940 resultados para Food additive product
Objective: The present study aimed to examine the role of health in consumers’ food purchasing decisions through investigating the nature of people’s discourse regarding health while conducting their food shopping.
Design: The study employed the think-aloud technique as part of an accompanied shop. All mentions of health and terms relating to health were identified from the data set. Inductive thematic analysis was conducted to examine how health was talked about in relation to people’s food choice decisions.
Setting: Supermarkets in Dublin, Republic of Ireland and Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Subjects Participants: (n 50) were aged over 18 years and represented the main household shopper.
Results: Responsibility for others and the perceived need to illicit strict control to avoid ‘unhealthy’ food selections played a dominant role in how health was talked about during the accompanied shop. Consequently healthy shopping was viewed as difficult and effort was required to make the healthy choice, with shoppers relating to product-based inferences to support their decisions.
Conclusions: This qualitative exploration has provided evidence of a number of factors influencing the consideration of health during consumers’ food shopping. These results highlight opportunities for stakeholders such as public health bodies and the food industry to explore further ways to help enable consumers make healthy food choices.
L-Lactate was produced from xylose using electrodialysis culture (ED-C)-associated product separation. In a medium containing 50 g xylose/l, the ED-C was completed in only 32 h (i.e. less than half the time taken by the control culture, without electrodialysis). At 80 g xylose/l, the control culture was unable to consume more than 50 g xylose/1, whereas the ED-C showed increased xylose consumption and was completed by 45 h. The maximum rate of lactate production in the ED-C was higher than that in the control culture. ED-C was also carried out (at 80 g initial xylose/ l) with a supply of fresh xylose-free medium. This ED-C was completed within 30 h, which represents a reduction in fermentation time of 15 h when compared to ED-C without addition of xylose-free medium. Thus, rapid production of L-lactate was achieved by using ED-C which supplied fresh xylose-free medium.
Industrial chemicals, antimicrobials, drugs and personal care products have been reported as global pollutants which enter the food chain. Some of them have also been classified as endocrine disruptors based on results of various studies employing a number of in vitro/. vivo tests. The present study employed a mammalian reporter gene assay to assess the effects of known and emerging contaminants on estrogen nuclear receptor transactivation.Out of fifty-nine compounds assessed, estrogen receptor agonistic activity was observed for parabens (. n= 3), UV filters (. n= 6), phthalates (. n= 4) and a metabolite, pyrethroids (. n= 9) and their metabolites (. n= 3). Two compounds were estrogen receptor antagonists while some of the agonists enhanced 17β-estradiol mediated response.This study reports five new compounds (pyrethroids and their metabolites) possessing estrogen agonist activity and highlights for the first time that pyrethroid metabolites are of particular concern showing much greater estrogenic activity than their parent compounds.
The aim of this paper is to analyse vulnerability and robustness of small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) supply chains and to consider contextual factors that might influence the success of their disturbance management: Risky product and business environment. By using an exploratory case study it is shown how these contextual factors attribute vulnerability sources, contribute to the robustness of a company’s performance and supply chain vulnerability, as well as how a company seeks to manage internal and external vulnerability sources. The exploratory case is based on a fresh food supply chain of a manufacturing SME operating in a developing market.
Case findings suggest that fresh food supply chains of a manufacturing SME in developing markets are prone to disruptions of their logistics and production processes due to ‘riskiness’ of fresh food products, the ‘riskiness’ of developing markets, as well as ‘riskiness’ of SMEs themselves. However, this does not necessarily indicate the vulnerability of an SME and its entire supply chain. Findings indicate that SMEs can be very successful in disturbance management by selective use of redesign strategies that aim to prevent or reduce the impact of disturbances. More precise, it is likely that an SME can achieve robust performance by employing preventive redesign strategies in managing disturbances that result from internal, company related vulnerability sources, while impact reduction strategies are likely to contribute to robust performance of an SME if used to manage disturbances that result from internal, supply chain related vulnerability sources, as well as external vulnerability sources.
Nanotechnology has relevance to applications in all areas of agri-food including agriculture, aquaculture, production, processing, packaging, safety and nutrition. Scientific literature indicates uncertainties in food safety aspects about using nanomaterials due to potential health risks. To date the agri-food industry's awareness and attitude towards nanotechnology have not been addressed. We surveyed the awareness and attitudes of agri-food organisations on the island of Ireland (IoI) with regards to nanotechnology. A total of 14 agri-food stakeholders were interviewed and 88 agri-food stakeholders responded to an on-line questionnaire. The findings indicate that the current awareness of nanotechnology applications in the agri-food sector on the IoI is low and respondents are neither positive nor negative towards agri-food applications of nanotechnology. Safer food, reduced waste and increased product shelf life were considered to be the most important benefits to the agri-food industry. Knowledge of practical examples of agri-food applications is limited however opportunities were identified in precision farming techniques, innovative packaging, functional ingredients and nutrition of foods, processing equipment, and safety testing. Perceived impediments to nanotechnology adoption were potential unknown human health and environmental impacts, consumer acceptance and media framing. The need for a risk assessment framework, research into long term health and environmental effects, and better engagement between scientists, government bodies, the agri-food industry and the public were identified as important.
Increasing consumer demand for seafood, combined with concern over the health of our oceans, has led to many initiatives aimed at tackling destructive fishing practices and promoting the sustainability of fisheries. An important global threat to sustainable fisheries is Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, and there is now an increased emphasis on the use of trade measures to prevent IUU-sourced fish and fish products from entering the international market. Initiatives encompass new legislation in the European Union requiring the inclusion of species names on catch labels throughout the distribution chain. Such certification measures do not, however, guarantee accuracy of species designation. Using two DNA-based methods to compare species descriptions with molecular ID, we examined 386 samples of white fish, or products labelled as primarily containing white fish, from major UK supermarket chains. Species specific real-time PCR probes were used for cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) to provide a highly sensitive and species-specific test for the major species of white fish sold in the UK. Additionally, fish-specific primers were used to sequence the forensically validated barcoding gene, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI). Overall levels of congruence between product label and genetic species identification were high, with 94.34% of samples correctly labelled, though a significant proportion in terms of potential volume, were mislabelled. Substitution was usually for a cheaper alternative and, in one case, extended to a tropical species. To our knowledge, this is the first published study encompassing a large-scale assessment of UK retailers, and if representative, indicates a potentially significant incidence of incorrect product designation.
Os moluscos bivalves constituem um recurso haliêutico de elevada importância na economia (inter)nacional pelas suas características organolépticas, valor nutritivo e relevância na gastronomia tradicional. Não obstante, representam um produto alimentar de elevado risco para a saúde pública. A contaminação microbiológica (autóctone e antropogénica), sendo crónica nos bancos de bivalves das zonas estuarino-lagunares, constitui uma das principais preocupações associadas à segurança alimentar. Aquando da filtração inerente aos processos de respiração e alimentação, os bivalves bioacumulam passivamente microrganismos incluindo os patogénicos. A sua colocação no mercado impõe pois, prévia salubrização para níveis microbiológicos compatíveis com a legislação em vigor, salvaguardando a saúde pública. Apesar da monitorização das áreas de apanha e produção, das medidas de prevenção e da depuração, a ocorrência de surtos associados ao consumo de bivalves tem aumentado. Tal deve-se à insuficiente monitorização da contaminação microbiológica dos bivalves, contribuindo para uma gestão ineficaz do produto e consequente sub-valorização. O presente trabalho pretendeu caracterizar o estado de desenvolvimento do sector de exploração de bivalves em Portugal do ponto de vista da segurança alimentar, e analisar os aspectos cruciais da monitorização e da depuração do produto apresentando alternativas abrangentes e aplicáveis ao sector. Assim, desenvolveu-se uma metodologia de base molecular passível de adaptação à monitorização dos bivalves das zonas conquícolas, como alternativa ao método de referência vigente do Número Mais Provável que é baseado apenas na quantificação de Escherichia coli. O mexilhão (Mytilus edulis) da Ria de Aveiro, bivalve de interesse comercial a nível (inter)nacional serviu de modelo para a comparação de protocolos de extração de DNA. Esta metodologia foi desenvolvida de modo a que os métodos de extração de DNA sejam passíveis de aplicação a outras matrizes biológicas ou ambientais. Para além da detecção e quantificação directa de bactérias patogénicas, esta metodologia poderá ser aplicada à monitorização da transferência vertical microbiana nos bancos de bivalves bem como à caracterização da dinâmica espacio-temporal das populações microbianas no ambiente e à monitorização dos processos de depuração. Foi ainda abordado o potencial da aplicação de bacteriófagos ou de enzimas líticas para a optimização dos processos de purificação. O trabalho realizado e as perspectivas futuras propostas pretendem contribuir para a dinamização e requalificação do sector de exploração de bivalves através da melhoria do nível de segurança alimentar dos moluscos bivalves comercializados para alimentação humana, valorizando este recurso.
A vida da sociedade atual é dependente dos recursos fósseis, tanto a nível de energia como de materiais. No entanto, tem-se verificado uma redução das reservas destes recursos, ao mesmo tempo que as necessidades da sociedade continuam a aumentar, tornando cada vez mais necessárias, a produção de biocombustíveis e produtos químicos. Atualmente o etanol é produzido industrialmente a partir da cana-de-açúcar e milho, matérias-primas usadas na alimentação humana e animal. Este fato desencadeou o aumento de preços dos alimentos em todo o mundo e, como consequência, provocou uma série de distúrbios sociais. Os subprodutos industriais, recursos independentes das cadeias alimentares, têm-se posicionado como fonte de matérias-primas potenciais para bioprocessamento. Neste sentido, surgem os subprodutos gerados em grande quantidade pela indústria papeleira. Os licores de cozimento da madeira ao sulfito ácido (SSLs) são uma matériaprima promissora, uma vez que durante este processo os polissacarídeos da madeira são hidrolisados originando açúcares fermentáveis. A composição dos SSLs varia consoante o tipo de madeira usada no processo de cozimento (de árvores resinosas, folhosas ou a mistura de ambas). O bioprocessamento do SSL proveniente de folhosas (HSSL) é uma metodologia ainda pouco explorada. O HSSL contém elevadas concentrações de açúcares (35-45 g.L-1), na sua maioria pentoses. A fermentação destes açúcares a bioetanol é ainda um desafio, uma vez que nem todos os microrganismos são capazes de fermentar as pentoses a etanol. De entre as leveduras capazes de fermentar naturalmente as pentoses, destaca-se a Scheffersomyces stipitis, que apresenta uma elevada eficiência de fermentação. No entanto, o HSSL contém também compostos conhecidos por inibirem o crescimento de microrganismos, dificultando assim o seu bioprocessamento. Neste sentido, o principal objetivo deste trabalho foi a produção de bioetanol pela levedura S. stipitis a partir de HSSL, resultante do cozimento ao sulfito ácido da madeira de Eucalyptus globulus. Para alcançar este objetivo, estudaram-se duas estratégias de operação diferentes. Em primeiro lugar estudou-se a bio-desintoxicação do HSSL com o fungo filamentoso Paecilomyces variotii, conhecido por crescer em resíduos industriais. Estudaram-se duas tecnologias fermentativas diferentes para a biodesintoxicação do HSSL: um reator descontínuo e um reator descontínuo sequencial (SBR). A remoção biológica de inibidores do HSSL foi mais eficaz quando se usou o SBR. P. variotii assimilou alguns inibidores microbianos como o ácido acético, o ácido gálico e o pirogalol, entre outros. Após esta desintoxicação, o HSSL foi submetido à fermentação com S. stipitis, na qual foi atingida a concentração máxima de etanol de 2.36 g.L-1 com um rendimento de 0.17 g.g-1. P. variotti, além de desintoxicar o HSSL, também é útil na produção de proteína microbiana (SCP) para a alimentação animal pois, a sua biomassa é rica em proteína. O estudo da produção de SCP por P. variotii foi efetuado num SBR com HSSL sem suplementos e suplementado com sais. A melhor produção de biomassa foi obtida no HSSL sem adição de sais, tendo-se obtido um teor de proteína elevado (82,8%), com uma baixa concentração de DNA (1,1%). A proteína continha 6 aminoácidos essenciais, mostrando potencial para o uso desta SCP na alimentação animal e, eventualmente, em nutrição humana. Assim, a indústria papeleira poderá integrar a produção de bioetanol após a produção SCP e melhorar a sustentabilidade da indústria de pastas. A segunda estratégia consistiu em adaptar a levedura S. stipitis ao HSSL de modo a que esta levedura conseguisse crescer e fermentar o HSSL sem remoção de inibidores. Operou-se um reator contínuo (CSTR) com concentrações crescentes de HSSL, entre 20 % e 60 % (v/v) durante 382 gerações em HSSL, com uma taxa de diluição de 0.20 h-1. A população adaptada, recolhida no final do CSTR (POP), apresentou uma melhoria na fermentação do HSSL (60 %), quando comparada com a estirpe original (PAR). Após esta adaptação, a concentração máxima de etanol obtida foi de 6.93 g.L-1, com um rendimento de 0.26 g.g-1. POP possuía também a capacidade de metabolizar, possivelmente por ativação de vias oxidativas, compostos derivados da lenhina e taninos dissolvidos no HSSL, conhecidos inibidores microbianos. Por fim, verificou-se também que a pré-cultura da levedura em 60 % de HSSL fez com que a estirpe PAR melhorasse o processo fermentativo em HSSL, em comparação com o ensaio sem pré-cultura em HSSL. No entanto, no caso da estirpe POP, o seu metabolismo foi redirecionado para a metabolização dos inibidores sendo que a produção de etanol decresceu.
The use of spices, common nowadays, was once a sign of high position, luxury and wealth. The value of food ingredients is thus determined by the time in which one lives, that is, it is a product of fashion, since they are always used in a social context. Many plants used as spices enjoyed fame and undeniable importance in the past but their reign was more or less ephemeral, as they were rejected in favour of others for food seasoning, or simply upstaged and/or used for other purposes.
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biotecnológicas (Biotecnologia Alimentar), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
The October 2015 Food and Beverage Entrepreneurship Roundtable brought together over 30 food and beverage industry leaders, entrepreneurs, faculty, and students at the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University. Discussion topics covered entrepreneurship in the food and beverage industry, including development, intrapreneurship, operational efficiency, beverage product development, and technology. The roundtable began with the presentation of a five-point framework on food and beverage venue development. The first three phases focused on the launch of a venue, including how to define the guest experience; the creation of operational functionality by strategically planning out the design, flow, and efficiency of a defined space; and development capacity. The remaining two points of the framework focused on post-opening considerations, including operating systems and culture development. Participants discussed the importance of culture in the growth of a business. They suggested that intrapreneurship needs to be fostered in the culture of an organization and in an educational curriculum for those who are preparing to enter the industry. Participants also discussed the fine balance between setting expectations for an experience and subsequently being able to maintain this experience in a fast changing environment. In particular they considered what it means to say no to customers. A discussion on the beverage industry focused on how to distribute products in a crowded marketplace. One method to ensure that the product gets into the hands of the consumers is face-to-face sales. Finally, in the technology session, the group discussed technology adoption, specifically focusing on the point at which technology detracts from the guest experience, how to minimize operational risk from technology, and how to maximize consumers’ adoption rates.
Consumers nowadays are playing an active role in their health-care. A special case is the increasing number of women, who are reluctant to use exogenous hormone therapy for the treatment of menopausal symptoms and are looking for complementary therapies. However, food supplements are not clearly regulated in Europe. The EFSA has only recently begun to address the issues of botanical safety and purity regulation, leading to a variability of content, standardization, dosage, and purity of available products. In this study, isoflavones (puerarin, daidzin, genistin, daidzein, glycitein, genistein, formononetin, prunetin, and biochanin A) from food supplements (n = 15) for menopausal symptoms relief are evaluated and compared with the labelled information. Only four supplements complied with the recommendations made by the EC on the tolerable thresholds. The intestinal bioavailability of these compounds was investigated using Caco-2 cells. The apparent permeability coefficients of the selected isoflavonoids across the Caco-2 cells were affected by the isoflavone concentration and product matrix.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Field Lab: Children consumer behaviour
Field lab in marketing: Children consumer behaviour