942 resultados para Formal substitution
O idoso fragilizado, mantido em seu domicílio, requer cuidados específicos, os quais são realizados muitas vezes por pessoas contratadas, pelas famílias, sem necessariamente terem formação específica e são comumente denominadas cuidadores formais. Frente o aumento da oferta de trabalho destas pessoas e a escassez de literatura sobre seu perfil, desenvolvemos um estudo com 41 anunciantes que ofereceram seus serviços em dois jornais de maior circulação no município de Campinas, São Paulo, com os seguintes objetivos: 1. caracterizar estes cuidadores e 2. verificar as atividades propostas para a assistência ao idoso. No presente trabalho são apresentados os dados referentes as características dos cuidadores quanto: ao sexo, a idade, a formação e experiência anterior, disponibilidade de horário e remuneração exigida.
O idoso fragilizado, mantido em seu domicílio, requer cuidados específicos, os quais são realizados muitas vezes por pessoas contratadas pela família para tal, denominadas cuidadores formais. Frente o aumento da oferta de trabalho destas pessoas e a escassez de literatura nacional sobre seu perfiL, desenvolvemos um estudo com 41 pessoas que ofereceram seus serviços através de anúncios em dois jornais de maior circulação no município de Campinas, São Paulo. Tal estudo teve por objetivos: 1. caracterizar estes cuidadores (este objetivo foi contemplado com um artigo publicado anteriormente) e 2. verificar as atividades propostas para a assistência ao idoso. No presente trabalho serão apresentados os dados referentes ao segundo objetivo.
The effects of estrogens and gestagens on veins and circulation have been studied since prescription of these hormones as oral contraception and description of related thromboembolic events. The identification of different receptors and the description of these receptors in venous walls have helped to understand some hormonal effects. However, the actual knowledge remains insufficient to explain the complexity of the actions of hormones on venous function. The distribution, the density and the receptor types vary with age, gender, hormonal status and vascular bed. Gestagens mainly reduce the tone of venous walls, whereas estrogens have various effects. Between 25% and 50% of European adults and even 80% or more in some risk groups complain about heavy legs, with or without chronic venous insufficiency. The number of women to whom hormonal substitution is or could be prescribed increases along with aging of populations and the better understanding of potential benefits. The need for a better understanding of vascular effects of sexual hormones is growing, since the incidence of chronic venous insufficiency of the legs increases with age. The life prognosis will not be affected by a deterioration of a chronic venous insufficiency. In contrast, the quality of life, morbidity and the cost of treatment will be expected to change. In addition, thromboembolic events have to be considered, as has been shown in recent studies. These findings outline the need for further studies on the relation between hormones and venous function and for some caution when prescribing hormonal substitution.
The price-wedge method yields a tariff-equivalent estimate of technical barriers to trade (TBT). An extension of this method accounts for imperfect substitution between domestic and imported goods and incorporates recent findings on trade costs. We explore the sensitivity of this revamped TBT estimate to its key determinants (substitution elasticity, preference for home good, and trade cost). We use the augmented approach to investigate the ongoing US-Japan apple trade dispute and find that removing the Japanese TBT would yield limited export gains to the United States. We then draw policy implications of our findings.
This study investigates the development of fluency in 30 advanced L2 learners of English over a period of 15 months. In order to measure fluency, several temporal variables and hesitation phenomena are analyzed and compared. Oral competence is assessed by means of an oral interview carried out by the learners. Data collection takes place at three different times: before (T1) and after (T2) a six-month period of FI (80 hours) in the home university, and after a three-month SA term (T3). The data is analyzed quantitatively. Developmental gains in fluency are measured for the whole period, adopting a view of complementarity between the two learning contexts. From these results, a group of high fluency speakers is identified. Correlations between fluency gains and individual and contextual variables are executed and a more qualitative analysis is performed for high fluency speakers' performance and behavior. Results show an overall development of students' oral fluency during a period of 15 months favored by the combination of a period of FI at home followed by a 3-months SA.
As motivações que levaram à realização deste intitulado Da Cidade da Ribeira Grande à Cidade Velha em Cabo Verde Análise Histórico-Formal do Espaço Urbano (Sec. XV - Sec. XVIII), está relacionado com algumas características específicas do núcleo em causa. O próprio título do trabalho revela, de certo modo, a transformação sofrida pelos espaços da antiguidade da Ribeira Grande em Cabo Verde, que depois de ter sido a capital do arquipélago foi abandonada e passou a designar-se “Cidade Velha”. Apesar disso, a Ribeira Grande é uma cidade referenciada no universo urbanístico português, embora a dimensão do seu significado supere a própria dimensão física do núcleo. Foi a primeira cidade a ser construída pelos portugueses nos trópicos, ou talvez a única da época se, por conveniência nossa, não incluirmos no nosso conceito as praças fortificadas do norte de África ou a “cidade fortificação” de S. Jorge da Mina. É importante também pelas características específicas da sua localização e do seu espaço urbano. Ao contrário das suas congéneres no continente africano, foi uma cidade aberta, fundada com intuito de fixação e colonização do território. Com efeito, talvez tenha sido uma comunidade efémera. Mas, no seu curto espaço de vida, soube representar o papel que lhe coube.
The remarkable growth of older population has moved long term care to the front ranks of the social policy agenda. Understanding the factors that determine the type and amount of formal care is important for predicting use in the future and developing long-term policy. In this context we jointly analyze the choice of care (formal, informal, both together or none) as well as the number of hours of care received. Given that the number of hours of care is not independent of the type of care received, we estimate, for the first time in this area of research, a sample selection model with the particularity that the first step is a multinomial logit model. With regard to the debate about complementarity or substitutability between formal and informal care, our results indicate that formal care acts as a reinforcement of the family care in certain cases: for very old care receivers, in those cases in which the individual has multiple disabilities, when many care hours are provided, and in case of mental illness and/or dementia. There exist substantial differences in long term care addressed to younger and older dependent people and dependent women are in risk of becoming more vulnerable to the shortage of informal caregivers in the future. Finally, we have documented that there are great disparities in the availability of public social care across regions.
We report the study of a large American family displaying autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa with reduced penetrance, a form of hereditary retinal degeneration. Although the inheritance pattern and previous linkage mapping pointed to the involvement of the PRPF31 gene, extensive screening of all its exons and their boundaries failed in the past to reveal any mutation. In this work, we sequenced the entire PRPF31 genomic region by both the classical Sanger method and ultrahigh throughput (UHT) sequencing. Among the many variants identified, a single-base substitution (c.1374+654C>G) located deep within intron 13 and inside a repetitive DNA element was common to all patients and obligate asymptomatic carriers. This change created a new splice donor site leading to the synthesis of two mutant PRPF31 isoforms, degraded by nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. As a consequence, amounts of PRPF31 mRNA derived from the mutant allele were very reduced, with no evidence of mutant proteins being synthesized. Our results indicate that c.1374+654C>G causes retinitis pigmentosa via haploinsufficiency, similar to the vast majority of PRPF31 mutations described so far. We discuss the potential of UHT sequencing technologies in mutation screening and the continued identification of pathogenic splicing mutations buried deep within intronic regions.
This paper describes a bibliographic analysis of the vision of Marshal McLuhan and the vision adopted by diverse current authors regarding the use of new interactive learning technologies. The paper also analyzes the transformation that will have to take place in the formal surroundings of education in order to improve their social function. The main points of view and contributions made by diverse authors are discussed. It is important that all actors involved in the educational process take in consideration these contributions in order to be ready for future changes.
Generic substitution of antiepileptic drugs (EAD) have limited use because epilepsy is a chronic disease, seizure recurrence has an important impact of the quality of life and the potential risk of accidents. EADs have a narrow therapeutic window, non negligible side effects and complex interactions. Bioavailability of generic EADs, tested in healthy men during a limited period of time must be within the 90% IC, in which means that serum levels can range from 80% to 125% of the original drug. A slight drop in serum level could increase the risk of seizure recurrence, as indicated by several publications. Although no formal studies regarding cost effectiveness and the rate of seizure recurrence is available yet, the prevailing consensus recommends not to replace an original antiepileptic drug by a generic, due to the harmful risk of seizure recurrence.
The aim of this study is to determine the profile of dependent elderly people users of the home care services (SAD) of the regional council in Osona (Consell Comarcal d´Osona) , and the characteristics of formal and informal types of support they use. Methodology. An observational study of a transversal format has been carried out, with retrospective and descriptive purposes. The target population is 63 people (26 men and 37 women) included in the program of the regional SAD They have a recognized dependence grade approved by the law 39 /2006, December 14th , promoting the individual autonomy and care of elderly people in a dependent situation. The data were collected by social workers of basic social services, first with a home visit and followed by handed out questionnaires, specifically designed for this study, in order to obtain information on socio-demographic characteristics, and the type of support formal and informal. The obtained results on the SAD users are women in a 58.7% and a 41.3 % are men. The 84% of the total sampling are 80 years old and more, being the average age of 85.2 years old. 45% of them are married, 41% are widows and widowers and 14% are single. 54% are rated with severe dependence (grade II), 42.8% with high dependence (grade III). 86% live accompanied. 100% have an informal caregiver and a 95% of the times, the caregiver is a relative who in 73% of the cases the dedication time is permanent. The coverage of the SAD has an average of 4.27 hours per week and per user. The formal services most used are the technical (62%), also the assessment of an occupational therapist at home (57%) and the telecare service in a (56%). Conclusions. The SAD is used primarily for women in an advanced age and severe dependence. The informal assistance structures have an informal caregiver, being a member of the family mostly, living with the dependent, and mainly in a permanent dedication basis. The SAD has a varied intensity in each case. The formal support services complementary to the SAD, are largely used in all cases.