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Relata-se o caso de um bovino com, aproximadamente, seis horas de vida, apresentando histórico de febre, apatia, inapetência e desconforto ocular. No exame oftálmico rotineiro, encontraram-se valores do teste da lágrima de Schirmer aumentados, diminuição da pressão intra-ocular, hemorragia conjuntival, uveíte anterior, edema corneal e injeção ciliar em ambos os olhos. Coletou-se amostra de sangue para realização de esfregaço sangüíneo, hemograma e bioquímica sérica. No esfregaço visibilizaram-se corpúsculos de Anaplasma marginale em hemácias parasitadas. Quanto à bioquímica sérica, não foram observadas alterações. Os mesmos exames foram realizados na mãe do animal tendo como resultado a positividade para A. marginale. Para o controle da uveíte foi utilizada uma única aplicação de 0,5ml de betametasona a 5%, por via subconjuntival, em cada um dos olhos. Para o tratamento da anaplasmose, seguiu-se o protocolo a base de 10mg/kg de oxitetraciclina, por via intramuscular profunda, a cada 12 horas. Diante os achados oftálmicos e a presença de corpúsculos de A. marginale em hemácias parasitadas, contatou-se, ser um caso de uveíte crônica secundaria a doença sistêmica, factível com Anaplasmose.


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Foram estudados os efeitos da temperatura cutânea (Ts) sobre a taxa de termólise por evaporação cutânea (Es) de vacas Holandesas cronicamente expostas ao sol, considerando a pigmentação do pelame. Dezesseis vacas puras de origem foram medidas quanto à evaporação e à temperatura cutâneas às 13 h, após 6 horas de exposição ao sol, no mesmo local (flanco, pescoço e glúteo) e considerando separadamente as malhas negras e as brancas. A evaporação cutânea foi medida por meio de cápsula ventilada. Nas áreas negras a taxa de sudação (138,9 ± 8,5 g.m-2.h-1), a taxa de termólise por evaporação cutânea (93,3 ± 5,7 W.m-2) e a temperatura da superfície cutânea (33,1 ± 0,2°C) foram maiores que nas áreas brancas (109,5 ± 9,7 g.m-2.h-1, 73,6 ± 6,5 W.m-2 e 32,6 ± 0,2°C, respectivamente). Há uma relação exponencial entre evaporação e temperatura cutâneas, que pode ser representada pela equação Es = 31,5+3,67 exp{(Ts-27,9)/2,19115}, com coeficiente de determinação r²=0,68. A taxa de termólise por evaporação cutânea permanece quase constante (cerca de 48 W.m-2) até que a temperatura cutânea atinge aproximadamente 31°C.


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Milk serum proteins such as alpha-lactalbumin (ALA) and beta-lactoglobulin (BLG) present biochemical polymorphism which is under the control of codominant autosomal alleles. In the present report, we propose modifications of traditional electrophoretic techniques such as increasing the running gel concentration from 5 to 10% and the addition of 5 M urea to the stacking gel, which permitted the detection of two variants (A and B) at the ALA and BLG loci. About 8 mul of milk serum (6 mg/ml protein) and 10 pl of total fresh milk were applied. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) and immunolactoglobulins (ILG) could also be discriminated. Total fresh milk was as useful as the purified serum milk proteins for the discrimination of ALA and BLG serum milk protein polymorphism by alkaline vertical slab polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. However, BSA and ILG ran with caseins, which prevented their characterization in this system.


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Morphological characteristics, coat effective radiative properties, and the percentage of white colour were measured in the coats of 973 Holstein cows, and estimates of the genetic parameters were obtained for these traits, except morphological characteristics. The results showed that white coats are more dense with long, thin hairs, while the black coats are less dense with short, thick hairs. Effective transmissivity is greater in the less-dense coats with short, thin hairs, independently of coat colour. Effective reflectivity depends more on the variation in the radiative properties of the coat and skin surface rather than on the morphological characteristics of the coat. Effective absorptivity is greater in black and dense coats with long, thick hairs, than in the white and less-dense coat with short, thin hairs. All heritability estimates were of low magnitude, except for the percentage of white coat colour.


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The general principles of the mechanisms of heat transfer are well known, but knowledge of the transition between evaporative and non-evaporative heat loss by Holstein cows in field conditions must be improved, especially for low-latitude environments. With this aim 15 Holstein cows managed in open pasture were observed in a tropical region. The latent heat loss from the body surface of the animals was measured by means of a ventilated capsule, while convective heat transfer was estimated by the theory of convection from a horizontal cylinder and by the long-wave radiation exchange based on the Stefan-Boltzmann law. When the air temperature was between 10 and 36 degrees C the sensible heat transfer varied from 160 to -30 W m(-2), while the latent heat loss by cutaneous evaporation increased from 30 to 350 W m(-2). Heat loss by cutaneous evaporation accounted for 20-30% of the total heat loss when air temperatures ranged from 10 to 20 degrees C. At air temperatures > 30 degrees C cutaneous evaporation becomes the main avenue of heat loss, accounting for approximately 85% of the total heat loss, while the rest is lost by respiratory evaporation.


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Two groups of Holstein-Friesian and Nelore calves, five animals each, about nine months old, received, by oral route, 1,000 infective larvae (L-3) per kg of body weight of Haemonchus placei. Blood samples were collected by venipuncture, at weekly intervals, from one week before, to eight weeks after infection. Hematological studies comprised the hematocrit, differential leukocyte counts, hemoglobin, fibrinogen and plasma protein determinations. Parasitological examinations covered weekly fecal egg counts (EPG) and worm burden counts at necropsy. Samples of the abomasal mucosa were submitted to gross examination and histopathological studies. Both groups had increasing EPG after the fifth week, with Holstein calves showing higher counts than the Nelore. Holstein calves had anemia and hipoproteinemia from the third week post-infection to the end of the experiment, whereas Nelore calves showed no significant differences in those, parameters. Holstein calves had significantly larger worm counts than the Nelore. The gross and histopathological lesions in the abomasum at necropsy were very similar, although macroscopically they look more apparent in the Holstein group. These results showed that Holstein calves are more susceptible to the infection and pathogenic effects of H. placei than Nelore calves.


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The role of dermal mast cells (DMC) in the host resistance to ticks has been studied but it is not totally explained yet. Studies have proposed that zebuine cattle breeds, known as highly resistant to ticks, have more DMC than taurine breeds. In the present study, we compared the number of adult female ticks Boophilus microplus and the mast cells' countings in the skin of F-2 crossbred Gir x Holstein cattle, before and after tick infestation. F-2 crossbred cattle (n = 148) were divided into seven groups and artificially infested with 1.0 x 10(4) B. nticroplus larvae and, 21 days afterwards, adult female-fed ticks attached to the skin were counted. Skin biopsies were taken and examined under light microscopy with a square-lined ocular reticulum in a total area of 0.0625 mm(2) in both the superficial and deep dermis. Results demonstrated that infested F-2 crossbred cattle acquired resistance against the cattle-tick B. microplus probably associated to an increase in the dermal mast cell number. It is concluded that the tick infestation may lead to an environmental modification in the dermis of parasitized hosts due to the massive migration of mast cells or their local proliferation.


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In order to develop statistical models to predict respiratory heat loss in dairy cattle using simple physiological and environmental measurements, 15 Holstein cows were observed under field conditions in a tropical environment, in which the air temperature reached up to 40 ° C. The measurements of latent and sensible heat loss from the respiratory tract of the animals were made by using a respiratory mask. The results showed that under air temperatures between 10 and 35 ° C sensible heat loss by convection decreased from 8.24 to 1.09 W m(-2), while the latent heat loss by evaporation increased from 1.03 to 56.51 W m(-2). The evaporation increased together with the air temperature in almost a linear fashion until 20 ° C, but it became increasingly high as the air temperature rose above 25 ° C. Convection was a mechanism of minor importance for respiratory heat transfer. In contrast, respiratory evaporation was an effective means of thermoregulation for Holsteins in a hot environment. Mathematical models were developed to predict both the sensible and latent heat loss from the respiratory tract in Holstein cows under field conditions, based on measurements of the ambient temperature, and other models were developed to predict respiration rate, tidal volume, mass flow rate and expired air temperature as functions of the ambient temperature and other variables.