889 resultados para Geoprocessamento e Sensoriamento remoto: Caracterizacao ambiental
The present study characterizes the physical environment for its fragility and its capacity to support, through geological and geomorphological properties in the study area, concerning primarily with a sustainable environmental planning for the construction and maintenance of buried linear works. The study area is located on a portion of the Paraiba Valley, which is between the latitudes 22 °30' S and 23°00' S and longitudes 44°30' W and 45° 15' W, between cities of Aparecida (SP) and Queluz (SP). The methodology was based in the visual interpretation of TM/Landsat-7 images, using as a criterion the element textural image and its way of organizing space. To do so, it was set five levels of textural density, enabling thus to the partitioning of the area in areas counterparts (Z.H.s). As a result, it was identified 133 Z.H.s. By using the same criterion textural image the following physical properties were classified: Erosion Resistance, Permeability, Plasticity X Brittle, Tropia and Relief Asymmetry for each zone counterpart, and then grouped themselves as they hold all properties equal in Units Geoenvironmental (U.G.s). As a result it was identified 18 U.G.s. The work presents, as a final result, a thematic map with favorable or restrictable sectores to the design of buried linear works. Based on this map, it can be propose traces to buried linear works, analyzing their suitability to the physical environment and reducing the impacts caused to the environment.
This research aimed to analyze the spatial area for the design of the Heat Island of Subprefecture Sé, in São Paulo-SP, with the support of geotecnology and based on the study of environmental perception. We used remote sensing products such as maps ofland use and soil temperature and apparent surface to evaluate the thermal conditions considered critical points in the central area of the municipality. The methodology used was qualitative analysis, based on interviews with the people, allowing rescue geoecology the conditioning aspects of the city, with an emphasis on environmental perception. This study aimed toanalyze the perception of the variation of the thermal field in São Paulo. The results indicated that (95%) of respondents feel that the temperature of the central area has increased each year, and the district that stood out was the Sé, due to intense use and occupation of land and contribute one of the largest shopping centers. Districts with points given for having better thermal comfort were Santa Cecília, the República and Bela Vista, due to their larger amount of green areas by fiscal court, which act as local refrigerators. It was found that the respondents have the perception and awareness of their spa directly related to the quality of life. Through analysis of several variables involved, proposals and strategies may support public policies and urban planning
Pós-graduação em Ciências Ambientais - Sorocaba
The Municipal Biological Reserve of Serra do Japi shelters an important forest remnant of Atlantic Rainforest in the state of São Paulo. For its ecological importance, were created instruments for environmental and territorial management of the Conservation Unit, with the regulation of the use and occupation of the land in its Buffer Zone (BZ) in 2004. The objective of this study was to analyze the evolution of the land cover in the BZ region of the Municipal Biological Reserve of Serra do Japi in Jundiaí-SP, between 1989 and 2010. It was used in this study the image analysis of the satellite LANDSAT-TM5, with the help of software ILWIS and IDRISI. The results showed that urban occupation has increased 37.47% and the agro pastoral and reforestation areas have decreased 36.62% and 72.22% respectively, while forest areas have increased 49.57%. However, the relative importance of the forest area in BZ ranged from 46.60% in 1989 to 69.71% in 2010, leading to the conclusion that this region was favored by changes in land cover in the period evaluated, despite strong pressure for urban expansion in its surroundings.
Orbital remote sensing has been used as a beneficial tool in improving the knowledge on oceanographic and hydrodynamic aspects in northern portion of the continental shelf of Rio Grande do Norte, offshore Potiguar Basin. Aspects such as geography, temporal and spatial resolution combined with a consistent methodology and provide a substantial economic advantage compared to traditional methods of in situ data collecting. Images of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor onboard NASA's AQUA satellite were obtained to support systematic data collections related to the campaign of environmental monitoring and characterization of Potiguar Basin, held in May 2004. Images of Total Suspension Matter (TSM) and values of radiance standard were generated for the calculation of concentrations of total suspension matter (TSM), chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature (SST). These data sets were used for statistical comparisons between measures in situ and satellite estimates looking validate algorithms or develop a comprehensive regional approach empirically. AQUA-MODIS images allowed the simultaneous comparison of two-dimensional water quality (total suspension matter), phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll-a) variability and physical (temperature). For images of total suspension matter, the generated models showed a good correlation with the field data, allowing quantitative and qualitative analysis. The images of chlorophyll-a showed a consistent correlation with the in situ values of concentration. The algorithms adjusted for these images obtained a correlation coefficient fairly well with the data field in order that the sensor can be having an effect throughout the water column and not just the surface. This has led to a fit between the data of chlorophyll-the integration of the average sampling interval of the entire water column up to the level of the first optical depth, with the data generated from the images. This method resulted in higher values of chlorophyll concentration to greater depths, due to the fact that we are integrating more values of chlorophyll in the water column. Thus we can represent the biomass available in the water column. Images SST and SST measures in situ showed a mean difference DT (SST insitu - SST sat) around -0.14 ° C, considered low, making the results very good. The integration of total suspension matter, chlorophyll-a, the temperature of the sea surface (SST) and auxiliary data enabled the recognition of some of the main ways to fund the continental shelf. The main features highlighted were submerged canyons of rivers Apodi and Açu, some of the lines and beachrocks reefs, structural highs and the continental shelf break which occurs at depths around -60 m. The results confirmed the high potential for use of the AQUA-MODIS images to environmental monitoring of sea areas due to ease of detection of the field two-dimensional material in suspension on the sea surface, temperature and the concentration of chlorophyll-a
The style of life in the cities deprives the man of the contact with nature. As a way to escape from the turbulent reality of the urban system, the urban planning provides areas that allow the contact between man and nature like botanical gardens, parks, leafy squares, etc. These places, through specific analysis, are also called green areas. Thus, the main purpose of this research is to outline and analyze, through geoprocessing techniques, green areas of Americana, São Paulo considering them as indicators of urban environmental quality. This evaluation will be based on the methodology adapted by Bargos (2010) where products of remote sensing were used (aerial photos and satellite images) and it will be also based on field work and calculation of the amount of green areas. The software ESRI ArcGIS® will be used to create thematic maps connected with city’s green areas. Based on the results achieved in this study, it’s expected to contribute to the government of the city of Americana in order to provide benefits of analysis for decision makers in the context of urban planning aiming an improvement in the urban environmental quality, thus benefiting its entire population
O planejamento urbano possui um vasto campo a ser descoberto no que se refere às exigências mundiais ambientais existentes atualmente. Não apenas existem novas diretrizes a serem alcançadas, mas as cidades estão em constante evolução e, assim, a complexidade das mesmas também se torna um desafio. A partir dessas questões, o presente trabalho vem contribuir na elaboração de uma metodologia que facilite a construção de indicadores urbanos, principalmente naqueles que possam avaliar os limites do crescimento das cidades, representados aqui através da integração entre impermeabilização do solo urbano e densidade populacional. A escolha de indicadores é função de cada pesquisador que possui conhecimento sobre os problemas, ambientais ou não, existentes nas cidades. Qualquer cidade, de qualquer porte, em qualquer lugar do planeta pode estar apresentando um problema ambiental relacionado às funções urbanas. Muitos podem ser os indicadores ambientais urbanos, mas nesta pesquisa são relacionados dois tipos de indicadores: a densidade populacional e as superfícies impermeáveis urbanas, pois acredita-se que com o crescente aumento de construções urbanas, um descompasso é causado na capacidade de absorção do solo durante períodos de chuva. A impermeabilização do solo gera problemas de enchentes que, muitas vezes, causa inúmeros impedimentos como alagamentos de vias ou nas próprias construções urbanas que afetam a população, causando inclusive mortalidade no caso de pessoas e carros arrastadas pela forte corrente das águas Uma metodologia simples pode facilitar o trabalho de planejamento de cidades como a utilização de procedimentos normalmente aplicados em estudos de recursos hídricos com o acréscimo de indicadores que também refletem as condições urbanas de bacias hidrográficas. As ferramentas utilizadas por esta pesquisa são: a) programas computacionais de geoprocessamento que agilizam e possibilitam a interconexão de diferentes informações urbanas localizadas no espaço; b) programas de sensoriamento remoto que atualizam informações cadastrais sobre a cidade utilizando imagens de satélite compatíveis; e, finalmente, c) modelos geoestatísticos que estimam valores próximos à realidade para toda a superfície urbana estudada, pois, muitas vezes, os dados disponíveis não cobrem toda a extensão da área em estudo Os resultados fornecidos através desses procedimentos metodológicos se mostraram satisfatórios no que se refere a análise da transformação das condições naturais de drenagem da bacia hidrográfica estudada. Foram percebidas alterações que prejudicam o desempenho de drenagem urbana em locais onde a própria topografia da região, juntamente com os dados de impermeabilização do solo e de densidade populacional contribuem para situações de alagamentos. Com essas informações é possível prever esses locais problemáticos e, então, melhorar as propostas de planejamento urbano dessas regiões. Considera-se que a pesquisa estimula a utilização de bacias hidrográficas como unidades de planejamento ambiental em cidades, pois é através delas que se pôde compreender os efeitos dos adensamentos urbanos como as enchentes urbanas que são atualmente um grande problema enfrentado nas cidades brasileiras.
The present work was carried through in the Grossos city - RN and had as main objectives the elaboration of an physicist-ambient, socioeconomic survey and execution a multisecular evaluation of 11 years, between 1986 and 1996, using remote sensing products, to evaluate the modifications of the land use, aiming at the generation of an information database to implementation a geographical information system (GIS) to management the this city. For they had been in such a way raised given referring the two Demographic Censuses carried through by the IBGE (1991 and 2000) and compared, of this form was possible to the accomplishment of an evaluation on the demographic aspects (degree of urbanization, etária structure, educational level) and economic (income, habitation, vulnerability, human development). For the ambient physical survey the maps of the natural resources had been confectioned (simplified geology, hydrography, geomorphologi, veget covering, ground association, use and occupation), based in comments of field and orbital products of remote sensoriamento (images Spot-HRVIR, Landsat 5-TM and IKONOS - II), using itself of techniques of digital picture processing. The survey of these data and important in the identification of the potentialities and fragilities of found ecosystems, therefore allows an adequate planning of the partner-economic development by means of an efficient management. The project was part of a partnership between the Grossos city hall the municipal City hall of Grossos - RN and the Geoscience post-graduate program of the UFRN, more specifically the Geomatica laboratory LAGEOMA
The activities developed in the coastal zone always arise the researchers interest, mainly when it is developed in fragile ecological areas, not observing the sustenable development laws. In this context, the analysis presented developed around the estuary of Curimatau river, located in the Eastern coast of Rio Grande do Norte state, integrates information provided by high resolution images of orbital remote sensing (IKONOS II, dated of July of 2003) and images of not-orbital remote sensing (Air photographs of DPU, dated of March of 1997) in a multitemporary perspective, diagnosising patterns of use and occupation, evaluating the main area´s impacts, together with the estuarian region fisiograph of Curimatau river. The use of high resolution images consequently allowed generates a precision cartography, facilitating the quantification of the evolution of the landscape and supporting decisions. Was possible yet, the definition of use areas, conservation areas and preservation areas; that were inserted in the concept of Potentialities: a fundamental element to management of vulnerable areas of the natural point of view. The information provided during the research had been stored in an Enviromental Georreferenced Data Base, constructed under the optics of Geographical Information Systems (GIS), that they facilitate the environment management Through fast access to information. The results were satisfactory, because permits the quantification of evolution of the landscape and the mapping. Beyond the geoenviromental diagnosis, was possible develop maps and matrixes that support the Rio Grande do Norte state costal Management.
The municipality of Areia Branca is within the mesoregion of West Potiguar and within the microregion of Mossoró, covering an area of 357,58 km2. Covering an area of weakness in terms of environmental, housing, together with the municipality of Grossos-RN, the estuary of River Apodi-Mossoró. The municipality of Areia Branca has historically suffered from a lack of planning regarding the use and occupation of land as some economic activities, attracted by the extremely favorable natural conditions, have exploited their natural resources improperly. The aim of this study is to quantify and analyze the environmental degradation in the municipality. Thus initially was performed a characterization of land use using remote sensing, geoprocessing and geographic information system GIS in order to generate data and information on the municipal scale, which may serve as input to the environmental planning and land use planning in the region. From this perspective, were used a Landsat 5 image TM sensor for the year 2010. In the processing of this image was used SPRING 5.2 and applied a supervised classification using the classifier regions, which was employed Bhattacharya Distance method with a threshold at 30%. Thus was obtained the land use map that was analyzed the spatial distribution of different types of the use that is occurring in the city, identifying areas that are being used incorrectly and the main types of environmental degradation. And further, were applied the methodology proposed by Beltrame (1994), Physical Diagnosis Conservationist under some adaptations for quantifying the level of degradation or conservation study area. As results, the indexes were obtained for the parameters in the proposed methodology, allowing quantitatively analyze the degradation potential of each sector. From this perspective, considering a scale of 0 to 100, sector A and sector B had value 31.20 units of risk of physical deterioration. And the C sector, has shown its value - 34.64 units degradation risk and should be considered a priority in relation to the achievement of conservation actions
This research is based on the physical characterization of the environment to support definition of the best land use for the county of Colorado D'Oeste, in State of Rondônia, Brazil. Remote sensing and geoprocessing techniques were applied to support the preparation of a Geoenvironmental Zoning, which was used to define strategies of territorial and environmental management in that county. Digital and analogical remote sensing products, acquired by satellites, and additional cartographic and thematic maps allowed a morphostructural analysis to define low and high structural associated study site tectonic. Subsequently, this information was used to support analysis of the physiographic compartmentation of the study area. Based on this study information, it is possible to define geoenvironmental subzones and local hidrological regime, soils, mineral components, texture, color, and sedimentary materials. By integrating previous described information, a synthesis cartographic map generated. Accordingly, this Cartographic Sheet spatially defined the best land use over the study area, indicates zones for conservation, agricultural, and regeneration (areas that should be recovered). Finally, the results of this research can contribute and support governmental and non-governmental organization and local communities could improve land use and soil management, avoiding natural resource destruction and future land scarcity in the county of Colorado D'Oeste.
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Uma das tarefas da pesquisa em Arqueologia da Amazônia é compreender as relações entre as populações humanas pretéritas e a floresta tropical úmida. É muito importante definir as unidades de paisagem no contexto do processo de ocupação humana e assim, integrar esses dados ao contexto dos sítios arqueológicos. Este estudo tem como objetivo definir a composição de unidades de paisagem atual do sítio arqueológico PA-BA-84: ALUNORTE, em termos taxonômicos, utilizando a abordagem geográfica da Ecologia de Paisagem como uma eficiente ferramenta na política de preservação do patrimônio arqueológico. Esta abordagem sistêmica destaca a interdependência mútua dos elementos da paisagem e as interações entre estes, gerando duas unidades espaciais de análise do sítio arqueológico: o micromeio e o macromeio. A classificação taxonômica das unidades de paisagem está relacionada com a aplicação de diferentes escalas espaciais, onde o geossistema refere-se às escalas de menor detalhe para a análise do macromeio do sítio, enquanto as unidades geofácies e geótopo relacionam-se às escalas de maior detalhe referentes à análise do micromeio. O resgate das informações ambientais passa pelo uso sensoriamento remoto e o geoprocessamento da imagem SPOT, como uma ferramenta eficaz para a definição das unidades de paisagem. A classificação da imagem foi otimizada com o classificador baseado em redes neurais, com trabalhos de campo e com dados do Programa de Arqueologia Preventiva na área do Projeto Bauxita Paragominas/PA. Desta forma, a definição das unidades de paisagem do sitio Alunorte passa pela associação de classificação não supervisionada com classificação supervisionada. Os resultados mostraram que o geossistema do macromeio é constituído por oito geofácies, representadas por áreas construídas, áreas de cultivo agrícolas, rios, praias, várzea, vegetação em áreas alagadas, capoeira adulta e capoeira jovem. A delimitação espacial do geossistema obedece aos limites da bacia hidrográfica do rio Murucupi. O micromeio é definido a partir do sistema de nascente do rio Murucupi e apresenta cinco geofácies que são constituídas por áreas construídas, rios, praias, várzea, capoeira adulta e capoeira jovem. O sítio está assentado sobre rampas de colúvio, a qual é constituída por rampas inferior, média e superior, o que está diretamente relacionado com os geotópos que cobrem o relevo do micromeio. Na rampa superior foi registrada a maior concentração de vestígios arqueológicos, o que representa, certamente, o local do assentamento humano pretérito, no processo de ocupação pré-histórico, iniciado há mil anos, o que coincide com uma paleogeofácies de manguezal na praia de Itupanema. O geossistema é caracterizado por um alto grau de antropização representado a partir de ciclos cada vez mais curtos de regeneração da cobertura vegetal. Esta degradação afeta diretamente o patrimônio arqueológico, por isso, os estudos que visam preservar esse patrimônio, preocupados com o resgate do processo de ocupação da Amazônia, devem priorizar a preservação conjunta do mesmo com o geossistema em que está inserido.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS