954 resultados para Fundamental movement skills


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Despite being largely characterised as a social and cognitive disorder, strong evidence indicates the presence of significant sensory-motor problems in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This paper outlines our progression from initial, broad assessment using the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (M-ABC) to subsequent targeted kinematic assessment. In particular, pronounced ASD impairment seen in the broad categories of manual dexterity and ball skills was found to be routed in specific difficulties on isolated tasks, which were translated into focused experimental assessment. Kinematic results from both subsequent studies highlight impaired use of perception-action coupling to guide, adapt and tailor movement to task demands, resulting in inflexible and rigid motor profiles. In particular difficulties with the use of temporal adaption are shown, with "hyperdexterity" witnessed in ballistic movement profiles, often at the cost of spatial accuracy and task performance. By linearly progressing from the use of a standardised assessment tool to targeted kinematic assessment, clear and defined links are drawn between measureable difficulties and underlying sensory-motor assessment. Results are specifically viewed in-light of perception-action coupling and its role in early infant development suggesting that rather than being 'secondary' level impairment, sensory-motor problems may be fundamental in the progression of ASD. This logical and systematic process thus allows a further understanding into the potential route of observable motor problems in ASD; a vital step if underlying motor problems are to be considered a fundamental aspect of autism and allow a route of non-invasive preliminary diagnosis.


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Building upon recent studies by geographers and social scientists on the everyday practices of (scientific) observation, this paper focuses on the role of two distinct, yet similar organisations that held observation as an essential and 'automatic' embodied skill. Utilising the examples of Home Guard camouflage and the Boy Scout Movement, the paper critically examines how these organisations sought to articulate the individual as both observer and observed, thereby exposing a much more complex entanglement of different visual positions and practices hitherto neglected in studies of observation. Moreover, the paper emphasises the importance of the act of 'not-being-seen' as a complementary and fundamental aspect of (non-)observational practice, accentuated and promoted by civic institutions in terms of duty and responsibility. Finally, the paper considers the evolutionary aspects of observation through the lifecourse, revealing a complex, relational geography of expertise, experience and skill that crossed age-distinctions. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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This article will analyze the interplay between capital movements and trade
in services as structured in World Trade Organization (WTO) law, and it will
assess the implications of the capital account liberalization for the freedom of
WTO Members to pursue their economic policies. Although the movement
of capital is largely confined to the domain of international financial or monetary
policy, it is regulated by WTO law due to its role in the process of
financial services liberalization, which generally requires liberalized capital
flows. From a legal perspective, the interplay between capital movements
and trade in services requires striking a delicate balance between the right
of market access and the parallel right of economic stability. Indeed, a liberalized
regime for capital movements could pose serious stability problems
during times of crisis. For this reason, it is necessary that Members are able
to derogate from their obligations and adopt emergency measures.
Regulating the movement of capital in the General Agreement on Trade in
Services (GATS) requires stretching the regulatory oversight of WTO law
over different aspects of international economic policy. Indeed, capital movements are a fundamental component of the balance of payments and have a
major role in shaping monetary, fiscal, and financial policies. This article will
analyze how the discipline provided by the GATS on capital movements will
affect not only trade in services, but also the Members’ policy space on
monetary and fiscal policy. The article will conclude that while the GATS offers enough policy space for the maintenance of financial stability, it does
not fully take into consideration the need of Members to control capital
movements in order to conduct monetary policies.


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A prestação de cuidados de saúde coloca os novos enfermeiros face a situações complexas que exigem a mobilização de um conjunto de saberes próprios a fim de poderem responder de modo eficaz à diversidade, imprevisibilidade e singularidade de cada situação da prática clínica. Os ensinos clínicos são momentos determinantes na formação dos enfermeiros, pois são simultaneamente momentos de transformação de saberes, de aquisição da profissionalidade e de desenvolvimento de perfis de competências. Estas três dimensões fomentam a consciencialização do estudante para assumir novos papéis, através do confronto com situações concretas de saúde e de doença. É também neste confronto com as situações reais que surgem conflitos que envolvem valores, atitudes e emoções. Trata-se de momentos difíceis, geradores de stress, mas de importância fundamental para o desenvolvimento do processo de pensamento e construção do juízo ético. Analisar o processo global de construção do pensamento ético como sistema de desenvolvimento humano nos estudantes de enfermagem, contribuindo para a construção de saberes dirigidos para as estratégias que poderão influenciar a aprendizagem da ética no contexto da formação inicial dos enfermeiros, foi a nossa principal preocupação. Realizamos um estudo etnográfico, tipo estudo de caso, inserido numa metodologia multimétodo (quantitativa e qualitativa), na Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto. A investigação decorreu em três tempos distintos. Num primeiro momento, foi identificada a orientação moral dos estudantes através da aplicação de um questionário (EPQ); num segundo tempo, foi efectuada uma observação participante no sentido de identificar as formas de pensamento dos estudantes e os factores que as influenciaram ou dificultaram; num terceiro momento, foram realizadas entrevistas de forma a clarificar e aprofundar as informações recolhidas. No tratamento da informação emergiram seis dimensões de análise (contexto da prática, trajectórias da aprendizagem, influência dos modelos da prática, dinâmicas de tutoria - supervisão - e desafios de ordem ética) que nos permitiram compreender a natureza das situações éticas e os padrões de resposta dos estudantes face a essas situações, a influência do ensino da ética e também os factores influenciadores das formas de pensamento ético. A análise dos resultados revelou que, ao longo do curso de enfermagem, os estudantes desenvolvem o seu pensamento ético numa interacção recíproca de si próprios como pessoas activas (estudante) e o ambiente (contexto), onde se encontram em permanente crescimento (desenvolvimento humano), sendo que o ambiente se encontra também em constante transformação. Isto ocorre num movimento crescente, que se inicia com o “aprender a pensar” através do conhecimento acumulado (saber teórico) que lhes permite desenvolver uma actuação através do “aprender fazendo” (saber prático) de modo a atingirem com sucesso a transição para o mundo do trabalho. Tal como qualquer outro processo, o desenvolvimento do pensamento acontece em paralelo com a construção da aprendizagem, segundo etapas ou fases, que caracterizamos como: maturação, consolidação e autonomização. Ao longo do trabalho foram identificados aspectos fundamentais que carecem de reflexão e mudança nos contextos da formação inicial dos enfermeiros, cuja influência é preponderante no desenvolvimento do pensamento ético, dos quais salientamos: a nível da formação (contextos de ensino, processos supervisivos e formação de supervisores) e a nível do currículo (Plano de Estudos).


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Supervisionada, Educação (Mestrado em Ensino de História e Geografia no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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Manpower is a basic resource. It is the indispensable means of converting other resources to mankind '.s use and benefit. As a process· of increasing the knowledge, skills, and dexterity of the people of a society, manpower development is the most fundamental means of enabling a nation to acquire the capacities to bring about its desired future state of affairs -- a more mighty and wealthier nation. Singapore's brief nation-building history justifies the emphasis accorded to the importance of good quality human resources and manpower development in economic and socio-political developments. As a tiny island-state with a poor natural resource base, Singapore's long-term survival and development depend ultimately upon the quality and the creative energy of her people. In line with the nation-building goals and strategies of the Republic, as conditioned by her objective setting, Singapore's basic manpower development premise has been one of "quality and not quantity". While implementing the "stop-at-two" family planning and population control programs and the relevant immigration measures to guard against the prospect of a "population explosion", the Government has energetically fostered various educational programs, including vocational training schemes, adult education programs, the youth movement, and the national service scheme to improve the quality of Singaporeans. There is no denying that some of the manpower development measures taken by the Government have imposed sacrifice and hardship on the Singapore citizens. Nevertheless, they are the basic conditions for the island-Republic's long-term survival and development. It is essential iii to note that Singapore's continuing existence and phenomenal-success are largely attributable to the will, capacities and efforts of her leaders and people. In the final analysis, the wealth and the strength of a nation are based upon its ability to conserve, develop and utilize effectively the innate capacities of its people. This is true not only of Singapore but necessarily of other developing nations. It can be safely presumed that since most developing states' concerns about the quality of their human resources and the progress of their nation-building work are inextricably bound to those about the quantity of their population, the "quality and not quantity" motto of Singapore's manpower development programs can also be their guiding principle.


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Unique in Canada, is a university based movement program offered to children aged 1-12 which is diverse and inclusive in its design to foster healthy physical, cognitive, affective and social development. The purpose of this study is to investigate how children's involvement in a weekly movement education program influences their social development. The primary-aged children involved in this research are participants in the university based Saturday morning program, The Children's Movement Program (CMP), in which creative dance, educational gymnastics and developmental games are employed to enhance optimal development. The 15 participants were systematically observed for 8 weeks as they naturally engaged in the program's activities. Interviews were conducted with both children and their caregivers throughout the duration of the program. Particular attention was paid to the perceptions of caregivers regarding the advantages of a program based upon principles of movement education. Results indicate that participation in the program increases children's opportunity to interact socially and address ways in which program content, pedagogy and context encourage social development. A figure was developed with these components to assist teachers in creating inclusive and meaningful movement experiences. 'Content' is referred to as the material to be learned or the desired outcome for the learner. 'Pedagogy' refers to the process in which the student will engage and 'Context' refers to the environment in which the experience occurs (eg. skating rink with playground balls). It is recommended that each is thoroughly addressed individually for its potential in lesson design.


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L’observation d’un modèle pratiquant une habileté motrice promeut l’apprentissage de l’habileté en question. Toutefois, peu de chercheurs se sont attardés à étudier les caractéristiques d’un bon modèle et à mettre en évidence les conditions d’observation pouvant optimiser l’apprentissage. Dans les trois études composant cette thèse, nous avons examiné les effets du niveau d’habileté du modèle, de la latéralité du modèle, du point de vue auquel l’observateur est placé, et du mode de présentation de l’information sur l’apprentissage d’une tâche de timing séquentielle composée de quatre segments. Dans la première expérience de la première étude, les participants observaient soit un novice, soit un expert, soit un novice et un expert. Les résultats des tests de rétention et de transfert ont révélé que l’observation d’un novice était moins bénéfique pour l’apprentissage que le fait d’observer un expert ou une combinaison des deux (condition mixte). Par ailleurs, il semblerait que l’observation combinée de modèles novice et expert induise un mouvement plus stable et une meilleure généralisation du timing relatif imposé comparativement aux deux autres conditions. Dans la seconde expérience, nous voulions déterminer si un certain type de performance chez un novice (très variable, avec ou sans amélioration de la performance) dans l’observation d’une condition mixte amenait un meilleur apprentissage de la tâche. Aucune différence significative n’a été observée entre les différents types de modèle novices employés dans l’observation de la condition mixte. Ces résultats suggèrent qu’une observation mixte fournit une représentation précise de ce qu’il faut faire (modèle expert) et que l’apprentissage est d’autant plus amélioré lorsque l’apprenant peut contraster cela avec la performance de modèles ayant moins de succès. Dans notre seconde étude, des participants droitiers devaient observer un modèle à la première ou à la troisième personne. L’observation d’un modèle utilisant la même main préférentielle que soi induit un meilleur apprentissage de la tâche que l’observation d’un modèle dont la dominance latérale est opposée à la sienne, et ce, quel que soit l’angle d’observation. Ce résultat suggère que le réseau d’observation de l’action (AON) est plus sensible à la latéralité du modèle qu’à l’angle de vue de l’observateur. Ainsi, le réseau d’observation de l’action semble lié à des régions sensorimotrices du cerveau qui simulent la programmation motrice comme si le mouvement observé était réalisé par sa propre main dominante. Pour finir, dans la troisième étude, nous nous sommes intéressés à déterminer si le mode de présentation (en direct ou en vidéo) influait sur l’apprentissage par observation et si cet effet est modulé par le point de vue de l’observateur (première ou troisième personne). Pour cela, les participants observaient soit un modèle en direct soit une présentation vidéo du modèle et ceci avec une vue soit à la première soit à la troisième personne. Nos résultats ont révélé que l’observation ne diffère pas significativement selon le type de présentation utilisée ou le point de vue auquel l’observateur est placé. Ces résultats sont contraires aux prédictions découlant des études d’imagerie cérébrale ayant montré une activation plus importante du cortex sensorimoteur lors d’une observation en direct comparée à une observation vidéo et de la première personne comparée à la troisième personne. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats indiquent que le niveau d’habileté du modèle et sa latéralité sont des déterminants importants de l’apprentissage par observation alors que le point de vue de l’observateur et le moyen de présentation n’ont pas d’effets significatifs sur l’apprentissage d’une tâche motrice. De plus, nos résultats suggèrent que la plus grande activation du réseau d’observation de l’action révélée par les études en imagerie mentale durant l’observation d’une action n’induit pas nécessairement un meilleur apprentissage de la tâche.


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El propósito de esta investigación es explorar los efectos del liderazgo carismático religioso sobre el desempeño electoral y la supervivencia del movimiento político MIRA en Colombia. Para ello, emplea una metodología cualitativa, que se vale principalmente de entrevistas a profundidad y observación no participante, para acercarse a las prácticas religiosas y a las actitudes políticas de los fieles de la Iglesia de Dios Ministerial de Jesucristo Internacional. A partir de la información recabada a lo largo de este estudio, se pretende demostrar que hay una relación entre el tamaño de la congregación religiosa y el número de votos que obtiene el movimiento MIRA. Ello, gracias a que el papel que María Luisa Piraquive desempeña dentro de la comunidad religiosa contribuye a la legitimación del accionar del movimiento político y al surgimiento de un voluntariado activo dentro de este, que se comporta disciplinada y comprometidamente con los objetivos de dicha organización.


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Investigar a práxis docente no contexto escolar nos permite uma reflexão sobre os tipos de estruturas de aprendizagem utilizadas na educação e suas implicações para o conhecimento, visto que dentre os aspectos do conceito de práxis que trazem contribuições significativas para a área educacional está a concepção de que a práxis busca o movimento, a transformação e, por isso é essencialmente dinâmica. Esta proposta de investigação aborda especialmente a prática educativa desenvolvida no 1º ano do ensino fundamental, buscando detectar as concepções que a fundamentam no processo de ensino aprendizagem da criança de seis anos que se encontra em estágio inicial de escolarização, caracterizando-se, dessa forma, em uma pesquisa de natureza empírica e de caráter descritivo com uso da abordagem qualiquantitativa. O estudo foi organizado em quatro capítulos: o primeiro faz referência à trajetória do ensino fundamental no Brasil; o segundo é um breve estudo sobre a história e contextos da formação de professores; o terceiro faz uma análise da práxis docente no cotidiano escolar; e o quarto capítulo descreve os motivos que levaram à pesquisa e a metodologia construída para a coleta, análise e discussão dos dados obtidos, permitindo-nos refletir se a práxis docente no primeiro ano do ensino fundamental em escolas da rede pública de Manaus é condizente com o perfil da criança de seis anos.


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O presente trabalho de pesquisa visa Identificar as práticas de ensino de Matemática desenvolvidas por educadores do 4º e 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental que favoreçam a construção de habilidades e competências em seus educandos. Questões relacionadas com o baixo desempenho, má fama da disciplina, a abordagem superficial e mecânica realizada pela escola, são aspectos considerados relevantes que possibilitam ampliar conhecimentos no ensino de Matemática que cronologicamente passa por transformações. Nesta perspectiva, o referido estudo, questiona: quais os fatores que emergem da prática do ensino da Matemática, desenvolvida por educadores do 4º e 5º ano do Ensino fundamental, que favorecem a aquisição de habilidades e competências nos educandos e como os docentes percebem a importância dos fatores identificados? A pesquisa tem como instrumentos para coleta de dados: observação direta e questionário com educadores. Para trabalhar o tema proposto, utilizaremos um diálogo entre diversos autores como: D’Ambrosio (2005), Caraça (1978), Carraher (1993), Bandura (2008) e Perrenoud (1997). As conclusões demonstraram ainda que o ensino da Matemática deve ser trabalhado no contexto da realidade dos educandos. Assim, constatou-se que suas tendências atuais vão em direção de buscar a vinculação prática entre o que ocorre na sala de aula e fora dela.


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Fundamental nutrition seeks to describe the complex biochemical reactions involved in assimilation and processing of nutrients by various tissues and organs, and to quantify nutrient movement (flux) through those processes. Over the last 25 yr, considerable progress has been made in increasing our understanding of metabolism in dairy cattle. Major advances have been made at all levels of biological organization, including the whole animal, organ systems, tissues, cells, and molecules. At the whole-animal level, progress has been made in delineating metabolism during late pregnancy and the transition to lactation, as well as in whole-body use of energy-yielding substrates and amino acids for growth in young calves. An explosion of research using multicatheterization techniques has led to better quantitative descriptions of nutrient use by tissues of the portal-drained viscera (digestive tract, pancreas, and associated adipose tissues) and liver. Isolated tissue preparations have provided important information on the interrelationships among glucose, fatty acid, and amino acid metabolism in liver, adipose tissue, and mammary gland, as well as the regulation of these pathways during different physiological states. Finally, the last 25 yr has witnessed the birth of "molecular biology" approaches to understanding fundamental nutrition. Although measurements of mRNA abundance for proteins of interest already have provided new insights into regulation of metabolism, the next 25 yr will likely see remarkable advances as these techniques continue to be applied to problems of dairy cattle biology. Integration of the "omics" technologies (functional genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics) with measurements of tissue metabolism obtained by other methods is a particularly exciting prospect for the future. The result should be improved animal health and well being, more efficient dairy production, and better models to predict nutritional requirements and provide rations to meet those requirements.


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Despite ample research into the language skills of children with specific reading disorder no studies so far have investigated whether there may be a difference between expressive and receptive language skills in this population. Yet, neuro-anatomical models would predict that children who have specific reading disorder which is not associated with movement or attention difficulties, would have lower receptive language skills than expressive. This study investigates the difference between expressive and receptive language skills in a sample of 17 children with specific reading difficulty aged between 7 and 12 years. They were administered a battery of two receptive and two expressive language measures. The results showed that as the neuro-anatomical model would predict, the children scored significantly lower on tests of receptive than on tests of expressive language skills.


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The Court of Justice has, over the years, often been vilified for exceeding the limits of its jurisdiction by interpreting the provisions of Community legislation in a way not seem originally envisaged by its drafters. A recent example of this approach was a cluster of cases in the context of the free movement of workers and the freedom of establishment (Ritter-Coulais and its progeny), where the Court included within the scope of those provisions situations which, arguably, did not present a sufficient link with their (economic) aim. In particular, in that case law the Court accepted that the mere exercise of free movement for the purpose of taking up residence in the territory of another Member State whilst continuing to exercise an economic activity in the State of origin, suffices for bringing a Member State national within the scope of Articles 39 and 43 EC. It is argued that the most plausible explanation for this approach is that the Court now wishes to re-read the economic fundamental freedoms in such a way as to include within their scope all economically active Union citizens, irrespective of whether their situation presents a sufficient link with the exercise of an economic activity in a cross-border context. It is suggested that this approach is problematic for a number of reasons. It is, therefore, concluded that the Court should revert to its orthodox approach, according to which only situations that involve Union citizens who have moved between Member States for the purpose of taking up an economic activity should be included within the scope of the market freedoms.