789 resultados para Forest management -- Catalonia -- Maçanet de la Selva
En este artículo analizamos los principales elementos de la configuración actual del ambientalismo en el norte de la provincia de Misiones. Los ejes centrales son los modos en que agencias con vinculaciones transnacionales encaran intervenciones conservacionistas en zonas de amortiguamiento de Áreas Naturales Protegidas. Estas configuraciones señalan la emergencia y consolidación de un nuevo estilo de gobernanza medioambiental signado por la tensión entre desarrollo y conservación. Los principales proyectos de conservación y desarrollo que se implementan en la región son impulsados por JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) y por AECID (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo), conformando los pilares sobre los cuales se asienta, la gobernabilidad, el ambientalismo y la conservación de gran parte de la selva paranaense en la provincia de Misiones.
Una de las razones más fuertes que tuve para elegir aColombia para mi año de estudio afuera fue la cantidad de oportunidades para viajar, inclusive viajar a la selva. No es que no haya naturaleza en los Estados Unidos. Hay bosque a la lata. Pero lo que no tenemos es jungla con micos, anacondas. Indrgenas y todo lo que lleva la selva. Siempre habra visto los programas educacionales mostrando cómo viven los animales y cómo sobreviven los Indios en ella
Mestrado Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL
Tesis (Optometra). -- Universidad de La Salle, Facultad de Ciencias de La Salud. Programa de Optometria, 2014
Cómo se comunican ha sido atribuida recientemente, por primera vez en más de tres siglos, a don Pedro Calderón de la Barca. La comparación entre esta comedia y La selva confusa, del mismo autor, avala esta atribución, ya que los paralelismos en la estructuración dramática de ambas comedias son numerosos y llamativos. Se aducen motivos para suponer que Cómo se comunican es anterior a La selva confusa, lo cual significaría una fecha tempranísima de composición dentro de la producción dramática de Calderón.
The world distribution of cork oak Quercus suber and holm oak Q. rotundifolia is basically restricted to the western Mediterranean basin. These two evergreen oaks are the base of the Portuguese montado and the Spanish dehesa. This thesis aims to analyse how bird communities of the montado are influenced by management practices. We used different approaches to study this relationship, and to evaluate which features are responsible for species distribution in different typologies of montado. First, we reviewed the concept of montado in order to better understand the system and to set thresholds on what can be considered as montado. Afterwards, we studied the elements that promote higher species diversity and individual species, or group of species, that can act as indicators of High Nature Value for montados. Finally, we evaluated how the bird communities are structured, and the influence of the main management actions (e.g. cattle and cork exploitation) on those communities; Resumo: A distribuição mundial do sobreiro Quercus suber e da azinheira Quercus rotundifolia é praticamente restrita à bacia do Mediterrâneo. Estas duas espécies de carvalhos são a base dos montados em Portugal e das dehesas em Espanha. No âmbito desta tese analisamos como as comunidades de aves do montado são influenciadas pela gestão florestal. Para este efeito usámos diferentes abordagens e avaliámos quais as características do montado responsáveis pela distribuição das espécies ao longo das suas diferentes tipologias. Fizemos uma revisão do conceito de montado e proposemos uma definição para o sistema, englobando a sua multifuncionalidade. Estudámos os elementos singulares que promovem a diversidade de aves e que podem ser simultaneamente indicadores de áreas de Alto Valor Natural (HNV). Por fim, avaliámos qual a influência da gestão (p. ex. pastoreio e descortiçamento) na estruturação das comunidades de aves.
This study was perfonned in PSPs located at the CPAr-ACRE EMORAPA expcrirnental area and at the PC Peixoto management areas. AI CPA F-ACR E the managed area was meehanically exploited in 1992 and at PC Peixoto animal traction was used to extract the planks.
The paper describes a forest management system to be applied on smallholder farms, particularly on settlement projects in the Brazilian Amazon. The proposed forest management system was designed to generate a new source of family income and to maintain forest structure and biodiversity. The system is new in three main characteristics: the use of short cycles in the management of tropical forests, the low harvesting intensity and environmental impact, and the direct involvement of the local population in ali forest management activities. It is based on a minimum felling cycle of ten years and an annual timber harvest of 5-10 m3 ha-1.
La danta centroamericana (Tapirus bairdii) es el mamífero terrestre de mayor tamaño en el Neotrópico. Es un importante dispersor de semillas que contribuye al enriquecimiento de especies en los bosques donde habita. Varios estudios ecológicos han permitido conocer esta especie discreta; sin embargo, su distribución y el tamaño de sus poblaciones permanece sensiblemente desconocido fuera de las áreas silvestres protegidas. El propósito de esta investigación consistió en proponer una metodología de análisis geo-espacial sencilla que permitiera realizar una evaluación rápida del hábitat potencial para la danta centroamericana. Se seleccionaron siete variables de la ecología de la danta centroamericana, las cuales fueron evaluadas en el Corredor Biológico San Juan-La Selva, mediante un sistema de información geográfica (SIG). Estimamos la población de dantas con un rango de 69 a 208 individuos. Esto es una manera barata de determinar la viabilidad del hábitat de la danta cuando existe información confiable sobre los procesos dinámicos de los ecosistemas presentes en el área del estudio.Palabras clave: Tapiridae, danta centroamericana, Tapirus bairdii, evaluación de hábitat, analisis geo-espacial, Corredor Biológico San Juan-La Selva, Costa RicaAbstract: Baird’s Tapir (Tapirus bairdii) is the largest terrestrial mammal in the Neotropics. It is an important seed disperser that contributes to the enrichment of species in the forests where it lives. Several ecological studies on this species have generated knowledge about this discreet species; nevertheless, its distribution and the size of its populations outside protected wildlife areas sensibly remain unknown. The purpose of this investigation consisted in proposing a simple methodology of geo-space analysis that allowed realizing a fast evaluation of the potential habitat for Baird’s Tapir. Seven variables of the ecology of Baird’s Tapir were selected, which were evaluated in the San Juan-La Selva Biological Corridor, using a geographical information system (GIS) program. We estimated the tapir population to range from 69 to 208 individuals. This is an inexpensive way to assess Tapir’s habitat viability when there is a strong knowledge about the dynamic processes from the ecosystems present in the study area.Key Words: Tapiridae, Baird’s Tapir, Tapirus bairdii, habitat viability assessment, geo-spatial analysis, San Juan-La Selva Biological Corridor, Costa Rica
El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar los procesos de uso da floresta por una empresa que recibió certificación de manejo de la selva para producir madera compensada para el mercado nacional e internacional, en Democracia, localidad situada en Manicoré, Amazonas, a orillas del Río Madeira, en la selva amazónica brasileña.Para reconstruir los procesos y entender los conflictos territoriales y socioambientales fueron utilizadas metodologías de observación directa; geohistoria (líneas de tiempo); mapeamientos sociales; e interpretación de imágenes de satélite de los últimos veinticinco años.El estudio revela que en ese período Democracia fue objeto de distintas políticas socioeconómicas y ambientales como implantación de una ruta federal, emprendimientos privados, programas y leyes de protección ambiental y de apoyo a comunidades tradicionales. Todas esas iniciativas, especialmente la extracción de madera, provocaron diferentes conflictos en el uso de la tierra y en la formación o delimitación de diversas territorialidades. El manejo certificado de selvas tropicales causa menos impactos ambientales y representa un diferencial para el mercado productor y consumidor de madera, pero aún requiere mejores actitudes con relación a las poblaciones extrativistas que viven en los territorios de recolección de madera.
El niño de la selva
Disturbances shape forest ecosystems by influencing their composition, structure, and processes. In the Mediterranean Basin, changes in the disturbance regimes have been predicted to occur in the next future with a higher occurrence of extreme events of drought, wildfire, and – to a lesser extent – windstorm. Woody species are the main elements defining the structure and functioning of forest ecosystems. Recently, response-type diversity has been pointed out as an appropriate indicator of ecosystems resilience. For this, we have elaborated a complete response-trait database for the tree and shrubby species considered in the Third Spanish National Forest Inventory (3SNFI). In the database, the presence or absence of nine response traits associated to drought, fire, and wind were assigned to each species. The database reflected the lack of information about some important traits (in particular for shrubby species) and allowed to determine those traits most widely distributed. The information contained in the database was then used to assess a relative index of forest resilience to these disturbances calculated from the abundance of response traits and the species redundancy for each plot of the 3SNFI; considering both tree and shrubby species. In general, few plots showed high values of the resilience index, probably because some traits were scarcely presented in the species and also because most plots presented very few species. The cartographic representation of the index showed low values for the stands located in mountainous ranges, which are mostly composed by species typical from central Europe. In the other side, Eucalyptus plantations in Galicia appeared as one thee the most resilient ecosystems, due to its higher adaptive capacity to persist after the occurrence of drought, fire, and windstorm events. We conclude that the response traits database can constitute a useful tool for forest management and planning and for future research to enhance the forest resilience.
Shipping list no.: 94-0366-P.
During the last decades there has been a global shift in forest management from a focus solely on timber management to ecosystem management that endorses all aspects of forest functions: ecological, economic and social. This has resulted in a shift in paradigm from sustained yield to sustained diversity of values, goods and benefits obtained at the same time, introducing new temporal and spatial scales into forest resource management. The purpose of the present dissertation was to develop methods that would enable spatial and temporal scales to be introduced into the storage, processing, access and utilization of forest resource data. The methods developed are based on a conceptual view of a forest as a hierarchically nested collection of objects that can have a dynamically changing set of attributes. The temporal aspect of the methods consists of lifetime management for the objects and their attributes and of a temporal succession linking the objects together. Development of the forest resource data processing method concentrated on the extensibility and configurability of the data content and model calculations, allowing for a diverse set of processing operations to be executed using the same framework. The contribution of this dissertation to the utilisation of multi-scale forest resource data lies in the development of a reference data generation method to support forest inventory methods in approaching single-tree resolution.