957 resultados para Field programmable gate arrays


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Safety concerns in the operation of autonomous aerial systems require safe-landing protocols be followed during situations where the a mission should be aborted due to mechanical or other failure. On-board cameras provide information that can be used in the determination of potential landing sites, which are continually updated and ranked to prevent injury and minimize damage. Pulse Coupled Neural Networks have been used for the detection of features in images that assist in the classification of vegetation and can be used to minimize damage to the aerial vehicle. However, a significant drawback in the use of PCNNs is that they are computationally expensive and have been more suited to off-line applications on conventional computing architectures. As heterogeneous computing architectures are becoming more common, an OpenCL implementation of a PCNN feature generator is presented and its performance is compared across OpenCL kernels designed for CPU, GPU and FPGA platforms. This comparison examines the compute times required for network convergence under a variety of images obtained during unmanned aerial vehicle trials to determine the plausibility for real-time feature detection.


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Safety concerns in the operation of autonomous aerial systems require safe-landing protocols be followed during situations where the mission should be aborted due to mechanical or other failure. This article presents a pulse-coupled neural network (PCNN) to assist in the vegetation classification in a vision-based landing site detection system for an unmanned aircraft. We propose a heterogeneous computing architecture and an OpenCL implementation of a PCNN feature generator. Its performance is compared across OpenCL kernels designed for CPU, GPU, and FPGA platforms. This comparison examines the compute times required for network convergence under a variety of images to determine the plausibility for real-time feature detection.


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This paper details the initial design and planning of a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implemented control system that will enable a path planner to interact with a MAVLink based flight computer. The design is aimed at small Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAV) under autonomous operation which are typically subject to constraints arising from limited on-board processing capabilities, power and size. An FPGA implementation for the de- sign is chosen for its potential to address such limitations through low power and high speed in-hardware computation. The MAVLink protocol offers a low bandwidth interface for the FPGA implemented path planner to communicate with an on-board flight computer. A control system plan is presented that is capable of accepting a string of GPS waypoints generated on-board from a previously developed in- hardware Genetic Algorithm (GA) path planner and feeding them to the open source PX4 autopilot, while simultaneously respond- ing with flight status information.


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This paper presents the programming an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) to emulate the dynamics of DC machines. FPGA allows high speed real time simulation with high precision. The described design includes block diagram representation of DC machine, which contain all arithmetic and logical operations. The real time simulation of the machine in FPGA is controlled by user interfaces they are Keypad interface, LCD display on-line and digital to analog converter. This approach provides emulation of electrical machine by changing the parameters. Separately Exited DC machine implemented and experimental results are presented.


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This paper presents the new trend of FPGA (Field programmable Gate Array) based digital platform for the control of power electronic systems. There is a rising interest in using digital controllers in power electronic applications as they provide many advantages over their analog counterparts. A board comprising of Cyclone device EP1C12Q240C8 of Altera is used for developing this platform. The details of this board are presented. This developed platform can be used for the controller applications such as UPS, Induction Motor drives and front end converters. A real time simulation of a system can also be done. An open-loop induction motor drive has been implemented using this board and experimental results are presented.


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This thesis integrates real-time feedback control into an optical tweezers instrument. The goal is to reduce the variance in the trapped bead s position, -effectively increasing the trap stiffness of the optical tweezers. Trap steering is done with acousto-optic deflectors and control algorithms are implemented with a field-programmable gate array card. When position clamp feedback control is on, the effective trap stiffness increases 12.1-times compared to the stiffness without control. This allows improved spatial control over trapped particles without increasing the trapping laser power.


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Instability in conventional haptic rendering destroys the perception of rigid objects in virtual environments. Inherent limitations in the conventional haptic loop restrict the maximum stiffness that can be rendered. In this paper we present a method to render virtual walls that are much stiffer than those achieved by conventional techniques. By removing the conventional digital haptic loop and replacing it with a part-continuous and part-discrete time hybrid haptic loop, we were able to render stiffer walls. The control loop is implemented as a combinational logic circuit on an field-programmable gate array. We compared the performance of the conventional haptic loop and our hybrid haptic loop on the same haptic device, and present mathematical analysis to show the limit of stability of our device. Our hybrid method removes the computer-intensive haptic loop from the CPU-this can free a significant amount of resources that can be used for other purposes such as graphical rendering and physics modeling. It is our hope that, in the future, similar designs will lead to a haptics processing unit (HPU).


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This paper presents a comparative evaluation of the average and switching models of a dc-dc boost converter from the point of view of real-time simulation. Both the models are used to simulate the converter in real-time on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) platform. The converter is considered to function over a wide range of operating conditions, and could do transition between continuous conduction mode (CCM) and discontinuous conduction mode (DCM). While the average model is known to be computationally efficient from the perspective of off-line simulation, the same is shown here to consume more logical resources than the switching model for real-time simulation of the dc-dc converter. Further, evaluation of the boundary condition between CCM and DCM is found to be the main reason for the increased consumption of resources by the average model.


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A Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based hardware accelerator for multi-conductor parasitic capacitance extraction, using Method of Moments (MoM), is presented in this paper. Due to the prohibitive cost of solving a dense algebraic system formed by MoM, linear complexity fast solver algorithms have been developed in the past to expedite the matrix-vector product computation in a Krylov sub-space based iterative solver framework. However, as the number of conductors in a system increases leading to a corresponding increase in the number of right-hand-side (RHS) vectors, the computational cost for multiple matrix-vector products present a time bottleneck, especially for ill-conditioned system matrices. In this work, an FPGA based hardware implementation is proposed to parallelize the iterative matrix solution for multiple RHS vectors in a low-rank compression based fast solver scheme. The method is applied to accelerate electrostatic parasitic capacitance extraction of multiple conductors in a Ball Grid Array (BGA) package. Speed-ups up to 13x over equivalent software implementation on an Intel Core i5 processor for dense matrix-vector products and 12x for QR compressed matrix-vector products is achieved using a Virtex-6 XC6VLX240T FPGA on Xilinx's ML605 board.


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Support vector machines (SVM) are a popular class of supervised models in machine learning. The associated compute intensive learning algorithm limits their use in real-time applications. This paper presents a fully scalable architecture of a coprocessor, which can compute multiple rows of the kernel matrix in parallel. Further, we propose an extended variant of the popular decomposition technique, sequential minimal optimization, which we call hybrid working set (HWS) algorithm, to effectively utilize the benefits of cached kernel columns and the parallel computational power of the coprocessor. The coprocessor is implemented on Xilinx Virtex 7 field-programmable gate array-based VC707 board and achieves a speedup of upto 25x for kernel computation over single threaded computation on Intel Core i5. An application speedup of upto 15x over software implementation of LIBSVM and speedup of upto 23x over SVMLight is achieved using the HWS algorithm in unison with the coprocessor. The reduction in the number of iterations and sensitivity of the optimization time to variation in cache size using the HWS algorithm are also shown.


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In this article, a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)-based hardware accelerator for 3D electromagnetic extraction, using Method of Moments (MoM) is presented. As the number of nets or ports in a system increases, leading to a corresponding increase in the number of right-hand-side (RHS) vectors, the computational cost for multiple matrix-vector products presents a time bottleneck in a linear-complexity fast solver framework. In this work, an FPGA-based hardware implementation is proposed toward a two-level parallelization scheme: (i) matrix level parallelization for single RHS and (ii) pipelining for multiple-RHS. The method is applied to accelerate electrostatic parasitic capacitance extraction of multiple nets in a Ball Grid Array (BGA) package. The acceleration is shown to be linearly scalable with FPGA resources and speed-ups over 10x against equivalent software implementation on a 2.4GHz Intel Core i5 processor is achieved using a Virtex-6 XC6VLX240T FPGA on Xilinx's ML605 board with the implemented design operating at 200MHz clock frequency. (c) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 58:776-783, 2016


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Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a key linear algebraic operation in many scientific and engineering applications. In particular, many computational intelligence systems rely on machine learning methods involving high dimensionality datasets that have to be fast processed for real-time adaptability. In this paper we describe a practical FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) implementation of a SVD processor for accelerating the solution of large LSE problems. The design approach has been comprehensive, from the algorithmic refinement to the numerical analysis to the customization for an efficient hardware realization. The processing scheme rests on an adaptive vector rotation evaluator for error regularization that enhances convergence speed with no penalty on the solution accuracy. The proposed architecture, which follows a data transfer scheme, is scalable and based on the interconnection of simple rotations units, which allows for a trade-off between occupied area and processing acceleration in the final implementation. This permits the SVD processor to be implemented both on low-cost and highend FPGAs, according to the final application requirements.


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Observational and theoretical work towards the separation of foreground emission from the cosmic microwave background is described. The bulk of this work is in the design, construction, and commissioning of the C-Band All-Sky Survey (C-BASS), an experiment to produce a template of the Milky Way Galaxy's polarized synchrotron emission. Theoretical work is the derivation of an analytical approximation to the emission spectrum of spinning dust grains.

The performance of the C-BASS experiment is demonstrated through a preliminary, deep survey of the North Celestial Pole region. A comparison to multiwavelength data is performed, and the thermal and systematic noise properties of the experiment are explored. The systematic noise has been minimized through careful data processing algorithms, implemented both in the experiment's Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based digital backend and in the data analysis pipeline. Detailed descriptions of these algorithms are presented.

The analytical function of spinning dust emission is derived through the application of careful approximations, with each step tested against numerical calculations. This work is intended for use in the parameterized separation of cosmological foreground components and as a framework for interpreting and comparing the variety of anomalous microwave emission observations.


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[ES]El proyecto presentado a continuación muestra la elaboración de un core para ser embebido dentro de las denominadas FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array), cuya finalidad es la creación de una referencia temporal, en arquitectura de 64bits, gracias a un módulo GPS (Global Positioning System), lo más cercana posible al orden de las decenas de nano-segundos, para poder ser insertado en un equipo PTP-Master (Precision Time Protocol - Master) (IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) - 1588), a bajo coste y con calidad comparable a la de los dispositivos Grand Master.


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Gordon E. Moore, cofundador de Intel, predijo en una publicación del año 1965 que aproximadamente cada dos años se duplicaría el número de transistores presentes en un circuito integrado, debido a las cada vez mejores tecnologías presentes en el proceso de elaboración [1]. A esta ley se la conoce como Ley de Moore y su cumplimiento se ha podido constatar hasta hoy en día. Gracias a ello, con el paso del tiempo cada vez se presentan en el mercado circuitos integrados más potentes, con mayores prestaciones para realizar tareas cada vez más complejas. Un tipo de circuitos integrados que han podido evolucionar de forma importante son los dispositivos de lógica programable, circuitos integrados que permiten implementar sobre ellos las funciones lógicas deseadas. Hasta hace no muchos años, dichos dispositivos eran capaces de incorporar circuitos compuestos por unas pocas funciones lógicas, pero gracias al proceso de miniaturización predicho por la Ley de Moore, hoy en día son capaces de implementar circuitos tan complejos como puede ser un microprocesador; dichos dispositivos reciben el nombre de FPGA, siglas de Field Programmable Gate Array. El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo construir un marco de fotos digital con reloj y despertador programable, valiéndose para ello de la FPGA Cyclone II de Altera y una pantalla táctil de la casa Terasic. Con este fin, se documentará en primera instancia los dispositivos a utilizar con sus características y posibilidades que plantean, para pasar posteriormente al diseño de la aplicación y su implementación e integración en la placa para comprobar su correcto funcionamiento.