971 resultados para Fas Ligand
Die mittlere Überlebenszeit nach Erkennung eines Glioblastoms ohne Behandlung liegt bei 3 Monaten und kann durch die Behandlung mit Temozolomid (TMZ) auf etwa 15 Monate gesteigert werden. Neben TMZ sind die chlorethylierenden Nitrosoharnstoffe die meistversprechendsten und am häufigsten eingesetzten Chemotherapeutika in der Gliomtherapie. Hier liegt die mittlere Überlebenszeit bei 17,3 Monaten. Um die Therapie des Glioblastoms noch effektiver zu gestalten und Resistenzen zu begegnen, werden unterschiedlichste Ansätze untersucht. Eine zentrale Rolle spielen hierbei das activator protein 1 (AP-1) und die mitogen aktivierten Proteinkinasen (MAPK), deren Funktion in bisherigen Arbeiten noch unzureichend beleuchtet wurde.rnBesonders mit der Rolle des AP-1-bildenden Proteins FRA-1 in der Therapie des Glioblastoms haben sich bisher nur wenige Arbeiten beschäftigt, weshalb im ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit dessen Funktion in der Regulation der Chemosensitivität gegenüber dem chlorethylierenden Agenz ACNU genauer untersucht wurde. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die FRA 1-Expression durch Behandlung mit ACNU induziert wird. Die Induktion erfolgte über die beiden MAPKs ERK1/2 und p38K. JNK hatte keinen Einfluss auf die Induktion. Durch die Herunterregulation der FRA-1-Expression mit Hilfe von siRNA und eines shRNA exprimierenden Plasmids kam es zu einer signifikanten Sensitivierung gegenüber ACNU. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Herunterregulation der FRA-1-Expression in einer verminderten AP 1-Bildung, bedingt durch eine reduzierte Menge an FRA-1 im AP-1-Komplex resultiert. Die Sensitivierung gegenüber ACNU ist weder durch eine Veränderung in der DNA-Reparatur, noch in der Modulation der FAS-Ligand- bzw. FAS-Rezeptor-Expression bedingt. Auch die hier untersuchten BCL 2-Familienmitglieder wiesen keine Unterschiede in der Expression durch Modulation der FRA 1-Expression auf. Allerdings kam es durch die verminderte FRA-1-Expression zu einer Reduktion der Zellzahl in der G2/M-Phase nach Behandlung mit ACNU. Diese ging einher mit einer reduzierten Menge an phosphoryliertem und unphosphoryliertem CHK1, weshalb davon auszugehen ist, dass FRA 1 nach ACNU-Behandlung in Gliomzellen vor der Apoptose schützt, indem es modulierend auf die Zellzykluskontrolle einwirkt.rnIm zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Regulation der apoptotischen Antwort nach Behandlung mit ACNU und TMZ genauer beleuchtet, wobei ein spezielles Augen¬merk auf AP 1 und die MAPKs gelegt wurde. Hier konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Apoptose nach Behandlung mit ACNU bzw. TMZ sowohl durch Spaltung von Pro-Caspase 8, als auch Pro-Caspase 9 eingeleitet wird. Dabei akkumulierte in beiden Fällen p53 vermehrt im Zellkern. Eine Inhibierung der transkriptionellen Aktivität von p53 führte nach ACNU-Behandlung zu einer Sensitivierung der Zellen, nach TMZ-Behandlung kam es zu einem leichten Anstieg in der Vitälität. Der FAS-Rezeptor wurde nach ACNU- und nach TMZ-Behandlung aktiviert und auch die DNA-Reparaturproteine DDB2 und XPC wurden in beiden Fällen vermehrt exprimiert. Für die MAPKs JNK und ERK1/2 konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese pro-apoptotisch wirken. Die AP-1-Bildung nach ACNU-Behandlung erfolgte bereits nach 24 h und war von langer Dauer, wohingegen nach TMZ-Behandlung nur eine transiente AP 1-Bildung zu relativ späten Zeitpunkten detektiert werden konnte. Ebenso konnte für das AP-1-Zielgen FAS-Ligand nach ACNU-Behandlung eine relativ schnelle, lang anhaltende Aktivierung detektiert werden, wohingegen nach TMZ-Behandlung zu einem späten Zeitpunkt ein kurzer Anstieg im Signal zu verzeichnen war. In späteren Experimenten konnte gezeigt werden, dass das BCL-2-Familienmitglied BIM eine zentrale Rolle in der Regulation des intrinsischen Apoptosesignalweges nach Behandlung mit ACNU und TMZ spielt. Die hier entstanden Ergebnisse tragen entscheidend zum Verständnis der durch diese beiden Agenzien gesteuerten, apoptotischen Signalwege bei und bieten eine fundierte Grundlage für weitere Untersuchungen.rn
Primary fibroblast cultures of canine cranial (CCL) and caudal (CaCL) cruciate ligaments were stimulated with different apoptosis inducers with or without preincubation of the pancaspase inhibitor zVAD.fmk. In contrast to CaCL fibroblasts, fibroblasts from CCL were significantly more susceptible to apoptosis inducers of the intrinsic pathway like doxorubicin, cisplatin and nitric oxide (NO)-donors and to Fas ligand (FasL), an apoptosis inducer of the death receptor pathway. Apoptotic response to staurosporine and the peroxynitrite donor GEA was similar in both ligament fibroblasts. Stimulation with dexamethasone or TNFalpha could not induce apoptosis in CCL and CaCL fibroblasts, in spite of present TNFR1 and TNFR2 receptors. zVAD.fmk was able to prevent apoptosis in up to 66% of CCL cells when treated with FasL, cisplatin or doxorubicin but it had no effect on NO or peroxynitrite induced apoptosis. In conclusion, differential susceptibility to apoptotic triggers like FasL or NO between cranial and caudal cruciate ligament fibroblasts in vitro may be a reflection of the different susceptibilities to degenerative rupture of the ligament. These findings indicate that a general caspase inhibition does not completely protect canine CCL cells from apoptosis.
Keratinocyte apoptosis mediated by Fas/Fas ligand molecular interactions and subsequent caspase activation is believed to play an important role in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis (AD), in particular for the formation of spongiosis. To estimate epidermal caspase activation in normal and AD skin under in vivo conditions, we analysed caspase-3 cleavage by immunohistology. In normal skin as well as non-lesional AD skin, we detected caspase-3 cleavage in single cells of the basal layer. In contrast, in acute lesional AD skin, we not only obtained evidence for increased expression of cleaved caspase-3 in keratinocytes of the basal layer but also observed caspase-3 cleavage in one or more layers of the spinous cell layer, in particular in spongiotic areas. Short-term topical treatment of the skin lesions with tacrolimus or pimecrolimus abolished the expression of cleaved caspase-3 in the spinous layer. Moreover, epidermal caspase-3 cleavage correlated with the numbers of dermal interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)-expressing CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes in skin lesions of AD patients, supporting the view that IFN-gamma is important for the activation of proapoptotic pathways in keratinocytes. This is also confirmed by the observation of increased Fas expression on keratinocytes in acute AD lesions that was markedly reduced following topical calcineurin inhibitor treatment. These data suggest that caspase-3 cleavage in the spinous layer of the epidermis is a pathologic event contributing to spongiosis formation in AD, whereas cleavage of caspase-3 in basal cells might represent a physiologic mechanism within the process of epidermal renewal.
Mast cells (MC), supposedly long-lived cells, play a key role in allergy and are important contributors to other inflammatory conditions in which they undergo hyperplasia. In humans, stem cell factor (SCF) is the main regulator of MC growth, differentiation, and survival. Although human MC numbers may also be regulated by apoptotic cell death, there have been no reports concerning the role of the extrinsic apoptotic pathway mediated by death receptors in these cells. We examined expression and function of death receptors for Fas ligand and TRAIL in human MC. Although the MC leukemia cell line HMC-1 and human lung-derived MC expressed both Fas and TRAIL-R, MC lines derived from cord blood (CBMC) expressed only TRAIL-R. Activation of TRAIL-R resulted in caspase 3-dependent apoptosis of CBMC and HMC-1. IgE-dependent activation of CBMC increased their susceptibility to TRAIL-mediated apoptosis. Results suggest that TRAIL-mediated apoptosis may be a mechanism of regulating MC survival in vivo and, potentially, for down-regulating MC hyperplasia in pathologic conditions.
OBJECTIVE: Apoptosis of pancreatic beta-cells is critical in both diabetes development and failure of islet transplantation. The role in these processes of pro- and antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins, which regulate apoptosis by controlling mitochondrial integrity, remains poorly understood. We investigated the role of the BH3-only protein Bid and the multi-BH domain proapoptotic Bax and Bak, as well as prosurvival Bcl-2, in beta-cell apoptosis. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We isolated islets from mice lacking Bid, Bax, or Bak and those overexpressing Bcl-2 and exposed them to Fas ligand, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, and proinflammatory cytokines or cytotoxic stimuli that activate the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway (staurosporine, etoposide, gamma-radiation, tunicamycin, and thapsigargin). Nuclear fragmentation was measured by flow cytometry. RESULTS: Development and function of islets were not affected by loss of Bid, and Bid-deficient islets were as susceptible as wild-type islets to cytotoxic stimuli that cause apoptosis via the mitochondrial pathway. In contrast, Bid-deficient islets and those overexpressing antiapoptotic Bcl-2 were protected from Fas ligand-induced apoptosis. Bid-deficient islets were also resistant to apoptosis induced by TNF-alpha plus cycloheximide and were partially resistant to proinflammatory cytokine-induced death. Loss of the multi-BH domain proapoptotic Bax or Bak protected islets partially from death receptor-induced apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that Bid is essential for death receptor-induced apoptosis of islets, similar to its demonstrated role in hepatocytes. This indicates that blocking Bid activity may be useful for protection of islets from immune-mediated attack and possibly also in other pathological states in which beta-cells are destroyed.
Apoptotic death of hepatocytes, a contributor to many chronic and acute liver diseases, can be a consequence of overactivation of the immune system and is often mediated by TNFalpha. Injection with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) plus the transcriptional inhibitor D(+)-galactosamine (GalN) or mitogenic T cell activation causes fatal hepatocyte apoptosis in mice, which is mediated by TNFalpha, but the effector mechanisms remain unclear. Our analysis of gene-targeted mice showed that caspase-8 is essential for hepatocyte killing in both settings. Loss of Bid, the proapoptotic BH3-only protein activated by caspase-8 and essential for Fas ligand-induced hepatocyte killing, resulted only in a minor reduction of liver damage. However, combined loss of Bid and another BH3-only protein, Bim, activated by c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), protected mice from LPS+GalN-induced hepatitis. These observations identify caspase-8 and the BH3-only proteins Bid and Bim as potential therapeutic targets for treatment of inflammatory liver diseases.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the histone deacetylase inhibitor, MS-275, on the Fas signaling pathway and susceptibility of osteosarcoma (OS) to Fas ligand (FasL)-induced cell death. OS metastasizes almost exclusively to the lungs. We have shown that Fas expression in OS cells is inversely correlated with their metastatic potential. Fas+ cells are rapidly eliminated when they enter the lungs via interaction with FasL, which is constitutively expressed in the lungs. Fas- OS cells escape this FasL-induced apoptosis and survive in the lung microenvironment. Moreover, upregulation of Fas in established OS lung metastases results in tumor regression. Therefore, agents that upregulate Fas expression or activate the Fas signaling pathway may have therapeutic potential. Treatment of Fas- metastatic OS cell lines with 2 μM MS-275 sensitized cells to FasL-induced cell death in vitro. We found that MS-275 did not alter the expression of Fas on the cell surface; rather it resulted in increased levels of Fas within the membrane lipid rafts, as demonstrated by an increase in Fas expression in detergent insoluble lipid raft fractions. We further demonstrated that following MS-275 treatment, Fas colocalized with GM1+ lipid rafts and that there was a decrease in c-FLIP (cellular FLICE-inhibitory protein) mRNA and protein. Downregulation of c-FLIP correlated with caspase activation and apoptosis induction. Transfection of cells with shRNA to c-FLIP also resulted in the localization of Fas to lipid rafts. These studies indicate that MS-275 sensitizes OS cells to FasL by upregulating the expression of Fas in membrane lipid rafts, which correlated with the downregulation of c-FLIP. Treatment of nu/nu-mice with established OS lung metastases with oral MS-275 resulted in increased apoptosis, a significant inhibition of c-FLIP expression in tumors and tumor regression. Histopathological examination of mice showed no significant organ toxicity. Overall, these results suggest that the mechanism by which MS-275 sensitizes OS cells and lung metastases to FasL-induced cell death may be by a reduction in the expression of c-FLIP.
Fusion of nonmetastatic murine melanoma K1735 C19H cells with metastatic human melanoma A375 C15N cells resulted in a hybrid (termed H7) which was highly metastatic in a nude mouse model. The H7 hybrid retained chromosome 17 as the sole intact human chromosome in the cell. A lung bioassay showed that the K1735 C19H cells were present in the lungs of nude mice with s.c. tumors, yet at 6-weeks after tumor resection, no cells remained in the lung and therefore did not form lung metastases. Examination of various phenotypic properties such as in vivo and in vitro growth demonstrated that phenotypically the H7 hybrid was most like the K1735 C19H cell line except for its metastatic ability. In contrast the H7 hybrid cells containing single or multiple copies of human chromosome 17 with a point mutation at codon 249 (arg-gly) of the p53 gene, readily formed lung metastases. A plasmid containing the human p53 from the H7 hybrid and four other contructs with mutations at codon 143 (val-arg), 175 (arg-his), 249 (arg-ser) and 273 (arg-his) were transfected into K1735 C19H cells. K1735 C19H cells expressing human p53 genes with mutations at codons 249, both the arg-ser mutation and the mutation from the H7 hybrid and 273 produced significantly more lung metastases.^ In vitro assays demonstrated that responses to various cytotoxic and DNA damaging agents varied with the presence of mutant p53 and with the type of agent used. When cultured in mouse lung-conditioned medium, the K1735 C19H cell line was growth-inhibited, while cells containing a mutant human p53 (either on the whole chromosome 17, as in the H7 hybrid cells or from a stably transfected construct) were growth stimulated. Western blot analysis of lung-conditioned media derived from either 6-month or 15-month old mice has detected high levels of soluble Fas ligand in the medium from older animals. Comparison of the levels of Fas receptor on the K1735 C19H cell line and the H7 hybrid were almost identical, but 50% of the K1735 C19H cells were killed in the presence of anti-Fas antibody as opposed to 7% of the H7 hybrid cells. The growth-inhibitory effects of the lung-conditioned medium on the K1735 C19H cells were abrogated by coculture with Fas-Fc, which competes with the Fas ligand for receptor binding. Growth-inhibition of the K1735 C19H was 54% when cultured in 60 $\mu$g/0.2 ml lung-conditioned medium and a control Fc, with only 9% inhibition in 60 $\mu$g/0.2 ml lung-conditioned medium and Fas-Fc. Growth of the H7 cells and K1735 C19H cells transfected with various mutant human p53 genes were unchanged by the presence of either the control Fc or the Fas-Fc. This indicates that the presence of human chromosome 17, and mutant p53 in part protects the cells from Fas:Fas ligand induced apoptosis, and allows the growth of lung metastases. ^
OBJECTIVES Previous studies concluded that haemorrhage is one of the most accurate prognostic factors of mortality in leptospirosis. Therefore, endothelial cell activation was investigated in relation to disease severity in severe leptospirosis. METHODS Prospective cohort study of severe leptospirosis patients. Plasma levels of sE-selectin and Von Willebrand factor (VWF) were determined. Consequently, an in vitro endothelial cell model was used to assess endothelial activation after exposure to virulent Leptospira. Finally, immune activation, as a potential contributing factor to endothelial cell activation, was determined by soluble IL2-receptor (sIL-2r) and soluble Fas-ligand (sFasL) levels. RESULTS Plasma levels of sE-selectin and VWF strongly increased in patients compared to healthy controls. Furthermore, sE-selectin was significantly elevated (203 ng/ml vs. 157 ng/ml, p < 0.05) in survivors compared to non-survivors. Endothelial cells exposed to virulent Leptospira showed increased VWF expression. E-selectin and ICAM-1 expression did not change. Immunohistochemistry revealed the presence of intracellular Leptospira and qPCR suggested replication. In vivo analysis showed that increased levels of sFasL and sIL-2r were both strongly associated with mortality. Furthermore sIL-2r levels were increased in patients that developed bleeding and significantly correlated to duration of hospital stay. DISCUSSION Markers of endothelial activation and immune activation were associated with disease severity in leptospirosis patients.
A combination of psoralens and ultraviolet-A radiation referred to as PUVA, is widely used in the treatment of psoriasis. PUVA therapy is highly effective in killing hyperproliferative cells, but its mechanism of action has not been fully elucidated. Psoralen binds to DNA, and upon photoactivation by UVA, it forms monofunctional adducts and interstrand cross-links. PUVA treatment has been shown to be mutagenic and to produce tumors in animals. In addition, epidemiological studies have reported a 10 to 15 percent increased risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma in individuals treated chronically with PUVA. However, it remains a treatment for skin disorders such as psoriasis because its benefits outweigh its risks. The widespread use of PUVA therapy and its associated cancer risk requires us to understand the molecular mechanisms by which PUVA induces cell death. Immortalized JB6 mouse epidermal cells, p53−/− mice, and Fas Ligand−/− (gld) mice were used to investigate the molecular mechanism by which PUVA kills cells. Treatment of JB6 cells with 10 μg/ml 8-methoxypsoralen followed by irradiation with 20 kJ/m2 UVA resulted in cell death. The cells exhibited morphological and biochemical characteristics of apoptosis such as chromatin condensation, DNA ladder formation, and TUNEL-positivity. PUVA treatment stabilized and phosphorylated p53 leading to its activation, as measured by nuclear localization and induction of p21Waf/Cip1, a transcriptional target of p53. Subsequent in vivo studies revealed that there was statistically significantly less apoptosis in p53 −/− mice than in p53+/+ mice at 72 hours after PUVA. In addition, immunohistochemical analysis revealed more Fas and FasL expression in p53+/+ mice than in p53−/− mice, suggesting that p53 is required to transcriptionally activate Fas, which in turn causes the cells to undergo apoptosis. Studies with gld mice confirmed a role for Fas/FasL interactions in PUVA-induced apoptosis. There was statistically significantly less apoptosis in gld mice compared with wild-type mice 24, 48, and 72 hours after PUVA. These results demonstrate that PUVA-induced apoptosis in mouse epidermal cells requires p53 and Fas/FasL interactions. These findings may be important for designing effective treatments for diseases such as psoriasis without increasing the patient's risk for skin cancer. ^
Inhibition of DNA repair by the nucleoside of fludarabine (F-ara-A) induces toxicity in quiescent human cells. The sensing and signaling mechanisms following DNA repair inhibition by F-ara-A are unknown. The central hypothesis of this project was that the mechanistic interaction of a DNA repair initiating agent and a nucleoside analog initiates an apoptotic signal in quiescent cells. The purpose of this research was to identify the sensing and signaling mechanism(s) that respond to DNA repair inhibition by F-ara-A. Lymphocytes were treated with F-ara-A, to accumulate the active triphosphate metabolite and subsequently DNA repair was activated by UV irradiation. Pre-incubation of lymphocytes with 3 μM F-ara-A inhibited DNA repair initiated by 2 J/m2 UV and induced greater than additive apoptosis after 24 h. Blocking the incorporation of F-ara-A nucleotide into repairing DNA using 30 μM aphidicolin considerably lowered the apoptotic response. ^ Wild-type quiescent cells showed a significant loss in viability than did cells lacking functional sensor kinase DNA-PKcs or p53 as measured by colony formation assays. The functional status of ATM did not appear to affect the apoptotic outcome. Immunoprecipitation studies showed an interaction between the catalytic sub-unit of DNA-PK and p53 following DNA repair inhibition. Confocal fluorescence microscopy studies have indicated the localization pattern of p53, DNA-PK and γ-H2AX in the nucleus following DNA damage. Foci formation by γ-H2AX was seen as an early event that is followed by interaction with DNA-PKcs. p53 serine-15 phosphorylation and accumulation were detected 2 h after treatment. Fas/Fas ligand expression increased significantly after repair inhibition and was dependent on the functional status of p53. Blocking the interaction between Fas and Fas ligand by neutralizing antibodies significantly rescued the apoptotic fraction of cells. ^ Collectively, these results suggest that incorporation of the nucleoside analog into repair patches is critical for cytotoxicity and that the DNA damage, while being sensed by DNA-PK, may induce apoptosis by a p53-mediated signaling mechanism. Based on the results, a model is proposed for the sensing of F-ara-A-induced DNA damage that includes γ-H2AX, DNA-PKcs, and p53. Targeting the cellular DNA repair mechanism can be a potential means of producing cytotoxicity in a quiescent population of neoplastic cells. These results also provide mechanistic support for the success of nucleoside analogs with cyclophosphamide or other agents that initiate excision repair processes, in the clinic. ^
Signal transduction pathways operative in lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells during execution of cytolytic function have never been characterized. Based on ubiquitous involvement of protein phosphorylation in activation of cytolytic mechanisms used by CTL and NK cells, it was hypothesized that changes in protein phosphorylation should occur when LAK encounter tumor targets. It was further hypothesized that protein kinases would regulate LAK-mediated cytotoxicity. Exposure to either SK-Mel-1 (melanoma) or Raji (lymphoma) targets consistently led to increased phosphorylation of two 65-kD LAK proteins pp65a and -b, with isoelectric points (pI) of 5.1 and 5.2 respectively. Increased p65 phosphorylation was initiated between 1 and 5 min after tumor coincubation, occurred on Ser residues, required physical contact between LAK and tumors, correlated with target recognition, and also occurred after crosslinking Fc$\gamma$RIIIA in the absence of tumors. Both pp65a and -b were tentatively identified as phosphorylated forms of the actin-bundling protein L-plastin, based on pI, molecular weight, and cross-reactivity with specific antiserum. The known biochemical properties of L-plastin suggest it may be involved in regulating adhesion of LAK to tumor targets. The protein tyrosine kinase-specific inhibitor Herb A did not block p65 phosphorylation, but blocked LAK killing of multiple tumor targets at a post-binding stage. Greater than 50% inhibition of cytotoxicity was observed after a 2.5-h pretreatment with 0.125 $\mu$g/ml Herb A. Inhibition occurred over a period in pretreatment which LAK were not dependent upon IL-2 for maintenance of killing activity, supporting the conclusion that the drug interfered with mobilization of cytotoxic function. Granule exocytosis measured by BLT-esterase release from LAK occurred after coincubation with tumors, and was inhibited by Herb A LAK cytotoxicity was dependent upon extracellular calcium, suggesting that granule exocytosis rather than Fas ligand was the principal pathway leading to target cell death. The data indicate that protein tyrosine kinases play a pivotal role in LAK cytolytic function by regulating granule exocytosis, and that tumor targets can activate an adhesion dependent Ser kinase pathway in LAK resulting in phosphorylation of L-plastin. ^
Although adenovirus can infect a wide range of cell types, lymphocytes are not generally susceptible to adenovirus infection, in part because of the absence of the expression of the cellular receptor for the adenoviral fiber protein. The cellular receptor for adenovirus and coxsackievirus (CAR) recently was cloned and shown to mediate adenoviral entry by interaction with the viral fiber protein. We show that the ectopic expression of CAR in various lymphocyte cell lines, which are almost completely resistant to adenovirus infection, is sufficient to facilitate the efficient transduction of these cells by recombinant adenoviruses. Furthermore, this property of CAR does not require its cytoplasmic domain, consistent with the idea that CAR primarily serves as a high affinity binding site for the adenoviral fiber protein, and that viral entry is mediated by interaction of the viral penton base proteins with cellular integrins. As a demonstration of their functional utility, we used CAR-expressing lymphocytes transduced with an adenovirus expressing Fas ligand to efficiently kill Fas receptor-expressing tumor cells. The ability to efficiently manipulate gene expression in lymphocyte cells by using adenovirus vectors should facilitate the functional characterization of pathways affecting lymphocyte physiology.
The transcription factor NF-κB is a pivotal regulator of inflammatory responses. While the activation of NF-κB in the arthritic joint has been associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), its significance is poorly understood. Here, we examine the role of NF-κB in animal models of RA. We demonstrate that in vitro, NF-κB controlled expression of numerous inflammatory molecules in synoviocytes and protected cells against tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) and Fas ligand (FasL) cytotoxicity. Similar to that observed in human RA, NF-κB was found to be activated in the synovium of rats with streptococcal cell wall (SCW)-induced arthritis. In vivo suppression of NF-κB by either proteasomal inhibitors or intraarticular adenoviral gene transfer of super-repressor IκBα profoundly enhanced apoptosis in the synovium of rats with SCW- and pristane-induced arthritis. This indicated that the activation of NF-κB protected the cells in the synovium against apoptosis and thus provided the potential link between inflammation and hyperplasia. Intraarticular administration of NF-kB decoys prevented the recurrence of SCW arthritis in treated joints. Unexpectedly, the severity of arthritis also was inhibited significantly in the contralateral, untreated joints, indicating beneficial systemic effects of local suppression of NF-κB. These results establish a mechanism regulating apoptosis in the arthritic joint and indicate the feasibility of therapeutic approaches to RA based on the specific suppression of NF-κB.
Previous studies have found conflicting associations between susceptibility to activation-induced cell death and the cell cycle in T cells. However, most of the studies used potentially toxic pharmacological agents for cell cycle synchronization. A panel of human melanoma tumor-reactive T cell lines, a CD8+ HER-2/neu-reactive T cell clone, and the leukemic T cell line Jurkat were separated by centrifugal elutriation. Fractions enriched for the G0–G1, S, and G2–M phases of the cell cycle were assayed for T cell receptor-mediated activation as measured by intracellular Ca2+ flux, cytolytic recognition of tumor targets, and induction of Fas ligand mRNA. Susceptibility to apoptosis induced by recombinant Fas ligand and activation-induced cell death were also studied. None of the parameters studied was specific to a certain phase of the cell cycle, leading us to conclude that in nontransformed human T cells, both activation and apoptosis through T cell receptor activation can occur in all phases of the cell cycle.