969 resultados para Field Trip in SW Angola


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Large magnetic fields generated during laser-matter interaction at irradiances of ~ 5×1014 W?cm-2 have been measured using a deflectometry technique employing MeV laser-accelerated protons. Azimuthal magnetic fields were identified unambiguously via a characteristic proton deflection pattern and found to have an amplitude of ~ 45 T in the outer coronal region. Comparison with magnetohydrodynamic simulations confirms that in this regime the mathTe×mathne source is the main field generation mechanism, while additional terms are negligible.


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Introduction of the invasive Asian cyprinid fish Pseudorasbora parva into a 0.3 ha pond in England with a fish assemblage that included Cyprinus carpio, Rutilus rutilus and Scardinius erythrophthalmus resulted in their establishment of a numerically dominant population in only 2 years; density estimates exceeded 60 ind. m(-2) and they comprised > 99% of fish present. Stable isotope analysis (SIA) revealed significant trophic overlap between P. parva, R. rutilus and C. carpio, a shift associated with significantly depressed somatic growth in R. rutilus. Despite these changes, fish community composition remained similar between the ponds. Comparison with SIA values collected from an adjacent pond free of P. parva revealed a simplified food web in P. parva presence, but with an apparent trophic position shift for several fishes, including S. erythrophthalmus which appeared to assimilate energy at a higher trophic level, probably through P. parva consumption. The marked isotopic shifts shown in all taxa in the P. parva invaded pond (C-13-enriched, N-15 depleted) were indicative of a shift to a cyanobacteria-dominated phytoplankton community. These findings provide an increased understanding of the ecological consequences of the ongoing P. parva invasion of European freshwater ecosystems.


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A two-dimensional numerical study of the expansion of a dense plasma through a more rarefied one is reported. The electrostatic ion-acoustic shock, which is generated during the expansion, accelerates the electrons of the rarefied plasma inducing a superthermal population which reduces electron thermal anisotropy. The Weibel instability is therefore not triggered and no self-generated magnetic fields are observed, in contrast with published theoretical results dealing with plasma expansion into vacuum. © The Author(s) 2013.


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Self-organization(1,2) occurs in plasmas when energy progressively transfers from smaller to larger scales in an inverse cascade(3). Global structures that emerge from turbulent plasmas can be found in the laboratory(4) and in astrophysical settings; for example, the cosmic magnetic field(5,6,) collisionless shocks in supernova remnants(7) and the internal structures of newly formed stars known as Herbig-Haro objects(8). Here we show that large, stable electromagnetic field structures can also arise within counter-streaming supersonic plasmas in the laboratory. These surprising structures, formed by a yet unexplained mechanism, are predominantly oriented transverse to the primary flow direction, extend for much larger distances than the intrinsic plasma spatial scales and persist for much longer than the plasma kinetic timescales. Our results challenge existing models of counter-streaming plasmas and can be used to better understand large-scale and long-time plasma self-organization.


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Fieldwork that takes place in conflict or transitional regions is becoming increasingly popular amongst early-career and more seasoned researchers, but is an area that retains an air of mystery and remains an exotic form of knowledge gathering. There exists a paucity of personal reflection on the challenges associated with conducting fieldwork in conflicted or transitional regions and a limited amount of insight into the practical steps taken in advance of and when immersed in the field. Such reticence to share honest fieldwork experiences, particularly the more challenging research that takes place in conflict or transitional settings aids in creating a culture of silence. This paper attempts to counteract this silence by drawing on the challenges experienced by two early career researchers conducting fieldwork in Uganda and Palestine, focusing on the practical steps taken in advance of entering the field, and the challenges faced whilst engaged in fieldwork. Specific challenges are highlighted throughout, including: physical access to areas in conflict; engaging with reluctant research participants; the emotional impact of fieldwork on the researcher; maintaining confidentiality; researching with vulnerable victims; and ensuring appropriate knowledge exchange between researchers and participants. The paper concludes by emphasising the requirement for greater reflection on the inherently personal challenges associated with conducting fieldwork in conflicted or transitional settings and highlights the view that fieldwork is a privileged position that carries great responsibilities which must be upheld to ensure the sustainability of future research. This paper hopes to contribute to the wider debate on conducting fieldwork and the challenges associated with working in conflicted or transitional regions.


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This pilot study presents an environmental DNA (eDNA) assay for sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus and brown trout Salmo trutta, two species of economic and conservation importance in the Republic of Ireland. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of eDNA for assessing presence of low-abundance taxa (here, P. marinus) for environmental managers, and they highlight the potential for assessing relative abundance of rare or invasive freshwater species.


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To compare methods to estimate the incidence of visual field progression used by 3 large randomized trials of glaucoma treatment by applying these methods to a common data set of annually obtained visual field measurements of patients with glaucoma followed up for an average of 6 years.


The methods used by the Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS), the Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment Study (CIGTS), and the Early Manifest Glaucoma Treatment study (EMGT) were applied to 67 eyes of 56 patients with glaucoma enrolled in a 10-year natural history study of glaucoma using Program 30-2 of the Humphrey Field Analyzer (Humphrey Instruments, San Leandro, Calif). The incidence of apparent visual field progression was estimated for each method. Extent of agreement between the methods was calculated, and time to apparent progression was compared.


The proportion of patients progressing was 11%, 22%, and 23% with AGIS, CIGTS, and EMGT methods, respectively. Clinical assessment identified 23% of patients who progressed, but only half of these were also identified by CIGTS or EMGT methods. The CIGTS and the EMGT had comparable incidence rates, but only half of those identified by 1 method were also identified by the other.


The EMGT and CIGTS methods produced rates of apparent progression that were twice those of the AGIS method. Although EMGT, CIGTS, and clinical assessment rates were comparable, they did not identify the same patients as having had field progression.


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The basic mechanism underlying electric field switching produced by a resonant tunneling diode (RTD) is analyzed and the theory compared with experimental results; agreement to within 12% is achieved. The electroabsorption modulator (EAM) device potential of this effect is explored in an optical waveguide configuration. It is shown that a RTD-EAM can provide significant absorption coefficient change, via the Franz– Keldysh effect, at appropriate optical communication wavelengths around 1550 nm and can achieve up to 28-dB optical modulation in a 200- m active length device. The advantage of the RTD-EAM over the conventional reverse-biased p–n junction EAM, is that the RTD-EAM has, in essence, an integrated electronic amplifier and, therefore, requires considerably less switching power.


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África é hoje o foco principal na investigação sobre a problemática da emergência da humanidade. O registo arqueológico actual sugere que também alinhagem do Homo sapiens surgiu na África subsaariana, tornando a Middle Stone Age no período chave no debate sobre a emergência do comportamento humano moderno. Os primeiros indícios de comportamento humano presumivelmente moderno provêm da África do Sul, mas há um enorme vazio arqueográfico sobre as áreas limítrofes desse território como é o caso de Angola que podem trazer novos dados à discussão. A presente dissertação debruça-se sobre a colecção arqueológica da Gruta da Leba (Huíla, SW de Angola), actualmente parte do Arquivo Científico Tropical (Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical), que permanece inédita, apesar de recolhida em escavação arqueológica pela Junta de Investigações do Ultramar durante os anos 1950, no âmbito da Missão Antropobiológica de Angola. O conjunto é composto por uma indústria lítica com mais de 1500 peças, bem como restos faunísticos e amostras de sedimentos, de uma sequência estratigráfica com três níveis de ocupação da Middle Stone Age. O principal objectivo deste estudo é caracterizar a produção e utilização dos materiais líticos da Middle Stone Age da Gruta da Leba, através da sistematização da informação de cariz tecnológico e tipológico do conjunto artefactual. A partir da análise dos materiais líticos é possível definir padrões de variabilidade na exploração das matérias-primas e cadeias operatórias de produção do sítio. Pretende-se, assim, enquadrar regionalmente as indústrias líticas no panorama mais alargado da Pré-História da África subsaariana, para a validação dos modelos crono-culturais convencionais e avaliação dos parâmetros teórico-metodológicos aplicados na abordagem à tecnologia lítica africana em relação à problemática do comportamento humano moderno.


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The Weather Research and Forecasting model, integrated online with chemistry module, is a multi-scale model suitable for both research and operational forecasts of meteorology and air quality. It is used by many institutions for a variety of applications. In this study, the WRF v3.5 with chemistry (WRF-Chem) is applied to the area of Poland, for a period of 3-20 July 2006, when high concentrations of ground level ozone were observed. The meteorological and chemistry simulations were initiated with ERA-Interim reanalysis and TNO MACC II emissions database, respectively. The model physical parameterization includes RRTM shortwave radiation, Kain-Fritsch cumulus scheme, Purdue Lin microphysics and ACM2 PBL, established previously as the optimal configuration. Chemical mechanism used for the study was RADM2 with MADE/SORGAM aerosols. Simulations were performed for three one-way nested domains covering Europe (36 km x 36 km), Central Europe (12 km x 12 km) and Poland (4 km x 4 km). The results from the innermost domain were analyzed and compared to measurements of ozone concentration at three stations in different environments. The results show underestimation of observed values and daily amplitude of ozone concentrations.


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Currently, it is widely perceived among the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching professionals, that motivation is a central factor for success in language learning. This work aims to examine and raise teachers’ awareness about the role of assessment and feedback in the process of language teaching and learning at polytechnic school in Benguela to develop and/or enhance their students’ motivation for learning. Hence the paper defines and discusses the key terms and, the techniques and strategies for an effective feedback provision in the context under study. It also collects data through the use of interview and questionnaire methods, and suggests the assessment and feedback types to be implemented at polytechnic school in Benguela