978 resultados para Gas chromatography - GC-FID


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This article reports an analytical method for separating, identifying and quantitating sulfur-containing compounds and their groups in diesel oils (170-400degreesC) using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled with a sulfur chemiluminescence detector. The identification of target compounds and their groups was based on standard substances, the group separation feature and the-effect of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography. The quantitative analysis on major sulfur compounds and total sulfur was carried out based on the linear response of sulfur chemiluminescence detector and the internal standards method. The results of total sulfur determination in the samples were compared with those from ASTM D 4294 standard method, the R.S.D. percentage were <6.02%, correctness of this method can meet the industrial requirement. To the end, the method developed was used to investigate the sulfur-containing compounds in different diesel oils, the result shows that the distribution of sulfur-containing compounds in diesel oils from different process units are apparently different. The sulfur compounds in fluid catalytic cracking (FCC), residuum fluid catalytic cracking (RFCC) diesel oils mainly exist in the form of alkyl-substituted dibenzothiophenes that add up to about 40-50% of the total sulfur, while this number is only 6-8 and 20-28% in visbreaking (VB) and delayed-coking (DC) diesel oils, respectively. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new method of measuring the mean size of solvent clusters in swollen polymer membrane is presented in this paper. This method is based on a combination of inverse gas chromatography (IGC) and equilibrium swelling. The mechanism is that weight fraction activity coefficient of solvent in swollen polymer is influenced by its clusters size. The mean clusters size of solvent in swollen polymer can be calculated as the quotient of the weight fraction activity coefficient of clustering system dividing the weigh fraction activity coefficient of non-clustering system. In this experiment, the weigh fraction activity coefficient of non-clustering system was measured with IGC. Methanol, ethanol and polyimide systems were tested with the new method at three temperatures, 20, 40, and 60degreesC. The mean clusters size of methanol in polyimide was five, four, and three at each temperature condition, respectively. Ethanol did not form clusters (the mean clusters size was one). In contrast to the inherent narrow temperature range in DSC, XRD, and FTIR methods, the temperature range in IGC and equilibrium swelling is broad. Compared with DSC. XRD. and FTIR, this new method can detect the clusters of solvent-polymer system at higher temperature.


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The essential oil in purple magnolia leaves was extracted by steam distillation approaches. The oil obtained was dried with anhydrous magnesium sulfate. According to the analysis of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, more than 40 peaks were separated and 32 compounds were identified. The identified constituents represent 95% of the peak area of the essential oil. The main compounds were germacrene-D, santolina triene, caryophyllene, 1,3,7-octatriene, 3,7-dimethyl, and camphene, etc.


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The A(m) index and molecular connectivity index were used for studying the photoionization sensitivity of some organic compounds in gas chromatography. The analysis of structure-property relationship between the photoionization sensitivity of the compounds and the A(m) indices or molecular connectivity indices has been carried out. The genetic algorighm was used to build the correlation model in this field. The results demonstrate that the property of compounds can be described by both A(m) indices and molecular connectivity indices, and the mathematical model obtained by the genetic algorithm was better than that by multivariate regression analysis.


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An empirical equation is proposed to accurately correlate isothermal data over a wide range of temperature With the equation ln k = A* + B*/T-lambda the retention times of different solutes tested on OV-101, SE-54 and PEG 20M capillary columns have been achieved even when lambda is assigned a constant value of 1.7 Comparison with ln k = A + B/T and in k = c + d/T+ h/T-2, shows that the proposed equation is of higher accuracy and is applicable to extrapolation calculation, especially from data at high temperature to those at low temperature. Parameters A* and B* as well as A and B are also discussed. The linear correlation of A* and B* is weaker than that of A and B.