639 resultados para Fano Partitions
The extraordinary sensitivity of CD8+ T cells to recognize antigen impinges to a large extent on the coreceptor CD8. While several studies have shown that the CD8beta chain endows CD8 with efficient coreceptor function, the molecular basis for this is enigmatic. Here we report that cell-associated CD8alphabeta, but not CD8alphaalpha or soluble CD8alphabeta, substantially increases the avidity of T cell receptor (TCR)-ligand binding. To elucidate how the cytoplasmic and transmembrane portions of CD8beta endow CD8 with efficient coreceptor function, we examined T1.4 T cell hybridomas transfected with various CD8beta constructs. T1.4 hybridomas recognize a photoreactive Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite (PbCS) peptide derivative (PbCS (4-azidobezoic acid [ABA])) in the context of H-2K(d), and permit assessment of TCR-ligand binding by TCR photoaffinity labeling. We find that the cytoplasmic portion of CD8beta, mainly due to its palmitoylation, mediates partitioning of CD8 in lipid rafts, where it efficiently associates with p56(lck). In addition, the cytoplasmic portion of CD8beta mediates constitutive association of CD8 with TCR/CD3. The resulting TCR-CD8 adducts exhibit high affinity for major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-peptide. Importantly, because CD8alphabeta partitions in rafts, its interaction with TCR/CD3 promotes raft association of TCR/CD3. Engagement of these TCR/CD3-CD8/lck adducts by multimeric MHC-peptide induces activation of p56(lck) in rafts, which in turn phosphorylates CD3 and initiates T cell activation.
Antigen-specific T-cell activation implicates a redistribution of plasma membrane-bound molecules in lipid rafts, such as the coreceptors CD8 and CD4, the Src kinases Lek and Fyn, and the linker for activation of T cells (LAT), that results in the formation of signaling complexes. These molecules partition in lipid rafts because of palmitoylation of cytoplasmic, membrane proximal cysteines, which is essential for their functional integrity in T-cell activation. Here, we show that exogenous dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (DPPE), but not the related unsaturated dioleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE), partitions in lipid rafts. DPPE inhibits activation of CD8(+) T lymphocytes by sensitized syngeneic antigen-presenting cells or specific major histocompatibility complex (MHC) peptide tetramers, as indicated by esterase release and intracellular calcium mobilization. Cytotoxic, T lymphocyte (CTL)-target cell conjugate formation is not affected by DPPE, indicating that engagement of the T-cell receptor by its cognate ligand is intact in lipid-treated cells. In contrast to other agents known to block raft-dependent signaling, DPPE efficiently inhibits the MHC peptide-induced recruitment of palmitoylated signaling molecules to lipid rafts and CTL activation without affecting cell viability or lipid raft integrity.
Reliable estimates of heavy-truck volumes are important in a number of transportation applications. Estimates of truck volumes are necessary for pavement design and pavement management. Truck volumes are important in traffic safety. The number of trucks on the road also influences roadway capacity and traffic operations. Additionally, heavy vehicles pollute at higher rates than passenger vehicles. Consequently, reliable estimates of heavy-truck vehicle miles traveled (VMT) are important in creating accurate inventories of on-road emissions. This research evaluated three different methods to calculate heavy-truck annual average daily traffic (AADT) which can subsequently be used to estimate vehicle miles traveled (VMT). Traffic data from continuous count stations provided by the Iowa DOT were used to estimate AADT for two different truck groups (single-unit and multi-unit) using the three methods. The first method developed monthly and daily expansion factors for each truck group. The second and third methods created general expansion factors for all vehicles. Accuracy of the three methods was compared using n-fold cross-validation. In n-fold cross-validation, data are split into n partitions, and data from the nth partition are used to validate the remaining data. A comparison of the accuracy of the three methods was made using the estimates of prediction error obtained from cross-validation. The prediction error was determined by averaging the squared error between the estimated AADT and the actual AADT. Overall, the prediction error was the lowest for the method that developed expansion factors separately for the different truck groups for both single- and multi-unit trucks. This indicates that use of expansion factors specific to heavy trucks results in better estimates of AADT, and, subsequently, VMT, than using aggregate expansion factors and applying a percentage of trucks. Monthly, daily, and weekly traffic patterns were also evaluated. Significant variation exists in the temporal and seasonal patterns of heavy trucks as compared to passenger vehicles. This suggests that the use of aggregate expansion factors fails to adequately describe truck travel patterns.
Silver Code (SilC) was originally discovered in [1–4] for 2×2 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission. It has non-vanishing minimum determinant 1/7, slightly lower than Golden code, but is fast-decodable, i.e., it allows reduced-complexity maximum likelihood decoding [5–7]. In this paper, we present a multidimensional trellis-coded modulation scheme for MIMO systems [11] based on set partitioning of the Silver Code, named Silver Space-Time Trellis Coded Modulation (SST-TCM). This lattice set partitioning is designed specifically to increase the minimum determinant. The branches of the outer trellis code are labeled with these partitions. Viterbi algorithm is applied for trellis decoding, while the branch metrics are computed by using a sphere-decoding algorithm. It is shown that the proposed SST-TCM performs very closely to the Golden Space-Time Trellis Coded Modulation (GST-TCM) scheme, yetwith a much reduced decoding complexity thanks to its fast-decoding property.
We used exome sequencing of blood DNA in four unrelated patients to identify the genetic basis of metaphyseal chondromatosis with urinary excretion of D-2-hydroxy-glutaric acid (MC-HGA), a rare entity comprising severe chondrodysplasia, organic aciduria, and variable cerebral involvement. No evidence for recessive mutations was found; instead, two patients showed mutations in IDH1 predicting p.R132H and p.R132S as apparent somatic mosaicism. Sanger sequencing confirmed the presence of the mutation in blood DNA in one patient, and in blood and saliva (but not in fibroblast) DNA in the other patient. Mutations at codon 132 of IDH1 change the enzymatic specificity of the cytoplasmic isocitrate dehydrogenase enzyme. They result in increased D-2-hydroxy-glutarate production, α-ketoglutarate depletion, activation of HIF-1α (a key regulator of chondrocyte proliferation at the growth plate), and reduction of N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate level in glial cells. Thus, somatic mutations in IDH1 may explain all features of MC-HGA, including sporadic occurrence, metaphyseal disorganization, and chondromatosis, urinary excretion of D-2-hydroxy-glutaric acid, and reduced cerebral myelinization.
Real-world images are complex objects, difficult to describe but at the same time possessing a high degree of redundancy. A very recent study [1] on the statistical properties of natural images reveals that natural images can be viewed through different partitions which are essentially fractal in nature. One particular fractal component, related to the most singular (sharpest) transitions in the image, seems to be highly informative about the whole scene. In this paper we will show how to decompose the image into their fractal components.We will see that the most singular component is related to (but not coincident with) the edges of the objects present in the scenes. We will propose a new, simple method to reconstruct the image with information contained in that most informative component.We will see that the quality of the reconstruction is strongly dependent on the capability to extract the relevant edges in the determination of the most singular set.We will discuss the results from the perspective of coding, proposing this method as a starting point for future developments.
We present a heuristic method for learning error correcting output codes matrices based on a hierarchical partition of the class space that maximizes a discriminative criterion. To achieve this goal, the optimal codeword separation is sacrificed in favor of a maximum class discrimination in the partitions. The creation of the hierarchical partition set is performed using a binary tree. As a result, a compact matrix with high discrimination power is obtained. Our method is validated using the UCI database and applied to a real problem, the classification of traffic sign images.
Metaphyseal chondromatosis with hydroxyglutaric aciduria (MC-HGA) is a generalized skeletal dysplasia, accompanied by urinary excretion of D-2- hydroxyglutarate (HGA), and variable cerebral involvement. By wholeexome sequencing 2 unrelated patients with MC-HGA, we have found mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) at codon 132, as apparent somatic mosaicism. IDH1 is a key enzyme of the Krebs cycle, which converts isocitrate into alpha-ketoglutarate (a-KG). Mutations at IDH1 Arg132 residue have originally been identified in different tumour types (isolated gliomas, leukemias, and chondrosarcomas). These mutations trans-specify the enzyme activity resulting in HGA accumulation and a-KG depletion. This induces activation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF-1a), an important regulator of chondrocyte proliferation at the growth plate. Differently from Arg132 somatic mutations found in isolated tumours, themutation in our patientsmust have occurred very early in embryogenesis to cause a generalized dysplasia with involvement of all long bones metaphyses and mutation detectability in blood. Identical mutations have subsequently been identified in chondromas excised from patients with multiple chondromatosis (Ollier disease). Tissue distribution of themutationmay explain variable cerebral involvement and the susceptibility to develop tumours in other organs. The postulated pathophysiology ofMC-HGA points out the link between Krebs cycle, hypoxia sensing and bone growth.
The origin of magnetic coupling in KNiF3 and K2 NiF4 is studied by means of an ab initio cluster model approach. By a detailed study of the mapping between eigenstates of the exact nonrelativistic and spin model Hamiltonians it is possible to obtain the magnetic coupling constant J and to compare ab initio cluster-model values with those resulting from ab initio periodic Hartree-Fock calculations. This comparison shows that J is strongly determined by two-body interactions; this is a surprising and unexpected result. The importance of the ligands surrounding the basic metal-ligand-metal interacting unit is reexamined by using two different partitions and the constrained space orbital variation method of analysis. This decomposition enables us to show that this effect is basically environmental. Finally, dynamical electronic correlation effects have found to be critical in determining the final value of the magnetic coupling constant.
Accuse réception des 15 volumes reliés des partitions d'orchestre des opéras de Boildieu que Louis Aigoin a offerts à la bibliothèque de l'Opéra-Comique (voir NLAS-207) et que le relieur du Sénat, Monsieur Vauthrin, a livrés. Remercie le donateur. - Brouillon de lettres. - Papier à en-tête : "Ministère de l'Instruction Publique et des Beaux-Arts. Bibliothèque de l'Opéra-Comique". - Ancienne cote : Dossier d'artiste Boieldieu
L'informe qu'il a écrit à Monsieur aigoin pour le remercier de son don gracieux fait à la bibliothèque de l'Opéra-Comique. - Louis Aigoin, petit-fils de Boieldieu, a fait don à Antoine Banès de 15 partitions d'orchestre des principaux opéras de Boieldieu (voir NLAS-207). - Papier à en-tête : "Ministère de l'Instruction Publique et des Beaux-Arts. Beaux-Arts". - Ancienne cote : Dossier d'artiste Boieldieu
Lui fait part de l'incendie qui a ravagé le Théâtre des Arts de Rouen et la bibliothèque musicale de la ville. Sollicite l'expertise du bibliothécaire de l'Opéra pour évaluer le prix des œuvres perdues. - La lettre adressée au directeur de l'Opéra a été transmise à Charles Nuitter mais la liste des partitions jointe à la lettre est absente. - Armes de la ville et papier à en-tête: "Mairie de Rouen. Cabinet du Maire". - La lettre est accompagnée d'une note de Jules Delahaye, secrétaire général de l'Opéra, à l'attention de Nuitter
Tämän diplomityön päämääränä on tehdä prosessiteollisuuden tarpeisiin Excel-taulukkolaskentaohjelmassa toimiva putkilämmönsiirtimen mitoitusohjelma. Prosessiteollisuudessa lämmönvaihtimien toimintaympäristöt ja olosuhteet vaihtelevat merkittävästi ja niinpä jokaisen vaihtimen suunnittelu ja mitoitus on toteutettava tapauskohtaisesti. Työssä käsitellään rekuperatiivisen ristivirtaputkilämmönvaihtimen yleinen lämpötekninen mitoitus sisältäen putken sisäpinnalle tapahtuvan mahdollisen lauhtumisen. Mitoitettava vaihdinkoostuu pystysuorista putkista, joissa lämmin ja kostea ilma virtaa putkien sisäpuolella ja kylmä kuiva ilma vaippapuolella vaakasuoraan. Vaihdinmateriaalina käytetään ruostumatonta AISI 304 -tai haponkestävää AISI 316 terästä. Kuuman ilman tila vaihtelee tarkasteltavan kohteen mukaan. Paperiteollisuuden kuivausyksiköiltä poistuva ilma on usein lämmintä ja kosteaa, ja infrakuivaimilta poistuva ilma on kuumaa. Mitoitettavalle lämmönvaihtimelle tulevan kuuman ilman lämpötila tapauksesta riippuen voi vaihdella 30°C, maksimissaan +300°C:een saakka, vesisisällön ollessa välillä 0,010...0,200 kg/kg ki tai jopa tämän ylikin. Vaihtimen mitoitus perustuu energiataseyhtälöiden käyttöön. Laskennassa määritetään vaihtimen pintalämpötila sekä mahdollinen kostean ilman lauhtuminen putken sisäpinnalle. Lisäksi teoria käsittää molempien virtausten tilanmuutosten laskennan. Työssä on esitetty esimerkkilaskelma, jossa on laskettu ilma- kostea ilma lämmönsiirrinkonstruktio. Esimerkissä on tarkasteltu vaihtimen hyötysuhdetta, virtausten lämpö- ja kosteuskäyttäytymistä ulkoilman lämpötilan funktiona. Ohjelmasta saadaan tulostettua mitoitettavanvaihtimen dimensiot; putkien lukumäärät syvyys- ja pituussuunnassa sekä kokonaisputkilukumäärä, putkien väliset etäisyydet toisiinsa nähden sekä syvyys, että pituussuunnassa, putkipituus ja putken sisä- ja ulkohalkaisijat. Nämä tiedot suunnittelija itse syöttää ohjelmalle alkuarvoina. Laskettuna tietona ohjelma antaa molempien virtausten poistolämpötilat, kuuman ilman poistuvan absoluuttisen kosteuden, kondenssivesimäärän, vaihtimen tehon ja painehäviöt vaippa- ja putkipuolelle. Lisäksi ohjelma laskee kuuman ilman ominaisentalpiat vaihtimen sisään- ja ulostulossa. Tämä mahdollistaa ilman tilapisteiden piirtämisen Mollier-piirrokseen.
Tissue analysis is a useful tool for the nutrient management of fruit orchards. The mineral composition of diagnostic tissues expressed as nutrient concentration on a dry weight basis has long been used to assess the status of 'pure' nutrients. When nutrients are mixed and interact in plant tissues, their proportions or concentrations change relatively to each other as a result of synergism, antagonism, or neutrality, hence producing resonance within the closed space of tissue composition. Ternary diagrams and nutrient ratios are early representations of interacting nutrients in the compositional space. Dual and multiple interactions were integrated by the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) into nutrient indexes and by Compositional Nutrient Diagnosis into centered log ratios (CND-clr). DRIS has some computational flaws such as using a dry matter index that is not a part as well as nutrient products (e.g. NxCa) instead of ratios. DRIS and CND-clr integrate all possible nutrient interactions without defining an ad hoc interactive model. They diagnose D components while D-1 could be diagnosed in the D-compositional Hilbert space. The isometric log ratio (ilr) coordinates overcome these problems using orthonormal binary nutrient partitions instead of dual ratios. In this study, it is presented a nutrient interactive model as well as computation methods for DRIS and CND-clr and CND-ilr coordinates (CND-ilr) using leaf analytical data from an experimental apple orchard in Southwestern Quebec, Canada. It was computed the Aitchison and Mahalanobis distances across ilr coordinates as measures of nutrient imbalance. The effect of changing nutrient concentrations on ilr coordinates are simulated to identify the ones contributing the most to nutrient imbalance.
We propose using the affinity propagation (AP) clustering algorithm for detecting multiple disjoint shoals, and we present an extension of AP, denoted by STAP, that can be applied to shoals that fusion and fission across time. STAP incorporates into AP a soft temporal constraint that takes cluster dynamics into account, encouraging partitions obtained at successive time steps to be consistent with each other. We explore how STAP performs under different settings of its parameters (strength of the temporal constraint, preferences, and distance metric) by applying the algorithm to simulated sequences of collective coordinated motion. We study the validity of STAP by comparing its results to partitioning of the same data obtained from human observers in a controlled experiment. We observe that, under specific circumstances, AP yields partitions that agree quite closely with the ones made by human observers. We conclude that using the STAP algorithm with appropriate parameter settings is an appealing approach for detecting shoal fusion-fission dynamics.