990 resultados para GLASS-FORMING LIQUIDS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird mittels Molekulardynamik(MD)-Computersimulationen die Dynamik von verschiedenen Alkalisilikaten in der Schmelze und im Glas untersucht. Es ist bekannt, daß diese Systeme ionenleitend sind, was auf eine hohe Mobilität der Alkaliionen im Vergleich zu den glasbildenden Komponenten Si und O zurückzuführen ist. Im Mittelpunkt des Interesses steht der sog. Mischalkalieffekt (MAE), der in ternären Mischungen aus Siliziumdioxid mit zwei Alkalioxiden auftritt. Gegenüber Mischungen mit nur einer Alkaliionensorte weisen letztere Systeme eine signifikante Verlangsamung der Alkaliionendiffusion auf. Zunächst werden zwei binäre Alkalisilikate simuliert, nämlich Lithiumdisilikat (LS2) und Kaliumdisilikat (KS2). Die Simulationen zeigen, daß der Ursprung der hohen Mobilität der Alkaliionen in der Struktur begründet ist. KS2 und LS2 weisen auf intermediären Längenskalen Ordnung auf, die in partiellen statischen Strukturfaktoren durch Prepeaks reflektiert ist. Die den Prepeaks zugrundeliegende Struktur erklärt sich durch perkolierende Netzwerke aus alkalioxidreichen Kanälen, die als Diffusionskanäle für die mobilen Alkaliionen fungieren. In diesen Kanälen bewegen sich die Ionen mittels Sprüngen (Hopping) zwischen ausgezeichneten Plätzen. In der Simulation beobachtet man für die hohen Temperaturen (4000K>=1500K) eine ähnliche Aktivierungsenergie wie im Experiment. Im Experiment findet allerdings unterhalb von ca.1200K ein Crossover in ein Arrheniusverhalten mit höherer Aktivierungsenergie statt, welches von der Simulation nicht nachvollzogen wird. Das kann mit der in der Simulation nicht im Gleichgewicht befindlichen Si-O-Matrix erklärt werden, bei der Alterungseffekte beobachtet werden. Am stärksten ist der MAE für eine Alkalikomponente, wenn deren Konzentrationsanteil in einem ternären Mischalkalisystem gegen 0 geht. Daher wird ein LS2-System untersucht, in dem ein Li-Ion gegen ein K-Ion getauscht wird. Der Einfluß des K-Ions ist sowohl lokal in den charakteristischen Abständen zu den ersten nächsten Nachbarn (NN) zu sehen, als auch in der ortsaufgelösten Koordinationszahlverteilung bis zu Längenskalen von ca. 8,5 Angstrom. Die Untersuchung der Dynamik des eingesetzten K-Ions zeigt, daß die Sprungwahrscheinlichkeit nicht mit der Lokalisierung, einem Maß für die Bewegung eines Teilchens um seine Ruheposition, korreliert ist, aber daß eine chemische Umgebung mit wenig Li- und vielen O-NN oder vielen Li- und wenig O-NN ein Sprungereignis begünstigt. Zuletzt wird ein ternäres Alkalisilikat (LKS2) untersucht, dessen Struktur alle charakteristischen Längenskalen von LS2 und KS2 aufweist. Es stellt sich also eine komplexe Struktur mit zwei perkolierenden Subnetzwerken für Alkaliionen ein. Die Untersuchung der Dynamik zeigt eine geringe Wahrscheinlichkeit dafür auf, daß Ionen in ein Subnetzwerk andersnamiger Ionen springen. Auch kann gezeigt werden, daß das Modellpotential den MAE reproduzieren kann, daß also die Diffusionskonstanten in LKS2 bei bis zu einer Größenordnung langsamer sind als in KS2 bzw. LS2. Der beobachtete Effekt stellt sich zudem vom funktionalen Verlauf her so dar, wie er beim MAE erwartet wird. Es wurde auch festgestellt, daß trotz der zeitlichen Verzögerung in den dynamischen Größen die Anzahl der Sprünge pro Zeit nicht geringer ist und daß für niedrige Temperaturen (d.h.im Glas) Sprünge auf den Nachbarplatz mit anschließendem Rücksprung auf die vorherige Position deutlich wahrscheinlicher sind als bei hohen Temperaturen (also in der Schmelze). Die vorliegenden Resultate geben Aufschluß über die Details der Mechanismen mikroskopischer Ionenleitung in binären und ternären Alkalisilikaten sowie dem MAE.


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Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) exhibit superior mechanical properties as compared with other conventional materials and have been proposed for numerous engineering and technological applications. Zr/Hf-based BMGs or tungsten reinforced BMG composites are considered as a potential replacement for depleted uranium armor-piercing projectiles because of their ability to form localized shear bands during impact, which has been known to be the dominant plastic deformation mechanism in BMGs. However, in conventional tensile, compressive and bending tests, limited ductility has been observed because of fracture initiation immediately following the shear band formation. To fully investigate shear band characteristics, indentation tests that can confine the deformation in a limited region have been pursued. In this thesis, a detailed investigation of thermal stability and mechanical deformation behavior of Zr/Hf-based BMGs is conducted. First, systematic studies had been implemented to understand the influence of relative compositions of Zr and Hf on thermal stability and mechanical property evolution. Second, shear band evolution under indentations were investigated experimentally and theoretically. Three kinds of indentation studies were conducted on BMGs in the current study. (a) Nano-indentation to determine the mechanical properties as a function of Hf/Zr content. (b) Static Vickers indentation on bonded split specimens to investigate the shear band evolution characteristics beneath the indention. (c) Dynamic Vickers indentation on bonded split specimens to investigate the influence of strain rate. It was found in the present work that gradually replacing Zr by Hf remarkably increases the density and improves the mechanical properties. However, a slight decrease in glass forming ability with increasing Hf content has also been identified through thermodynamic analysis although all the materials in the current study were still found to be amorphous. Many indentation studies have revealed only a few shear bands surrounding the indent on the top surface of the specimen. This small number of shear bands cannot account for the large plastic deformation beneath the indentations. Therefore, a bonded interface technique has been used to observe the slip-steps due to shear band evolution. Vickers indentations were performed along the interface of the bonded split specimen at increasing loads. At small indentation loads, the plastic deformation was primarily accommodated by semi-circular primary shear bands surrounding the indentation. At higher loads, secondary and tertiary shear bands were formed inside this plastic zone. A modified expanding cavity model was then used to predict the plastic zone size characterized by the shear bands and to identify the stress components responsible for the evolution of the various types of shear bands. The applicability of various hardness—yield-strength ( H −σγ ) relationships currently available in the literature for bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) is also investigated. Experimental data generated on ZrHf-based BMGs in the current study and those available elsewhere on other BMG compositions were used to validate the models. A modified expanding-cavity model, employed in earlier work, was extended to propose a new H −σγ relationship. Unlike previous models, the proposed model takes into account not only the indenter geometry and the material properties, but also the pressure sensitivity index of the BMGs. The influence of various model parameters is systematically analyzed. It is shown that there is a good correlation between the model predictions and the experimental data for a wide range of BMG compositions. Under dynamic Vickers indentation, a decrease in indentation hardness at high loading rate was observed compared to static indentation hardness. It was observed that at equivalent loads, dynamic indentations produced more severe deformation features on the loading surface than static indentations. Different from static indentation, two sets of widely spaced semi-circular shear bands with two different curvatures were observed. The observed shear band pattern and the strain rate softening in indentation hardness were rationalized based on the variations in the normal stress on the slip plane, the strain rate of shear and the temperature rise associated with the indentation deformation. Finally, a coupled thermo-mechanical model is proposed that utilizes a momentum diffusion mechanism for the growth and evolution of the final spacing of shear bands. The influence of strain rate, confinement pressure and critical shear displacement on the shear band spacing, temperature rise within the shear band, and the associated variation in flow stress have been captured and analyzed. Consistent with the known pressure sensitive behavior of BMGs, the current model clearly captures the influence of the normal stress in the formation of shear bands. The normal stress not only reduces the time to reach critical shear displacement but also causes a significant temperature rise during the shear band formation. Based on this observation, the variation of shear band spacing in a typical dynamic indentation test has been rationalized. The temperature rise within a shear band can be in excess of 2000K at high strain rate and high confinement pressure conditions. The associated drop in viscosity and flow stress may explain the observed decrease in fracture strength and indentation hardness. The above investigations provide valuable insight into the deformation behavior of BMGs under static and dynamic loading conditions. The shear band patterns observed in the above indentation studies can be helpful to understand and model the deformation features under complex loading scenarios such as the interaction of a penetrator with armor. Future work encompasses (1) extending and modifying the coupled thermo-mechanical model to account for the temperature rise in quasistatic deformation; and (2) expanding this model to account for the microstructural variation-crystallization and free volume migration associated with the deformation.


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Mg65Cu25Er10 and Mg65Cu15Ag10Er10 bulk amorphous alloys were produced by a copper mould casting method. The alloys have high glass-forming ability and good thermal stability. The maximum diameter of glass formation (D-c), glass transition temperature (T-g), crystallization onset temperature (T-x), temperature interval of the supercooled region (Delta T-x), melting temperature (T-m), liquidus temperature (T-1) as well as heats of crystallization (Delta H-x) and melting (Delta H-m) are reported for these alloys. Both alloys exhibit high hardness and high strength at room temperature. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A study of clay chemistry has been approached with three aims: - to modify the conducting properties by intercalation of tetrathiafulvalene, - to study the electrochemistry of redox-active coordination compounds immobilised on clay coated electrodes, and - to study the role of clays as reagents in inorganic glass forming reactions using mainly solid-state magic-angle-spinning NMR. TTF was intercalated by smectites containing different interlayer and lattice cations. Evidence from ESR and 57Fe Mossbauer indicated charge-transfer from TTF to structural iron in natural montmorillonite, and to interlayer Cu2+ in Cu2+ exchanged laponite. No charge transfer was observed for laponite (Na+ form) itself. Ion exchange of TTF3(BF4)2 with laponite was found to proceed quantitatively. The intercalated species were believed to be (TTF)2+ dimers. Conductivity data showed an order of magnitude increase for the intercalated clays. The mechanism is thought to be ionic rather than CT as Na+ laponite showed a similar enhancement in conductivity. Mechanically robust colloidal clay films were prepared on platinum electrodes. After immersion in solutions containing redox active complexes [Co(bpy)3]3+ and [Cr(bpy)3]3+, the films became electroactive when a potential was applied. Cyclic voltammograms obtained for both complexes were found to be of the diffusion controlled type. For [Co(bpy)3]3+ immobilised on clay coated electrodes, a one-step oxidation and four-step reduction wave was observed corresponding to a one electron stepwise reversible reduction of Co(III), through Co(II), Co(I), Co(O) to Co(I) oxidation state. For [Cr(bpy)3]3+ the electrochemistry was complicated by the presence of additional waves corresponding to the dissociation of [Cr(bpy)3]3+ into the diaquo complex. ESR and diffuse reflectance data supported such a mechanism. 29Si, 27Al and 23Na MAS NMR spectroscopy, supported by powder XRD and FTIR, was used to probe the role of clays as reagents in glass forming reactions. 29Si MAS NMR was found to be a very sensitive technique for identifying the presence and relative abundance of crystalline and non-crystalline phases. In thermal reactions of laponite formation of new mineral phases such as forsterite, akermanite, sillimanite and diopside were detected. The relative abundance of each phase was dependent on thermal history, chemical nature and concentration of the modifier oxide present. In continuing work, the effect of selected oxides on the glass forming reactions of a model feldspar composition was investigated using solid state NMR alone. Addition of network modifying oxides generally produced less negative 29Si chemical shifts and larger linewidths corresponding to a wider distribution of Si-O-Si bond angles and lengths, and a dominant aluminosilicate phase with a less polymerised structure than the starting material. 29Si linewidths and 27Al chemical shifts were respectively correlated with cationic potential and Lewis acidity of the oxide cations. Anomalous Al(4) chemical shifts were thought to be due to precipitation of aluminate phases rather than a breakdown in Lowenstein's aluminium avoidance principle.


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The microscopic origin of the intermediate phase in two prototypical covalently bonded AxB1-x network glass forming systems, where A=Ge or Si, B=Se, and 0=x=1, was investigated by combining neutron diffraction with first-principles molecular-dynamics methods. Specifically, the structure of glassy GeSe4 and SiSe4 was examined, and the calculated total structure factor and total pair-correlation function for both materials are in good agreement with experiment. The structure of both glasses differs markedly from a simple model comprising undefective AB4 corner-sharing tetrahedra in which all A atoms are linked by B2 dimers. Instead, edge-sharing tetrahedra occur and the twofold coordinated Se atoms form three distinct structural motifs, namely, Se-Se2, Se-SeGe (or Se-SeSi), and Se-Ge2 (or Se-Si2). This identifies several of the conformations that are responsible for the structural variability in GexSe1-x and SixSe1-x glasses, a quantity that is linked to the finite width of the intermediate phase window.


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Metallic glasses (MGs) are a relatively new class of materials discovered in 1960 and lauded for its high strengths and superior elastic properties. Three major obstacles prevent their widespread use as engineering materials for nanotechnology and industry: 1) their lack of plasticity mechanisms for deformation beyond the elastic limit, 2) their disordered atomic structure, which prevents effective study of their structure-to-property relationships, and 3) their poor glass forming ability, which limits bulk metallic glasses to sizes on the order of centimeters. We focused on understanding the first two major challenges by observing the mechanical properties of nanoscale metallic glasses in order to gain insight into its atomic-level structure and deformation mechanisms. We found that anomalous stable plastic flow emerges in room-temperature MGs at the nanoscale in wires as little as ~100 nanometers wide regardless of fabrication route (ion-irradiated or not). To circumvent experimental challenges in characterizing the atomic-level structure, extensive molecular dynamics simulations were conducted using approximated (embedded atom method) potentials to probe the underlying processes that give rise to plasticity in nanowires. Simulated results showed that mechanisms of relaxation via the sample free surfaces contribute to tensile ductility in these nanowires. Continuing with characterizing nanoscale properties, we studied the fracture properties of nano-notched MGnanowires and the compressive response of MG nanolattices at cryogenic (~130 K) temperatures. We learned from these experiments that nanowires are sensitive to flaws when the (amorphous) microstructure does not contribute stress concentrations, and that nano-architected structures with MG nanoribbons are brittle at low temperatures except when elastic shell buckling mechanisms dominate at low ribbon thicknesses (~20 nm), which instead gives rise to fully recoverable nanostructures regardless of temperature. Finally, motivated by understanding structure-to-property relationships in MGs, we studied the disordered atomic structure using a combination of in-situ X-ray tomography and X-ray diffraction in a diamond anvil cell and molecular dynamics simulations. Synchrotron X-ray experiments showed the progression of the atomic-level structure (in momentum space) and macroscale volume under increasing hydrostatic pressures. Corresponding simulations provided information on the real space structure, and we found that the samples displayed fractal scaling (rd ∝ V, d < 3) at short length scales (< ~8 Å), and exhibited a crossover to a homogeneous scaling (d = 3) at long length scales. We examined this underlying fractal structure of MGs with parallels to percolation clusters and discuss the implications of this structural analogy to MG properties and the glass transition phenomenon.


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A series of bis(oxazoline) metal(II) complexes has been supported on silica and carbon supports by non-covalent immobilisation using an ionic liquid. The catalytic performance of these solids was compared for the enantioselective Diels-Alder reaction between N-acryloyloxazolidinone and cyclopentadiene and the Mukaiyama-aldol reaction between methyl pyruvate and 1-methoxy-1-trimethylsilyloxy-propene. In both reactions the enantioselectivity was strongly influenced by the choice of support displaying enantioselectivies (ee values) up to 40% higher than those conducted under homogeneous reaction conditions.


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Six ionic liquids based on the 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium cation have been studied. As anions Cl-, Br-, I-, [NCS](-), [N(CN)(2)](-), and [BF4](-) were selected. The electrical conductivities were determined between 173 and 393 K based on impedance measurements in the frequency range from 0.1 to 10(7) Hz. The electrical conductivity increases, whereas the glass transition temperature, the fragility, and the low temperature activation energy decrease with increasing anion size. The results can be understood from the changing anion-cation interaction strength with changing anion size and from the energy landscape interpretation of the glass transition dynamics. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3455892]


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The electrical conductivity of a series of pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ionic liquids, functionalized with a nitrile (cyano) group at the end of an alkyl chain attached to the cation, was studied in the temperature range between 173 K and 393 K. The glass formation of the ionic liquids is influenced by the length of the alkyl spacer separating the nitrile function from the pyrrolidinium ring. The electrical conductivity and the viscosity do not show a monotonic dependence on the alkyl spacer length, but rather an odd-even effect. An explanation for this behavior is given, including the potential energy landscape picture for the glass transition.


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The superplastic deformation behavior and superplastic forming ability of the Zr41.25Ti13.75Ni10Cu12.5Be22.5 (at.%) bulk metallic glass (BMG) in the supercooled liquid region were investigated. The isothermal tensile results indicate (hat the BMG exhibits a Newtonian behavior at low strain rates but a non-Newtonian behavior at hiqh-strain rates in the initial deformation stage. The maximum elongation reaches as high as 1624% at 656 K. and nanocrystallization was found to occur during the deformation process. Based cm the analysis on tensile deformation. a gear-like micropart is successfully die-forged via a superplastic forgings process. demonstrating that the BMG has excellent workability in the supercooled liquid region. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The literature relating to evaporation from single droplets of pure liquids, and to the drying of droplets containing solids and of droplet sprays has been reviewed. The heat and mass transfer rates for a single droplet suspended from a nozzle were studied within a 42mm I.D. horizontal wind tunnel designed to supply hot dry air, to simulate conditions encountered in a practical spray dryer. A novel rotating glass nozzle was developed to facilitate direct measurements of droplet weight and core temperature. This design minimised heat conduction through the nozzle. Revised correlations were obtained for heat and mass transfer coefficients, for evaporation from pure water droplets suspended from a rotating nozzle. Nu = 2.0 + 0.27 (l/B)°-18Re°-5Pr°-83 Sh = 2.0 + 0.575 ((T0-T.)/Tomfc) -o.o4Reo.5 ^0.33 Experimental drying studies were carried out on single droplets of different types of skin-forming materials, namely, custard, gelatin, skim milk and fructose at air temperatures ranging from 19°C to 198°C. Dried crusts were recovered and examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Skin-forming materials were classified into three types according to the mechanisms of skin formation. In the first type (typified by droplets of custard and starch) skin formed due to gelatinisation at high temperatures. Increasing the drying temperature resulted in increased crust resistance to mass transfer due to increased granule swelling and the crust resistance was completely transferred to a skin resistance at drying temperatures > 150°C. In the second type e.g. gelatin droplets the skin formed immediately drying had taken place at any drying temperature. At drying temperature > 60° C a more resistant skin was formed. In the third type (typified by droplets of skim milk and fructose) the skin appeared on the droplet surface at a certain stage of the drying process under any drying conditions. As the drying temperature was increased the resistance of the skin to mass transfer increased. The drying rate history of any material depended upon the nature of the skin formed which, in turn, depended upon the drying conditions. A mathematical model was proposed for the drying of the first type of skin-forming material. This was based on the assumption that, once all the granules gelatinised at the gelatinisation temperature, a skin appeared instantaneously on the droplet surface. The experimentally-observed times at which the skin appeared on the droplets surfaces were in excellent agreement with those predicted from the model. The work should assist in understanding the fundamentals of paniculate drying processes, particularly when skin-formation occurs and may be a crucial factor in volatiles retention.


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Glass is a common form of trace evidence found at many scenes of crimes in the form of small fragments. These glass fragments can transfer to surrounding objects and/or persons and may provide forensic investigators valuable information to link a suspect to the scene of a crime. Since the elemental composition of different glass sources can be very similar, a highly discriminating technique is required to distinguish between fragments that have originated from different sources. ^ The research presented here demonstrates that Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is a viable analytical technique for the association and discrimination of glass fragments. The first part of this research describes the optimization of the LIBS experiments including the use of different laser wavelengths to investigate laser-material interaction. The use of a 266 nm excitation laser provided the best analytical figures of merit with minimal damage to the sample. The resulting analytical figures of merit are presented. The second part of this research evaluated the sensitivity of LIBS to associate or discriminate float glass samples originating from the same manufacturing plants and produced at approximately the same time period. Two different sample sets were analyzed ranging in manufacturing dates from days to years apart. Eighteen (18) atomic emission lines corresponding to the elements Sr, K, Fe, Ca, Al, Ba, Na, Mg and Ti, were chosen because of their detection above the method detection limits and for presenting differences between the samples. Ten elemental ratios producing the most discrimination were selected for each set. When all the ratios are combined in a comparison, 99% of the possible pairs were discriminated using the optimized LIBS method generating typical analytical precisions of ∼5% RSD. ^ The final study consisted of the development of a new approach for the use of LIBS as a quantitative analysis of ultra-low volume solution analysis using aerosols and microdrops. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy demonstrated to be an effective technique for the analysis of as low as 90 pL for microdrop LIBS with 1 pg absolute LOD and 20 µL for aerosol LIBS with an absolute LOD of ∼100 fg.^