944 resultados para Front faces


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We review the progress in the field of front propagation in recent years. We survey many physical, biophysical and cross-disciplinary applications, including reduced-variable models of combustion flames, Reid's paradox of rapid forest range expansions, the European colonization of North America during the 19th century, the Neolithic transition in Europe from 13 000 to 5000 years ago, the description of subsistence boundaries, the formation of cultural boundaries, the spread of genetic mutations, theory and experiments on virus infections, models of cancer tumors, etc. Recent theoretical advances are unified in a single framework, encompassing very diverse systems such as those with biased random walks, distributed delays, sequential reaction and dispersion, cohabitation models, age structure and systems with several interacting species. Directions for future progress are outlined


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The main objective of the proposed study is to use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools to determine the wind loads by accurate numerical simulations of air flow characteristics around large highway sign structures under severe wind speeds conditions. Fully three-dimensional Reynolds- Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations are used to estimate the total force on different panels, as well as the actual pressure distribution on the front and back faces of the panels. In particular, the present study investigates the effects of aspect ratio and sign spacing for regular panels, the effect of sign depth for the dynamic message signs that are now being used on Iowa highways, the effect induced by the presence of back-to-back signs, the effect of the presence of add-on exit signs, and the effect of the presence of trucks underneath the signs potentially creating “wind tunnel” effect.


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The recognition that nutrients have the ability to interact and modulate molecular mechanisms underlying an organism's physiological functions has prompted a revolution in the field of nutrition. Performing population-scaled epidemiological studies in the absence of genetic knowledge may result in erroneous scientific conclusions and misinformed nutritional recommendations. To circumvent such issues and more comprehensively probe the relationship between genes and diet, the field of nutrition has begun to capitalize on both the technologies and supporting analytical software brought forth in the post-genomic era. The creation of nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics, two fields with distinct approaches to elucidate the interaction between diet and genes but with a common ultimate goal to optimize health through the personalization of diet, provide powerful approaches to unravel the complex relationship between nutritional molecules, genetic polymorphisms, and the biological system as a whole. Reluctance to embrace these new fields exists primarily due to the fear that producing overwhelming quantities of biological data within the confines of a single study will submerge the original query; however, the current review aims to position nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics as the emerging faces of nutrition that, when considered with more classical approaches, will provide the necessary stepping stones to achieve the ambitious goal of optimizing an individual's health via nutritional intervention.


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Purpose: Neuroblastoma represents 8 to 10% of all pediatric tumors and account for 15% of cancer deaths in children. Neuroblastoma may arise anywhere sympathetic tissue is present and its clinical presentation may be very variable. Therefore, a significant number of unusual tumor presentation and imaging findings are possible.The purpose of this pictorial essay is to review the unusual imaging findings of neuroblastoma. Methods and materials: We retrospectively revised the 25 cases f neuroblastoma detected and treated at our institution in the last 3 years and selected those cases with atypical imaging findings at the initial diagnosis and the follow-up studies. Results: A significant number of our studies showed atypical imaging findings concerning the site of origin, the initial characteristics and extension of the primary tumor or the site of metastasis. Conclusion: The variability of origin and the changing clinical evolution of neuroblastoma may originate a wide spectrum of unusual imaging findings, which should be recognized to allow a correct diagnosis.


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We review the progress in the field of front propagation in recent years. We survey many physical, biophysical and cross-disciplinary applications, including reduced-variable models of combustion flames, Reid's paradox of rapid forest range expansions, the European colonization of North America during the 19th century, the Neolithic transition in Europe from 13 000 to 5000 years ago, the description of subsistence boundaries, the formation of cultural boundaries, the spread of genetic mutations, theory and experiments on virus infections, models of cancer tumors, etc. Recent theoretical advances are unified in a single framework, encompassing very diverse systems such as those with biased random walks, distributed delays, sequential reaction and dispersion, cohabitation models, age structure and systems with several interacting species. Directions for future progress are outlined


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A unified and general vision of different space-time processors is presented. Many popular receivers can beaccomodated, like V-RAKE receivers, weighted V-RAKE, or spatial narrowband beamforming. By makingappropriate assumptions on the space/time characteristic of the interference it is possible to enhance theperformance of the receiver through spatial/temporal pre-processors. These receivers will be tested in the FDDmode of UTRA.


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Combustion of wood is increasing because of the needs of decreasing the emissions of carbon dioxide and the amount of waste going to landfills. Wood based fuels are often scattered on a large area. The transport distances should be short enough to prevent too high costs, and so the size of heating and power plants using wood fuels is often rather small. Combustion technologies of small-size units have to be developed to reach efficient and environmentally friendly energy production. Furnaces that use different packed bed combustion or gasification techniques areoften most economic in small-scale energy production. Ignition front propagation rate affects the stability, heat release rate and emissions of packed bed combustion. Ignition front propagation against airflow in packed beds of wood fuels has been studied. The research has been carried out mainly experimentally. Theoretical aspects have been considered to draw conclusions about the experimental results. The effects of airflow rate, moisture content of the fuel, size, shape and density of particles, and porosity of the bed on the propagation rate of the ignition front have been studied. The experiments were carried out in a pot furnace. The fuels used in the experiments were mainly real wood fuels that are often burned in the production of energy. The fuel types were thin wood chips, saw dust, shavings, wood chips, and pellets with different sizes. Also a few mixturesof the above were tested. Increase in the moisture content of the fuel decreases the propagation rates of the ignition front and makes the range of possible airflow rates narrower because of the energy needed for the evaporation of water and the dilution of volatile gases due to evaporated steam. Increase in the airflow rate increases the ignition rate until a maximum rate of propagation is reached after which it decreases. The maximum flame propagation rate is not always reached in stoichiometric combustion conditions. Increase in particle size and density transfers the optimum airflow rate towards fuel lean conditions. Mixing of small and large particles is often advantageous, because small particles make itpossible to reach the maximum ignition rate in fuel rich conditions, and large particles widen the range of possible airflow rates. A correlation was found forthe maximum rate of ignition front propagation in different wood fuels. According to the correlation, the maximum ignition mass flux is increased when the sphericity of the particles and the porosity of the bed are increased and the moisture content of the fuel is decreased. Another fit was found between sphericity and porosity. Increase in sphericity decreases the porosity of the bed. The reasons of the observed results are discussed.


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Helsinki : The Finnish Tourist Association 1926


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da variação diurna e sazonal dos fatores ambientais sobre a densidade de fluxo de seiva (DFS) e o potencial hídrico foliar (Ψf) nas faces leste e oeste da copa de laranjeiras 'Valência' em condições de sequeiro. Foram utilizadas três plantas para as avaliações, cujas linhas de plantio estavam orientadas no sentido norte-sul. As avaliações foram realizadas durante um dia, em cada época do ano: verão, outono, inverno e primavera. Os valores de potencial hídrico medidos antes do amanhecer variaram de -0,31 MPa, no dia 10-12-05, a -1,1 MPa, no dia 30-08-05, porém não houve diferença significativa entre as faces leste e oeste da copa. Já para o potencial hídrico medido às 14h 30, em todas as épocas avaliadas, a face oeste apresentou menores (p<0,05) valores que os da face leste, sendo que os mesmos variaram entre -0,95 e -1,89 MPa, verificados nos dias 10-12-05 e 30-08-05, respectivamente. A maior demanda evaporativa que se verifica no período da tarde, induz a maior déficit hídrico na face oeste da copa, independentemente da época do ano e, por consequência, maior DFS em plantas bem hidratadas sob condições de dias completamente ensolarados. Em plantas em condições de deficiência hídrica (indicada por baixos valores de Ψf), a face oeste é mais sensível a essa situação, apresentando redução de DFS. Essa redução ocorre no inverno, na região de Cordeirópolis (SP).