946 resultados para Focal adhesion kinase


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Cimetidine, referred as antiandrogenic agent, has caused alterations in the seminiferous tubules, including alterations in the peritubular tissue and death of myoid cells by apoptosis. Regarding the structural and functional importance of the peritubular tissue for the maintenance of Sertoli cells (SC), we purpose to investigate the SC-basement membrane interface, focusing the morphological features of SC and their interaction with the basement membrane in the affected tubules by cimetidine. Ten animals were distributed into two groups, control (CG) and cimetidine (CmG) which received saline solution and 50 mg of cimetidine per kg of body weight, respectively, for 52 days. The testes were fixed, dehydrated and embedded for analyses under light and transmission electron microscopy. Paraffin sections were submitted to the TUNEL method; sections of testes embedded in glycol methacrylate were submitted to PAS method and stained by H&E for morphological and quantitative analyses of Sertoli Cells. In the CmG, the SC nuclei were positive to the TUNEL method and showed typical morphological alterations of cell death by apoptosis (from early to advanced stages). A significant reduction in the number of Sertoli Cells was probably due to death of these cells by apoptosis. A close relationship between SC nuclear alterations (including a high frequency of dislocated nuclei from the basal portion) and damage in the peritubular tissue was observed. The ultrastructural analysis showed a parallelism between the gradual advancement of apoptotic process in SC and detachment of the anchoring sites (hemidesmosomes) of SC plasma membrane from the lamina densa. The presence of portions of lamina densa underlying the detached hemidesmosomes indicates a continuous deposition of lamina densa, resulting in the thickening of the basal lamina. The results indicate a possible disarrangement of the SC cytoskeleton, including the focal adhesion structure. These alterations are related to SC apoptosis and probably result from disturbs induced by cimetidine on the peritubular tissue.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The importance of mechanical aspects related to cell activity and its environment is becoming more evident due to their influence in stem cell differentiation and in the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis. The mechanical tension homeostasis is related to normal tissue behavior and its lack may be related to the formation of cancer, which shows a higher mechanical tension. Due to the complexity of cellular activity, the application of simplified models may elucidate which factors are really essential and which have a marginal effect. The development of a systematic method to reconstruct the elements involved in the perception of mechanical aspects by the cell may accelerate substantially the validation of these models. This work proposes the development of a routine capable of reconstructing the topology of focal adhesions and the actomyosin portion of the cytoskeleton from the displacement field generated by the cell on a flexible substrate. Another way to think of this problem is to develop an algorithm to reconstruct the forces applied by the cell from the measurements of the substrate displacement, which would be characterized as an inverse problem. For these kind of problems, the Topology Optimization Method (TOM) is suitable to find a solution. TOM is consisted of an iterative application of an optimization method and an analysis method to obtain an optimal distribution of material in a fixed domain. One way to experimentally obtain the substrate displacement is through Traction Force Microscopy (TFM), which also provides the forces applied by the cell. Along with systematically generating the distributions of focal adhesion and actin-myosin for the validation of simplified models, the algorithm also represents a complementary and more phenomenological approach to TFM. As a first approximation, actin fibers and flexible substrate are represented through two-dimensional linear Finite Element Method. Actin contraction is modeled as an initial stress of the FEM elements. Focal adhesions connecting actin and substrate are represented by springs. The algorithm was applied to data obtained from experiments regarding cytoskeletal prestress and micropatterning, comparing the numerical results to the experimental ones


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Mesenchymale Stamzellen (MSC) sind Vertreter der adulten Stammzellen. Sie bergen durch ihre große Plastizität ein immenses Potential für die klinische Nutzung in Form von Stammzelltherapien. Zellen dieses Typs kommen vornehmlich im Knochenmark der großen Röhrenknochen vor und können zu Knochen, Knorpel und Fettzellen differenzieren. MSC leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag im Rahmen regenerativer Prozesse, beispielsweise zur Heilung von Frakturen. Breite Studien demonstrieren bereits jetzt auch bei komplexeren Erkrankungen (z.B. Osteoporose) therapeutisch vielversprechende Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Oft kommen hierbei aus MSC gezielt differenzierte Folgelinien aus Zellkulturen zum Einsatz. Dies bedingt eine kontrollierte Steuerung der Differenzierungsprozesse in vitro. Der Differenzierung einer Stammzelle liegt eine komplexe Veränderung ihrer Genexpression zugrunde. Genexpressionsmuster zur Erhaltung und Proliferation der Stammzellen müssen durch solche, die der linienspezifischen Differenzierung dienen, ersetzt werden. Die mit der Differenzierung einhergehende, transkriptomische Neuausrichtung ist für das Verständnis der Prozesse grundlegend und wurde bislang nur unzureichend untersucht. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine transkriptomweite und vergleichende Genexpressionsanalyse Mesenchymaler Stammzellen und deren in vitro differenzierten Folgelinien mittels Plasmid - DNA Microarrays und Sequenziertechniken der nächsten Generation (RNA-Seq, Illumina Plattform). In dieser Arbeit diente das Hausrind (Bos taurus) als Modellorganismus, da es genetisch betrachtet eine hohe Ähnlichkeit zum Menschen aufweist und Knochenmark als Quelle von MSC gut verfügbar ist. Primärkulturen Mesenchymaler Stammzellen konnten aus dem Knochenmark von Rindern erfolgreich isoliert werden. Es wurden in vitro Zellkultur - Versuche durchgeführt, um die Zellen zu Osteoblasten, Chondrozyten und Adipozyten zu differenzieren. Zur Genexpressionsanalyse wurde RNA aus jungen MSC und einer MSC Langzeitkultur („alte MSC“), sowie aus den differenzierten Zelllinien isoliert und für nachfolgende Experimente wo nötig amplifiziert. Der Erfolg der Differenzierungen konnte anhand der Genexpression von spezifischen Markergenen und mittels histologischer Färbungen belegt werden. Hierbei zeigte sich die Differenzierung zu Osteoblasten und Adipozyten erfolgreich, während die Differenzierung zu Chondrozyten trotz diverser Modifikationen am Protokoll nicht erfolgreich durchgeführt werden konnte. Eine vergleichende Hybridisierung zur Bestimmung differentieller Genexpression (MSC vs. Differenzierung) mittels selbst hergestellter Plasmid - DNA Microarrays ergab für die Osteogenese mit Genen wie destrin und enpp1, für die undifferenzierten MSC mit dem Gen sema3c neue Kandidatengene, deren biologische Funktion aufzuklären in zukünftigen Experimenten vielversprechende Ergebnisse liefern sollte. Die Analyse der transkriptomweiten Genexpression mittels NGS lieferte einen noch umfangreicheren Einblick ins Differenzierungsgeschehen. Es zeigte sich eine hohe Ähnlichkeit im Expressionsprofil von jungen MSC und Adipozyten, sowie zwischen den Profilen der alten MSC (eine Langzeitkultur) und Osteoblasten. Die alten MSC wiesen deutliche Anzeichen für eine spontane Differenzierung in die osteogene Richtung auf. Durch Analyse der 100 am stärksten exprimierten Gene jeder Zelllinie ließen sich für junge MSC und Adipozyten besonders Gene der extrazellulären Matrix (z.B col1a1,6 ; fn1 uvm.) auffinden. Sowohl Osteoblasten, als auch die alten MSC exprimieren hingegen verstärkt Gene mit Bezug zur oxidativen Phosphorylierung, sowie ribosomale Proteine. Eine Betrachtung der differentiellen Genexpression (junge MSC vs. Differenzierung) mit anschließender Pathway Analyse und Genontologie Anreicherungsstatistik unterstützt diese Ergebnisse vor allem bei Osteoblasten, wo nun jedoch zusätzlich auch Gene zur Regulation der Knochenentwicklung und Mineralisierung in den Vordergrund treten. Für Adipozyten konnte mit Genen des „Jak-STAT signaling pathway“, der Fokalen Adhäsion, sowie Genen des „Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction pathway“ sehr spannende Einsichten in die Biologie dieses Zelltyps erlangt werden, die sicher weiterer Untersuchungen bedürfen. In undifferenzierten MSC konnte durch differentielle Genexpressionsanalyse die Rolle des nicht kanonischen Teils des WNT Signalweges als für die Aufrechterhaltung des Stammzellstatus potentiell äußerst einflussreich ermittelt werden. Die hier diskutierten Ergebnisse zeigen beispielhaft, dass besonders mittels Genexpressionsanalyse im Hochdurchsatzverfahren wertvolle Einblicke in die komplexe Biologie der Stammzelldifferenzierung möglich sind. Als Grundlage für nachfolgende Arbeiten konnten interessante Gene ermittelt und Hypothesen zu deren Einfluss auf Stammzelleigenschaften und Differenzierungsprozesse aufgestellt werden. Um einen besseren Einblick in den Differenzierungsverlauf zu ermöglichen, könnten künftig NGS Analysen zu unterschiedlichen Differenzierungszeitpunkten durchgeführt werden. Zudem wären weitere Anstrengungen zur erfolgreichen Etablierung der chondrogenen Differenzierung zur vollständigen Analyse der Genexpression des trilinearen Differenzierungspotentials von MSC wünschenswert.


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In order to improve the osseointegration of endosseous implants made from titanium, the structure and composition of the surface were modified. Mirror-polished commercially pure (cp) titanium substrates were coated by the sol-gel process with different oxides: TiO(2), SiO(2), Nb(2)O(5) and SiO(2)-TiO(2). The coatings were physically and biologically characterized. Infrared spectroscopy confirmed the absence of organic residues. Ellipsometry determined the thickness of layers to be approximately 100nm. High resolution scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomice force microscopy revealed a nanoporous structure in the TiO(2) and Nb(2)O(5) layers, whereas the SiO(2) and SiO(2)-TiO(2) layers appeared almost smooth. The R(a) values, as determined by white-light interferometry, ranged from 20 to 50nm. The surface energy determined by the sessile-drop contact angle method revealed the highest polar component for SiO(2) (30.7mJm(-2)) and the lowest for cp-Ti and 316L stainless steel (6.7mJm(-2)). Cytocompatibility of the oxide layers was investigated with MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts in vitro (proliferation, vitality, morphology and cytochemical/immunolabelling of actin and vinculin). Higher cell proliferation rates were found in SiO(2)-TiO(2) and TiO(2), and lower in Nb(2)O(5) and SiO(2); whereas the vitality rates increased for cp-Ti and Nb(2)O(5). Cytochemical assays showed that all substrates induced a normal cytoskeleton and well-developed focal adhesion contacts. SEM revealed good cell attachment for all coating layers. In conclusion, the sol-gel-derived oxide layers were thin, pure and nanostructured; consequent different osteoblast responses to those coatings are explained by the mutual action and coadjustment of different interrelated surface parameters.


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The whisker follicle has CD34-positive stem cells that migrate from their niche near the bulge along the glassy membrane to the whisker bulb, where they participate in the formation of the whisker shaft. Using immunohistochemistry we found the glycoprotein tenascin-C in the fibrous capsule of mouse whisker follicles, along the glassy membrane and in the trabecular region surrounding keratin-15-negative, CD34-positive stem cells. The related glycoprotein tenascin-W is found in the CD34-positive stem cell niche, in nearby trabeculae, and along the glassy membrane. Tenascin-W is also found in the neural stem cell niche of nearby hair follicles. The formation of stress fibers and focal adhesion complexes in CD34-positive whisker-derived stem cells cultured on fibronectin was inhibited by both tenascin-C and tenascin-W, which is consistent with a role for these glycoproteins in promoting the migration of these cells from the niche to the whisker bulb. Tenascin-C, but not tenascin-W, increased the proliferation of whisker follicle stem cells in vitro. Thus, the CD34-positive whisker follicle stem cell niche contains both tenascin-C and tenascin-W, and these glycoproteins may play a role in directing the migration and proliferation of these stem cells.


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Randomly spread fibroblasts on fibronectin-coated elastomeric membranes respond to cyclic strain by a varying degree of focal adhesion assembly and actin reorganization. We speculated that the individual shape of the cells, which is linked to cytoskeletal structure and pre-stress, might tune these integrin-dependent mechanotransduction events. To this aim, fibronectin circles, squares and rectangles of identical surface area (2000μm(2)) were micro-contact printed onto elastomeric substrates. Fibroblasts plated on these patterns occupied the corresponding shapes. Cyclic 10% equibiaxial strain was applied to patterned cells for 30min, and changes in cytoskeleton and cell-matrix adhesions were quantified after fluorescence staining. After strain, megakaryocytic leukemia-1 protein translocated to the nucleus in most cells, indicating efficient RhoA activation independently of cell shape. However, circular and square cells (with radial symmetry) showed a significantly greater increase in the number of actin stress fibers and vinculin-positive focal adhesions after cyclic strain than rectangular (bipolar) cells of identical size. Conversely, cyclic strain induced larger changes in pY397-FAK positive focal complexes and zyxin relocation from focal adhesions to stress fibers in bipolar compared to symmetric cells. Thus, radially symmetric cells responded to cyclic strain with a larger increase in assembly, whereas bipolar cells reacted with more pronounced reorganization of actin stress fibers and matrix contacts. We conclude that integrin-mediated responses to external mechanical strain are differentially modulated in cells that have the same spreading area but different geometries, and do not only depend on mere cell size.


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Mammalian Alix (ALG2-interacting protein X&barbelow;) is a conserved adaptor protein that is involved in endosomal trafficking, apoptosis and growth factor receptor turnover. Accumulating evidence also indicates that Alix plays roles in promoting/maintaining spread and aligned fibroblast morphology in monolayer culture. Since cell morphology is determined by the structure and dynamics of an integrin-mediated transmembrane protein network that links extracellular matrix to intracellular cytoskeleton, we hypothesized that Alix plays direct or indirect roles in regulating certain components or steps in this transmembrane protein network. To test this hypothesis, we first examined the subcellular localization of Alix and discovered that, as a predominantly cytoplasmic protein, Alix is also present on the substratum/cell surface and in the conditioned medium of fibroblast cultures. Further, precoating of culture surfaces with recombinant Alix promotes spreading and fibronectin assembly to NIH/3T3 cells, and siRNA-mediated Alix knockdown in W138 cells has the opposite effects. These findings indicate the extracellular functions of Alix in regulating cell spreading and extracellular matrix assembly. In a separate study, we analyzed Alix immunocomplexes from normal fibroblast W138 cells by mass spectrometry and identified actin as a major partner protein of Alix. Follow-up studies demonstrated that Alix preferentially binds filamentous actin (F-actin) in vitro and is required for maintaining normal F-actin content and proper actin cytoskeleton assembly in W138 cells. These findings establish direct and essential roles of Alix in regulating actin cytoskeleton. Finally, we investigated the effects of Alix knockdown on the activation and subcellular localization of FAK and Pyk2, the focal adhesion kinases required for cell spreading/migration by promoting turnover of integrin-mediated cell adhesions. We discovered that Alix knockdown inhibits FAK and Pyk2 localizations to focal adhesions or plasma membrane, in association with characteristics of reduced turnover of focal adhesions. These findings reveal a positive role of Alix in focal adhesion turnover. Based on these results, we conclude that Alix targets both intracellularly and extracellularly components to regulate extracellular matrix remodeling, actin cytoskeleton assembly and focal adhesion turnover. A combination of these three functions of Alix explains its crucial role in regulating spread and aligned fibroblast morphology. ^


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Atherosclerosis is a complex disease resulting from interactions of genetic and environmental risk factors leading to heart failure and stroke. Using an atherosclerotic mouse model (ldlr-/-, apobec1-/- designated as LDb), we performed microarray analysis to identify candidate genes and pathways, which are most perturbed in changes in the following risk factors: genetics (control C57BL/6 vs. LDb mice), shearstress (lesion-prone vs. lesion-resistant regions in LDb mice), diet (chow vs. high fat fed LDb mice) and age (2-month-old vs. 8-month old LDb mice). ^ Atherosclerotic lesion quantification and lipid profile studies were performed to assess the disease phenotype. A microarray study was performed on lesion-prone and lesion-resistant regions of each aorta. Briefly, 32 male C57BL/6 and LDb mice (n =16/each) were fed on either chow or high fat diet, sacrificed at 2- and 8-months old, and RNA isolated from the aortic lesion-prone and aortic lesion-resistant segments. Using 64 Affymetrix Murine 430 2.0 chips, we profiled differentially expressed genes with the cut off value of FDR ≤ 0.15 for t-test, and q <0.0001 for the ANOVA. The data were normalized using two normalization methods---invariant probe sets (Loess) and Quantile normalization, the statistical analysis was performed using t-tests and ANOVA, and pathway characterization was done using Pathway Express (Wayne State). The result identified the calcium signaling pathway as the most significant overrepresented pathway, followed by focal adhesion. In the calcium signaling pathway, 56 genes were found to be significantly differentially expressed out of 180 genes listed in the KEGG calcium signaling pathway. Nineteen of these genes were consistently identified by both statistical tests, 11 of which were unique to the test, and 26 were unique to the ANOVA test, using the cutoffs noted above. ^ In conclusion, this finding suggested that hypercholesterolemia drives the disease progression by altering the expression of calcium channels and regulators which subsequently results in cell differentiation, growth, adhesion, cytoskeletal change and death. Clinically, this pathway may serve as an important target for future therapeutic intervention, and thus the calcium signaling pathway may serve as an important target for future diagnostic and therapeutic intervention. ^


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Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms and Dissections (TAAD) are the fifteenth leading cause of death in the United States. About 15% of TAAD patients have family history of the disease. The most commonly mutated gene in these families is ACTA2, encoding smooth muscle-specific α-actin. ACTA2 missense mutations predispose individuals both to TAAD and to vascular occlusive disease of small, muscular arteries. Mice carrying an Acta2 R258C mutant transgene with a wildtype Acta2 promoter were generated and bred with Acta2-/- mice to decrease the wildtype: mutant Acta2 ratio. Acta2+/+ R258C TGmice have decreased aortic contractility without aortic disease. Acta2+/- R258C TG mice, however, have significant aortic dilatations by 12 weeks of age and a hyperproliferative response to injury. We characterized smooth muscle cells (SMCs) from bothmouse models under the hypothesis that mutant α-actin has a dominant negative effect, leading to impaired contractile filament formation/stability, improper focal adhesion maturation and increased proliferation. Explanted aortic SMCs from Acta2+/+ R258C TG mice are differentiated - they form intact filaments, express higher levels of contractile markers compared to wildtype SMCs and have predominantly nuclear Myocardin-Related Transcription Factor A (MRTF-A) localization. However, ultracentrifugation assays showed large unpolymerized actin fractions, suggesting that the filaments are brittle. In contrast, Acta2+/- R258C TG SMCs are less well-differentiated, with pools of unpolymerized actin, more cytoplasmic MRTF-A and decreased contractile protein expression compared to wildtype cells. Ultracentrifugation assays after treating Acta2+/- R258C TGSMCs with phalloidin showed actin filament fractions, indicating that mutant α-actin can polymerize into filaments. Both Acta2+/+ R258C TGand Acta2+/- R258C TGSMCs have larger and more peripheral focal adhesions compared to wildtype SMCs. Rac1 was more activated in Acta2+/+ R258C TGSMCs; both Rac1 and RhoA were less activated in Acta2+/- R258C TG SMCs, and FAK was more activated in both transgenic SMC lines compared to wildtype. Proliferation in both cell lines was significantly increased compared to wildtype cells and could be partially attenuated by inhibition of FAK or PDGFRβ. These data support a dominant negative effect of the Acta2 R258C mutation on the SMC phenotype, with increasing phenotypic severity when wildtype: mutant α-actin levels are decreased.


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Vaccinia uses actin-based motility for virion movement in host cells, but the specific protein components have yet to be defined. A cardinal feature of Listeria and Shigella actin-based motility is the involvement of vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP). This essential adapter recognizes and binds to actin-based motility 1 (ABM-1) consensus sequences [(D/E)FPPPPX(D/E), X = P or T] contained in Listeria ActA and in the p90 host-cell vinculin fragment generated by Shigella infection. VASP, in turn, provides the ABM-2 sequences [XPPPPP, X = G, P, L, S, A] for binding profilin, an actin-regulatory protein that stimulates actin filament assembly. Immunolocalization using rabbit anti-VASP antibody revealed that VASP concentrates behind motile virions in HeLa cells. Profilin was also present in these actin-rich rocket tails, and microinjection of 10 μM (intracellular) ABM-2 peptide (GPPPPP)3 blocked vaccinia actin-based motility. Vinculin did not colocalize with VASP on motile virions and remained in focal adhesion contacts; however, another ABM-1-containing host protein, zyxin, was concentrated at the rear of motile virions. We also examined time-dependent changes in the location of these cytoskeletal proteins during vaccinia infection. VASP and zyxin were redistributed dramatically several hours before the formation of actin rocket tails, concentrating in the viral factories of the perinuclear cytoplasm. Our findings underscore the universal involvement of ABM-1 and ABM-2 docking sites in actin-based motility of Listeria, Shigella, and now vaccinia.


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Transformation of cells in tissue culture results in a variety of cellular changes including alterations in cell growth, adhesiveness, motility, morphology, and organization of the cytoskeleton. Morphological and cytoskeletal changes are perhaps the most readily apparent features of transformed cells. Although a number of studies have documented a decrease in the expression of specific tropomyosin (TM) isoforms in transformed cells, it remains to be determined if the suppression of TM synthesis is essential in the establishment and maintenance of the transformed pheno-type. To address the roles of different TM isoforms in transformed cells we have examined the effects of expressing specific TM isoforms in transformed cells using a Kirsten virus-transformed cell line (ATCC NRK1569) as a model system. In contrast to normal fibroblasts, the NRK 1569 cells contain reduced levels of TM-1 and undetectable levels of TM-2 and TM-3. These cells have a rounded morphology and are devoid of stress fibers. Employing expression plasmids for TM-2 and TM-3, stable cell lines were established from the NRK 1569 cells that express these isoforms individually. We demonstrate that expression of TM-2 or TM-3 leads to increased cell spreading accompanied by the formation of identifiable microfilament bundles, as well as significant restoration of well-defined vinculin-containing focal adhesion plaques, although expression of each isoform exhibited distinct properties. In addition, cells expressing TM-2, but not TM-3, exhibited contact-inhibited cell growth and a requirement for serum.


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Tumour vasculogenesis can occur by a process referred to as vasculogenic mimicry, whereby the vascular structures are derived from the tumour itself. These tumours are highly aggressive and do not respond well to anti-angiogenic therapy. Here, we use the well characterised ECV304 cell line, now known as the bladder cancer epithelial cell line T24/83 which shows both epithelial and endothelial characteristics, as a model of in vitro vasculogenic mimicry. Using optimised ratios of co-cultures of ECV304 and C378 human fibroblasts, tubular structures were identifiable after 8 days. The tubular structures showed high levels of TG2 antigen and TG in situ activity. Tubular structures and in situ activity could be blocked either by site-directed irreversible inhibitors of TG2 or by silencing the ECV304 TG2 by antisense transfection. In situ activity for TG2 showed co-localisation with both fibronectin and collagen IV. Deposition of these proteins into the extracellular matrix could be reduced by inclusion of non-cell penetrating TG inhibitors when analysed by Western blotting suggesting that the contribution of TG2 to tube formation is extracellular. Incubation of ECV304 cells with these same irreversible inhibitors reduced cell migration which paralleled a loss in focal adhesion assembly, actin cytoskeleton formation and fibronectin deposition. TG2 appears essential for ECV304 tube formation, thus representing a potential novel therapeutic target in the inhibition of vasculogenic mimicry. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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Since the first discovery of S100 members in 1965, their expressions have been affiliated with numerous biological functions in all cells of the body. However, in the recent years, S100A4, a member of this superfamily has emerged as the central target in generating new avenue for cancer therapy as its overexpression has been correlated with cancer patients’ mortality as well as established roles as motility and metastasis promoter. As it has no catalytic activity, S100A4 has to interact with its target proteins to regulate such effects. Up to date, more than 10 S100A4 target proteins have been identified but the mechanical process regulated by S100A4 to induce motility remains vague. In this work, we demonstrated that S100A4 overexpression resulted in actin filaments disorganisation, reduction in focal adhesions, instability of filopodia as well as exhibiting polarised morphology. However, such effects were not observed in truncated versions of S100A4 possibly highlighting the importance of C terminus of S100A4 target recognition. In order to assess some of the intracellular mechanisms that may be involved in promoting migrations, different strategies were used, including active pharmaceutical agents, inhibitors and knockdown experiments. Treatment of S100A4 overexpressing cells with blebbistatin and Y-27632, non muscle myosin IIA (NMMIIA) inhibitors, as well as knockdown of NMMIIA, resulted in motility enhancement and focal adhesions reduction proposing that NMMIIA assisted S100A4 in regulating cell motility but its presence is not essential. Further work done using Cos 7 cell lines, naturally lacking NMMIIA, further demonstrated that S100A4 is capable of regulating cell motility independent of NMMIIA, possibly through poor maturation of focal adhesion. Given that all these experiments highlighted the independency of NMMIIA towards migration, a protein that has been put at the forefront of S100A4-induced motility, we aimed to gather further understanding regarding the other molecular mechanisms that may be at play for motility. Using high throughput imaging (HCI), 3 compounds were identified to be capable of inhibiting S100A4-mediated migration. Although we have yet to investigate the underlying mechanism for their effects, these compounds have been shown to target membrane proteins and the externalisation of S100 proteins, for at least one of the compounds, leading us to speculate that preventing externalisation of S100A4 could potentially regulate cell motility.


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) represents the third most common cancer type and the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the western world. CRC results from the accumulation of both acquired genetic and epigenetic changes that transform normal glandular epithelium into adenocarcinoma (Lao and Grady 2011), affecting several genes such as Apc, K-ras, dcc/Smad4 and p53 or DNA mismatch repair genes (Pancione et al. 2012). p38 MAPKs are a subfamily of Serine-Threonine kinases activated by different stimuli that control fundamental cellular processes such as cell growth, proliferation, differentiation, migration and apoptosis (Dhillon et al. 2007, Nebreda and Porras 2000, Wagner and Nebreda 2009). There are four p38 MAPKs isoforms in mammals: α, β, δ and γ. p38α MAPK is ubiquitously expressed and is the most abundant isoform (Cuenda and Rousseau 2007). p38α is involved in the regulation of many cellular functions, among them, cell migration and invasion. In cancer, it can act as either a promoter or a suppressor of tumor growth, playing different roles during tumor progression (del Barco Barrantes and Nebreda 2012). C3G is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) mainly for the Ras family members: Rap1 (Gotoh et al. 1995) and R-Ras (Gotoh et al. 1997), but it can also act through GEF independent mechanisms. C3G regulates several cellular functions such as cell death, adhesion, migration and invasion (Radha et al. 2011). In collaboration with Dr. Carmen Guerrero’s group (Centro del Investigación del Cáncer de Salamanca), our group has found a new functional relationship between C3G and p38α MAPK involved in the regulation of cell death in MEFs (Gutierrez-Uzquiza et al. 2010) and in the chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) K562 cell line (Maia et al. 2009). Moreover, C3G and p38α act through a common regulatory pathway to control cell adhesion in K562 cells regulating focal adhesion proteins (Maia et al. 2013)...