983 resultados para Fox hunting.


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FoxC, FoxF, FoxL1 and FoxQ1 genes have been shown to be clustered in some animal genomes, with mesendodermal expression hypothesised as a selective force maintaining cluster integrity. Hypotheses are, however, constrained by a lack of data from the Lophotrochozoa. Here we characterise members of the FoxC, FoxF, FoxL1 and FoxQ1 families from the annelid Capitella teleta and the molluscs Lottia gigantea and Patella vulgata. We cloned FoxC, FoxF, FoxL1 and FoxQ1 genes from C. teleta, and FoxC, FoxF and FoxL1 genes from P. vulgata, and established their expression during development. We also examined their genomic organisation in C. teleta and L. gigantea, and investigated local syntenic relationships. Our results show mesodermal and anterior gut expression is a common feature of these genes in lophotrochozoans. In L. gigantea FoxC, FoxF and FoxL1 are closely linked, while in C. teleta Ct-foxC and Ct-foxL1 are closely linked, with Ct-foxF and Ct-foxQ1 on different scaffolds. Adjacent to these genes there is limited evidence of local synteny. This demonstrates conservation of genomic organisation and expression of these genes can be traced in all three bilaterian Superphyla. These data are evaluated against competing theories for the long-term maintenance of gene clusters.


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Over the past decade genomic approaches have begun to revolutionise the study of animal diversity. In particular, genome sequencing programmes have spread beyond the traditional model species to encompass an increasing diversity of animals from many different phyla, as well as unicellular eukaryotes that are closely related to the animals. Whole genome sequences allow researchers to establish, with reasonable confidence, the full complement of any particular family of genes in a genome. Comparison of gene complements from appropriate genomes can reveal the evolutionary history of gene families, indicating when both gene diversification and gene loss have occurred. More than that, however, assembled genomes allow the genomic environment in which individual genes are found to be analysed and compared between species. This can reveal how gene diversification occurred. Here, we focus on the Fox genes, drawing from multiple animal genomes to develop an evolutionary framework explaining the timing and mechanism of origin of the diversity of animal Fox genes. Ancient linkages between genes are a prominent feature of the Fox genes, depicting a history of gene clusters, some of which may be relevant to understanding Fox gene function.


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Quaternary climatic fluctuations have had profound effects on the phylogeographic structure of many species. Classically, species were thought to have become isolated in peninsular refugia, but there is limited evidence that large, non-polar species survived outside traditional refugial areas. We examined the phylogeographic structure of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), a species that shows high ecological adaptability in the western Palaearctic region. We compared mitochondrial DNA sequences (cytochrome b and control region) from 399 modern and 31 ancient individuals from across Europe. Our objective was to test whether red foxes colonised the British Isles from mainland Europe in the late Pleistocene, or whether there is evidence that they persisted in the region through the Last Glacial Maximum. We found red foxes to show a high degree of phylogeographic structuring across Europe and, consistent with palaeontological and ancient DNA evidence, confirmed via phylogenetic indicators that red foxes were persistent in areas outside peninsular refugia during the last ice age. Bayesian analyses and tests of neutrality indicated population expansion. We conclude that there is evidence that red foxes from the British Isles derived from central European populations that became isolated after the closure of the landbridge with Europe.


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Cash-constrained wildlife departments must increasingly look towards revenue-generating activities such as sales of permits for hunting common species combined with fines for those caught with rare species. Pertinent to west Africa, an optimal enforcement model demonstrates the conditions under which a department with neither external budget nor tourism revenue can fully protect a rare species, and the impact on other species and local hunters' livelihoods. The department's effectiveness is shown to depend critically on the extent to which hunters can discriminate among different species. Improvements in hunting technology selectivity are therefore a substitute for increased enforcement spending.


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Combining the results of behavioral, neuronal immediate early gene activation, lesion and neuroanatomical experiments, we have presently investigated the role of the superior colliculus (SC) in predatory hunting. First, we have shown that insect hunting is associated with a characteristic large increase in Fos expression in the lateral part of the intermediate gray layer of the SC (Wig). Next, we have shown that animals with bilateral NMDA lesions of the lateral parts of the SC presented a significant delay in starting to chase the prey and longer periods engaged in other activities than predatory hunting. They also showed a clear deficit to orient themselves toward the moving prey and lost the stereotyped sequence of actions seen for capturing, holding and killing the prey. Our Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin analysis revealed that the lateral SCig, besides providing the well-documented descending crossed pathway to premotor sites in brainstem and spinal cord, projects to a number of midbrain and diencephalic sites likely to influence key functions in the context of the predatory behavior, such as general levels of arousal, motivational level to hunt or forage, behavioral planning, appropriate selection of the basal ganglia motor plan to hunt, and motor output of the primary motor cortex. In contrast to the lateral SC lesions, medial SC lesions produced a small deficit in predatory hunting, and compared to what we have seen for the lateral SCig, the medial SCig has a very limited set of projections to thalamic sites related to the control of motor planning or motor output, and provides conspicuous inputs to brainstem sites involved in organizing a wide range of anti-predatory defensive responses. Overall, the present results served to clarify how the different functional domains in the SC may mediate the decision to pursue and hunt a prey or escape from a predator. (C) 2010 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Urban climates are known to differ from those of the surrounding rural areas, as human activities in cities lead to changes in temperature, humidity and wind regimes. These changes can in turn affect the geographic distribution of species, the behaviour of animals and the phenology of plants. The grey-headed flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) is a large, nomadic bat from eastern Australia that roosts in large colonies known as camps. Historically a warm temperate to tropical species, P. poliocephalus recently established a year-round camp in the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne. Using a bioclimatic analysis, we demonstrated that on the basis of long-term data, Melbourne does not fall within the climatic range of other P. poliocephalus camp sites in Australia. Melbourne is drier than other summer camps, and cooler and drier than other winter camps. The city also receives less radiation, in winter and annually, than the other summer and winter camps of P. poliocephalus. However, we found that temperatures in central Melbourne have been increasing since the 1950s, leading to warmer conditions and a reduction in the number of frosts. In addition, artificial watering of parks and gardens in the city may contribute the equivalent of 590 mm (95% CI: 450–720 mm) of extra rainfall per year. It appears that human activities have increased temperatures and effective precipitation in central Melbourne, creating a more suitable climate for camps of the grey-headed flying-fox. As demonstrated by this example, anthropogenic climate change is likely to complicate further the task of conserving biological diversity in urban environments.


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We study the optimal size of a pay-as-you-go social security program for an economy composed of both permanent-income and hand-to-mouth consumers. While previous work on this topic is framed within a two-period partial equilibrium setup, we study this issue in a life-cycle general equilibrium model. Because this type of welfare analysis depends critically on unobservable preference parameters, we methodically consider all parameterizations of the unobservables that are both feasible and reasonable—all parameterizations that can mimic key features of macro data (feasible) while still being consistent with micro evidence and convention (reasonable). The baseline model predicts that the optimal tax rate is between 6 percent and 15 percent of wage income.


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This paper is concerned with multi-robot hunting in dynamic environments. A BCSLA approach is proposed to allow mobile robots to capture an intelligent evader. During the process of hunting, four states including dispersion-random-search, surrounding, catch and prediction are employed. In order to ensure each robot appropriate movement in each state, a series of strategies are developed in this paper. The dispersion-search strategy enables the robots to find the evader effectively. The leader-adjusting strategy aims to improve the hunting robots’ response to environmental changes and the outflank strategy is proposed for the hunting robots to force the evader to enter a besieging circle. The catch strategy is designed for shrinking the besieging circle to catch the evader. The predict strategy allows the robots to predict the evader’s position when they lose the tracking information about the evader. A novel collision-free motion strategy is also presented in this paper, which is called the direction-optimization strategy. To test the effect of cooperative hunting, the target to be captured owns a safety-motion strategy, which helps it to escape being captured. The computer simulations support the rationality of the approach.


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In this essay I argue that to understand Plato's philosophy, we must understand why Plato presented this philosophy as dialogues: namely, works of literature. Plato's writing of philosophy corresponds to his understanding of philosophy as a transformative way of life, which must nevertheless present itself politically, to different types of people. As a model, I examine Lacan's famous reading of Plato's Symposium in his seminar of transference love in psychoanalysis. Unlike many other readings, Lacan focuses on Alcibiades' famous description of what caused his desire for Socrates: the supposition that beneath Socrates' Silenus-like language and appearance, there were agalmata, treasures, hidden in his belly. I argue that this image of Socrates can also stand as an image for how we ought to read and to teach Plato's philosophy: as harbouring different levels of insight, couched in Plato's philosophy as literature.


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We measured the daily energy expenditure of free-living red foxes Vulpes vulpes occupying a temperate region of New South Wales, Australia. Field metabolic rate (FMR) and body water turnover were estimated using doubly labelled water. In autumn, male body mass ranged from 5 to 6.1 kg (mean 5.6 kg) and their FMRs averaged 2328 kJ/day. Female body mass in autumn ranged from 4.9 to 6.6 kg (mean 5.4 kg) and their FMRs averaged 1681 kJ/day. Body water influx for males and females was 314 and 251 mL/day, respectively. Body composition of each fox was analysed after the field measurements and revealed a significant correlation between body water content, as estimated from tritiated water space, and body lipids (r2 = 0.72). This supports the use of body water determination as a potentially non-destructive method to gauge body condition.


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This paper proposes a distributed control approach called local interactions with local coordinate systems (LILCS)to multirobot hunting tasks in unknown environments, where a team of mobile robots hunts a target called evader, which will actively try to escape with a safety strategy. This robust approach can cope with accumulative errors of wheels and imperfect communication networks. Computer simulations show the validity of the proposed approach.