980 resultados para FUEL CYCLE CENTERS


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Notre recherche doctorale vise à décrire les effets d’un cercle pédagogique sur les pratiques pédagogiques et didactiques d’enseignants du 3e cycle du primaire en grammaire actuelle. Ce projet s’inscrit dans une recherche plus large intitulée « Étude des effets, sur les pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants et la compétence à écrire des élèves, d’un dispositif de formation à la grammaire nouvelle qui intègre des exemples de pratiques sur vidéo et permet un partage d'expertise ». Elle vise à éclairer les conditions d’efficacité d’une formation continue sur différentes dimensions du développement professionnel au regard de la formation elle-même et de son effet sur le transfert des pratiques en classe. Pour y parvenir, nous avons analysé les échanges provenant des cercles pédagogiques vécus durant une année scolaire. Nous avons également analysé deux activités de grammaire, avant et après la formation en grammaire offerte sous forme de capsules. Ces observations en classe ont été captées sur vidéo, dans la classe de 18 enseignants participant à notre expérimentation. Nous avons enfin analysé les réponses des participants à un questionnaire sur leur perception à l’égard du dispositif de formation auquel ils ont participé pendant neuf mois. Nos analyses montrent qu’un dispositif de formation à la grammaire actuelle qui met au cœur de la formation l’analyse d’exemples de pratiques sur vidéo soutient le développement du regard professionnel des enseignants dans le contexte du cercle. Ceux-ci observent plus d’interactions et les interprètent mieux, de manière plus approfondie. Nos observations ont également montré que les enseignants développent majoritairement des pratiques dans leur classe, qu’ils développent de nouveaux savoirs en lien avec le cadre théorique de la nouvelle grammaire et qu’ils modifient la vision qu’ils ont de la grammaire actuelle au fil des rencontres. Cette recherche peut enrichir les connaissances scientifiques sur le développement professionnel et influencer les formateurs d’enseignants de même que les cadres des milieux scolaires pour ajuster l’offre de formation continue afin de la rendre plus efficace.


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A novel series of polyaromatic ionomers with similar equivalent weights but very different sulphonic acid distributions along the ionomer backbone has been designed and prepared. By synthetically organising the sequence-distribution so that it consists of fully defined ionic segments (containing singlets, doublets or quadruplets of sulphonic acid groups) alternating strictly with equally well-defined nonionic spacer segments, a new class of polymers which may be described as microblock ionomers has been developed. These materials exhibit very different properties and morphologies from analogous randomly substituted systems. Progressively extending the nonionic spacer length in the repeat unit (maintaining a constant equivalent weight by increasing the degree of sulphonation. of the ionic segment) leads to an increasing degree of nanophase separation between hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains in these materials. Membranes cast from ionomers with the more highly phase-separated morphologies show significantly higher onset temperatures for uncontrolled swelling in water. This new type of ionomer design has enabled the fabrication of swelling-resistant hydrocarbon membranes, suitable for fuel cell operation, with very much higher ion exchange capacities (>2 meq g(-1)) than those previously reported in the literature. When tested in a fuel cell at high temperature (120 degrees C) and low relative humidity (35% RH), the best microblock membrane matched the performance of Nafion 112. Moreover, comparative low load cycle testing of membrane -electrode assemblies suggests that the durability of the new membranes under conditions of high temperature and low relative humidity is superior to that of conventional perfluorinated materials.


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This paper examines the life cycle GHG emissions from existing UK pulverized coal power plants. The life cycle of the electricity Generation plant includes construction, operation and decommissioning. The operation phase is extended to upstream and downstream processes. Upstream processes include the mining and transport of coal including methane leakage and the production and transport of limestone and ammonia, which are necessary for flue gas clean up. Downstream processes, on the other hand, include waste disposal and the recovery of land used for surface mining. The methodology used is material based process analysis that allows calculation of the total emissions for each process involved. A simple model for predicting the energy and material requirements of the power plant is developed. Preliminary calculations reveal that for a typical UK coal fired plant, the life cycle emissions amount to 990 g CO2-e/kWh of electricity generated, which compares well with previous UK studies. The majority of these emissions result from direct fuel combustion (882 g/kWh 89%) with methane leakage from mining operations accounting for 60% of indirect emissions. In total, mining operations (including methane leakage) account for 67.4% of indirect emissions, while limestone and other material production and transport account for 31.5%. The methodology developed is also applied to a typical IGCC power plant. It is found that IGCC life cycle emissions are 15% less than those from PC power plants. Furthermore, upon investigating the influence of power plant parameters on life cycle emissions, it is determined that, while the effect of changing the load factor is negligible, increasing efficiency from 35% to 38% can reduce emissions by 7.6%. The current study is funded by the UK National Environment Research Council (NERC) and is undertaken as part of the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Consortium (UKCCSC). Future work will investigate the life cycle emissions from other power generation technologies with and without carbon capture and storage. The current paper reveals that it might be possible that, when CCS is employed. the emissions during generation decrease to a level where the emissions from upstream processes (i.e. coal production and transport) become dominant, and so, the life cycle efficiency of the CCS system can be significantly reduced. The location of coal, coal composition and mining method are important in determining the overall impacts. In addition to studying the net emissions from CCS systems, future work will also investigate the feasibility and technoeconomics of these systems as a means of carbon abatement.


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It is well known that atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) (and other greenhouse gases) have increased markedly as a result of human activity since the industrial revolution. It is perhaps less appreciated that natural and managed soils are an important source and sink for atmospheric CO2 and that, primarily as a result of the activities of soil microorganisms, there is a soil-derived respiratory flux of CO2 to the atmosphere that overshadows by tenfold the annual CO2 flux from fossil fuel emissions. Therefore small changes in the soil carbon cycle could have large impacts on atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Here we discuss the role of soil microbes in the global carbon cycle and review the main methods that have been used to identify the microorganisms responsible for the processing of plant photosynthetic carbon inputs to soil. We discuss whether application of these techniques can provide the information required to underpin the management of agro-ecosystems for carbon sequestration and increased agricultural sustainability. We conclude that, although crucial in enabling the identification of plant-derived carbon-utilising microbes, current technologies lack the high-throughput ability to quantitatively apportion carbon use by phylogentic groups and its use efficiency and destination within the microbial metabolome. It is this information that is required to inform rational manipulation of the plant–soil system to favour organisms or physiologies most important for promoting soil carbon storage in agricultural soil.


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Regional Climate Model version 3 (RegCM3) simulations of 17 summers (1988-2004) over part of South America south of 5 degrees S were evaluated to identify model systematic errors. Model results were compared to different rainfall data sets (Climate Research Unit (CRU), Climate Prediction Center (CPC), Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP), and National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis), including the five summers mean (1998-2002) precipitation diurnal cycle observed by the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)-Precipitation Radar (PR). In spite of regional differences, the RegCM3 simulates the main observed aspects of summer climatology associated with the precipitation (northwest-southeast band of South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ)) and air temperature (warmer air in the central part of the continent and colder in eastern Brazil and the Andes Mountains). At a regional scale, the main RegCM3 failures are the underestimation of the precipitation in the northern branch of the SACZ and some unrealistic intense precipitation around the Andes Mountains. However, the RegCM3 seasonal precipitation is closer to the fine-scale analyses (CPC, CRU, and TRMM-PR) than is the NCEP reanalysis, which presents an incorrect north-south orientation of SACZ and an overestimation of its intensity. The precipitation diurnal cycle observed by TRMM-PR shows pronounced contrasts between Tropics and Extratropics and land and ocean, where most of these features are simulated by RegCM3. The major similarities between the simulation and observation, especially the diurnal cycle phase, are found over the continental tropical and subtropical SACZ regions, which present afternoon maximum (1500-1800 UTC) and morning minimum (0900-1200 UTC). More specifically, over the core of SACZ, the phase and amplitude of the simulated precipitation diurnal cycle are very close to the TRMM-PR observations. Although there are amplitude differences, the RegCM3 simulates the observed nighttime rainfall in the eastern Andes Mountains, over the Atlantic Ocean, and also over northern Argentina. The main simulation deficiencies are found in the Atlantic Ocean and near the Andes Mountains. Over the Atlantic Ocean the convective scheme is not triggered; thus the rainfall arises from the grid-scale scheme and therefore differs from the TRMM-PR. Near the Andes, intense (nighttime and daytime) simulated precipitation could be a response of an incorrect circulation and topographic uplift. Finally, it is important to note that unlike most reported bias of global models, RegCM3 does not trigger the moist convection just after sunrise over the southern part of the Amazon.


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The South American (SA) rainy season is studied in this paper through the application of a multivariate Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis to a SA gridded precipitation analysis and to the components of Lorenz Energy Cycle (LEC) derived from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis. The EOF analysis leads to the identification of patterns of the rainy season and the associated mechanisms in terms of their energetics. The first combined EOF represents the northwest-southeast dipole of the precipitation between South and Central America, the South American Monsoon System (SAMS). The second combined EOF represents a synoptic pattern associated with the SACZ (South Atlantic convergence zone) and the third EOF is in spatial quadrature to the second EOF. The phase relationship of the EOFs, as computed from the principal components (PCs), suggests a nonlinear transition from the SACZ to the fully developed SAMS mode by November and between both components describing the SACZ by September-October (the rainy season onset). According to the LEC, the first mode is dominated by the eddy generation term at its maximum, the second by both baroclinic and eddy generation terms and the third by barotropic instability previous to the connection to the second mode by September-October. The predominance of the different LEC components at each phase of the SAMS can be used as an indicator of the onset of the rainy season in terms of physical processes, while the existence of the outstanding spectral peaks in the time dependence of the EOFs at the intraseasonal time scale could be used for monitoring purposes. Copyright (C) 2009 Royal Meteorological Society


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Concomitantemente à produção de etanol, a partir da fermentação de diferentes matérias-primas (cana-de-açúcar, beterraba, milho, trigo, batata, mandioca), produz-se a vinhaça. A vinhaça da cana-de-açúcar é gerada na proporção média de 12 litros para cada litro de etanol. O Brasil é o maior produtor mundial de cana-de-açúcar (570 milhões de toneladas, em 2009) com a produção de 27 bilhões de litros/ano de etanol, no ciclo 2009/2010, basicamente para fins carburantes, e, portanto, a quantidade de vinhaça produzida é da ordem de 320 bilhões de litros/ano. Dentre as possíveis soluções para a destinação da vinhaça, tais como: concentração, tratamento químico e biológico ou produção de biomassa, é sua aplicação no solo a forma mais usual de disposição. No entanto, sua aplicação no solo não pode ser excessiva nem indiscriminada, sob pena de comprometer o ambiente e a rentabilidade agrícola e industrial da unidade sucroalcooleira. A necessidade de medidas de controle sobre a aplicação de vinhaça no solo do Estado de São Paulo, que concentra a produção de 60% do etanol produzido no Brasil, levou à elaboração da Norma Técnica P4.231, em 2005. A constatação do cumprimento dos itens desta Norma é uma das ações do agente fiscalizador, no monitoramento da geração e destinação da vinhaça pelos empreendimentos produtores de etanol. Os itens 5.7.1 e 5.7.2, desta Norma, tornam obrigatório o encaminhamento à CETESB (Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo), para fins de acompanhamento e fiscalização, até o dia 02 de abril de cada ano, o PAV (Plano de Aplicação de Vinhaça). Com o intuito de proporcionar melhor entendimento da Norma P4.231, contribuir para otimização de sua aplicabilidade e melhoria e perceber a realidade prática da aplicação da vinhaça, foram analisados PAVs protocolados na Agência Ambiental de Piracicaba, licenças concedidas, processos de licenciamento e realizadas vistorias a campo. Conclui-se que a Norma P4.231 representa um avanço no gerenciamento do uso da vinhaça no Estado de São Paulo, por disciplinar a disposição de vinhaça no solo, tornando obrigatórios: demarcações de áreas protegidas e núcleos populacionais, caracterização de solo e da vinhaça, doses máximas a serem aplicadas, estudos da geologia e hidrogeologia locais, monitoramento das águas subterrâneas, impermeabilização de tanques e dutos. Estabelece critérios a serem obedecidos por lei, e todos são condutas de boas práticas de proteção ao meio, que repercutem em maior rentabilidade agrícola e industrial. A Norma P4.231 é bem elaborada, complexa e extensa, o que a torna de difícil execução. Para facilitar sua aplicabilidade, sugere-se o estabelecimento de um cronograma de prioridades: impermeabilização dos tanques e dutos, drenos testemunha com funcionamento otimizado e boa caracterização do que está sendo aplicado, se vinhaça pura ou se misturada a águas residuárias. Das oito empresas deste estudo, apenas quatro (as maiores) vêm protocolando os PAVs com regularidade, desde 2005. As informações apresentadas foram incompletas e, em alguns casos, precárias. Mesmo com lacunas, os dados fornecidos, desde o início da obrigatoriedade do PAV, foram de utilidade para esboçar o perfil da atividade sucroalcooleira na região estudada.


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The use of Natural Gas Vehicle has had a fast increase lately. However, in order to have a continuous success this Program needs to develop converting devices of Otto-cycle engines, gasoline or alcohol, to the use of NGV (Natural Gas Vehicle) that presents low cost, maintaining the same original development of the vehicle and low level of emissions, considering the PROCONVE rules. Due to the need to diversify the matrix in order to avoid energetic dependence and due to strict pollution control, it has increased in the Brazilian market the number of vehicles converted to the use of NGV. The recent regulation of the PROCONVE, determining that the converted engines with kits should be submitted to emission testing, comes to reinforce the necessity of the proposed development. Therefore, if we can obtain kits with the characteristics already described, we can reach a major trust in the market and obtain an increase acceptance of the vehicle conversion for NGV. The use of natural gas as vehicle fuel presents several advantages in relation to liquid fuels. It is a vehicle fuel with fewer indexes of emissions when compared to diesel; their combustion gases are less harmful, with a major level of safety than liquid fuels and the market price is quite competitive. The preoccupation that emerges, and the motivation of this project, is to know which are the main justifications for such technology, well accepted in other countries, with a low index or emission, with a high level of safety, where its maintenance becomes low, reminding that for this it is necessary that this technology has to be used properly, and once available in the market will not motivate interest in the urban transportation companies in Brazil, in research centers in general. Therefore this project exists to show the society in a general way the current vision of the main governmental factors, of the national research centers and of the private companies concerning the use of natural gas vehicles in urban transport vehicles, in order to give a major reliability to the population as well as to motivate national market competitiveness with a low cost and reliable product and to enrich the national technology


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The increase in the use of natural gas in Brazil has stimulated public and private sectors to analyse the possibility of using combined cycle systems for generation of electrical energy. Gas turbine combined cycle power plants are becoming increasingly common due to their high efficiency, short lead times, and ability to meet environmental standards. Power is produced in a generator linked directly to the gas turbine. The gas turbine exhaust gases are sent to a heat recovery steam generator to produce superheated steam that can be used in a steam turbine to produce additional power. In this paper a comparative study between a 1000 MW combined cycle power plant and 1000 kW diesel power plant is presented. In first step, the energetic situation in Brazil, the needs of the electric sector modification and the needs of demand management and integrated means planning are clarified. In another step the characteristics of large and small thermoelectric power plants that use natural gas and diesel fuel, respectively, are presented. The ecological efficiency levels of each type of power plant is considered in the discussion, presenting the emissions of particulate material, sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, is presented an economical and technical feasibility study of a combined cycle cogeneration system proposed to be used in a pulp plant located in Brazil, where around 95% of country's pulp production is done by the use of Kraft Process. This process allows the use of black liquor and other by-products as fuel. This study is based upon actual data from a pulp plant with a daily production of 1000 tons., that generates part of the energy demanded by the process in a conventional cogeneration system with condensing steam turbine and two extractions. The addition of a gas turbine was studied to compare electricity production level and its related costs between original system and the new one, considering that the former can use industrial by-products and firewood as fuel, when required. Several parameters related to electric generation systems operation and production costs were studied. The use of natural gas in the combined cycle, in comparison with the use of firewood in the conventional system was studied. The advantages of natural gas fuel are highlighted. The surplus availability and the electricity generation costs are presented as a function of pulp and black liquor production.


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In this paper a hybrid solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) system is analyzed. This system applies a combined cycle utilizing gas turbine associated to a SOFC for rational decentralized energy production. Initially the relative concepts about the fuel cell are presented, followed by some chemical and technical informations such as the change of Gibbs free energy in isothermal fuel oxidation (or combustion) directly into electricity. This represents a very high fraction of the lower heating value (LHV) of a hydrocarbon fuel. In the next step a methodology for the study of SOFC associated with a gas turbine system is developed, considering the electricity and steam production for a hospital, as regard to the Brazilian conditions. This methodology is applied to energetic analysis. Natural gas is considered as a fuel. In conclusion, it is shown by a Sankey Diagram that the hybrid SOFC system may be an excellent opportunity to strengthen the decentralized energy production in Brazil. It is necessary to consider that the cogeneration in this version also is a sensible alternative from the technical point of view, demanding special methods of design, equipment selection and mainly of the contractual deals associated to electricity and fuel supply.


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At this time, each major automotive market bares its own standards and test procedures to regulate the vehicle green house gases emissions and, thus, fuel consumption. Hence, much are the ways to evaluate the overall efficiency of motor vehicles. The majority of such standards rely on dynamometer cycle tests that appraise only the vehicle as a whole, but fail to assess emissions for each component or sub-system. Once the amount of work generated by the power source of an ICE vehicle to overcome the driving resistance forces is proportional to the energy contained in the required amount of fuel, the power path of the vehicle can be straightforwardly modeled as a set of mechanical systems, and each sub-system evaluated for its share on the total fuel consumption and green house gases emission. This procedure enables the estimation of efficiency gains on the system due to improvement of particular elements on the vehicle's driveline. In this work a simple systematic mechanical model of an arbitrary smallsized hatch back was assembled and total required energy calculated for different regulatory cycles. All the modeling details of the energy balance throughout the system are presented. Afterward, each subsystem was investigated for its role on the fuel consumption and the generated emission quantified. Furthermore, the application of the modeling technique for different sets of sub-systems was introduced. Copyright © 2011 SAE International.


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This paper presents a research on the environmental impacts of particleboards produced from wastes, based on a comparative Life Cycle Assessment study. The particleboards were manufactured in laboratorial scale from the following residues: sugarcane bagasse (Saccharum spp.) and pine wood shavings (Pinus elliottii). The study was developed following the methodological guidelines of ISO 14040. The functional unit adopted was the m2 of the particleboards produced and the impacts were evaluated by the Environmental Development of Industrial Products method. The results indicated that pine particleboard present the highest environmental impact potential. Our findings suggested that the factors that mostly aggravated the environmental impacts were: the distance between the raw materials and the production site, and formaldehyde emissions (FE). The first is related to the combustion of fossil fuel during the acquisition of raw material, which achieved the values of 2185.94 g/m2 for consumption of non-renewable resources for pine particleboard and 893.53 g/m2 for bagasse particleboard. The second is related to the use of urea-formaldehyde resin, responsible for the FE into the air during production. The FE is accountable for the contamination of approximately 7,800,000.00 m3 of air per m2 of particleboard produced, and was the factor with the greatest impact in human toxicity potential. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) and palm tree (Elaeis guianeensis) are crops with high biofuel yields, 7.6 m(3) ha (1) y(-)1 of ethanol and 4 Mg ha(-1) y(-1) of oil, respectively. The joint production of these crops enhances the sustainability of ethanol. The objective of this work was comparing a traditional sugarcane ethanol production system (TSES) with a joint production system (JSEB), in which ethanol and biodiesel are produced at the same biorefinery but only ethanol is traded. The comparison is based on ISO 14.040:2006 and ISO 14044:2006, and appropriate indicators. Production systems in Cerrado (typical savannah), Cerradao (woody savannah) and pastureland ecosystems were considered. Energy and carbon balances, and land use change impacts were evaluated. The joint system includes 100% substitution of biodiesel for diesel, which is all consumed in different cropping stages. Data were collected by direct field observation methods, and questionnaires applied to Brazilian facilities. Three sugarcane mills situated in Sao Paulo State and one palm oil refinery located in Para State were surveyed. The information was supplemented by secondary sources. Results demonstrated that fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions decreased, whereas energy efficiency increased when JSEB was compared to TSES. In comparison with TSES, the energy balance of JSEB was 1.7 greater. In addition, JSEB released 23% fewer GHG emissions than TSES. The ecosystem carbon payback time for Cerrado, Cerradao, and Degraded Grassland of JSEB was respectively 4, 7.7 and -7.6 years. These are typical land use types of the Brazilian Cerrado region for which JSEB was conceived. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.