818 resultados para Fuzzy-logic
Foundation Fieldbus Industrial networks are the high standard technology which allows users to create complex control logic and totally decentralized. Although being so advanced, they still have some limitations imposed by their own technology. Attempting to solve one of these limitations, this paper describes how to design a Fuzzy controller in a Foundation Fieldbus network using their basic elements of programming, the functional blocks, so that the network remains fully independent of other devices other than the same instruments that constitute it. Moreover, in this work was developed a tool that aids this process of building the Fuzzy controller, setting the internal parameters of functional blocks and informing how many and which blocks should be used for a given structure. The biggest challenge in creating this controller is exactly the choice of blocks and how to arrange them in order to effectuate the same functions of a Fuzzy controller implemented in other kind of environment. The methodology adopted was to divide each one of the phases of a traditional Fuzzy controller and then create simple structures with the functional blocks to implement them. At the end of the work, the developed controller is compared with a Fuzzy controller implemented in a mathematical program that it has a proper tool for the development and implementation of Fuzzy controllers, obtaining comparatives graphics of performance between both
This works presents a proposal to make automatic the identification of energy thefts in the meter systems through Fuzzy Logic and supervisory like SCADA. The solution we find by to collect datas from meters at customers units: voltage, current, power demand, angles conditions of phasors diagrams of voltages and currents, and taking these datas by fuzzy logic with expert knowledge into a fuzzy system. The parameters collected are computed by fuzzy logic, in engineering alghorithm, and the output shows to user if the customer researched may be consuming electrical energy without to pay for it, and these feedbacks have its own membership grades. The value of this solution is a need for reduce the losses that already sets more than twenty per cent. In such a way that it is an expert system that looks for decision make with assertivity, and it looks forward to find which problems there are on site and then it wont happen problems of relationship among the utility and the customer unit. The database of an electrical company was utilized and the datas from it were worked by the fuzzy proposal and algorithm developed and the result was confirmed
Every day, water scarcity becomes a more serious problem and, directly affects global society. Studies are directed in order to raise awareness of the rational use of this natural asset that is essential to our survival. Only 0.007% of the water available in the world have easy access and can be consumed by humans, it can be found in rivers, lakes, etc... To better take advantage of the water used in homes and small businesses, reuse projects are often implemented, resulting in savings for customers of water utilities. The reuse projects involve several areas of engineering, like Environmental, Chemical, Electrical and Computer Engineering. The last two are responsible for the control of the process, which aims to make gray water (soapy water), and clear blue water (rain water), ideal for consumption, or for use in watering gardens, flushing, among others applications. Water has several features that should be taken into consideration when it comes to working its reuse. Some of the features are, turbidity, temperature, electrical conductivity and, pH. In this document there is a proposal to control the pH (potential Hydrogen) through a microcontroller, using the fuzzy logic as strategy of control. The controller was developed in the fuzzy toolbox of Matlab®
Induction motors are one of the most important equipment of modern industry. However, in many situations, are subject to inadequate conditions as high temperatures and pressures, load variations and constant vibrations, for example. Such conditions, leaving them more susceptible to failures, either external or internal in nature, unwanted in the industrial process. In this context, predictive maintenance plays an important role, where the detection and diagnosis of faults in a timely manner enables the increase of time of the engine and the possibiity of reducing costs, caused mainly by stopping the production and corrective maintenance the motor itself. In this juncture, this work proposes the design of a system that is able to detect and diagnose faults in induction motors, from the collection of electrical line voltage and current, and also the measurement of engine speed. This information will use as input to a fuzzy inference system based on rules that find and classify a failure from the variation of thess quantities
Traditional irrigation projects do not locally determine the water availability in the soil. Then, irregular irrigation cycles may occur: some with insufficient amount that leads to water deficit, other with excessive watering that causes lack of oxygen in plants. Due to the nonlinear nature of this problem and the multivariable context of irrigation processes, fuzzy logic is suggested to replace commercial ON-OFF irrigation system with predefined timing. Other limitation of commercial solutions is that irrigation processes either consider the different watering needs throughout plant growth cycles or the climate changes. In order to fulfill location based agricultural needs, it is indicated to monitor environmental data using wireless sensors connected to an intelligent control system. This is more evident in applications as precision agriculture. This work presents the theoretical and experimental development of a fuzzy system to implement a spatially differentiated control of an irrigation system, based on soil moisture measurement with wireless sensor nodes. The control system architecture is modular: a fuzzy supervisor determines the soil moisture set point of each sensor node area (according to the soil-plant set) and another fuzzy system, embedded in the sensor node, does the local control and actuates in the irrigation system. The fuzzy control system was simulated with SIMULINK® programming tool and was experimentally built embedded in mobile device SunSPOTTM operating in ZigBee. Controller models were designed and evaluated in different combinations of input variables and inference rules base
This work presents a neural network based on the ART architecture ( adaptive resonance theory), named fuzzy ART& ARTMAP neural network, applied to the electric load-forecasting problem. The neural networks based on the ARTarchitecture have two fundamental characteristics that are extremely important for the network performance ( stability and plasticity), which allow the implementation of continuous training. The fuzzy ART& ARTMAP neural network aims to reduce the imprecision of the forecasting results by a mechanism that separate the analog and binary data, processing them separately. Therefore, this represents a reduction on the processing time and improved quality of the results, when compared to the Back-Propagation neural network, and better to the classical forecasting techniques (ARIMA of Box and Jenkins methods). Finished the training, the fuzzy ART& ARTMAP neural network is capable to forecast electrical loads 24 h in advance. To validate the methodology, data from a Brazilian electric company is used. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Clustering data is a very important task in data mining, image processing and pattern recognition problems. One of the most popular clustering algorithms is the Fuzzy C-Means (FCM). This thesis proposes to implement a new way of calculating the cluster centers in the procedure of FCM algorithm which are called ckMeans, and in some variants of FCM, in particular, here we apply it for those variants that use other distances. The goal of this change is to reduce the number of iterations and processing time of these algorithms without affecting the quality of the partition, or even to improve the number of correct classifications in some cases. Also, we developed an algorithm based on ckMeans to manipulate interval data considering interval membership degrees. This algorithm allows the representation of data without converting interval data into punctual ones, as it happens to other extensions of FCM that deal with interval data. In order to validate the proposed methodologies it was made a comparison between a clustering for ckMeans, K-Means and FCM algorithms (since the algorithm proposed in this paper to calculate the centers is similar to the K-Means) considering three different distances. We used several known databases. In this case, the results of Interval ckMeans were compared with the results of other clustering algorithms when applied to an interval database with minimum and maximum temperature of the month for a given year, referring to 37 cities distributed across continents
Intendding to understand how the human mind operates, some philosophers and psycologists began to study about rationality. Theories were built from those studies and nowadays that interest have been extended to many other areas such as computing engineering and computing science, but with a minimal distinction at its goal: to understand the mind operational proccess and apply it on agents modelling to become possible the implementation (of softwares or hardwares) with the agent-oriented paradigm where agents are able to deliberate their own plans of actions. In computing science, the sub-area of multiagents systems has progressed using several works concerning artificial intelligence, computational logic, distributed systems, games theory and even philosophy and psycology. This present work hopes to show how it can be get a logical formalisation extention of a rational agents architecture model called BDI (based in a philosophic Bratman s Theory) in which agents are capable to deliberate actions from its beliefs, desires and intentions. The formalisation of this model is called BDI logic and it is a modal logic (in general it is a branching time logic) with three access relations: B, D and I. And here, it will show two possible extentions that tranform BDI logic in a modal-fuzzy logic where the formulae and the access relations can be evaluated by values from the interval [0,1]
In order to make this document self-contained, we first present all the necessary theory as a background. Then we study several definitions that extended the classic bi-implication in to the domain of well stablished fuzzy logics, namely, into the [0; 1] interval. Those approaches of the fuzzy bi-implication can be summarized as follows: two axiomatized definitions, which we proved that represent the same class of functions, four defining standard (two of them proposed by us), which varied by the number of different compound operators and what restrictions they had to satisfy. We proved that those defining standard represent only two classes of functions, having one as a proper subclass of the other, yet being both a subclass of the class represented by the axiomatized definitions. Since those three clases satisfy some contraints that we judge unnecessary, we proposed a new defining standard free of those restrictions and that represents a class of functions that intersects with the class represented by the axiomatized definitions. By this dissertation we are aiming to settle the groundwork for future research on this operator.
This paper is a study on the population dynamics of blowflies employing a density-dependent. non-linear mathematical model and a coupled population formalism. In this Study, we investigated the coupled population dynamics applying fuzzy subsets to model the Population trajectory. analyzing demographic parameters such as fecundity, Survival, and migration. The main results suggest different possibilities in terms of dynamic behavior produced by migration in coupled Populations between distinct environments and the rescue effect generated by the connection between populations. It was possible to conclude that environmental heterogeneity can play an important role in blowfly metapopulation systems. The implications of these results for population dynamics of blowflies are discussed.
A estimativa de conforto térmico na avicultura moderna é importante para que sistemas de climatização possam ser acionados no tempo correto, diminuindo perdas e aumentando rendimentos. Embora a literatura corrente apresente alguns índices de conforto térmico, que são aplicados para essa estimativa, estes são baseados apenas em condições do ambiente térmico e não consideram fatores importantes inerentes aos animais, tais como genética e capacidade de aclimatação, provendo, geralmente, uma estimativa inadequada do conforto térmico das aves. Este trabalho desenvolveu o Índice Fuzzy de Conforto Térmico (IFCT), com o intuito de estimar o conforto térmico de frangos de corte, considerando que o mecanismo usado pelas aves para perda de calor em ambientes fora da zona termoneutra é a vasodilatação periférica, que aumenta a temperatura superficial, e que pode ser usada como indicador do estado de conforto. O IFCT foi desenvolvido a partir de dois experimentos, que proporcionaram 108 cenários ambientais diferentes. Foram usadas imagens termográficas infravermelhas, para o registro dos dados de temperaturas superficiais das penas e da pele, e o grau de empenamento das aves. Para os mesmos cenários de ambiente térmico observados nos experimentos, foram comparados os resultados obtidos usando o IFCT e o Índice de Temperatura e Umidade (ITU). Os resultados validaram o IFCT para a estimativa do conforto térmico de frangos de corte, sendo específico na estimativa de condições de perigo térmico, usual em alojamentos em países de clima tropical. Essa característica é desejável em modelos que estimem o bem-estar térmico de frangos de corte, pois situações classificadas como perigo acarretam no dispêndio de recursos para evitar perdas produtivas.
O objetivo do artigo foi avaliar o uso da lógica fuzzy para estimar possibilidade de óbito neonatal. Desenvolveu-se um modelo computacional com base na teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy, tendo como variáveis peso ao nascer, idade gestacional, escore de Apgar e relato de natimorto. Empregou-se o método de inferência de Mamdani, e a variável de saída foi o risco de morte neonatal. Criaram-se 24 regras de acordo com as variáveis de entrada, e a validação do modelo utilizou um banco de dados real de uma cidade brasileira. A acurácia foi estimada pela curva ROC; os riscos foram comparados pelo teste t de Student. O programa MATLAB 6.5 foi usado para construir o modelo. Os riscos médios foram menores para os que sobreviveram (p < 0,001). A acurácia do modelo foi 0,90. A maior acurácia foi com possibilidade de risco igual ou menor que 25% (sensibilidade = 0,70, especificidade = 0,98, valor preditivo negativo = 0,99 e valor preditivo positivo = 0,22). O modelo mostrou acurácia e valor preditivo negativo bons, podendo ser utilizado em hospitais gerais.
This work presents the design of a fuzzy controller with simplified architecture that use an artificial neural network working as the aggregation operator for several active fuzzy rules. The simplified architecture of the fuzzy controller is used to minimize the time processing used in the closed loop system operation, the basic procedures of fuzzification are simplified to maximum while all the inference procedures are computed in a private way. As consequence, this simplified architecture allows a fast and easy configuration of the simplified fuzzy controller. The structuring of the fuzzy rules that define the control actions is previously computed using an artificial neural network based on CMAC Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller. The operational limits are standardized and all the control actions are previously calculated and stored in memory. For applications, results and conclusions several configurations of this fuzzy controller are considered.
The crossflow filtration process differs of the conventional filtration by presenting the circulation flow tangentially to the filtration surface. The conventional mathematical models used to represent the process have some limitations in relation to the identification and generalization of the system behavior. In this paper, a system based on fuzzy logic systems is developed to overcome the problems usually found in the conventional mathematical models. Imprecisions and uncertainties associated with the measurements made on the system are automatically incorporated in the fuzzy approach. Simulation results are presented to justify the validity of the proposed approach.
This paper describes a novel approach for mapping lightning processes using fuzzy logic. The core regarding lightning process is to identify and to model those uncertain information on mathematical principles. In fact, the lightning process involves several nonlinear features that our current mathematical tools would not be able to model. The estimation process has been carried out using a fuzzy system based on Sugeno's architecture. Simulation results confirm that proposed approach can be efficiently used in these types of problem.