988 resultados para Field concept


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The NASA mission GRAIL (Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory) inherited its concept from the GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) mission to determine the gravity field of the Moon. We present lunar gravity fields based on the data of GRAIL’s primary mission phase. Gravity field recovery is realized in the framework of the Celestial Mechanics Approach, using a development version of the Bernese GNSS Software along with Ka-band range-rate data series as observations and the GNI1B positions provided by NASA JPL as pseudo-observations. By comparing our results with the official level-2 GRAIL gravity field models we show that the lunar gravity field can be recovered with a high quality by adapting the Celestial Mechanics Approach, even when using pre-GRAIL gravity field models as a priori fields and when replacing sophisticated models of non-gravitational accelerations by appropriately spaced pseudo-stochastic pulses (i.e., instantaneous velocity changes). We present and evaluate two lunar gravity field solutions up to degree and order 200 – AIUB-GRL200A and AIUB-GRL200B. While the first solution uses no gravity field information beyond degree 200, the second is obtained by using the official GRAIL field GRGM900C up to degree and order 660 as a priori information. This reduces the omission errors and demonstrates the potential quality of our solution if we resolved the gravity field to higher degree.


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Although there has been a lot of interest in recognizing and understanding air traffic control (ATC) speech, none of the published works have obtained detailed field data results. We have developed a system able to identify the language spoken and recognize and understand sentences in both Spanish and English. We also present field results for several in-tower controller positions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that field ATC speech (not simulated) is captured, processed, and analyzed. The use of stochastic grammars allows variations in the standard phraseology that appear in field data. The robust understanding algorithm developed has 95% concept accuracy from ATC text input. It also allows changes in the presentation order of the concepts and the correction of errors created by the speech recognition engine improving it by 17% and 25%, respectively, absolute in the percentage of fully correctly understood sentences for English and Spanish in relation to the percentages of fully correctly recognized sentences. The analysis of errors due to the spontaneity of the speech and its comparison to read speech is also carried out. A 96% word accuracy for read speech is reduced to 86% word accuracy for field ATC data for Spanish for the "clearances" task confirming that field data is needed to estimate the performance of a system. A literature review and a critical discussion on the possibilities of speech recognition and understanding technology applied to ATC speech are also given.


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Este artículo ofrece una reflexión sobre el papel de los mapas conceptuales en el actual escenario de la educación In the present paper, we carry out the application of concept mapping strategies to learning Physical Chemistry, in particular, of all aspect of Corrosion. This strategy is an alternative method to supplement examinations: it can show the teacher how much the students knew and how much they didn´t know; and the students can evaluate their own learning. Before giving tile matter on Corrosion, the teachers evaluated the previous knowledge of the students in the field and explained to the students how create the conceptual maps with Cmap tools. When the subject is finished, teachers are assessed the conceptual maps developed by students and therefore also the level of the students learning. Teachers verified that the concept mapping is quite suitable for complicated theorics as Corrosion and it is an appropriate tool for the consolidation of educational experiences and for improvement affective lifelong learning. By using this method we demonstrated that the set of concepts accumulated in the cognitive structure of every student in unique and every student has therefore arranged the concepts from top to bottom in the mapping field in different ways with different linking" phrases, although these are involved in the same learning task.


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The visibility of the term vaccinology has become more pronounced in the 21st century in defining a scientific field that has absorbed aspects from different scientific domains until finally acquiring an identity of its own. As a result, vaccinology brings together a long tradition of researchers who have operated within a linear paradigm and incorporates new generations of scientists who have forged an exciting and diverse network of knowledge within this field. The term vaccinology, which initially appeared in isolation at the time of Jenner and once again with the emergence of the Pasteurian model, acquired further prominence thanks to the efforts of the vaccinologists who chronicled the production of vaccines in the last third of the 20th century. The term has since become truly consolidated, with the appearance of new adjectives during this century. This study provides a historical perspective for the frequency of use and evolution of this increasingly widespread term.


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We analyze the efficiency of coherent population trapping (CPT) in a superposition of the ground states of three-level atoms under the influence of the decoherence process induced by a broadband thermal field. We show that in a single atom there is no perfect CPT when the atomic transitions are affected by the thermal field. The perfect CPT may occur when only one of the two atomic transitions is affected by the thermal field. In the case when both atomic transitions are affected by the thermal field, we demonstrate that regardless of the intensity of the thermal field the destructive effect on the CPT can be circumvented by the collective behavior of the atoms. An analytic expression was obtained for the populations of the upper atomic levels which can be considered as a measure of the level of thermal decoherence. The results show that the collective interaction between the atoms can significantly enhance the population trapping in that the population of the upper state decreases with an increased number of atoms. The physical origin of this feature is explained by the semiclassical dressed-atom model of the system. We introduce the concept of multiatom collective coherent population trapping by demonstrating the existence of collective (entangled) states whose storage capacity is larger than that of the equivalent states of independent atoms.


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A new method for ameliorating high-field image distortion caused by radio frequency/tissue interaction is presented and modeled, The proposed method uses, but is not restricted to, a shielded four-element transceive phased array coil and involves performing two separate scans of the same slice with each scan using different excitations during transmission. By optimizing the amplitudes and phases for each scan, antipodal signal profiles can be obtained, and by combining both images together, the image distortion can be reduced several-fold. A hybrid finite-difference time-domain/method-of-moments method is used to theoretically demonstrate the method and also to predict the radio frequency behavior inside the human head. in addition, the proposed method is used in conjunction with the GRAPPA reconstruction technique to enable rapid imaging. Simulation results reported herein for IIT (470 MHz) brain imaging applications demonstrate the feasibility of the concept where multiple acquisitions using parallel imaging elements with GRAPPA reconstruction results in improved image quality. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Due to complex field/tissue interactions, high-field magnetic resonance (MR) images suffer significant image distortions that result in compromised diagnostic quality. A new method that attempts to remove these distortions is proposed in this paper and is based on the use of transceiver-phased arrays. The proposed system uses, in the examples presented herein, a shielded four-element transceive-phased array head coil and involves performing two separate scans of the same slice with each scan using different excitations during transmission. By optimizing the amplitudes and phases for each scan, antipodal signal profiles can be obtained, and by combining both the images together, the image distortion can be reduced several fold. A combined hybrid method of moments (MoM)/finite element method (FEM) and finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique is proposed and used to elucidate the concept of the new method and to accurately evaluate the electromagnetic field (EMF) in a human head model. In addition, the proposed method is used in conjunction with the generalized auto-calibrating partially parallel acquisitions (GRAPPA) reconstruction technique to enable rapid imaging of the two scans. Simulation results reported herein for 11-T (470-MHz) brain imaging applications show that the new method with GRAPPA reconstruction theoretically results in improved image quality and that the proposed combined hybrid MoM/FEM and FDTD technique is. suitable for high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) numerical analysis.


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In this work, a new design concept in chest imaging for MRI application is presented. A focused, 8-element transceive torso phased array coil is designed to investigate transmitting focused B1 field deep within the torso to enhance signal intensity and use in conjunction with SENSE reconstruction technique. Hybrid FDTD/MOM method is used to accurately predict the RF behavior inside the human torso. The simulation results reported herein demonstrate the feasibility of the design concept which shows that B1 field focusing with SENSE reconstruction is achievable, and the 8-element transceive torso phased array coil has the advantage to be used in transmit and receive mode for optimum and fast chest imaging.


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This review maps and critically evaluates the rapidly growing body of research in the strategy-as-practice field. Following an introduction on the emergence and foundations of strategy-as-practice, the review is structured in three main parts, based on the terminology, issues and research agendas outlined in the field. First, the paper examines the concepts of practitioners and praxis. A typology of nine possible domains for strategy-as-practice research is developed, based on the way that different studies conceptualize the strategy practitioner and the level of strategy praxis that they aim to explain. Second, the paper reviews the concept of practices, which has been adopted widely but inconsistently within the strategy-as-practice literature. While there is no dominant view on practices, the review maps the various concepts of practices that inform the strategy-as-practice field and outlines avenues for future research. The final section attends to the call for strategy-as-practice research to develop and substantiate outcomes that may better explain or inform strategy praxis. Five categories of outcomes are found within existing empirical studies, and an agenda for building upon this evidence is advanced. The paper concludes with a summation of the current state of the field and some recommendations on how to take strategy-aspractice research forward.


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In developed countries travel time savings can account for as much as 80% of the overall benefits arising from transport infrastructure and service improvements. In developing countries they are generally ignored in transport project appraisals, notwithstanding their importance. One of the reasons for ignoring these benefits in the developing countries is that there is insufficient empirical evidence to support the conventional models for valuing travel time where work patterns, particularly of the poor, are diverse and it is difficult to distinguish between work and non-work activities. The exclusion of time saving benefits may lead to a bias against investment decisions that benefit the poor and understate the poverty reduction potential of transport investments in Least Developed Countries (LDCs). This is because the poor undertake most travel and transport by walking and headloading on local roads, tracks and paths and improvements of local infrastructure and services bring large time saving benefits for them through modal shifts. The paper reports on an empirical study to develop a methodology for valuing rural travel time savings in the LDCs. Apart from identifying the theoretical and empirical issues in valuing travel time savings in the LDCs, the paper presents and discusses the results of an analysis of data from Bangladesh. Some of the study findings challenge the conventional wisdom concerning the time saving values. The Bangladesh study suggests that the western concept of dividing travel time savings into working and non-working time savings is broadly valid in the developing country context. The study validates the use of preference methods in valuing non-working time saving values. However, stated preference (SP) method is more appropriate than revealed preference (RP) method.


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With few exceptions (e.g. Fincham & Clark, 2002; Lounsbury, 2002, 2007; Montgomery & Oliver, 2007), we know little about how emerging professions, such as management consulting, professionalize and establish their services as a taken-for-granted element of social life. This is surprising given that professionals have long been recognized as “institutional agents” (DiMaggio & Powell, 1983; Scott, 2008) (see Chapter 17) and professionalization projects have been closely associated with institutionalization (DiMaggio, 1991). Therefore, in this chapter we take a closer look at a specific type of entrepreneurship in PSFs; drawing on the concept of “institutional entrepreneurship” (DiMaggio, 1988; Garud, Hardy, & Maguire, 2007; Hardy & Maguire, 2008) we describe some generic strategies by which proto-professions can enhance their “institutional capital” (Oliver, 1997), that is, their capacity to extract institutionally contingent resources such as legitimacy, reputation, or client relationships from their environment.


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The paper presents basic notions and scientific achievements in the field of program transformations, describes usage of these achievements both in the professional activity (when developing optimizing and unparallelizing compilers) and in the higher education. It also analyzes main problems in this area. The concept of control of program transformation information is introduced in the form of specialized knowledge bank on computer program transformations to support the scientific research, education and professional activity in the field. The tasks that are solved by the knowledge bank are formulated. The paper is intended for experts in the artificial intelligence, optimizing compilation, postgraduates and senior students of corresponding specialties; it may be also interesting for university lecturers and instructors.


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In this paper, we present one approach for extending the learning set of a classification algorithm with additional metadata. It is used as a base for giving appropriate names to found regularities. The analysis of correspondence between connections established in the attribute space and existing links between concepts can be used as a test for creation of an adequate model of the observed world. Meta-PGN classifier is suggested as a possible tool for establishing these connections. Applying this approach in the field of content-based image retrieval of art paintings provides a tool for extracting specific feature combinations, which represent different sides of artists' styles, periods and movements.


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2016


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A cikk az alig több mint öt éve született referenciapont-elméletet mutatja be, ismerteti és értékeli a témában eddig megjelent cikkeket és a nagyobb horderejű munkaanyagokat. A referenciapont-elmélet arra a kérdésre keresi a választ, hogy mi a vállalat optimális mérete, és mikor érdemesebb a termelési kooperációt nem a vállalaton belül, a különböző egységek koordinációjával megoldani, hanem külső vállalatok segítségével, a piacon keresztül megvalósítani. A referenciapont-elmélet az azonos kérdések megválaszolására törekvő hiányos szerződések elméletét ért kritika hatására született meg, és saját, újonnan megfogalmazott feltételrendszerét számos ponton ötvözi a hiányos szerződések hipotéziseivel, ugyanakkor bizonyításai során felhasználja a standard közgazdasági irányzat több eszközét is. A cikk a friss eredmények bemutatása mellett megkísérli előre becsülni a referenciapont-elmélet várható jövőbeli fejlődési irányait is. ____ The concept of reference points was established slightly more than five years ago, and it deals with the same boundary of firm related questions as the incomplete contract theory. The present review shows the most important journals and research papers in this field. Reference point theory arose out of a criticism of some of the elements of incomplete contract theory. Reference point theory combines newly- formulated hypotheses with some of the assumptions of incomplete contracts. The theory also uses some of the proving tools of standard economics. The author’s study not only shows the main results of the reference point theory, but it also tries to predict some possible future developments within the theory.