129 resultados para Fresnel diffration
Placing a plane mirror between the primary lens and the receiver in a Fresnel Köhler (FK) concentrator gives birth to a quite different CPV system where all the high-tech components sit on a common plane, that of the primary lens panels. The idea enables not only a thinner device (a half of the original) but also a low cost 1-step manufacturing process for the optics, automatic alignment of primary and secondary lenses, and cell/wiring protection. The concept is also compatible with two different techniques to increase the module efficiency: spectrum splitting between a 3J and a BPC Silicon cell for better usage of Direct Normal Irradiance DNI, and sky splitting to harvest the energy of the diffuse radiation and higher energy production throughout the year. Simple calculations forecast the module would convert 45% of the DNI into electricity.
Contribución a la caracterización espacial de canales con sistemas MIMO-OFDM en la banda de 2,45 Ghz
La tecnología de múltiples antenas ha evolucionado para dar soporte a los actuales y futuros sistemas de comunicaciones inalámbricas en su afán por proporcionar la calidad de señal y las altas tasas de transmisión que demandan los nuevos servicios de voz, datos y multimedia. Sin embargo, es fundamental comprender las características espaciales del canal radio, ya que son las características del propio canal lo que limita en gran medida las prestaciones de los sistemas de comunicación actuales. Por ello surge la necesidad de estudiar la estructura espacial del canal de propagación para poder diseñar, evaluar e implementar de forma más eficiente tecnologías multiantena en los actuales y futuros sistemas de comunicación inalámbrica. Las tecnologías multiantena denominadas antenas inteligentes y MIMO han generado un gran interés en el área de comunicaciones inalámbricas, por ejemplo los sistemas de telefonía celular o más recientemente en las redes WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network), principalmente por la mejora que proporcionan en la calidad de las señales y en la tasa de transmisión de datos, respectivamente. Las ventajas de estas tecnologías se fundamentan en el uso de la dimensión espacial para obtener ganancia por diversidad espacial, como ya sucediera con las tecnologías FDMA (Frequency Division Multiplexing Access), TDMA (Time Division Multiplexing Access) y CDMA (Code Division Multiplexing Access) para obtener diversidad en las dimensiones de frecuencia, tiempo y código, respectivamente. Esta Tesis se centra en estudiar las características espaciales del canal con sistemas de múltiples antenas mediante la estimación de los perfiles de ángulos de llegada (DoA, Direction-of- Arrival) considerando esquemas de diversidad en espacio, polarización y frecuencia. Como primer paso se realiza una revisión de los sistemas con antenas inteligentes y los sistemas MIMO, describiendo con detalle la base matemática que sustenta las prestaciones ofrecidas por estos sistemas. Posteriormente se aportan distintos estudios sobre la estimación de los perfiles de DoA de canales radio con sistemas multiantena evaluando distintos aspectos de antenas, algoritmos de estimación, esquemas de polarización, campo lejano y campo cercano de las fuentes. Así mismo, se presenta un prototipo de medida MIMO-OFDM-SPAA3D en la banda ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) de 2,45 Ghz, el cual está preparado para caracterizar experimentalmente el rendimiento de los sistemas MIMO, y para caracterizar espacialmente canales de propagación, considerando los esquemas de diversidad espacial, por polarización y frecuencia. Los estudios aportados se describen a continuación. Los sistemas de antenas inteligentes dependen en gran medida de la posición de los usuarios. Estos sistemas están equipados con arrays de antenas, los cuales aportan la diversidad espacial necesaria para obtener una representación espacial fidedigna del canal radio a través de los perfiles de DoA (DoA, Direction-of-Arrival) y por tanto, la posición de las fuentes de señal. Sin embargo, los errores de fabricación de arrays así como ciertos parámetros de señal conlleva un efecto negativo en las prestaciones de estos sistemas. Por ello se plantea un modelo de señal parametrizado que permite estudiar la influencia que tienen estos factores sobre los errores de estimación de DoA, tanto en acimut como en elevación, utilizando los algoritmos de estimación de DOA más conocidos en la literatura. A partir de las curvas de error, se pueden obtener parámetros de diseño para sistemas de localización basados en arrays. En un segundo estudio se evalúan esquemas de diversidad por polarización con los sistemas multiantena para mejorar la estimación de los perfiles de DoA en canales que presentan pérdidas por despolarización. Para ello se desarrolla un modelo de señal en array con sensibilidad de polarización que toma en cuenta el campo electromagnético de ondas planas. Se realizan simulaciones MC del modelo para estudiar el efecto de la orientación de la polarización como el número de polarizaciones usadas en el transmisor como en el receptor sobre la precisión en la estimación de los perfiles de DoA observados en el receptor. Además, se presentan los perfiles DoA obtenidos en escenarios quasiestáticos de interior con un prototipo de medida MIMO 4x4 de banda estrecha en la banda de 2,45 GHz, los cuales muestran gran fidelidad con el escenario real. Para la obtención de los perfiles DoA se propone un método basado en arrays virtuales, validado con los datos de simulación y los datos experimentales. Con relación a la localización 3D de fuentes en campo cercano (zona de Fresnel), se presenta un tercer estudio para obtener con gran exactitud la estructura espacial del canal de propagación en entornos de interior controlados (en cámara anecóica) utilizando arrays virtuales. El estudio analiza la influencia del tamaño del array y el diagrama de radiación en la estimación de los parámetros de localización proponiendo, para ello, un modelo de señal basado en un vector de enfoque de onda esférico (SWSV). Al aumentar el número de antenas del array se consigue reducir el error RMS de estimación y mejorar sustancialmente la representación espacial del canal. La estimación de los parámetros de localización se lleva a cabo con un nuevo método de búsqueda multinivel adaptativo, propuesto con el fin de reducir drásticamente el tiempo de procesado que demandan otros algoritmos multivariable basados en subespacios, como el MUSIC, a costa de incrementar los requisitos de memoria. Las simulaciones del modelo arrojan resultados que son validados con resultados experimentales y comparados con el límite de Cramer Rao en términos del error cuadrático medio. La compensación del diagrama de radiación acerca sustancialmente la exactitud de estimación de la distancia al límite de Cramer Rao. Finalmente, es igual de importante la evaluación teórica como experimental de las prestaciones de los sistemas MIMO-OFDM. Por ello, se presenta el diseño e implementación de un prototipo de medida MIMO-OFDM-SPAA3D autocalibrado con sistema de posicionamiento de antena automático en la banda de 2,45 Ghz con capacidad para evaluar la capacidad de los sistemas MIMO. Además, tiene la capacidad de caracterizar espacialmente canales MIMO, incorporando para ello una etapa de autocalibración para medir la respuesta en frecuencia de los transmisores y receptores de RF, y así poder caracterizar la respuesta de fase del canal con mayor precisión. Este sistema incorpora un posicionador de antena automático 3D (SPAA3D) basado en un scanner con 3 brazos mecánicos sobre los que se desplaza un posicionador de antena de forma independiente, controlado desde un PC. Este posicionador permite obtener una gran cantidad de mediciones del canal en regiones locales, lo cual favorece la caracterización estadística de los parámetros del sistema MIMO. Con este prototipo se realizan varias campañas de medida para evaluar el canal MIMO en términos de capacidad comparando 2 esquemas de polarización y tomando en cuenta la diversidad en frecuencia aportada por la modulación OFDM en distintos escenarios. ABSTRACT Multiple-antennas technologies have been evolved to be the support of the actual and future wireless communication systems in its way to provide the high quality and high data rates required by new data, voice and data services. However, it is important to understand the behavior of the spatial characteristics of the radio channel, since the channel by itself limits the performance of the actual wireless communications systems. This drawback raises the need to understand the spatial structure of the propagation channel in order to design, assess, and develop more efficient multiantenna technologies for the actual and future wireless communications systems. Multiantenna technologies such as ‘Smart Antennas’ and MIMO systems have generated great interest in the field of wireless communications, i.e. cellular communications systems and more recently WLAN (Wireless Local Area Networks), mainly because the higher quality and the high data rate they are able to provide. Their technological benefits are based on the exploitation of the spatial diversity provided by the use of multiple antennas as happened in the past with some multiaccess technologies such as FDMA (Frequency Division Multiplexing Access), TDMA (Time Division Multiplexing Access), and CDMA (Code Division Multiplexing Access), which give diversity in the domains of frequency, time and code, respectively. This Thesis is mainly focus to study the spatial channel characteristics using schemes of multiple antennas considering several diversity schemes such as space, polarization, and frequency. The spatial characteristics will be study in terms of the direction-of-arrival profiles viewed at the receiver side of the radio link. The first step is to do a review of the smart antennas and MIMO systems technologies highlighting their advantages and drawbacks from a mathematical point of view. In the second step, a set of studies concerning the spatial characterization of the radio channel through the DoA profiles are addressed. The performance of several DoA estimation methods is assessed considering several aspects regarding antenna array structure, polarization diversity, and far-field and near-field conditions. Most of the results of these studies come from simulations of data models and measurements with real multiantena prototypes. In the same way, having understand the importance of validate the theoretical data models with experimental results, a 2,4 GHz MIMO-OFDM-SPAA2D prototype is presented. This prototype is intended for evaluating MIMO-OFDM capacity in indoor and outdoor scenarios, characterize the spatial structure of radio channels, assess several diversity schemes such as polarization, space, and frequency diversity, among others aspects. The studies reported are briefly described below. As is stated in Chapter two, the determination of user position is a fundamental task to be resolved for the smart antenna systems. As these systems are equipped with antenna arrays, they can provide the enough spatial diversity to accurately draw the spatial characterization of the radio channel through the DoA profiles, and therefore the source location. However, certain real implementation factors related to antenna errors, signals, and receivers will certainly reduce the performance of such direction finding systems. In that sense, a parameterized narrowband signal model is proposed to evaluate the influence of these factors in the location parameter estimation through extensive MC simulations. The results obtained from several DoA algorithms may be useful to extract some parameter design for directing finding systems based on arrays. The second study goes through the importance that polarization schemes can have for estimating far-field DoA profiles in radio channels, particularly for scenarios that may introduce polarization losses. For this purpose, a narrowband signal model with polarization sensibility is developed to conduct an analysis of several polarization schemes at transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) through extensive MC simulations. In addition, spatial characterization of quasistatic indoor scenarios is also carried out using a 2.45 GHz MIMO prototype equipped with single and dual-polarized antennas. A good agreement between the measured DoA profiles with the propagation scenario is achieved. The theoretical and experimental evaluation of polarization schemes is performed using virtual arrays. In that case, a DoA estimation method is proposed based on adding an phase reference to properly track the DoA, which shows good results. In the third study, the special case of near-field source localization with virtual arrays is addressed. Most of DoA estimation algorithms are focused in far-field source localization where the radiated wavefronts are assume to be planar waves at the receive array. However, when source are located close to the array, the assumption of plane waves is no longer valid as the wavefronts exhibit a spherical behavior along the array. Thus, a faster and effective method of azimuth, elevation angles-of-arrival, and range estimation for near-field sources is proposed. The efficacy of the proposed method is evaluated with simulation and validated with measurements collected from a measurement campaign carried out in a controlled propagation environment, i.e. anechoic chamber. Moreover, the performance of the method is assessed in terms of the RMSE for several array sizes, several source positions, and taking into account the effect of radiation pattern. In general, better results are obtained with larger array and larger source distances. The effect of the antennas is included in the data model leading to more accurate results, particularly for range rather than for angle estimation. Moreover, a new multivariable searching method based on the MUSIC algorithm, called MUSA (multilevel MUSIC-based algorithm), is presented. This method is proposed to estimate the 3D location parameters in a faster way than other multivariable algorithms, such as MUSIC algorithm, at the cost of increasing the memory size. Finally, in the last chapter, a MIMO-OFDM-SPAA3D prototype is presented to experimentally evaluate different MIMO schemes regarding antennas, polarization, and frequency in different indoor and outdoor scenarios. The prototype has been developed on a Software-Defined Radio (SDR) platform. It allows taking measurements where future wireless systems will be developed. The novelty of this prototype is concerning the following 2 subsystems. The first one is the tridimensional (3D) antenna positioning system (SPAA3D) based on three linear scanners which is developed for making automatic testing possible reducing errors of the antenna array positioning. A set of software has been developed for research works such as MIMO channel characterization, MIMO capacity, OFDM synchronization, and so on. The second subsystem is the RF autocalibration module at the TX and RX. This subsystem allows to properly tracking the spatial structure of indoor and outdoor channels in terms of DoA profiles. Some results are draw regarding performance of MIMO-OFDM systems with different polarization schemes and different propagation environments.
El control, o cancelación activa de ruido, consiste en la atenuación del ruido presente en un entorno acústico mediante la emisión de una señal igual y en oposición de fase al ruido que se desea atenuar. La suma de ambas señales en el medio acústico produce una cancelación mutua, de forma que el nivel de ruido resultante es mucho menor al inicial. El funcionamiento de estos sistemas se basa en los principios de comportamiento de los fenómenos ondulatorios descubiertos por Augustin-Jean Fresnel, Christiaan Huygens y Thomas Young entre otros. Desde la década de 1930, se han desarrollado prototipos de sistemas de control activo de ruido, aunque estas primeras ideas eran irrealizables en la práctica o requerían de ajustes manuales cada poco tiempo que hacían inviable su uso. En la década de 1970, el investigador estadounidense Bernard Widrow desarrolla la teoría de procesado adaptativo de señales y el algoritmo de mínimos cuadrados LMS. De este modo, es posible implementar filtros digitales cuya respuesta se adapte de forma dinámica a las condiciones variables del entorno. Con la aparición de los procesadores digitales de señal en la década de 1980 y su evolución posterior, se abre la puerta para el desarrollo de sistemas de cancelación activa de ruido basados en procesado de señal digital adaptativo. Hoy en día, existen sistemas de control activo de ruido implementados en automóviles, aviones, auriculares o racks de equipamiento profesional. El control activo de ruido se basa en el algoritmo fxlms, una versión modificada del algoritmo LMS de filtrado adaptativo que permite compensar la respuesta acústica del entorno. De este modo, se puede filtrar una señal de referencia de ruido de forma dinámica para emitir la señal adecuada que produzca la cancelación. Como el espacio de cancelación acústica está limitado a unas dimensiones de la décima parte de la longitud de onda, sólo es viable la reducción de ruido en baja frecuencia. Generalmente se acepta que el límite está en torno a 500 Hz. En frecuencias medias y altas deben emplearse métodos pasivos de acondicionamiento y aislamiento, que ofrecen muy buenos resultados. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un sistema de cancelación activa de ruidos de carácter periódico, empleando para ello electrónica de consumo y un kit de desarrollo DSP basado en un procesador de muy bajo coste. Se han desarrollado una serie de módulos de código para el DSP escritos en lenguaje C, que realizan el procesado de señal adecuado a la referencia de ruido. Esta señal procesada, una vez emitida, produce la cancelación acústica. Empleando el código implementado, se han realizado pruebas que generan la señal de ruido que se desea eliminar dentro del propio DSP. Esta señal se emite mediante un altavoz que simula la fuente de ruido a cancelar, y mediante otro altavoz se emite una versión filtrada de la misma empleando el algoritmo fxlms. Se han realizado pruebas con distintas versiones del algoritmo, y se han obtenido atenuaciones de entre 20 y 35 dB medidas en márgenes de frecuencia estrechos alrededor de la frecuencia del generador, y de entre 8 y 15 dB medidas en banda ancha. ABSTRACT. Active noise control consists on attenuating the noise in an acoustic environment by emitting a signal equal but phase opposed to the undesired noise. The sum of both signals results in mutual cancellation, so that the residual noise is much lower than the original. The operation of these systems is based on the behavior principles of wave phenomena discovered by Augustin-Jean Fresnel, Christiaan Huygens and Thomas Young. Since the 1930’s, active noise control system prototypes have been developed, though these first ideas were practically unrealizable or required manual adjustments very often, therefore they were unusable. In the 1970’s, American researcher Bernard Widrow develops the adaptive signal processing theory and the Least Mean Squares algorithm (LMS). Thereby, implementing digital filters whose response adapts dynamically to the variable environment conditions, becomes possible. With the emergence of digital signal processors in the 1980’s and their later evolution, active noise cancellation systems based on adaptive signal processing are attained. Nowadays active noise control systems have been successfully implemented on automobiles, planes, headphones or racks for professional equipment. Active noise control is based on the fxlms algorithm, which is actually a modified version of the LMS adaptive filtering algorithm that allows compensation for the acoustic response of the environment. Therefore it is possible to dynamically filter a noise reference signal to obtain the appropriate cancelling signal. As the noise cancellation space is limited to approximately one tenth of the wavelength, noise attenuation is only viable for low frequencies. It is commonly accepted the limit of 500 Hz. For mid and high frequencies, conditioning and isolating passive techniques must be used, as they produce very good results. The objective of this project is to develop a noise cancellation system for periodic noise, by using consumer electronics and a DSP development kit based on a very-low-cost processor. Several C coded modules have been developed for the DSP, implementing the appropriate signal processing to the noise reference. This processed signal, once emitted, results in noise cancellation. The developed code has been tested by generating the undesired noise signal in the DSP. This signal is emitted through a speaker simulating the noise source to be removed, and another speaker emits an fxlms filtered version of the same signal. Several versions of the algorithm have been tested, obtaining attenuation levels around 20 – 35 dB measured in a tight bandwidth around the generator frequency, or around 8 – 15 dB measured in broadband.
En este proyecto se pretende estudiar el comportamiento de la luz al atravesar medios de diversos materiales, tanto isótropos como anisótropos uniáxicos. Para ello se requiere realizar un estudio previo de las condiciones de contorno aplicables a las ecuaciones de Maxwell en la interfase de dos medios que pueden ser isótropos o anisótropos. En el caso de dos materiales isótropos, la solución del problema son los conocidos coeficientes de Fresnel de reflexión y transmisión. En este trabajo se pretende generalizar el estudio al caso del paso de la luz desde un medio isótropo a otro anisótropo uniáxico (con su eje óptico en orientación arbitraria) y viceversa y al caso de dos materiales anisótropos uniáxicos con ejes ópticos en orientaciones arbitrarias. Es de especial interés el caso de un mismo material uniáxico en el que las dos partes tienen el eje óptico con distinta orientación. Una vez planteadas las condiciones de contorno específicas en cada caso, se obtendrá un conjunto de ecuaciones algebraicas cuya resolución permitirá obtener los coeficientes de reflexión y transmisión buscados. Para plantear el sistema de ecuaciones adecuado, será necesario tener una descripción de las características ópticas de los materiales empleados, la orientación de los ejes ópticos en cada caso, y los posibles ángulos de incidencia. Se realizará un tratamiento matricial de modo que el paquete MatLab permite su inversión de manera inmediata. Se desarrollará una interfaz sencilla, realizada con MatLab, que permita al usuario introducir sin dificultad los datos correspondientes a los materiales de los medios incidente y transmitido, la orientación en espacial del o de los ejes ópticos, de la longitud de onda de trabajo y del ángulo de incidencia del haz de luz, con los que la aplicación realizará los cálculos. Los coeficientes de reflexión y refracción obtenidos serán representados gráficamente en función del ángulo de incidencia. Así mismo se representarán los ángulos transmitidos y reflejados en función del de incidencia. Todo ello de esta forma, que resulte sencilla la interpretación de los datos por parte del usuario. ABSTRACT. The reason for this project is to study the behavior of light when light crosses different media of different materials, isotropic materials and uniaxial anisotropic materials. For this, a previous study is necessary where the boundary conditions apply to Maxwell equations at the interface between two media which can be isotropic and anisotropic. If both materials are isotropic, the Fresnel ccoefficients of reflection and refraction are used to solve the problem. The aim of this work is to generalize a study when light crosses from an isotropic media to a uniaxial anisotropic media, where its axis have arbitrary directions, and vicecersa. The system consisting of two materials with axis in arbitrary directions are also being studied. Once the specific boundary conditions are known in each case, a set of algebraic equations are obtained whose solution allows obtaining the reflection coefficients and refraction coefficients. It is necessary to have a description of the optical characteristics of the materials used; of the directions axis in each case and the possible angle of incidence. A matrix is proposed for later treatment in Matlab that allows the immediate inversion. A simple interface will de developed, manufactured with Matlab, that allows the user to enter data easily corresponding to the incident media and transmission media of the different materials, the special axis directions, the wavelength and the angle of incidence of the light beam. This data is used by the application to perform the necessary calculations to solve the problem. When reflection coefficients and refraction coefficients are obtained, the application draws the graphics in function of the angle of incidence. Also transmitted and reflected angles depending on the incidence are represented. This is to perform a data representation which is a simple interpretation of the user data.
Multijunction solar cells (MJSC) use anti-reflective coatings (ARC) to minimize Fresnel reflection losses for a family of light incidence angles. These coatings adapt the refractive index of the cell to that of the surrounding medium. Patterns with sizes in the range of the light wavelength can be used to further reduce reflections through diffraction. Transparent nanopatterns with a gradual profile, called moth-eye nanostructures, can adapt the refractive index of the optical interfaces (often with n∼1.5) used to encapsulate concentrator solar cells to that of the air (n air∼1). Here we show the effect of a nanometric moth-eye ARC with a round motif deposited on commercial MJSC that achieves short-circuit current (I SC) gains greater than 2% at normal incidence and even higher in the case of tilted illumination. In this work, MJSC with different moth-eye ARC are characterized under quantum efficiency (QE) as well as under concentrated illumination I-V in order to assess their potential. Simulations based on coupled wave analysis (RCWA) are used to fit the experimental results with successful results.
In this paper we propose a two-component polarimetric model for soil moisture estimation on vineyards suited for C-band radar data. According to a polarimetric analysis carried out here, this scenario is made up of one dominant direct return from the soil and a multiple scattering component accounting for disturbing and nonmodeled signal fluctuations from soil and short vegetation. We propose a combined X-Bragg/Fresnel approach to characterize the polarized direct response from soil. A validation of this polarimetric model has been performed in terms of its consistency with respect to the available data both from RADARSAT-2 and from indoor measurements. High inversion rates are reported for different phenological stages of vines, and the model gives a consistent interpretation of the data as long as the volume component power remains about or below 50% of the surface contribution power. However, the scarcity of soil moisture measurements in this study prevents the validation of the algorithm in terms of the accuracy of soil moisture retrieval and an extensive campaign is required to fully demonstrate the validity of the model. Different sources of mismatches between the model and the data have been also discussed and analyzed.
Limit of resolution.--The double slit.--The Fresnel mirrors.--The Fresnel bi-prism.--The Michelson interferometer.--The visibility curves.--The prism spectrometer.--Total reflection.--The diffraction grating.--The concave grating.--Polarized light.--Rotation of the plane of polarization.--Elliptically polarized light.--The reflection of polarized light from homogeneous transparent substances.--Metallic reflection.--The spectrophotometer.--The development of optical theory.--The trend of modern optics.--Appendix.
Mode of access: Internet.
"Signé, Poisson, Lefèvre-Gineau, Girard, Dulong, Fresnel, et Gay-Lussac, rapporteur"--p. 51.
Since 1996 direct femtosecond inscription in transparent dielectrics has become the subject of intensive research. This enabling technology significantly expands the technological boundaries for direct fabrication of 3D structures in a wide variety of materials. It allows modification of non-photosensitive materials, which opens the door to numerous practical applications. In this work we explored the direct femtosecond inscription of waveguides and demonstrated at least one order of magnitude enhancement in the most critical parameter - the induced contrast of the refractive index in a standard borosilicate optical glass. A record high induced refractive contrast of 2.5×10-2 is demonstrated. The waveguides fabricated possess one of the lowest losses, approaching level of Fresnel reflection losses at the glassair interface. High refractive index contrast allows the fabrication of curvilinear waveguides with low bend losses. We also demonstrated the optimisation of the inscription regimes in BK7 glass over a broad range of experimental parameters and observed a counter-intuitive increase of the induced refractive index contrast with increasing translation speed of a sample. Examples of inscription in a number of transparent dielectrics hosts using high repetition rate fs laser system (both glasses and crystals) are also presented. Sub-wavelength scale periodic inscription inside any material often demands supercritical propagation regimes, when pulse peak power is more than the critical power for selffocusing, sometimes several times higher than the critical power. For a sub-critical regime, when the pulse peak power is less than the critical power for self-focusing, we derive analytic expressions for Gaussian beam focusing in the presence of Kerr non-linearity as well as for a number of other beam shapes commonly used in experiments, including astigmatic and ring-shaped ones. In the part devoted to the fabrication of periodic structures, we report on recent development of our point-by-point method, demonstrating the shortest periodic perturbation created in the bulk of a pure fused silica sample, by using third harmonics (? =267 nm) of fundamental laser frequency (? =800 nm) and 1 kHz femtosecond laser system. To overcome the fundamental limitations of the point-by-point method we suggested and experimentally demonstrated the micro-holographic inscription method, which is based on using the combination of a diffractive optical element and standard micro-objectives. Sub-500 nm periodic structures with a much higher aspect ratio were demonstrated. From the applications point of view, we demonstrate examples of photonics devices by direct femtosecond fabrication method, including various vectorial bend-sensors fabricated in standard optical fibres, as well as a highly birefringent long-period gratings by direct modulation method. To address the intrinsic limitations of femtosecond inscription at very shallow depths we suggested the hybrid mask-less lithography method. The method is based on precision ablation of a thin metal layer deposited on the surface of the sample to create a mask. After that an ion-exchange process in the melt of Ag-containing salts allows quick and low-cost fabrication of shallow waveguides and other components of integrated optics. This approach covers the gap in direct fs inscription of shallow waveguide. Perspectives and future developments of direct femtosecond micro-fabrication are also discussed.
We have simulated the performance of various apertures used in Coded Aperture Imaging - optically. Coded pictures of extended and continuous-tone planar objects from the Annulus, Twin Annulus, Fresnel Zone Plate and the Uniformly Redundant Array have been decoded using a noncoherent correlation process. We have compared the tomographic capabilities of the Twin Annulus with the Uniformly Redundant Arrays based on quadratic residues and m-sequences. We discuss the ways of reducing the 'd. c.' background of the various apertures used. The non-ideal System-Point-Spread-Function inherent in a noncoherent optical correlation process produces artifacts in the reconstruction. Artifacts are also introduced as a result of unwanted cross-correlation terms from out-of-focus planes. We find that the URN based on m-sequences exhibits good spatial resolution and out-of-focus behaviour when imaging extended objects.
This study of concentrating solar thermal power generation sets out to evaluate the main existing collection technologies using the framework of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). It encompasses parabolic troughs, heliostat fields, linear Fresnel reflectors, parabolic dishes, compound parabolic concentrators and linear Fresnel lenses. These technologies are compared based on technical, economic and environmental criteria. Within these three categories, numerous sub-criteria are identified; similarly sub-alternatives are considered for each technology. A literature review, thermodynamic calculations and an expert workshop have been used to arrive at quantitative and qualitative assessments. The methodology is applied principally to a case study in Gujarat in north-west India, though case studies based on the Sahara Desert, Southern Spain and California are included for comparison. A sensitivity analysis is carried out for Gujarat. The study concludes that the linear Fresnel lens with a secondary compound parabolic collector, or the parabolic dish reflector, is the preferred technology for north-west India.
Desalination of groundwater is essential in arid regions that are remote from both seawater and freshwater resources. Desirable features of a groundwater desalination system include a high recovery ratio, operation from a sustainable energy source such as solar, and high water output per unit of energy and land. Here we propose a new system that uses a solar-Rankine cycle to drive reverse osmosis (RO). The working fluid such as steam is expanded against a power piston that actuates a pump piston which in turn pressurises the saline water thus passing it through RO membranes. A reciprocating crank mechanism is used to equalise the forces between the two pistons. The choice of batch mode in preference to continuous flow permits maximum energy recovery and minimal concentration polarisation in the vicinity of the RO membrane. This study analyses the sizing and efficiency of the crank mechanism, quantifies energy losses in the RO separation and predicts the overall performance. For example, a system using a field of linear Fresnel collectors occupying 1000 m2 of land and raising steam at 200 °C and 15.5 bar could desalinate 350 m3/day from saline water containing 5000 ppm of sodium chloride with a recovery ratio of 0.7.
Three novel solar thermal collector concepts derived from the Linear Fresnel Reflector (LFR) are developed and evaluated through a multi-criteria decision-making methodology, comprising the following techniques: Quality Function Deployment (QFD), the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Pugh selection matrix. Criteria are specified by technical and customer requirements gathered from Gujarat, India. The concepts are compared to a standard LFR for reference, and as a result, a novel 'Elevation Linear Fresnel Reflector' (ELFR) concept using elevating mirrors is selected. A detailed version of this concept is proposed and compared against two standard LFR configurations, one using constant and the other using variable horizontal mirror spacing. Annual performance is analysed for a typical meteorological year. Financial assessment is made through the construction of a prototype. The novel LFR has an annual optical efficiency of 49% and increases exergy by 13-23%. Operational hours above a target temperature of 300 C are increased by 9-24%. A 17% reduction in land usage is also achievable. However, the ELFR suffers from additional complexity and a 16-28% increase in capital cost. It is concluded that this novel design is particularly promising for industrial applications and locations with restricted land availability or high land costs. The decision analysis methodology adopted is considered to have a wider potential for applications in the fields of renewable energy and sustainable design. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This thesis examined solar thermal collectors for use in alternative hybrid solar-biomass power plant applications in Gujarat, India. Following a preliminary review, the cost-effective selection and design of the solar thermal field were identified as critical factors underlying the success of hybrid plants. Consequently, the existing solar thermal technologies were reviewed and ranked for use in India by means of a multi-criteria decision-making method, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Informed by the outcome of the AHP, the thesis went on to pursue the Linear Fresnel Reflector (LFR), the design of which was optimised with the help of ray-tracing. To further enhance collector performance, LFR concepts incorporating novel mirror spacing and drive mechanisms were evaluated. Subsequently, a new variant, termed the Elevation Linear Fresnel Reflector (ELFR) was designed, constructed and tested at Aston University, UK, therefore allowing theoretical models for the performance of a solar thermal field to be verified. Based on the resulting characteristics of the LFR, and data gathered for the other hybrid system components, models of hybrid LFR- and ELFR-biomass power plants were developed and analysed in TRNSYS®. The techno-economic and environmental consequences of varying the size of the solar field in relation to the total plant capacity were modelled for a series of case studies to evaluate different applications: tri-generation (electricity, ice and heat), electricity-only generation, and process heat. The case studies also encompassed varying site locations, capacities, operational conditions and financial situations. In the case of a hybrid tri-generation plant in Gujarat, it was recommended to use an LFR solar thermal field of 14,000 m2 aperture with a 3 tonne biomass boiler, generating 815 MWh per annum of electricity for nearby villages and 12,450 tonnes of ice per annum for local fisheries and food industries. However, at the expense of a 0.3 ¢/kWh increase in levelised energy costs, the ELFR increased saving of biomass (100 t/a) and land (9 ha/a). For solar thermal applications in areas with high land cost, the ELFR reduced levelised energy costs. It was determined that off-grid hybrid plants for tri-generation were the most feasible application in India. Whereas biomass-only plants were found to be more economically viable, it was concluded that hybrid systems will soon become cost competitive and can considerably improve current energy security and biomass supply chain issues in India.