1000 resultados para Geographic IR


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Nurseries play an important part in the production of marine f ishes. Determining the relative importance of different nurseries in maintaining the parental population, however, can be difficult. In the western Gulf of Alaska, the Kodiak Island vicinity may be particularly well suited as a pollock nursery because of a prey-rich nearshore environment. Our objectives were 1) to examine age-0 pollock body condition, growth, and diet for evidence of a nearshore-shelf effect, and 2) to determine if variation in the potential prey field of zooplankton was associated with this effect. This was a pilot study that occurred in three bays and over the adjacent shelf off east Kodiak Island during 5−18 September 1993. Sampling occurred only during night at locations where echo sign indicated the presence of age-0 pollock. Echo sign was targeted to increase the chance of collecting fish given the limited vessel time. Fish condition was indicated by length-specific body weight. Growth rate indices were estimated for three different periods by using fish lengthage data and daily otolith increment widths: 1) from hatching date to capture, 2) 1−5 d before capture, and 3) 6−10 d before capture. Fish diet was determined from gut content analysis. Considerable variation among areas was evident in zooplankton composition, and fish condition, growth, and diet. However, relatively high prey densities, as well as fish condition and growth rates indicated that Chiniak Bay was particularly well suited as a pollock nursery. Hatching-date distributions indicated that most of the age-0 walleye pollock from bays were spawned earlier than were those from the shelf. The benefit of being reared in nearshore areas is therefore realized more by individuals that were spawned early than by individuals spawned relatively late.


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We have extracted, digitized, and analyzed information about bowhead whales, Balaena mysticetus, contained in records of whaling cruises that were undertaken in the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas from 1849 to 1914. Our database consists of 65,000 days of observations which provide insights into whether this bowhead stock may comprise more than one population.


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Os testes são uma atividade crucial no desenvolvimento de sistemas, pois uma boa execução dos testes podem expor anomalias do software e estas podem ser corrigidas ainda no processo de desenvolvimento, reduzindo custos. Esta dissertação apresenta uma ferramenta de testes chamada SIT (Sistema de Testes) que auxiliará no teste de Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIG). Os SIG são caracterizados pelo uso de informações espaciais georreferenciadas, que podem gerar um grande número de casos de teste complexos. As técnicas tradicionais de teste são divididas em funcionais e estruturais. Neste trabalho, o SIT abordará os testes funcionais, focado em algumas técnicas clássicas como o particionamento de equivalência e análise do Valor Limite. O SIT também propõe o uso de Lógica Nebulosa como uma ferramenta que irá sugerir um conjunto mínimo de testes a executar nos SIG, ilustrando os benefícios da ferramenta.


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  根据物种的分布信息结合环境因子估计物种的分布区对珍稀濒危物种的保护有着重要的意义。白豆杉Pseudotaxus chienii为第三纪孑遗植物,我国东南部地区特有,分布区狭窄。本文通过对白豆杉的标本记录研究它的地理分布,找出影响其分布的关键因子并对其潜在分布区进行估计,并解释其分布区形成的原因。全球升温将对物种分布造成重要影响,通过温度升高情况下2100年的气候数据模拟白豆杉未来的潜在分布区,估计温度升高对白豆杉的影响,将对白豆杉的保护有着重要的意义。   根据白豆杉的标本信息结合Diva-Gis软件对白豆杉的地理分布进行研究。以海拔图层和植被图层为底图对白豆杉的分布格局进行研究,并对白豆杉种群的多度进行统计分析。用Diva-Gis软件的气候数据提取功能提取白豆杉分布点的气候信息,并运用主成分分析对影响白豆杉分布的气候因子进行分析,找出影响白豆杉分布的主要环境因子。根据白豆杉的分布信息和气候数据,运用Diva-Gis内嵌的BIOCLIM模型和DOMAIN模型对白豆杉在不同气候条件下的潜在分布区进行估计,评价温度升高对白豆杉分布区的影响。   白豆杉分布格局研究结果表明,白豆杉分布在我国东南部地区中低海拔山区,白豆杉的分布和植被类型及海拔有着密切的关系。白豆杉的分布与海拔的关系表现为,由东到西,分布的最低海拔升高,海拔范围缩小。白豆杉分布地的植被类型为常绿灌木林,常绿阔叶林及针、阔叶混交林。白豆杉由东向西的海拔变化趋势与植被类型的由东向西的海拔变化趋势相一致。PCA分析结果表明白豆杉的分布与温度相关因子有着密切的关系。   现在气候对潜在分布区的估计表明,白豆杉的潜在分布区散布于浙、闽、粤、赣、湘,桂及黔几省各自交界之处即从浙江南部山区沿武夷山山系至南岭山系(向北到沿湘赣交界的罗宵山系)至大瑶山山系(向北沿雪峰山)。潜在分布区南部有三处分布的热点地区,即浙江南部、湖南南部和广西北部地区。三个主要分布区之间仅有有星散的潜在分布区存在,或没有潜在分布区出现,处在一种高度的隔离状态。造成这种潜在分布格局形成的原因可能有二,一是第四纪冰期的到来使白豆杉的分布区向南迁移,局部性气候的变化和地质变化可能导致了部分白豆杉的生境的消失,从而使得原来连续的分布区破碎化,形成了现在的星散分布;二是白豆杉的潜在分布区预测结果与中国东南部地区的山脉走势非常一致,山脉地带小生境多样化能够为白豆杉在垂直地带上的迁移提供更大的可能性。   未来气候数据对白都杉的潜在分布区估计表明,温度升高后白豆杉最适生分布区显著缩小。白豆杉的潜在分布区的地理分布格局发生了明显的变化,原来在南部的适生区明显缩小,星散程度更高。除已知的分布地外,在江西西南部武夷山、南岭山脉的湖南、广西、广东三省交界的地方都是白豆杉的适生区。江西和湖南交界的罗宵山山脉北部到井冈山都有白豆杉分布可能性较大,可以作为野外调查的重点地区。气候变化会使白豆杉在浙江、湖南南部的最适生境破碎化从而影响白豆杉的分布。生境保护对白豆杉的保护起着关键作用。