996 resultados para Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici


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The soil-inhabiting insect-pathogenic fungus Metarhizium robertsii also colonizes plant roots endophytically, thus showing potential as a plant symbiont. M robertsii is not randomly distributed in soils but preferentially associates with the plant rhizosphere when applied in agricultural settings. Root surface and endophytic colonization of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) and haricot beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) by M robertsii were examined after inoculation with fungal conidia. Light and confocal microscopies were used to ascertain this rhizosphere association. Root lengths, root hair density and emergence of lateral roots were also measured. Initially, M robertsii conidia adhered to, germinated on, and colonized, roots. Furthermore, plant roots treated with Metarhizium grew faster and the density of plant root hairs increased when compared with control plants. The onset of plant root hair proliferation was initiated before germination of M robertsii on the root (within 1-2 days). Plants inoculated with M robertsii AMAD2 (plant adhesin gene) took significantly longer to show root hair proliferation than the wild type. Cell free extracts of M robertsii did not stimulate root hair proliferation. Longer term (60 days) associations showed that M robertsii endophytically colonized individual cortical cells within bean roots. Metarhizium appeared as an amorphous mycelial aggregate within root cortical cells as well as between the intercellular spaces with no apparent damage to the plant. These results suggested that not only is M robertsii rhizosphere competent but displays a beneficial endophytic association with plant roots that results in the proliferation of root hairs. The biocontrol of bean (Phaseolis vulgaris) root rot fungus Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseolis by Metarhizium robertsii was investigated in vitro and in vivo. Dual cultures on Petri dishes showed antagonism of M robertsii against F. solani. A relative inhibition of ca. 60% of F. solani growth was observed in these assays. Cell free culture filtrates of M robertsii inhibited the germination of F. solani conidia by 83% and the inhibitory metabolite was heat stable. Beans plants colonized by M robertsii then exposed to F. solani showed healthier plant profiles and lower disease indices compared to plants not colonized by M robertsii. These results suggested that the insect pathogenic/endophytic fungus M robertsii could also be utilized as a biocontrol agent against certain plant pathogens occurring in the rhizosphere.


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It has been observed in the present study that when spores of Trichoderma harzianum (Th-2) isolate were applied in the sandy clay loam soil and continuously incubated for 4 months at 25 degrees C and 35 degrees C and at three water potentials, -0.03 MPa, -0.3 MPa and <-50 MPa, it has resulted in significantly reduced (P<0.05), growth of Fusarium oxysporum ciceri (Foc) on branches of chickpea plant. The pathogen population was greatly reduced in the moist soil (43 MPa) when compared with the wet soil (-0.03 MPa) at both temperatures which was indicated by greater colonization and growth of T. harzanum-2 on the branch pieces of chickpea plants. The pathogen was completely eradicated from the chickpea branch pieces, after 6 months at 35 degrees C in the moist soil. In air-dry soil (<-50 MPa), Foc survived in 100% of the branch pieces even after 6 months at both temperatures. When chickpea plant branch pieces having pathogen was sprayed with Th-2 antagonistic isolates of Trichoderma spp., the Th-2 isolate killed the pathogen up to minimum level (10-12%) after 5 months at 35 degrees C in the sandy clay loam soil. It can be concluded that in chickpea growing rainfed areas of Pakistan having sandy clay loam soil, Foc can be controlled by using specific Trichoderma spp., especially in the summer season as after harvest of the crop the temperature increased up and there is rainfall during this period which makes the soil moist. This practice will be able to reduce the inoculum of Foc during this hot period as field remain fallow till next crop is sown in most of the chickpea growing rainfed areas of Pakistan.


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The effect of root-knot nematode (RKN) (Meloidogyne incognita) on Verticillium dahliae and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) was investigated. Two different inoculation methods were used, one in which inoculum was added to the soil, so that nematode and fungal inoculum were in close proximity; the other, inoculation into the stem, whereby the two inocula were spatially separated. Invasion of the roots by RKN enhanced disease severity, as measured by the height of vascular browning in the stem, following inoculation with either wilt pathogen. The effect of RKN on Fusarium wilt was more pronounced than that on Verticillium wilt. Nematode-enhanced infection by F. oxysporum is a well known effect but there are few reports of enhanced infection by Verticillium due to RKN. Relative resistance of a number of cotton cultivars to both wilt diseases, as measured by height of vascular browning, was similar to the known field performance of the cultivars. The use of vascular browning as an estimate of disease severity was therefore validated.


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The structural complexity of the nitrogen sources strongly affects biomass production and secretion of hydrolytic enzymes in filamentous fungi. Fusarium oxysporum and Aspergillus nidulans were grown in media containing glucose or starch, and supplemented with a nitrogen source varying from a single ammonium salt (ammonium sulfate) to free amino acids (casamino acids), peptides (peptone) and protein (gelatin). In glucose, when the initial pH was adjusted to 5.0, for both microorganisms, higher biomass production occurred upon supplementation with a nitrogen source in the peptide form (peptone and gelatin). With a close to neutrality pH, biomass accumulation was lower only in the presence of the ammonium salt. When grown in starch, biomass accumulation and secretion of hydrolytic enzymes (amylolytic and proteolytic) by Fusarium also depended on the nature of the nitrogen supplement and the pH. When the initial pH was adjusted to 5.0, higher growth and higher amylolytic activities were detected in the media supplemented with peptone, gelatin and casamino acids. However, at pH 7.0, higher biomass accumulation and higher amylolytic activities were observed upon supplementation with peptone or gelatin. Ammonium sulfate and casamino acids induced a lower production of biomass, and a different level of amylolytic enzyme secretion: high in ammonium sulfate and low in casamino acids. Secretion of proteolytic activity was always higher in the media supplemented with peptone and gelatin. Aspergillus, when grown in starch, was not as dependent as Fusarium on the nature of nitrogen source or the pH. The results described in this work indicate that the metabolism of fungi is regulated not only by pH, but also by the level of structural complexity of the nitrogen source in correlation to the carbon source.


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The aim of this study was to characterize a Fusarium population obtained from yellow passion fruit (YPF) with collar rot using pathogenicity, morphocultural characteristics and molecular tests. Pathogenicity and disease severity were assessed in six plant species: YPF, zucchini, tomato, bean, soya bean and cucumber. Potato dextrose agar medium (PDA) was used to determine mycelial growth at five temperatures (15-35°C). The colour produced by isolates was also determined on PDA at 25°C. Synthetic nutrient agar medium was used to evaluate: (i) type of mycelium and phialides; (ii) size, shape and number of septa from conidia; and (iii) production of chlamydospores and perithecia. Molecular tests consisted of sequencing the ITS-5·8S rDNA region and elongation factor 1α (EF-1α) gene. The isolates caused large lesions on YPF, zucchini and tomato, with YPF having the highest mean disease severity and being the only one that showed wilt symptoms and death of the plant. Thus the isolates showed host specificity. Maximum mycelial growth occurred at 25°C and the predominant colour was bluish-white. The isolates produced long phialides, dense aerial mycelium, oval microconidia with a mean size of 9·5 × 2·6 μm, macroconidia of 32·7 × 3·4 μm with 3·3 septa, and chlamydospores; only one isolate lacked perithecia. Phylogenetic trees of the ITS region and EF-1α gene showed that isolates from YPF formed a distinct group within the F. solani group and the formae speciales of F. solani. It is proposed to name all isolates from YPF as F. solani f. sp. passiflorae. © 2013 British Society for Plant Pathology.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Microbiologia Aplicada) - IBRC


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A cultura de pimenta do reino (Piper nigrum L.) é uma das principais atividades agrícolas no estado do Pará e sofre sérios danos ocasionados pela fusariose, doença restrita ao Brasil. O presente trabalho avaliou a atividade antifúngica in vitro de óleos essenciais de espécies de Piper ricos em fenilpropanóides frente a Fusarium solani f. sp. piperis, agente causal da fusariose. A inibição do crescimento micelial pelo método de difusão em Agar na concentração de 5 mg.Ml-1 foi considerada: baixa para P. aduncum (20,3%) e P. krukoffii (31,4%); moderada para P. callosum (55,7%) e P. marginatum (70,3%) e alta para P. divaricatum (93,3%). Os componentes majoritários identificados por CG-EM foram: dilapiol (92,0%), safrol (78,0%), metileugenol (75,2%) e eugenol (7,9%), apiol (80,0%), Z-isoosmorizol (44,0%) e E-anetol (22,0%), respectivamente. O óleo de P. divaricatum e seus compostos majoritários apresentaram valores CIM de 0,75 mg.mL-1. A avaliação dos efeitos combinados do eugenol e metileugenol apontou o eugenol como principal responsável pela atividade.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)