615 resultados para Fossils


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In Asia, the significant environment changes in Cenozoic include: uplift of Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau, formation Asian monsoon system, Aridification in Central Asia. One of major advances in recent studies of eolian deposit on the Loess Plateau is the verification of the eolian origin for the Late Tertiary Hipparion Red-Earth (also called red-Clay) underlying the Quaternary loess. Thus, the Late Tertiary eolian deposit, which has been proven a nearly continuous terrestrial record and sensitive to climate change, provides us an important archive to understand these above Cenozoic environment events. The deposit in eastern Loess Plateau has been extensively studied, while the property and age of deposit underlying the Quaternary loess in western plateau remains unclear. In this paper, detail investigations were made on the Sedimentology, geochemistry of Longxi section, a typical section in western Loess Plateau, to address its origin, and on micromammalian fossils and magnetostratigraphy to address its age. The main conclusions are presented as following: 1. The sedimentological and geochemical properties in Longxi section are highly similar to typical Quaternary eolian deposit in Loess Plateau. Nearly 100 paleosols are recognized in the field, and the grain size are very fine with the median grain size centered at 4~7μm. There is a good agreement of both major and trace element compositions between Longxi deposit and the Quaternary Loess. The REE distribution patterns of Longxi deposit and the Quaternary loess are remarkably similar in shape, with enrichment LREE and fairly flat HREE profiles and clear negative Eu anomaly. The mangnetic minerals in Longxi deposit are mainly magnetite, hematite and maghematite, which are similar to those of the Hipparion Red-Earth and Quaternary Loess. The major difference among them is that the samples from Longxi section contain more hematite. The characteristics of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) in Longxi deposit is highly consistent with that of Quaternary loess, while values of the major AMS parameters, e.g. anisotropy degree, magnetic foliation and lineation, are significantly lower than those of fluvial and lake deposits. These evidences indicate an eolian origin for the sediment. 2. An investigation of micromammalian fossils was firstly carried out for determining the approximate age of the sequence because of lack of materials for accurate isotope dating. Three fossil assemblages were obtained which indicate a chronological range from the Middle Miocene to Late Miocene. The magnetostratigraphical study suggests that it is a near continuous terrestrial record for the period from 13.23 to 6.23 MaB.P. The obtained chronology is highly consistent with fossils assemblages. This section is the oldest eolian deposit presently known in Loess Plateau. 3. The magnetic susceptibly value is high in paleosols than in surrounded weak-weathered layers, which suggests that it may be a climate index on orbital time scale. While it cannot be used as a proxy to address the long-term, change of climate on tectonic time scale, as content of the magnetic minerals is highly variable in different parts of the section. 4. The appearance of Middle Miocene eolian deposit in the Loess Plateau marks the strengthening of aridification of Central Asia. The high degree of similarity between the geochemical properties of Longxi eolian deposit, Hipparion Red-Earth and Quaternary loess a suggests that a rather similar source provenance. The dust accumulation rate (DAR) of Longxi section, which is widely used as a proxy to document the aridity in source areas in marine and terrestrial record studies, recorded the aridity condition in northwestern China over a period from Middle Miocene to Late Miocene. The DAR of the section shows that the continent aridity remains moderate and relative stable over that period.


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The study of biogenic proxy of tropical and subtropical regions provides important evidence about the process and history of vegetation and environmental changes, and is of globally importance for understanding the dynamic mechanism of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes. The sediments from the Huguangyan Maar lake in Guangdong Province offer a continuous high-resolution record of the past 55 ka about environmental and vegetational changes. The studies of chronology, and physical, chemical environmental proxies have provided much important information about the paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic histories. The phytolith, a new biogenicl proxy, has been used to determine the nature and types of plants in this area since the last 55 ka. This study presents a preliminary result about the characteristics of phytolith shapes, the variations of the fossils assemblages, and their significance for environmental changes. Moreover, the author probes the process of special specie evolution and their relationship to climatic parameters. The history of fire has been reconstructed based on the variations in charcoals. The main results and conclusions include: 28 types of phytoliths from 233 samples have been identified. Their environmental meanings are investigated in detail. Based on the variations in phytolith associations, the history and process of climatic and environmental changes in the last 55 kaBP have been established for this region. Climatic changes experienced eight intervals during this period, showing the variations of hot-humid to cool-try climate in the ten thousands years scale, and a shorter dry-hot climate condition in millennial scale. The history of palm plant has been established in this region. Two peaks appeared from 55-39 ka and since the Holocene. Plants in Bambusoideae have been growing in this area all the period, representing the impact of the East Asian summer monsoon. Bamboo plants have similar tendency in their abundance to palm plants, but with a lag of 1-2 ka BP. Panicoideae plants, the representative of C4 plants, have 6 flourishing periods occurred at 54.5, 44, 41.5, 32.5, 14, and 10 kaBP, respectively, reflecting 6 times short-term arid events. Charcoal record from the Huguang Marr lake reveals the history of nature fire, that mostly happened in dry period of last glacial from 55-10 kaBP, centered at 50-45, 40-35, 30-25, and 20-15kaBP, showing about a cycle of 10,000 years.


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In this study, 260 mollusk fossil samples from a Red Clay sequence at Xifeng, Gansu province, in the northern China were analyzed quantitatively. 12 fossil species and four fossil zones have been identified. Three main ecological groups were determined based on ecological requirement of each mollusk taxon. According to fossil composition and succession of three ecological groups, the author discussed the origin and sedimentary environment of the red clay deposits, and the process of ecological environmental changes as well as the variations of the East Asia monsoons during 6.2-2.4 Ma in the Loess Plateau. A preliminary study on periodicity of paleoclimatic changes was also conducted by using spectral analysis method. The main results and conclusions are presented as follows:A continuous land mollusk fossil sequence of 6.2-2.4 Ma from Xifeng Red Clay Formation has been established, which provided a basic data for studying the environmental changes during late Miocene to Pliocene.The study of composition and preservation condition of mollusk fossils reveals a terrestrial in situ ecological population in the Red Clay Formation. All of identifiable mollusk species are composed of terrestrial taxa, which support the view that the Red Clay is an eolian origin, similar to the overlying Quaternary loess deposits.The mollusk record reveals the processes of ecological and environmental changes during 6.2-2.4 Ma in the Loess Plateau. Climatic changes experienced cold and dry from 6.2-5.4 Ma, warm and wet during 5.4-4.5 Ma, mild and moderate from 4.5-3-4 Ma, to rapid cooling and drying after 3.4 Ma. From '5.4- 2.4 Ma, climate was stepwise cooling. The cooling trend is in good agreement with a general1 0global cooling trend during this period, as documented by marine 5 0 records.4. Three remarked ecological shifts took place in mollusk assemblages from 6.2-2.4 Ma, focused on about 5.4, 4.5 and 3.4 Ma. The warming shift around 5.4 Ma was probably related to the rising of the global temperature. The cooling shifts around 4,5 and 3.4 Ma however might be closely linked to the uplift of Tibet Plateau and the development of Northern Hemisphere ice sheet.The succession in mollusk ecological groups also recorded the variability of the East Asian winter and summer monsoon. The winter monsoon dominated two periods from 6.2-5.4 Ma and from 3.4-2.4 Ma, while the summer monsoon was strong during 5.4-4.5 Ma. The variations in winter and summer monsoons were in phase during 4.5-3.4 Ma. Monsoon regimes changed with the duration about 1 Ma, which roughly corresponds to the cycle driven by tectonic activity on the time scales of ICP-IO7 years. In addition, mollusk fossils recorded the large amplitude and high frequency fluctuations overlapped on 105-107 years climate cycle.The maximum entropy spectral analysis and filter-band analysis of total mollusk individuals and three typical ecological groups suggest that the climate changes controlled mainly by solar insolation had periods about 70 ka and 40 ka on the time scales of 105 during late Miocene-Pliocene. Climatic periodicity intensified from 4.0 Ma, which reflected strengthened forcing by high latitude ice volume.


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Yuanmou area lies on the southeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, the middlesegment of Yunnan-Sichuan North-South Extending Tectonic Belt and the upper reaches of the Yangztze River, which is renowned for its thick late Cenozoic fluvial-lacustrine sequences that yield rich mammalian fossils including hominoid and early human. The sediments provides great potentials for understanding the relationships between uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, evolution of hominoids and other mammalian and evolution and formation of basins in Southwest China since late Miocene. However, lithostratigrphic and chronologic views on them are controversial and hinder further discussion of the relationships of them. To this end, we selected the Baozidongqing section and the Dapoqing section to carry out systematic lithostratigraphic, magnetostratlgraphic and environmental magnetism researches in this area.The Baozidongqing section was dated to about 10.95-7.17 Ma. The age estimation of the topmost hominoid-bearing layer was about 7.43-7.17 Ma. Rock magnetic results show that the dominant magnetic carrier is hematite, with minor amount of magnetite. Both the composition and concentration of magnetic minerals strongly correlate with the lithostratigraphy, indicating that Yuanmou basin is characterized by alternating of long-term torrid-humid climate and short-term dry-hot climate. But the pattern of these short-term hot-dry events, including both the lasting time and the frequency of their occurrence dramatically changed since -8.1 Ma. Our results infer that the drying process of the Asian west interior and a significant uplift of the Tibetan Plateau would have probably caused jointly the extinction of hominoids, or the emigration of hominoids from Yuanmou to adjacent relatively torrid-humid areas.The strata between the upper of the Dapoqing section, the Niujianbao Hill and Shangnabang area can be linked by three mark layers of conglomerate, which is rather continuous and coherent than physical disturbance by new tectonic activities. Rock magnetic studies indicate that hematite is the main magnetic carriers. The section is dated back to about 2.8-1.37 Ma. Its paleocurrent flowed northeastward, which was a close and stagnant river and swamp environment about 2.2 Ma ago. Then it ran northwestward and turned into an open overflown and braid river sedimentary face during 2.2 to 1.57 Ma. Since 1.57 Ma, the paleocurrent flowed intensely northwestern and about 1.37 Ma ago, it ended the basically continuous fluvial-lacustrine deposition.


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The ammonites Lewesiceras peramplum Mantell and ?Lewesiceras sp. are reported from the Upper Cretaceous in the Nysa Kłodzka Graben; they date from the Middle Turonian and ?Coniacian, respectively. The Middle Turonian limestones of the Stara Bystrzyca quarry contain an abundant assemblage of inoceramids (Inoceramus cuvieri Sowerby and I. lamarcki Parkinson) and other bivalves, including oysters, as well as brachiopods and trace fossils. Micropalaeontological data show the presence of foraminifers and siliceous sponge spiculae, bryozoans, ostracods and fragments of bivalves and gastropods. The Middle Turonian calcareous deposits belongs to the upper part of the Inoceramus lamarcki Zone (late Middle Turonian) and were deposited on a shallow, subtidal offshore shelf. They overlie the Middle Turonian Bystrzyca and Długopole Sandstones, which represent foreshore-shoreface delta deposits. The fossil assemblage suggests a moderate- to low-energy, normal-salinity environment with occasionally an oxygen deficit.


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UNLABELLED: Newly discovered fossil assemblages of small bodied Homo sapiens from Palau, Micronesia possess characters thought to be taxonomically primitive for the genus Homo. BACKGROUND: Recent surface collection and test excavation in limestone caves in the rock islands of Palau, Micronesia, has produced a sizeable sample of human skeletal remains dating roughly between 940-2890 cal ybp. PRINCIPLE FINDINGS: Preliminary analysis indicates that this material is important for two reasons. First, individuals from the older time horizons are small in body size even relative to "pygmoid" populations from Southeast Asia and Indonesia, and thus may represent a marked case of human insular dwarfism. Second, while possessing a number of derived features that align them with Homo sapiens, the human remains from Palau also exhibit several skeletal traits that are considered to be primitive for the genus Homo. SIGNIFICANCE: These features may be previously unrecognized developmental correlates of small body size and, if so, they may have important implications for interpreting the taxonomic affinities of fossil specimens of Homo.


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© 2015 Elsevier Ltd.Sedimentological, ichnological and paleontological analyses of the Early Miocene uppermost Monte León Formation and the lower part of the Santa Cruz Formation were carried out in Rincón del Buque (RDB), a fossiliferous locality north of Río Coyle in Santa Cruz Province, Patagonia, Argentina. This locality is of special importance because it contains the basal contact between the Monte Léon (MLF) and the Santa Cruz (SCF) formations and because it preserves a rich fossil assemblage of marine invertebrates and marine trace fossils, and terrestrial vertebrates and plants, which has not been extensively studied. A ~90m-thick section of the MLF and the SCF that crops out at RDB was selected for this study. Eleven facies associations (FA) are described, which are, from base to top: subtidal-intertidal deposits with Crassotrea orbignyi and bioturbation of the Skolithos-Cruziana ichnofacies (FA1); tidal creek deposits with terrestrial fossil mammals and Ophiomorpha isp. burrows (FA2); tidal flat deposits with Glossifungites ichnofacies (FA3); deposits of tidal channels (FA4) and tidal sand flats (FA5) both with and impoverish Skolithos ichnofacies associated; marsh deposits (FA6); tidal point bar deposits recording a depauperate mixture of both the Skolithos and Cruziana ichnofacies (FA7); fluvial channel deposits (FA8); fluvial point bar deposits (FA9); floodplain deposits (FA10); and pyroclastic and volcaniclastic deposits of the floodplain where terrestrial fossil mammal remains occur (FA11).The transition of the MLF-SCF at RDB reflects a changing depositional environment from the outer part of an estuary (FA1) through the central (FA2-6) to inner part of a tide-dominated estuary (FA7). Finally a fluvial system occurs with single channels of relatively low energy and low sinuosity enclosed by a broad, low-energy floodplain dominated by partially edaphized ash-fall, sheet-flood, and overbank deposits (FA8-11). Pyroclastic and volcaniclastic materials throughout the succession must have been deposited as ash-fall distal facies in a fluvial setting and also were carried by fluvial streams and redeposited in both estuarine and fluvial settings. These materials preserve most of the analyzed terrestrial fossil mammals that characterize the Santacrucian age of the RDB's succession. Episodic sedimentation under volcanic influence, high sedimentation rates and a relatively warm and seasonal climate are inferred for the MLF and SCF section.Lateral continuity of the marker horizons at RDB serve for correlation with other coastal localities such as the lower part of the coastal SCF south of Río Coyle (~17.6-17.4Ma) belonging to the Estancia La Costa Member of the SCF.


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A juvenile cranium of Homunculus patagonicus Ameghino, 1891a from the late Early Miocene of Santa Cruz Province (Argentina) provides the first evidence of developing cranial anatomy for any fossil platyrrhine. The specimen preserves the rostral part of the cranium with deciduous and permanent alveoli and teeth. The dental eruption sequence in the new specimen and a reassessment of eruption patterns in living and fossil platyrrhines suggest that the ancestral platyrrhine pattern of tooth replacement was for the permanent incisors to erupt before M(1), not an accelerated molar eruption (before the incisors) as recently proposed. Two genera and species of Santacrucian monkeys are now generally recognized: H. patagonicus Ameghino, 1891a and Killikaike blakei Tejedor et al., 2006. Taxonomic allocation of Santacrucian monkeys to these species encounters two obstacles: 1) the (now lost) holotype and a recently proposed neotype of H. patagonicus are mandibles from different localities and different geologic members of the Santa Cruz Formation, separated by approximately 0.7 million years, whereas the holotype of K. blakei is a rostral part of a cranium without a mandible; 2) no Santacrucian monkey with associated cranium and mandible has ever been found. Bearing in mind these uncertainties, our examination of the new specimen as well as other cranial specimens of Santacrucian monkeys establishes the overall dental and cranial similarity between the holotype of Killikaike blakei, adult cranial material previously referred to H. patagonicus, and the new juvenile specimen. This leads us to conclude that Killikaike blakei is a junior subjective synonym of H. patagonicus.


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Molecular data have converged on a consensus about the genus-level phylogeny of extant platyrrhine monkeys, but for most extinct taxa and certainly for those older than the Pleistocene we must rely upon morphological evidence from fossils. This raises the question as to how well anatomical data mirror molecular phylogenies and how best to deal with discrepancies between the molecular and morphological data as we seek to extend our phylogenies to the placement of fossil taxa. Here I present parsimony-based phylogenetic analyses of extant and fossil platyrrhines based on an anatomical dataset of 399 dental characters and osteological features of the cranium and postcranium. I sample 16 extant taxa (one from each platyrrhine genus) and 20 extinct taxa of platyrrhines. The tree structure is constrained with a "molecular scaffold" of extant species as implemented in maximum parsimony using PAUP with the molecular-based 'backbone' approach. The data set encompasses most of the known extinct species of platyrrhines, ranging in age from latest Oligocene (∼26 Ma) to the Recent. The tree is rooted with extant catarrhines, and Late Eocene and Early Oligocene African anthropoids. Among the more interesting patterns to emerge are: (1) known early platyrrhines from the Late Oligocene through Early Miocene (26-16.5Ma) represent only stem platyrrhine taxa; (2) representatives of the three living platyrrhine families first occur between 15.7 Ma and 13.5 Ma; and (3) recently extinct primates from the Greater Antilles (Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola) are sister to the clade of extant platyrrhines and may have diverged in the Early Miocene. It is probable that the crown platyrrhine clade did not originate before about 20-24 Ma, a conclusion consistent with the phylogenetic analysis of fossil taxa presented here and with recent molecular clock estimates. The following biogeographic scenario is consistent with the phylogenetic findings and climatic and geologic evidence: Tropical South America has been a center for platyrrhine diversification since platyrrhines arrived on the continent in the middle Cenozoic. Platyrrhines dispersed from tropical South America to Patagonia at ∼25-24 Ma via a "Paraná Portal" through eastern South America across a retreating Paranense Sea. Phylogenetic bracketing suggests Antillean primates arrived via a sweepstakes route or island chain from northern South America in the Early Miocene, not via a proposed land bridge or island chain (GAARlandia) in the Early Oligocene (∼34 Ma). Patagonian and Antillean platyrrhines went extinct without leaving living descendants, the former at the end of the Early Miocene and the latter within the past six thousand years. Molecular evidence suggests crown platyrrhines arrived in Central America by crossing an intermittent connection through the Isthmus of Panama at or after 3.5Ma. Any more ancient Central American primates, should they be discovered, are unlikely to have given rise to the extant Central American taxa in situ.


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Birds are one of the most recognizable and diverse groups of modern vertebrates. Over the past two decades, a wealth of new fossil discoveries and phylogenetic and macroevolutionary studies has transformed our understanding of how birds originated and became so successful. Birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs during the Jurassic (around 165-150 million years ago) and their classic small, lightweight, feathered, and winged body plan was pieced together gradually over tens of millions of years of evolution rather than in one burst of innovation. Early birds diversified throughout the Jurassic and Cretaceous, becoming capable fliers with supercharged growth rates, but were decimated at the end-Cretaceous extinction alongside their close dinosaurian relatives. After the mass extinction, modern birds (members of the avian crown group) explosively diversified, culminating in more than 10,000 species distributed worldwide today.


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Vestimentiferan tube worms living at deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold seeps have been considered as a clade with a long and continuing evolutionary history in these ecosystems. Whereas the fossil record appears to support this view, molecular age estimates do not. The two main features that are used to identify vestimentiferan tubes in the fossil record are longitudinal ridges on the tube's surface and a tube wall constructed of multiple layers. It is shown here that chaetopterid tubes from modern vents and seeps—as well as a number of fossil tubes from shallow-water environments—also show these two features. This calls for a more cautious interpretation of tubular fossils from ancient vent and seep deposits. We suggest that: current estimates for a relatively young evolutionary age based on molecular clock methods may be more reliable than the inferences of ancient “vestimentiferans” based on putative fossils of these worms; not all of these putative fossils actually belong to this group; and that tubes from fossil seeps should be investigated for chitinous remains to substantiate claims of their potential siboglinid affinities.


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This paper presents the results of recent palaeoentomological research carried out in the Humberhead Levels, South Yorkshire, UK, including the discovery of fossils of five species of beetle previously unknown in the British Isles. The significance of these and other Urwaldrelikt species is discussed in relation to the fragmentation of forest habitats, particularly those associated with Pinus sylvestris L. The Holocene history of this tree and its associated taxa is examined. The importance of fire habitats and the dependence of some pinicolous taxa on these habitats suggests that the decline of fire ecosystems may have had some impact on the changing biogeography of some species.


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The process of making replicas of heritage has traditionally been developed by public agencies, corporations and museums and is not commonly used in schools. Currently there are technologies that allow creating cheap replicas. The new 3D reconstruction software, based on photographs and low cost 3D printers allow to make replicas at a cost much lower than traditional. This article describes the process of creating replicas of the sculpture Goslar Warrior of artist Henry Moore, located in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. To make this process, first, a digital model have been created using Autodesk Recap 360, Autodesk 123D Catch and Autodesk Meshmixer MarkerBot MakerWare applications. Physical replication, has been reproduced in polylactic acid (PLA) by MakerBot Replicator 2 3D printer. In addition, a cost analysis using, in one hand, the printer mentioned, and in the other hand, 3D printing services both online and local, is included. Finally, there has been a specific action with 141 students and 12 high school teachers, who filled a questionnary about the use of sculptural replicas in education.