through doing background work for interdisciplinary interests or else by pursuing a subtopic in a domain that generates a paper storm of publications every year. In our prototype project, we plan to produce a system that accepts a seed article, tunnels through a number of levels of citation, and generates a summary report listing the most frequent authors and articles. One of the innovative features of this prototype is its use of the experimental oil and water interface effect, which uses text animation to provide the user with a sense of the underlying process.
This paper describes the development of an interface to a hospital portal system for information, communication and entertainment such that it can be used easily and effectively by all patients regardless of their age, disability, computer experience or native language. Specifically, this paper reports on the work conducted to ensure that the interface design took into account the needs of visually impaired users.
This paper describes the development of an interface to a hospital portal system for information, communication and entertainment such that it can be used easily and effectively by all patients regardless of their age, disability, computer experience or native language. Specifically, this paper reports on the work conducted to ensure that the interface design took into account the needs of visually impaired users.
Many older adults wish to gain competence in using a computer, but many application interfaces are perceived as complex and difficult to use, deterring potential users from investing the time to learn them. Hence, this study looks at the potential of ‘familiar’ interface design which builds upon users’ knowledge of real world interactions, and applies existing skills to a new domain. Tools are provided in the form of familiar visual objects, and manipulated like real-world counterparts, rather than with buttons, icons and menus found in classic WIMP interfaces. This paper describes the formative evaluation of computer interactions that are based upon familiar real world tasks, which supports multitouch interaction, involves few buttons and icons, no menus, no right-clicks or double-clicks and no dialogs. Using an example of an email client to test the principles of using “familiarity”, the initial feedback was very encouraging, with 3 of the 4 participants being able to undertake some of the basic email tasks with no prior training and little or no help. The feedback has informed a number of refinements of the design principles, such as providing clearer affordance for visual objects. A full study is currently underway.
This paper describes a study of the cursor trajectories of motion-impaired users in "point and click" interactions. A characteristic of cursor movement is proposed that aims to capture the spatial distribution of cursor movement about a target. This characteristic indicates that users often exhibit increased cursor movement in the vicinity of the target, have more difficulty performing the "clicking" part of the interaction as compared to the navigation part, and tend to navigate directly toward the target during the middle portion of the cursor trajectory. The implications of these characteristic behaviours on interface design are discussed.
Researchers are increasingly relying on e-journals to access literature within their fields. The design of the interfaces to these journals is determined by the individual host or publisher and there appears to be little standardization. This exploratory study samples a set of sixteen home screens of e-journals from different disciplines and identifies common features across the set. The particular wording used to identify the features and their locations are recorded. An online survey of e-journal readers investigates where users would normally expect to locate features when first accessing a journal article. Comparison of observed and expected locations confirms inconsistencies across interfaces in terminology and locations. Mental models of the interface design do not appear to be well developed. A move toward standardization, based on some existing conventions, is desirable.
Studies on learning management systems have largely been technical in nature with an emphasis on the evaluation of the human computer interaction (HCI) processes in using the LMS. This paper reports a study that evaluates the information interaction processes on an eLearning course used in teaching an applied Statistics course. The eLearning course is used as a synonym for information systems. The study explores issues of missing context in stored information in information systems. Using the semiotic framework as a guide, the researchers evaluated an existing eLearning course with the view to proposing a model for designing improved eLearning courses for future eLearning programmes. In this exploratory study, a survey questionnaire is used to collect data from 160 participants on an eLearning course in Statistics in Applied Climatology. The views of the participants are analysed with a focus on only the human information interaction issues. Using the semiotic framework as a guide, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic and social context gaps or problems were identified. The information interactions problems identified include ambiguous instructions, inadequate information, lack of sound, interface design problems among others. These problems affected the quality of new knowledge created by the participants. The researchers thus highlighted the challenges of missing information context when data is stored in an information system. The study concludes by proposing a human information interaction model for improving the information interaction quality issues in the design of eLearning course on learning management platforms and those other information systems.
Användargränssnittsdesign är en stor del av en webbsidas intryck och förändras snabbt i takt med teknologins utveckling och trender. Men det gäller även att locka rätt användare. Hur lockar en webbsida till sig rätt målgrupp? Målet med rapporten var att analysera målgruppen gamers utifrån hur de upplever det grafiska användargränssnittet på en spelrelaterad webbsida. Rapporten behandlar även översiktitligt om aktuella trender för webbdesign tilltalar gamers. Undersökningen utfördes i två delar. I den första delen undersöktes 20 av de största spelrelaterade webbsidornas användargränssnitt. Under del två genomfördes en enkät och intervjuer med målgruppen gamers. I både enkäten och intervjuerna fick respondenterna ta ställning till olika mockups av en fiktiv webbsida. Det var stor skillnad på vad gamers ansåg vara tilltalande jämfört med hur de analyserade webbsidorna såg ut. Exempelvis var endast 25 % av de analyserade webbsidorna mörka medan 71,9 % av respondenterna föredrog en mörk layout.
This work presents an User Interface (UI) prototypes generation process to the softwares that has a Web browser as a plataform. This process uses UI components more complex than HTML elements. To described this components more complex this work suggest to use the XICL (eXtensinble User Interface Components Language). XICL is a language, based on XML syntax, to describe UI Components and IUs. XICL promotes extensibility and reusability in the User Interface development process. We have developed two compiler. The first one compiles IMML (Interactive Message Modeling Language) code and generates XICL code. The second one compiles XICL code and generates DHTML code
This article presents considerations about viability on reutilize existing web based e-Learning systems on Interactive Digital TV environment according to Digital TV standard adopted in Brazil. Considering the popularity of Moodle system in academic and corporative area, such system was chosen as a foundation for a survey into its properties to create a specification of an Application Programming Interface (API) for convergence to t-Learning characteristics that demands efforts in interface design area due the fact that computer and TV concepts are totally different. This work aims to present studies concerning user interface design during two stages: survey and detail of functionalities from an e-Learning system and how to adapt them for the Interactive TV regarding usability context and Information Architecture concepts.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
[ES] La irrupción actual de los teléfonos inteligentes (smartphones) equipados con diversos sensores y herramientas nativas, propicia la posibilidad de crear una gran gama de aplicaciones para mejorar la vida de personas con discapacidades. Con este proyecto se pretende cubrir estos objetivos: explorar las distintas posibilidades que ofrece la plataforma Android para implementar métodos de interacción hombre-máquina adaptados a personas con discapacidad visual. Identificar las problemáticas que afectan a las personas con discapacidad visual en el ámbito sociosanitario. Desarrollar una aplicación de carácter social que contribuya a mejorar la calidad de vida de estas personas. Como resultado del trabajo, se ha desarrollado una aplicación software llamada LeeMed, que consiste en una app para la plataforma Android, dirigida a personas con discapacidad visual, para la consulta de prospectos de medicamentos a través de múltiples interfaces humanas. El trabajo ha abordado tres tipos de interfaces: la oral (órdenes de voz), la gestual y la convencional de menús y opciones (GUI)
Hybrid technologies, thanks to the convergence of integrated microelectronic devices and new class of microfluidic structures could open new perspectives to the way how nanoscale events are discovered, monitored and controlled. The key point of this thesis is to evaluate the impact of such an approach into applications of ion-channel High Throughput Screening (HTS)platforms. This approach offers promising opportunities for the development of new classes of sensitive, reliable and cheap sensors. There are numerous advantages of embedding microelectronic readout structures strictly coupled to sensing elements. On the one hand the signal-to-noise-ratio is increased as a result of scaling. On the other, the readout miniaturization allows organization of sensors into arrays, increasing the capability of the platform in terms of number of acquired data, as required in the HTS approach, to improve sensing accuracy and reliabiity. However, accurate interface design is required to establish efficient communication between ionic-based and electronic-based signals. The work made in this thesis will show a first example of a complete parallel readout system with single ion channel resolution, using a compact and scalable hybrid architecture suitable to be interfaced to large array of sensors, ensuring simultaneous signal recording and smart control of the signal-to-noise ratio and bandwidth trade off. More specifically, an array of microfluidic polymer structures, hosting artificial lipid bilayers blocks where single ion channel pores are embededed, is coupled with an array of ultra-low noise current amplifiers for signal amplification and data processing. As demonstrating working example, the platform was used to acquire ultra small currents derived by single non-covalent molecular binding between alpha-hemolysin pores and beta-cyclodextrin molecules in artificial lipid membranes.