841 resultados para GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST
A modulação do tecido adiposo marrom (TAM) e do tecido adiposo branco (TAB) está associada à prevenção ou redução do ganho de massa corporal. O óleo de peixe possui diversos efeitos benéficos que podem estar relacionados a esses tecidos. Dessa forma, objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos antiobesogênicos de diferentes dietas hiperlipídicas com óleo de peixe na termogênese do TAM e na lipogênese e beta-oxidação do TAB. Para isso, foram utilizados camundongos machos C57BL/6, com três meses de idade, que foram divididos em quatro grupos experimentais: um que recebeu dieta standard-chow (SC, 10% kcal de lipídios) e outros três que receberam dieta hiperlipídica (HL, 50% kcal de lipídios). Obtivemos os grupos HL com banha de porco (HL-B), HL com banha de porco mais óleo de peixe (HL-B+Px) e HL com óleo de peixe (HL-Px). As dietas foram administradas por um período de oito semanas, sendo que a ingestão alimentar foi avaliada diariamente e a massa corporal, semanalmente. Na última semana de experimento, realizou-se a calorimetria indireta e o teste oral de tolerância à glicose. No sacrifício, a glicemia foi aferida, o sangue foi puncionado para obtenção do plasma e o TAM interescapular e o TAB epididimário foram dissecados e armazenados. A leptina, os triglicerídeos e a insulina foram mensurados no plasma. O índice de adiposidade e o HOMA-IR foram calculados. O TAM e o TAB foram avaliados por microscopia confocal e de luz. Realizou-se RT-qPCR e Western blot para avaliação de marcadores termogênicos, da captação e oxidação de ácidos graxos e glicose e de PPAR no TAM, e para a avaliação da lipogênese e beta-oxidação e de PPAR no TAB. Com relação aos resultados, o grupo HL-B apresentou ganho de massa corporal e elevação da adiposidade, associado com hipertrofia dos adipócitos, hiperleptinemia, hipertrigliceridemia, intolerância à glicose e resistência à insulina, reproduzindo um quadro de obesidade e síndrome metabólica. Por outro lado, a ingestão de óleo de peixe nos dois grupos (HL-B+Px e HL-Px) foi capaz de reduzir o ganho de massa corporal e a adiposidade, sem alterar a ingestão alimentar. Essa ingestão também aumentou o gasto energético dos animais, regularizou a leptina e os triglicerídeos plasmáticos, bem como a tolerância à glicose e a resistência à insulina. Esses efeitos foram associados ao aumento de marcadores termogênicos no TAM, bem como da captação e oxidação de ácidos graxos e glicose e da expressão de PPAR nesse tecido. No TAB, houve redução de marcadores da lipogênese e aumento de marcadores da beta-oxidação, juntamente com elevação na expressão de PPAR. Em conclusão, nossos resultados mostram que a ingestão de óleo de peixe tem efeitos antiobesogênicos em camundongos através da modulação benéfica do TAM e do TAB e pode, portanto, representar uma terapia auxiliar alternativa contra a obesidade e suas comorbidades.
O aumento da obesidade materna pode refletir em efeitos deletérios na prole adulta, manifestos diferentemente de acordo com o gênero do indivíduo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a hipótese de que a obesidade materna provoca alterações metabólicas, na estrutura do tecido adiposo e hepático e mudanças de perfil inflamatório nas proles adultas de machos e fêmeas. Fêmeas C57BL/ 6 receberam dieta padrão (SC, 17% da energia proveniente do lipídeo) ou dieta hiperlipídica (HF; 49% da energia proveniente do lipídeo) durante oito semanas pré-gestacionais até a lactação. Após o desmame, os filhotes foram divididos nos grupos: SCM (machos), SCF (fêmeas), HFM (machos) e HFF (fêmeas). As características metabólicas foram avaliadas pela massa corporal (MC), glicemia de jejum, área sob a curva no teste oral de tolerância a glicose; concentrações de triglicerídes (TG) hepáticos e estimativa da esteatose hepática; análise plasmática de insulina, colesterol total (CT), triglicerídes (TG) e adipocinas; distribuição e análise morfológica do tecido adiposo e estado pró-inflamatório dos filhotes. Diferenças entre os grupos foram analisadas pelo Teste T não pareado (dados entre progenitoras e pares de grupos nas proles); one-way ANOVA com pós-teste de Tukey (para proles) e two-way ANOVA (efeito da dieta materna e gênero). O nível de significância adotado foi de P≤0,05. Progenitoras HF tiveram maior MC (+20%), glicemia elevada (+22%) e intolerância à glicose em comparação ao grupo SC. A partir da quarta semana, a MC mostrou-se maior nas proles HF, em ambos os gêneros, quando comparados às proles SC. Na 12 semana, a MC foi 20% maior no grupo HF macho e 30% maior no grupo HF fêmea do que seus controles (p<0,0001, ambos os gêneros). Intolerância à glicose foi observada em machos e fêmeas HF em relação aos seus contrapares SC (+20%, p<0,05). Proles HF demonstraram hepatomegalia com maior acúmulo de TG hepático, resultando em maior percentual de esteatose em machos (27%) e fêmeas HF (25%). Proles HF apresentaram incremento na adiposidade (+20%) e nos níveis de CT e TG do que seus congêneres SC. Níveis plasmáticos de leptina e insulina foram maiores, enquanto houve diminuição da adiponectina no grupo HF macho em relação ao grupo SC macho. Hipertrofia de adipócitos foi observada nas proles HF. TNF-alfa, IL-6 e leptina foram mais expressos em proles HF, porém diminuição na expressão de adiponectina foi evidenciada nas proles geradas por mães obesas. A luz do exposto, a dieta HF administrada em mães antes e durante períodos de gestação e lactação leva à obesidade materna que tem consequências na prole, tais como remodelamento do tecido adiposo, juntamente com alterações bioquímicas e metabólicas dos adipócitos, intensificando o estado pró-inflamatório da prole, em ambos os gêneros, na idade adulta.
A vitamina D, atualmente, é relacionada também ao metabolismo da glicose e o desenvolvimento de órgãos. Fêmeas de camundongos suíços (F0) foram alimentadas por uma das dietas experimentais: SC (dieta padrão) ou VitD- (dieta sem vitamina D). A prole de machos foi estudada nas idades: nascimento, 10 dias, desmame e seis meses, nas gerações F1 e F2. Avaliou-se a biometria [Massa Corporal (MC), Comprimento nasoanal (CNA) e Pressão Arterial (PA)], urina de 24 horas, glicemia e Teste Oral de Tolerância à Glicose (TOTG). Durante a eutanásia, o sangue foi coletado para análise bioquímica e os tecidos foram removidos para análise estereológica, morfométrica e Western blotting (WB). Não houve diferença de MC ao nascimento. Ao desmame, o grupo F2-VitD- teve maior MC que F2-SC (P=0,03) e aos seis meses, os grupos F1 e F2-VitD- tiveram MC mais elevada (P<0,05 vs SC). A PA foi crescente na prole VitD-, sendo maior em F1-VitD- (P=0,001). A glicemia e TOTG foram alterados somente na F1-VitD-, seguida de esteatose hepática (+99%), hipertrofia da ilhota pancreática (+40%) e elevação do triglicerídeo sanguíneo (P<0,01). O WB de fígado mostrou elevação de FAS (+18%, P<0,01), no grupo com esteatose. Curiosamente, embora a F2-VitD- tenha apresentado elevação de MC, somente o colesterol total fora alterado (P<0,05). Quanto à nefrogênese, houve 50% mais glomérulos imaturos em F1-VitD- que F1-SC (P<0,0001). Porém, na F2 houve aumento somente de 20% (P<0,001). Aos 10 dias, F1-VitD- teve 150% mais glomérulos imaturos e 25% mais glomérulos maduros que SC-F1 (P<0,0001). O WB de rim mostrou que a prole F1-VitD- apresentou maior expressão de renina, ao desmame e aos seis meses, enquanto que a expressão de podocina foi reduzida (P=0,0004). Não houve diferença na análise de WT1. A restrição materna em vitamina D altera a morfologia do pâncreas e fígado, com resistência à insulina, altera a expressão renal de importantes fatores, assim como retarda a maturação glomerular estendendo o período da nefrogênese, principalmente na geração F1.
PURPOSE: It is unclear whether sociocultural and socioeconomic factors are directly linked to type 2 diabetes risk in overweight/obese ethnic minority children and adolescents. This study examines the relationships between sociocultural orientation, household social position, and type 2 diabetes risk in overweight/obese African-American (n = 43) and Latino-American (n = 113) children and adolescents. METHODS: Sociocultural orientation was assessed using the Acculturation, Habits, and Interests Multicultural Scale for Adolescents (AHIMSA) questionnaire. Household social position was calculated using the Hollingshead Two-Factor Index of Social Position. Insulin sensitivity (SI), acute insulin response (AIRG) and disposition index (DI) were derived from a frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance test (FSIGT). The relationships between AHIMSA subscales (i.e., integration, assimilation, separation, and marginalization), household social position and FSIGT parameters were assessed using multiple linear regression. RESULTS: For African-Americans, integration (integrating their family's culture with those of mainstream white-American culture) was positively associated with AIRG (β = 0.27 ± 0.09, r = 0.48, P < 0.01) and DI (β = 0.28 ± 0.09, r = 0.55, P < 0.01). For Latino-Americans, household social position was inversely associated with AIRG (β = -0.010 ± 0.004, r = -0.19, P = 0.02) and DI (β = -20.44 ± 7.50, r = -0.27, P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Sociocultural orientation and household social position play distinct and opposing roles in shaping type 2 diabetes risk in African-American and Latino-American children and adolescents.
The current classification and diagnostic criteria for diabetes mellitus were introduced by the United States National Data Group in 1979 and endorsed by the World Health Organization in 1980, with modifications in 1985 and 1994. The criteria, chosen to reflect the risk of complications, were the synthesis of considerable thought and expertise and represented a consensus which, it was hoped, would prove helpful to all those involved with diabetes practising clinician, research scientist and epidemiologist alike. The inconvenience, variability and nonphysiological nature of the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) are well-recognised. In spite of these limitations the 2-h post-load plasma glucose has remained the standard against which all other tests have been evaluated. This article reviews the original justification for the OGTT, and in the light of more recent epidemiological research seeks to place the current diagnostic criteria for diabetes into a pathophysiological, diagnostic and prognostic perspective.
OBJECTIVE: The goal was to describe the temporal pattern of neonatal plasma glucose levels and associations with maternal glucose levels, cord serum C-peptide levels, and neonatal size and adiposity. METHODS: A total of 17 094 mothers and infants were included in the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Study (15 centers in 9 countries). Mothers underwent a 75-g, 2-hour, oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) at 24 to 32 weeks of gestation. Cord blood and neonatal blood samples were collected. Biochemical neonatal hypoglycemia was defined as glucose levels of 90th percentile. CONCLUSIONS: Mean neonatal plasma glucose concentrations varied little in the first 5 hours after birth, which suggests normal postnatal adjustment. Biochemical and clinical hypoglycemia were weakly related to maternal OGTT glucose measurements but were strongly associated with elevated cord serum C-peptide levels. Larger and/or fatter infants were more likely to develop hypoglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. These relationships suggest physiologic relationships between maternal glycemia and fetal insulin production. Copyright © 2010 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
OBJECTIVE-To examine associations of neonatal adiposity with maternal glucose levels and cord serum C-peptide in a multicenter multinational study, the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) Study, thereby assessing the Pederson hypothesis linking maternal glycemia and fetal hyperinsulinemia to neonatal adiposity. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-Eligible pregnant women underwent a standard 75-g oral glucose tolerance test between 24 and 32 weeks gestation (as close to 28 weeks as possible). Neonatal anthropometrics and cord serum C-peptide were measured. Associations of maternal glucose and cord serum C-peptide with neonatal adiposity (sum of skin folds >90th percentile or percent body fat >90th percentile) were assessed using multiple logistic regression analyses, with adjustment for potential confounders, including maternal age, parity, BMI, mean arterial pressure, height, gestational age at delivery, and the baby's sex. RESULTS-Among 23,316 HAPO Study participants with glucose levels blinded to caregivers, cord serum C-peptide results were available for 19,885 babies and skin fold measurements for 19,389. For measures of neonatal adiposity, there were strong statistically significant gradients across increasing levels of maternal glucose and cord serum C-peptide, which persisted after adjustment for potential confounders. In fully adjusted continuous variable models, odds ratios ranged from 1.35 to 1.44 for the two measures of adiposity for fasting, 1-h, and 2-h plasma glucose higher by 1 SD. CONCLUSIONS-These findings confirm the link between maternal glucose and neonatal adiposity and suggest that the relationship is mediated by fetal insulin production and that the Pedersen hypothesis describes a basic biological relationship influencing fetal growth. © 2009 by the American Diabetes Association.
Various parameters of coagulation and fibrinolysis were measured in 13 men (aged 54 +/- 3 yr) with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) before and after 12-14 wk of exercise training. Subjects exercised for 30 min 3 times/wk at 70% of maximum O2 consumption (VO2max). Training increased VO2max by 12.5% but did not alter body weight, relative body fat, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, or high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Slight downward trends were apparent for fasting glucose and insulin, but glycosylated hemoglobin was unchanged. There were no changes in coagulation parameters of plasminogen, hematocrit, or alpha 2-antiplasmin. Plasma fibrinogen (303 +/- 24.2 vs. 256 +/- 12.3 mg/dl) and fibronectin (380 +/- 41.9 vs. 301 +/- 22.2 micrograms/ml) were significantly reduced (P less than 0.02) by exercise conditioning. Three assays of fibrinolytic activity (tissue plasminogen activator, euglobulin lysis time, and an isotopic measure of fibrinolysis) confirmed that neither basal fibrinolysis nor the fibrinolytic responses to venous occlusion and maximal exercise were significantly altered. Exercise conditioning may have antithrombotic effects in NIDDM by reducing plasma fibrinogen and fibronectin. Although the significance of the fall in fibronectin awaits further studies, the reduction in plasma fibrinogen gives a rationale for the use of exercise training in men with NIDDM.
A six-year prospective study of 144 newly diagnosed, symptomatic diabetic patients aged 40-69 years showed that 21 (15%) required insulin therapy, commencing 1-61 months after diagnosis. The plasma insulin response to oral glucose was assessed at the time of diagnosis. All 12 patients with very low peak insulin response (less than or equal to 6 mU/l) required insulin therapy. Thirty-six patients had an intermediate insulin response (greater than 6 less than or equal to 18 mU/l); of these, 7 with a mean weight 88% (range 73-96%) of average body weight required insulin, while 29 with a mean weight 117% (range 98-158%) of average body weight, did not. Ninety-six patients had a peak insulin response (greater than 18 mU/l); 2 patients whose weights were 96% and 100% of average body weight, required insulin, while the remainder did not. Consideration of initial body weight and peak insulin response provides a useful prediction of the eventual need for insulin.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine associations of fasting C-peptide, body mass index (BMI), and maternal glucose with the risk of preeclampsia in a multicenter multinational study. Study Design: We conducted a secondary analysis of a blinded observational cohort study. Subjects underwent a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test at 24-32 weeks' gestation. Associations of preeclampsia with fasting C-peptide, BMI, and maternal glucose were assessed with the use of multiple logistic regression analyses and adjustment for potential confounders. Results: Of 21,364 women who were included in the analyses, 5.2% had preeclampsia. Adjusted odds ratios for preeclampsia for 1 SD higher fasting C-peptide (0.87 ug/L), BMI (5.1 kg/m), and fasting (6.9 mg/dL), 1-hour (30.9 mg/dL), and 2-hour plasma glucose (23.5 mg/dL) were 1.28 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.20-1.36), 1.60 (95% CI, 1.60-1.71), 1.08 (95% CI, 1.00-1.16), 1.19 (95% CI, 1.11-1.28), and 1.21 (95% CI,1.13-1.30), respectively. Conclusion: Results indicate strong, independent associations of fasting C-peptide and BMI with preeclampsia. Maternal glucose levels (below diabetes mellitus) had weaker associations with preeclampsia, particularly after adjustment for fasting C-peptide and BMI. © 2010 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE: Obesity in the offspring of women with hyperglycemia during pregnancy has been reported, but the results are conflicting. This study examined the association of hyperglycemia during pregnancy and anthropometry in 5- to 7-year-old offspring whose mothers participated in the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes (HAPO) Study at the Belfast Centre.
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Women in the HAPO study underwent a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) at approximately 28 weeks of gestation. Mothers and caregivers remained blinded to the results unless the fasting plasma glucose (FPG) concentration was >5.8 mmol/L or the 2-h plasma glucose (2hPG) concentration was >11.1 mmol/L. Offspring weight, height, and skin-fold thicknesses (triceps, subscapular, and suprailiac) were measured at age 5-7 years. Overweight, obesity, and extreme obesity were defined as a BMI z score ≥85th, ≥95th, and ≥99th percentile, respectively, based on the 1990 British Growth Standard.
RESULTS: Belfast HAPO offspring (n = 1,320, 82%) aged 5-7 years attended for follow-up. Using multiple regression, maternal FPG, 1h PG, and 2hPG did not show any relation to offspring BMI z score or offspring skin-fold sum independent of maternal BMI at OGTT and offspring birth weight z score. This lack of association with maternal glycemia persisted with the offspring BMI z score expressed as ≥85th, ≥95th, or 99th percentile, and the sum of skin folds expressed as ≥90th percentile specific for sex. The initially significant relation between FPG and all offspring adiposity measures was explained by maternal BMI at the OGTT.
CONCLUSIONS: After adjustment for maternal BMI at the OGTT, higher maternal FPG concentration during pregnancy (short of diabetes) is no longer a risk factor for obesity, as reflected by BMI and the sum of skin folds in offspring aged 5-7 years.
CONTEXT: Minority communities are disproportionately affected by diabetes, and minority women are at an increased risk for glucose intolerance (dysglycemia) during pregnancy.
OBJECTIVES: In pregnant American Indian women, the objectives of the study were to use current criteria to estimate the prevalence of first-trimester (Tr1) dysglycemia and second-trimester (Tr2) incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and to explore new candidate measures and identify associated clinical factors.
DESIGN: This was a prospective cohort study. In Tr1 we performed a 75-g, 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) to determine the following: fasting insulin; homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance; serum 1,5-anhydroglucitol; noninvasive skin autofluorescence (SCOUT). We defined dysglycemia by American Diabetes Association and Endocrine Society criteria and as HbA1c of 5.7% or greater. In Tr2 in an available subset, we performed a repeat OGTT and SCOUT.
PARTICIPANTS: Pregnant American Indian women (n = 244 at Tr1; n = 114 at Tr2) participated in the study.
OUTCOMES: The prevalence of dysglycemia at Tr1 and incidence of GDM at Tr2 were measured.
RESULTS: At Tr1, one woman had overt diabetes; 36 (15%) had impaired glucose tolerance (American Diabetes Association criteria and/or abnormal HbA1c) and 59 (24%) had GDM-Tr1 (Endocrine Society criteria). Overall, 74 (30%) had some form of dysglycemia. Associated factors were body mass index, hypertension, waist/hip circumferences, SCOUT score, fasting insulin, and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance. At Tr2, 114 of the Tr1 cohort underwent a repeat OGTT and SCOUT, and 26 (23%) had GDM. GDM-Tr2 was associated with increased SCOUT scores (P = .029) and Tr1 body mass index, waist/hip circumferences, diastolic blood pressure, fasting insulin, and triglyceride levels. Overall, dysglycemia at Tr1 and/or Tr2 affected 38% of the women.
CONCLUSIONS: Dysglycemia at some point during pregnancy was common among American Indian women. It was associated with features of insulin resistance and may confer long-term health risks for mother and child.
Type 2 diabetes is a multifactorial metabolic disease characterized by defects in β-cells function, insulin sensitivity, glucose effectiveness and endogenous glucose production (1). It is widely accepted that insulin and exercise are potent stimuli for glucose transport (2). Acute exercise is known to promote glucose uptake in skeletal muscle via an intact contraction stimulated mechanism (3), while post-exercise improvements in glucose control are due to insulin-dependant mechanisms (2). Hypoxia is also known to promote glucose uptake in skeletal muscle using the contraction stimulated pathway. This has been shown to occur in vitro via an increase in β-cell function, however data in vivo is lacking. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of acute hypoxia with and without exercise on insulin sensitivity (SI2*), glucose effectiveness (SG2*) and β-cell function in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Following an overnight fast, six type 2 diabetics, afer giving informed written consent, completed 60 min of the following: 1) normoxic rest (Nor Rest); 2) hypoxic rest [Hy Rest; O2 = 14.6 (0.4)%]; 3) normoxic exercise (Nor Ex); 4) hypoxic exercise [Hy Ex; O2 = 14.6 (0.4)%]. Exercise trails were set at 90% of lactate threshold. Each condition was followed by a labelled intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) to provide estimations of SI2*, SG2* and β-cell function. Values are presented as means (SEM). Two-compartmental minimal model analysis showed SI2* to be higher following Hy Rest when comparisons were made with Nor Rest (P = 0.047). SI2* was also higher following Hy Ex [4.37 (0.48) x10-4 . min-1 (μU/ml)] compared to Nor Ex [3.24 (0.51) x10-4 . min-1 (μU/ml)] (P = 0.048). Acute insulin response to glucose (AIRg) was reduced following Hy Rest vs. Nor Rest (P = 0.014 - Table 1). This study demonstrated that 1) hypoxia has the ability to increase glucose disposal; 2) hypoxic-induced improvements in glucose tolerance in the 4 hr following exposure can be attributed to improvements in peripheral SI2*; 3) resting hypoxic exposure improves β-cell function and 4) exercise and hypoxia have an additive effect on SG2* in type 2 diabetics. These findings suggest a possible use for hypoxia both with and without exercise in the clinical treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Circulating levels of adiponectin, a hormone produced predominantly by adipocytes, are highly heritable and are inversely associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) and other metabolic traits. We conducted a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in 39,883 individuals of European ancestry to identify genes associated with metabolic disease. We identified 8 novel loci associated with adiponectin levels and confirmed 2 previously reported loci (P = 4.5×10(-8)-1.2×10(-43)). Using a novel method to combine data across ethnicities (N = 4,232 African Americans, N = 1,776 Asians, and N = 29,347 Europeans), we identified two additional novel loci. Expression analyses of 436 human adipocyte samples revealed that mRNA levels of 18 genes at candidate regions were associated with adiponectin concentrations after accounting for multiple testing (p<3×10(-4)). We next developed a multi-SNP genotypic risk score to test the association of adiponectin decreasing risk alleles on metabolic traits and diseases using consortia-level meta-analytic data. This risk score was associated with increased risk of T2D (p = 4.3×10(-3), n = 22,044), increased triglycerides (p = 2.6×10(-14), n = 93,440), increased waist-to-hip ratio (p = 1.8×10(-5), n = 77,167), increased glucose two hours post oral glucose tolerance testing (p = 4.4×10(-3), n = 15,234), increased fasting insulin (p = 0.015, n = 48,238), but with lower in HDL-cholesterol concentrations (p = 4.5×10(-13), n = 96,748) and decreased BMI (p = 1.4×10(-4), n = 121,335). These findings identify novel genetic determinants of adiponectin levels, which, taken together, influence risk of T2D and markers of insulin resistance.
This thesis investigated whole body glucose disposal and the adaptive changes in skeletal muscle carbohydrate metabolism following 28 d of supplementation with 1000 mg R(+)-lipoic acid in young sedentary males (age, 22.1 ± 0.67 yr, body mass, 78.7 ± 10.3 kg, n=9). In certain individuals, lipoic acid decreased the 180-min area under the glucose concentration and insulin concentration curve during an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) (n=4). In the same individuals, lipoic acid supplementation decreased pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase activity (PDK) (0.09 ± 0.024 min"^ vs. 0.137 ± 0.023 min'\ n=4). The fasting levels of the activated form of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDHa) were decreased following lipoic acid (0.42 ± 0.13 mmol-min'kg'^ vs. 0.82 ± 0.32 mmolrnin'^kg"\ n=4), yet increased to a greater extent during the OGTT (1.21 ± 0.34 mmol-min'kg"' vs. 0.81 ±0.13 mmolmin"'kg'\ n=4) following hpoic acid supplementation. No changes were demonstrated in the remaining subjects (n=5). It was concluded that improved glucose clearance during an OGTT following lipoic acid supplementation is assisted by increased muscle glucose oxidation through increased PDHa activation and decreased PDK activity in certain individuals.