974 resultados para Finite-temperature Properties


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A complete understanding of the glass transition isstill a challenging problem. Some researchers attributeit to the (hypothetical) occurrence of a static phasetransition, others emphasize the dynamical transitionof mode coupling-theory from an ergodic to a non ergodicstate. A class of disordered spin models has been foundwhich unifies both scenarios. One of these models isthe p-state infinite range Potts glass with p>4, whichexhibits in the thermodynamic limit both a dynamicalphase transition at a temperature T_D, and a static oneat T_0 < T_D. In this model every spins interacts withall the others, irrespective of distance. Interactionsare taken from a Gaussian distribution.In order to understand better its behavior forfinite number N of spins and the approach to thethermodynamic limit, we have performed extensive MonteCarlo simulations of the p=10 Potts glass up to N=2560.The time-dependent spin-autocorrelation function C(t)shows strong finite size effects and it does not showa plateau even for temperatures around the dynamicalcritical temperature T_D. We show that the N-andT-dependence of the relaxation time for T > T_D can beunderstood by means of a dynamical finite size scalingAnsatz.The behavior in the spin glass phase down to atemperature T=0.7 (about 60% of the transitiontemperature) is studied. Well equilibratedconfigurations are obtained with the paralleltempering method, which is also useful for properlyestablishing static properties, such as the orderparameter distribution function P(q). Evidence is givenfor the compatibility with a one step replica symmetrybreaking scenario. The study of the cumulants of theorder parameter does not permit a reliable estimation ofthe static transition temperature. The autocorrelationfunction at low T exhibits a two-step decay, and ascaling behavior typical of supercooled liquids, thetime-temperature superposition principle, is observed. Inthis region the dynamics is governed by Arrheniusrelaxations, with barriers growing like N^{1/2}.We analyzed the single spin dynamics down to temperaturesmuch lower than the dynamical transition temperature. We found strong dynamical heterogeneities, which explainthe non-exponential character of the spin autocorrelationfunction. The spins seem to relax according to dynamicalclusters. The model in three dimensions tends to acquireferromagnetic order for equal concentration of ferro-and antiferromagnetic bonds. The ordering has differentcharacteristics from the pure ferromagnet. The spinglass susceptibility behaves like chi_{SG} proportionalto 1/T in the region where a spin glass is predicted toexist in mean-field. Also the analysis of the cumulantsis consistent with the absence of spin glass orderingat finite temperature. The dynamics shows multi-scalerelaxations if a bimodal distribution of bonds isused. We propose to understand it with a model based onthe local spin configuration. This is consistent with theabsence of plateaus if Gaussian interactions are used.


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Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung und Kombination verschiedener numerischer Methoden, sowie deren Anwendung auf Probleme stark korrelierter Elektronensysteme. Solche Materialien zeigen viele interessante physikalische Eigenschaften, wie z.B. Supraleitung und magnetische Ordnung und spielen eine bedeutende Rolle in technischen Anwendungen. Es werden zwei verschiedene Modelle behandelt: das Hubbard-Modell und das Kondo-Gitter-Modell (KLM). In den letzten Jahrzehnten konnten bereits viele Erkenntnisse durch die numerische Lösung dieser Modelle gewonnen werden. Dennoch bleibt der physikalische Ursprung vieler Effekte verborgen. Grund dafür ist die Beschränkung aktueller Methoden auf bestimmte Parameterbereiche. Eine der stärksten Einschränkungen ist das Fehlen effizienter Algorithmen für tiefe Temperaturen.rnrnBasierend auf dem Blankenbecler-Scalapino-Sugar Quanten-Monte-Carlo (BSS-QMC) Algorithmus präsentieren wir eine numerisch exakte Methode, die das Hubbard-Modell und das KLM effizient bei sehr tiefen Temperaturen löst. Diese Methode wird auf den Mott-Übergang im zweidimensionalen Hubbard-Modell angewendet. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Studien können wir einen Mott-Übergang bei endlichen Temperaturen und endlichen Wechselwirkungen klar ausschließen.rnrnAuf der Basis dieses exakten BSS-QMC Algorithmus, haben wir einen Störstellenlöser für die dynamische Molekularfeld Theorie (DMFT) sowie ihre Cluster Erweiterungen (CDMFT) entwickelt. Die DMFT ist die vorherrschende Theorie stark korrelierter Systeme, bei denen übliche Bandstrukturrechnungen versagen. Eine Hauptlimitation ist dabei die Verfügbarkeit effizienter Störstellenlöser für das intrinsische Quantenproblem. Der in dieser Arbeit entwickelte Algorithmus hat das gleiche überlegene Skalierungsverhalten mit der inversen Temperatur wie BSS-QMC. Wir untersuchen den Mott-Übergang im Rahmen der DMFT und analysieren den Einfluss von systematischen Fehlern auf diesen Übergang.rnrnEin weiteres prominentes Thema ist die Vernachlässigung von nicht-lokalen Wechselwirkungen in der DMFT. Hierzu kombinieren wir direkte BSS-QMC Gitterrechnungen mit CDMFT für das halb gefüllte zweidimensionale anisotrope Hubbard Modell, das dotierte Hubbard Modell und das KLM. Die Ergebnisse für die verschiedenen Modelle unterscheiden sich stark: während nicht-lokale Korrelationen eine wichtige Rolle im zweidimensionalen (anisotropen) Modell spielen, ist in der paramagnetischen Phase die Impulsabhängigkeit der Selbstenergie für stark dotierte Systeme und für das KLM deutlich schwächer. Eine bemerkenswerte Erkenntnis ist, dass die Selbstenergie sich durch die nicht-wechselwirkende Dispersion parametrisieren lässt. Die spezielle Struktur der Selbstenergie im Impulsraum kann sehr nützlich für die Klassifizierung von elektronischen Korrelationseffekten sein und öffnet den Weg für die Entwicklung neuer Schemata über die Grenzen der DMFT hinaus.


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Magnetic insulators have proven to be usable as quantum simulators for itinerant interacting quantum systems. In particular the compound (C5H12N)2CuBr4 (for short: (Hpip)2CuBr4) was shown to be a remarkable realization of a Tomonaga–Luttinger liquid (TLL) and allowed us to quantitatively test the TLL theory. Substitution weakly disorders this class of compounds and thus allows us to use them to tackle questions pertaining to the effect of disorder in TLL as well, such as that of the formation of the Bose glass. In this paper we present, as a first step in this direction, a study of the properties of the related (Hpip)2CuCl4 compound. We determine the exchange couplings and compute the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the specific heat, using a finite temperature density matrix renormalization group procedure. Comparison with the measured specific heat at zero magnetic field confirms the exchange parameters and Hamiltonian for the (Hpip)2CuCl4 compound, giving the basis needed to begin studying the disorder effects.


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We consider black probes of Anti-de Sitter and Schrödinger spacetimes embedded in string theory and M-theory and construct perturbatively new black hole geometries. We begin by reviewing black string configurations in Anti-de Sitter dual to finite temperature Wilson loops in the deconfined phase of the gauge theory and generalise the construction to the confined phase. We then consider black strings in thermal Schrödinger, obtained via a null Melvin twist of the extremal D3-brane, and construct three distinct types of black string configurations with spacelike as well as lightlike separated boundary endpoints. One of these configurations interpolates between the Wilson loop operators, with bulk duals defined in Anti-de Sitter and another class of Wilson loop operators, with bulk duals defined in Schrödinger. The case of black membranes with boundary endpoints on the M5-brane dual to Wilson surfaces in the gauge theory is analysed in detail. Four types of black membranes, ending on the null Melvin twist of the extremal M5-brane exhibiting the Schrödinger symmetry group, are then constructed. We highlight the differences between Anti-de Sitter and Schrödinger backgrounds and make some comments on the properties of the corresponding dual gauge theories.


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We introduce a general class of su(1|1) supersymmetric spin chains with long-range interactions which includes as particular cases the su(1|1) Inozemtsev (elliptic) and Haldane-Shastry chains, as well as the XX model. We show that this class of models can be fermionized with the help of the algebraic properties of the su(1|1) permutation operator and take advantage of this fact to analyze their quantum criticality when a chemical potential term is present in the Hamiltonian. We first study the low-energy excitations and the low-temperature behavior of the free energy, which coincides with that of a (1+1)-dimensional conformal field theory (CFT) with central charge c=1 when the chemical potential lies in the critical interval (0,E(π)), E(p) being the dispersion relation. We also analyze the von Neumann and Rényi ground state entanglement entropies, showing that they exhibit the logarithmic scaling with the size of the block of spins characteristic of a one-boson (1+1)-dimensional CFT. Our results thus show that the models under study are quantum critical when the chemical potential belongs to the critical interval, with central charge c=1. From the analysis of the fermion density at zero temperature, we also conclude that there is a quantum phase transition at both ends of the critical interval. This is further confirmed by the behavior of the fermion density at finite temperature, which is studied analytically (at low temperature), as well as numerically for the su(1|1) elliptic chain.


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We show that the projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation (PGPE) can be mapped exactly onto Hamilton's equations of motion for classical position and momentum variables. Making use of this mapping, we adapt techniques developed in statistical mechanics to calculate the temperature and chemical potential of a classical Bose field in the microcanonical ensemble. We apply the method to simulations of the PGPE, which can be used to represent the highly occupied modes of Bose condensed gases at finite temperature. The method is rigorous, valid beyond the realms of perturbation theory, and agrees with an earlier method of temperature measurement for the same system. Using this method we show that the critical temperature for condensation in a homogeneous Bose gas on a lattice with a uv cutoff increases with the interaction strength. We discuss how to determine the temperature shift for the Bose gas in the continuum limit using this type of calculation, and obtain a result in agreement with more sophisticated Monte Carlo simulations. We also consider the behavior of the specific heat.


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We investigate the performance of parity check codes using the mapping onto spin glasses proposed by Sourlas. We study codes where each parity check comprises products of K bits selected from the original digital message with exactly C parity checks per message bit. We show, using the replica method, that these codes saturate Shannon's coding bound for K?8 when the code rate K/C is finite. We then examine the finite temperature case to asses the use of simulated annealing methods for decoding, study the performance of the finite K case and extend the analysis to accommodate different types of noisy channels. The analogy between statistical physics methods and decoding by belief propagation is also discussed.


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We investigate the behaviour of the mutual friction force in finite temperature quantum turbulence in 4He, paying particular attention to the role of quantized vortex reconnections. Through the use of the vortex filament model, we produce three experimentally relevant types of vortex tangles in steady-state conditions, and examine through statistical analysis, how local properties of the tangle influence the mutual friction force. Finally, by monitoring reconnection events, we present evidence to indicate that vortex reconnections are the dominant mechanism for producing areas of high curvature and velocity leading to regions of high mutual friction, particularly for homogeneous and isotropic vortex tangles.


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This paper proposes a simulation-based density estimation technique for time series that exploits information found in covariate data. The method can be paired with a large range of parametric models used in time series estimation. We derive asymptotic properties of the estimator and illustrate attractive finite sample properties for a range of well-known econometric and financial applications.


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Nanotubes and nanosheets are low-dimensional nanomaterials with unique properties that can be exploited for numerous applications. This book offers a complete overview of their structure, properties, development, modeling approaches, and practical use. It focuses attention on boron nitride (BN) nanotubes, which have had major interest given their special high-temperature properties, as well as graphene nanosheets, BN nanosheets, and metal oxide nanosheets. Key topics include surface functionalization of nanotubes for composite applications, wetting property changes for biocompatible environments, and graphene for energy storage applications


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A modeling paradigm is proposed for covariate, variance and working correlation structure selection for longitudinal data analysis. Appropriate selection of covariates is pertinent to correct variance modeling and selecting the appropriate covariates and variance function is vital to correlation structure selection. This leads to a stepwise model selection procedure that deploys a combination of different model selection criteria. Although these criteria find a common theoretical root based on approximating the Kullback-Leibler distance, they are designed to address different aspects of model selection and have different merits and limitations. For example, the extended quasi-likelihood information criterion (EQIC) with a covariance penalty performs well for covariate selection even when the working variance function is misspecified, but EQIC contains little information on correlation structures. The proposed model selection strategies are outlined and a Monte Carlo assessment of their finite sample properties is reported. Two longitudinal studies are used for illustration.


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This thesis studies binary time series models and their applications in empirical macroeconomics and finance. In addition to previously suggested models, new dynamic extensions are proposed to the static probit model commonly used in the previous literature. In particular, we are interested in probit models with an autoregressive model structure. In Chapter 2, the main objective is to compare the predictive performance of the static and dynamic probit models in forecasting the U.S. and German business cycle recession periods. Financial variables, such as interest rates and stock market returns, are used as predictive variables. The empirical results suggest that the recession periods are predictable and dynamic probit models, especially models with the autoregressive structure, outperform the static model. Chapter 3 proposes a Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test for the usefulness of the autoregressive structure of the probit model. The finite sample properties of the LM test are considered with simulation experiments. Results indicate that the two alternative LM test statistics have reasonable size and power in large samples. In small samples, a parametric bootstrap method is suggested to obtain approximately correct size. In Chapter 4, the predictive power of dynamic probit models in predicting the direction of stock market returns are examined. The novel idea is to use recession forecast (see Chapter 2) as a predictor of the stock return sign. The evidence suggests that the signs of the U.S. excess stock returns over the risk-free return are predictable both in and out of sample. The new "error correction" probit model yields the best forecasts and it also outperforms other predictive models, such as ARMAX models, in terms of statistical and economic goodness-of-fit measures. Chapter 5 generalizes the analysis of univariate models considered in Chapters 2 4 to the case of a bivariate model. A new bivariate autoregressive probit model is applied to predict the current state of the U.S. business cycle and growth rate cycle periods. Evidence of predictability of both cycle indicators is obtained and the bivariate model is found to outperform the univariate models in terms of predictive power.


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The instability of coupled longitudinal and transverse electromagnetic modes associated with long wavelengths is studied in bounded streaming plasmas. The main conclusions are as follows: (i) For long waves for which O (k 2)=0, in the absence of relative streaming motion of electrons and ions and aωp/c<0.66, the whole spectrum of harmonic waves is excited due to finite temperature and boundary effects consisting of two subseries. One of these subseries can be identified with Tonks-Dattner resonance oscillations for the electrons, and arises primarily due to the electrons with frequencies greater than the electrostatic plasma frequency corresponding to the electron density in the midplane in the undisturbed state. The other series arises primarily due to ion motion. When aωp/c>0.66, in addition to the above spectrum of harmonic waves, the system admits an infinite number of growing and decaying waves. The instability associated with these modes is found to arise due to the interaction of the waves inside the plasma with the external electromagnetic field. (ii) For modes with comparatively shorter wavelengths for which O (k3)=0, the coupling due to finite temperature sets in, and it is found that the two series of harmonic waves obtained in (i) deriving energy from the transverse modes also become unstable. Thus, for these wavelengths the system admits three sets of growing and decaying modes, first two for all values of aωp/c and the third for (aωp/c) > 0.66. (iii) The presence of streaming velocities introduces various other coupling mechanisms, and we find that even for the wavelengths for which O (k2)=0, we get three sets of growing and decaying waves. The numerical values for the growth rates show that the streaming velocities enhance the growth rates of instability significantly.