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Fast-flowing ice streams discharge most of the ice from the interior of the Antarctic Ice Sheet coastward. Understanding how their tributary organisation is governed and evolves is essential for developing reliable models of the ice sheet's response to climate change. Despite much research on ice-stream mechanics, this problem is unsolved, because the complexity of flow within and across the tributary networks has hardly been interrogated. Here I present the first map of planimetric flow convergence across the ice sheet, calculated from satellite measurements of ice surface velocity, and use it to explore this complexity. The convergence map of Antarctica elucidates how ice-stream tributaries draw ice from the interior. It also reveals curvilinear zones of convergence along lateral shear margins of streaming, and abundant convergence ripples associated with nonlinear ice rheology and changes in bed topography and friction. Flow convergence on ice-stream tributaries and their feeding zones is markedly uneven, and interspersed with divergence at distances of the order of kilometres. For individual drainage basins as well as the ice sheet as a whole, the range of convergence and divergence decreases systematically with flow speed, implying that fast flow cannot converge or diverge as much as slow flow. I therefore deduce that flow in ice-stream networks is subject to mechanical regulation that limits flow-orthonormal strain rates. These properties and the gridded data of convergence and flow-orthonormal strain rate in this archive provide targets for ice- sheet simulations and motivate more research into the origin and dynamics of tributarization.


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Pockmarks are seafloor depressions commonly associated with fluid escape from the seabed and are believed to contribute noticeably to the transfer of methane into the ocean and ultimately into the atmosphere. They occur in many different areas and geological contexts, and vary greatly in size and shape. Nevertheless, the mechanisms of pockmark growth are still largely unclear. Still, seabed methane emissions contribute to the global carbon budget, and understanding such processes is critical to constrain future quantifications of seabed methane release at local and global scales. The giant Regab pockmark (9°42.6' E, 5°47.8' S), located at 3160 m water depth near the Congo deep-sea channel (offshore southwestern Africa), was investigated with state-of-the-art mapping devices mounted on IFREMER's (French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea) remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Victor 6000. ROV-borne micro-bathymetry and backscatter data of the entire structure, a high-resolution photo-mosaic covering 105,000 m2 of the most active area, sidescan mapping of gas emissions, and maps of faunal distribution as well as of carbonate crust occurrence are combined to provide an unprecedented detailed view of a giant pockmark. All data sets suggest that the pockmark is composed of two very distinctive zones in terms of seepage intensity. We postulate that these zones are the surface expression of two fluid flow regimes in the subsurface: focused flow through a fractured medium and diffuse flow through a porous medium. We conclude that the growth of giant pockmarks is controlled by self-sealing processes and lateral spreading of rising fluids. In particular, partial redirection of fluids through fractures in the sediments can drive the pockmark growth in preferential directions.


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This database (Leemans & Cramer 1991) contains monthly averages of mean temperature, temperature range, precipitation, rain days and sunshine hours for the terrestrial surface of the globe, gridded at 0.5 degree longitude/latitude resolution. All grd-files contain the same 62483 pixels in the same order, with 30' latitude and longitude resolution. The coordinates are in degree-decimals and indicate the SW corner of each pixel. Topography is from ETOPO5 and indicates modal elevation. Data were generated from a large data base, using the partial thin-plate splining algorithm (Hutchinson & Bischof 1983). This version is widely used around the globe, notably by all groups participating in the IGBP NPP model intercomparison.


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The knowledge of ice sheet surface topography and the location of the ice divides are essential for ice dynamic modeling. An improved digital elevation model (DEM) of Dronning Maud Land (DML), Antarctica, is presented in this paper. It is based on ground-based kinematic GPS profiles, airborne radar altimetry, and data of the airborne radio-echo sounding system, as well as spaceborne laser altimetry from NASA's Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat). The accuracy of ICESat ice sheet altimetry data in the area of investigation is discussed. The location of the ice divides is derived from aspect calculation of the topography and is verified with several velocity data derived from repeated static GPS measurements.


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This paper describes a 1 : 2 500 000 scale aeromagnetic anomaly map produced by the joint efforts of VNIIOkeangeologia, Polar Marine Geological Research Expedition (PMGRE) and the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWl) for the Weddell Sea region covering 1 850 000 km' of West Antarctica. Extensive regional magnetic survey flights with line-spacing of about 20 km and 5 km were carried out by the PMGRE between 1977 and 1989. In course of these investigations the PMGRE flew 9 surveys with flight-line spacing of 20 km and 6 surveys with flight-line spacing of 5 km mainly over the mountain areas of southern Palmer Land, western Dronning Maud Land, Coats Land and Pensacola Mountains, over the Ronne lee Shelf and the Filchner Ice Shelf and the central part of the Weddell Sea. More than 215 000 line-kilometers of total field aeromagnetic data have been acquired by using an Ilyushin Il-14 ski-equipped aircraft. Survey operations were centered on the field base stations Druzhnaya-1, -2, and -3, from which the majority of the Weddell Sea region network was completed. The composite map of the Weddell Sea region is prepared in colour, showing magnetic anomaly contours at intervals of 50-100 nT with supplemental contours at an interval of 25 nT in low gradient areas, on a polar stereographic projection. The compiled colour magnetic anomaly map of the Weddell Sea region demonstrates that features of large areal extent, such as geologic provinces, fold-belts, ancient eratonic fragments and other regional structural features can be readily delineated. The map allows a comparison of regional magnetic features with similar-scale geological structures on geological and geophysical maps. It also provides a database for the future production of the ''Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map of Antarctica'' in the framework of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research/International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (SCAR/IAGA) compilation.


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Quartz Crystallographic Preferred Orientation (CPO) patterns are most commonly a result of deformation by dislocation creep. We investigated whether Dissolution-Precipitation Creep (DPC) a process that occur at lower differential stresses and temperatures, may result in CPO in quartz. Within the Purgatory Conglomerate, DPC led to quartz dissolution along cobble surfaces perpendicular to the shortening direction, and quartz precipitation in overgrowths at the ends of the cobbles (strain shadows), parallel to the maximum extension direction. The Purgatory Conglomerate is part of the SE Narragansett basin where strain intensity increases from west to east and is associated with top-to-the-west transport and folding during the Alleghanian orogeny. Quartz c-axis orientations as revealed by Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) methods, were random in all analyzed domains within the cobbles and strain shadows irrespective of the intensity of strain or metamorphic grade of the sample. Quartz dissolution probably occurred exclusively along the cobbles' margins, leaving the remaining grains unaffected by DPC. The fact that quartz precipitated in random orientations may indicate that the strain shadows were regions of little or no differential stress.


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A detailed topographic survey was carried out in the "Hausgarten"-area of the Joint Research Programm 95 of the University of Kiel by the Deutsches Hydrographisches Institut. Based on this information a sediment distribution map was constructed. A horizontal section extending from 0 to 27 m of water depth was investigated showing the distribution of pebbles and boulders, of algal growth, and exposed areas of glacial marl; the grain size distribution was determined for the various sediment types.


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This theses investigates changes at Gepatschferner in length, area and volume since the last glacier maximum in 1850. Changes are discussed for the following time periods: 1850-1922, 1922-1971, 1971-1997, 1997-2006. Digital elevation models were created for 1850 from geomorphological data and for 1922 and 1971 from historical maps. Existing DEMs for 1997 and 2006 were further analysed. Since 1850 Gepatschferner has retreated by 2 km in length and has lost 32% of its area and 36% of its volume. The rate of loss of volume is increasing faster than the rate of loss of area and losses in the upper regions of the glacier are becoming increasingly more important to overall losses. The largest losses per 50 m elevation increment occur at the tongue. These losses are greatest in the most recent time step studied, 1997-2006, and exceed previous values by 40% and more. The data base includes the glacier margins, elevations models as they have been compiled within the thesis (DEMs of 1997 and 2006 are part of the glacier inventories, length changes are part of the length change data base of the Austrian Alpine Club).