909 resultados para Galleries and museums
Durante los últimos años han aparecido un gran número de publicaciones sobre las perspectivas de evolución del mundo de los museos. La reflexión sobre el futuro de estas instituciones no es reciente: la prospectiva, método dirigido a elaborar posibles escenarios en el futuro, no es estrictamente hablando museológica, pero necesariamente interesa al museólogo interrogarse sobre el campo museal. A decir verdad, en su mayoría son profesionales del museo quienes han escrito sobre el tema (en el contexto museal) para adaptar la institución a los nuevos retos. Algunos museólogos, se han arriesgado a este ejercicio, de manera más o menos afortunada. El artículo pretende, después de presentar la literatura prospectiva sobre el museo durante los últimos cincuenta años, y de analizar los recientes resultados de los informes de prospectiva, interrogarse sobre la contribución específica de una reflexión museológica acerca del futuro de los museos más allá de los ejes clásicos (demografía, economía, nuevas tecnologías) que se utilizan con más frecuencia.
El artículo examina los conceptos de Monumentos, Sitios y Museos conmemorativos a nivel internacional. Se comienza con la terminología de historia contemporánea como un término que se desarrolló y amplió desde 1950. La historia contemporánea influye también en el campo de las Bellas Artes. Los monumentos conmemorativos o sitios de la memoria en lugares auténticos son de gran importancia para la concienciación. En combinación con los museos tienen la posibilidad de recoger diversos objetos como fuentes escritas, artefactos, fotografías y registros de la historia oral como testimonios de los antiguos acontecimientos. En cuanto a los museos, esto se refleja particularmente en las concepciones de los museos para la Guerra y la Paz, los museos de la Memoria sobre el Genocidio, y los museos de Movimientos de Resistencia. Un artefacto particular del ataque terrorista del 11 de septiembre de 2001 es la Karyatide del famoso artista alemán Fritz Koenig, ahora colocado en el Battery Park al sur de Manhattan. Por último, el Memorial y Museo Nacional 11 de Septiembre se explica junto con su arquitectura, la idea de “Ausencia Reflexionada” y la Misión de la Memoria para el futuro.
O envolvimento de pessoas, grupos e comunidades no mundo dos museus constituiu a premissa fundamental para o desenvolvimento do projecto britânico "Our Museum: Communities and Museums as Active Partners" (2012−2016). "Our Museum" juntou oito museus de diferentes tipologias e geografias com um objectivo comum: iniciar um processo de mudança organizacional que permitisse que as práticas participativas se tornassem parte integrante da vida desses museus, que fossem sustentáveis e que as comunidades fossem envolvidas no processo de decisão, não apenas em exposições e eventos, mas em todos os aspectos do trabalho em museus. No essencial, o projecto pretendeu atribuir às comunidades um agenciamento efectivo, ou seja, a possibilidade de participarem e colaborarem de forma regular no diálogo e no processo de decisão. Um estudo prévio concluiu que apesar dos desenvolvimentos nesta área, o envolvimento das comunidades e a participação nos museus do Reino Unido é ainda uma actividade periférica, e as comunidades tidas como beneficiárias passivas em vez de parceiros activos. "Our Museum" propôs integrar a participação nos museus através de uma abordagem integrada, implicando uma mudança organizacional e também alterações no modo como os profissionais trabalham. Nesta entrevista, Piotr Bienkowski, director do projecto, reflecte sobre as motivações, os objectivos e as abordagens desenvolvidas pelo "Our Museum" e faz um balanço sobre alguns dos resultados do projecto. São ainda apresentadas medidas concretas implementadas por alguns museus para lidar com as barreiras que impedem que a participação ainda não seja uma realidade "mainstream".
Contents: Introduction SUSAN COCHRANE National Gallery of Australia, Canberra WALLY CARUANA National Museum of Australia, Canberra DAVID KAUS Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin MARGIE WEST Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney HETTI PERKINS AND KEN WATSON Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney BERNICE MURPHY Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane MARCO NEALE Queensland Museum, Brisbane RICHARD ROBINS National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne JUDITH RYAN Museum Victoria, Melbourne GAYE SCULTHORPE Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart KIM AKERMAN AND DAVID HANSEN Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth MICHAEL O'FERRALL AND BRENDA L. CROFT Western Australian Museum, Perth ROSS CHADWICK AND MANCE LOFGREN Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide JANE HYLTON South Australian Museum, Adelaide PHILIP A. CLARKE List of Plates Bibliography Editor's Acknowledgments Contributors Index
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
The use of the ‘commission-accession’ principle as a mechanism for sustainable collecting in public museums and galleries has been significantly under-researched, only recently soliciting attention from national funding bodies in the United Kingdom (UK). This research has assessed an unfolding situation and provided a body of current evaluative evidence for commission-based acquisitions and a model for curators to use in future contemporary art purchases. ‘Commission-accession’ is a practice increasingly used by European and American museums yet has seen little uptake in the UK. Very recent examples demonstrate that new works produced via commissioning which then enter permanent collections, have significant financial and audience benefits that UK museums could harness, by drawing on the expertise of local and national commissioning organisations. Very little evaluative information is available on inter-institutional precedents in the United States (US) or ‘achat par commande’ in France. Neither is there yet literature that investigates the ambition for and viability of such models in the UK. This thesis addresses both of these areas, and provides evaluative case studies that will be of particular value to curators who seek sustainable ways to build their contemporary art collections. It draws on a survey of 82 museums and galleries across the UK conducted for this research, which provide a picture of where and how ‘commission-accession’ has been applied, and demonstrates its impacts as a strategy. In addition interviews with artists and curators in the UK, US and France on the social, economic and cultural implications of ‘commission-accession’ processes were undertaken. These have shed new light on issues inherent to the commissioning of contemporary art such as communication, trust, and risk as well as drawing attention to the benefits and challenges involved in commissioning as of yet unmade works of art.
Bibliography: p. 319-320.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Criticisms on the picture galleries of England.--On Hogarths̓ Marriage à-la-mode.--On the fine arts.--On the Elgin marbles.--Fonthill abbey.--On Flaxmans̓ lectures on sculpture.--Appendix: Catalogue of pictures in the National gallery [etc., etc.]
Infiltration galleries are among the oldest known means used for small public water fountains. Owing to its ancestral origin they are usually associated with high quality water. Thirty-one compounds, including pesticides and estrogens from different chemical families, were analysed in waters from infiltration galleries collected in Alto Douro Demarcated Wine region (North of Portugal). A total of twelve compounds were detected in the water samples. Nine of these compounds are described as presenting evidence or potential evidence of interfering with the hormone system of humans and wildlife. Although concentrations of the target analytes were relatively low, many of them below their limit of quantification, four compounds were above quantification limit and two of them even above the legal limit of 0.1 lg/L: dimethoate (30.38 ng/L), folpet (64.35 ng/L), terbuthylazine-desethyl (22.28 to 292.36 ng/L) and terbuthylazine (22.49 to 369.33 ng/L).
This research addresses the problem of creating interactive experiences to encourage people to explore spaces. Besides the obvious spaces to visit, such as museums or art galleries, spaces that people visit can be, for example, a supermarket or a restaurant. As technology evolves, people become more demanding in the way they use it and expect better forms of interaction with the space that surrounds them. Interaction with the space allows information to be transmitted to the visitors in a friendly way, leading visitors to explore it and gain knowledge. Systems to provide better experiences while exploring spaces demand hardware and software that is not in the reach of every space owner either because of the cost or inconvenience of the installation, that can damage artefacts or the space environment. We propose a system adaptable to the spaces, that uses a video camera network and a wi-fi network present at the space (or that can be installed) to provide means to support interactive experiences using the visitor’s mobile device. The system is composed of an infrastructure (called vuSpot), a language grammar used to describe interactions at a space (called XploreDescription), a visual tool used to design interactive experiences (called XploreBuilder) and a tool used to create interactive experiences (called urSpace). By using XploreBuilder, a tool built of top of vuSpot, a user with little or no experience in programming can define a space and design interactive experiences. This tool generates a description of the space and of the interactions at that space (that complies with the XploreDescription grammar). These descriptions can be given to urSpace, another tool built of top of vuSpot, that creates the interactive experience application. With this system we explore new forms of interaction and use mobile devices and pico projectors to deliver additional information to the users leading to the creation of interactive experiences. The several components are presented as well as the results of the respective user tests, which were positive. The design and implementation becomes cheaper, faster, more flexible and, since it does not depend on the knowledge of a programming language, accessible for the general public.