944 resultados para FOREIGN EXCHANGE


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With increasing emphasis in Nigeria on aquaculture as an alternative to dwindling artisanal fishing and scarce foreign exchange for fish import, cage fish culture, is a more profitable aquaculture practice than pond culture. It appears to be one of the most viable business ventures with minimum risks. It is a highly recommendable project


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This paper reviews fisheries as an important economic sector in terms of employment, food security, enterprise development, and foreign exchange earning. The fisheries sub sector of agriculture if developed will enhance employment opportunities for rural fisher folks vis a vis the harnessing of less culturable surface area for aquaculture purpose, also homestead pond if fully encouraged and utilized has potential for increasing the fish yield of the nation. The role of women in the artisanal fisheries sub sector was x-rayed as an area to be encouraged, as it has the potential of eradicating poverty from the grass root. The importance of fisheries development in sustainable livelihood and poverty alleviation is highlighted in this paper


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Fisheries is important to Nigeria agricultural economy because it provides employment for fisherfolks (men and women fishers, fishmongers (fish traders), fish processors and fish farmers. It also supplies protein to the diet of Nigerians and it is equally a viable source of foreign exchange earning to the government.The estimated Nigeria population of 120 million consumes about 1.2million metric tones of fish and fish products annual. This justified the important role fisheries could play in nigerian diet considering that Nigeria has vast inland waters that cover an estimated total surface area of 199,580km super(2) and equally vast sea area of 25,000km super(2). In these waters the author claimed that there are diverse fish resources that are of economic importance in both inland and seawaters. FDF (2000) also estimated that the current annual yield of both inland and seawater put together is about 418,069,3 metric tones from artisanal fisheries and 23,720 metric tones from aquaculture. The shortage between the annual consumption level of 1.2million metric tones and annual yield of 418,069,3 metric tones is made available through importation. It is therefore of concern that given the level of current fish yield from the various fisheries resources the demand still exceeds supply. One wonders whether the production inadequacy is due to poor management of available fisheries resources or that improved fisheries technology that could aid increased production was not efficiently transferred to fish farmers. To answer these questions one need to examine the past and present extension policy in Nigeria as they affect dissemination of fisheries technologies


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Nigeria is blessed with an abundant variety of fish species, some of which have been exported over the years. These fish species are taken either from the wild or cultured. Large quantities of fishes and fishery products are exported from Nigeria in different forms and which have been sources of foreign exchange earnings for the Country. An estimate value of exports in the fishery sub-sector stood at approximately U.S. $48.212,070 for shrimps/sole fish/cuttlefish/crabs and over U.S.$500,000 for ornamental live fishes


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O aumento da internacionalização das economias emergentes e a tendência de financeirização da economia mundial motivaram este estudo que tem como principal objetivo analisar estatisticamente o impacto das variações cambiais no retorno das ações das principais empresas brasileiras internacionalizadas, segundo o ranking realizado pela Fundação Dom Cabral, no período entre 2000 e 2012. Além disso, buscou-se, também, descrever o processo inicial de internacionalização dessas mesmas companhias. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva e quantitativa, por meio da utilização do método estatístico de regressão linear múltipla. Constatou-se que nas 28 empresas analisadas não há correlação entre variações nas taxas de câmbio e variações no retorno das ações das empresas brasileiras internacionalizadas, evidenciando assim, que outras variáveis são as responsáveis por impactarem o retorno dessas ações. Verificou-se, ainda, que a maior parte das empresas brasileiras iniciam seu processo de internacionalização por meio da instalação de linhas de produção no exterior, seguida de exportação e fusões e aquisições com outras companhias.


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The marine fisheries of Jamaica are almost entirely artisanal, with at least 15 000 fishers and an annual catch of approximately 7 000 t. A recent development is a small industrial fishery for queen conch and spiny lobster that earns significant foreign exchange for the country. The major aquatic resources are coral reef fishes, conch, lobster, small pelagics and seasonal large pelagics. The major fishing grounds are the southern island shelf and Pedro Bank, a large oceanic bank 150 km to the southwest of Kingston. The fisheries are rated as overfished, except the queen conch fishery which is relatively well managed. A new Fisheries Bill is currently being reviewed with the intention of improving the efficiency of management measures and of fisheries administration. There are plans for rehabilitating the fisheries and developing them with a focus on their sustainability in the future.


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Recent developments in aquaculture has created an awareness that prawn culture is a dollar spinner, in which industry can step in to earn foreign exchange by producing an expensive food iten which has a high market demand abroad. The Government has to take a policy decision whether the prawn culture should be done through small fishermen to improve their socio-economic condition or through private industry with the high technology input and predefined objectives of export trade. Perhaps a simultaneous operation of the two could be allowed best in the interest of India. Perhaps in the interest of quick development and adoption of high production technology, through fishermen organization, the development is encouraged through the implimentation of welfare and area development schemes. In some selected areas private industry may be encoureged to use high production technology to develop prawns.


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The processing of prawns has assumed very great importance in India because processed prawn products have become one of the most important foreign exchange earners in the country.


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The basic purpose of fishing is to catch/harvest as much fish as possible and reach it to the consumer as a wholesome, acceptable food, though fishery development programs are based on diverse objectives which include, besides the production of a valuable food, creation of employment opportunities, socio-economic uplift of the fishermen community, and earning foreign exchange through export. Both the production and the utilization of fish depend intrinsically on the efficient application of technology.


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The worldwide shrimp landings in 1988 were reported to be 2.484.000 tons an increase of about 460.000 tons compared with 1985. The majority of shrimp fishing areas located in the tropical and sub-tropical regions with a contribution of more than 2 million tone. The most important species are the shallow water Penaeid shrimps. This quantity of about 2.5 million tons represents approximately 3% of the world marine catch. In terms of value, it represents almost 30% of the world trade in fish products. Main management objectives include: long term resources conservation; to maximize physical catches; to maximize the total income from catches or foreign exchange; to maximize economic profits; to reduce the shrimp by catch or improve its utilization; other social and economic interests. These objectives are in part interconnected and some are in conflict. Resource conservation is a basic condition for all other management objectives. Management policy definition should be in accordance with national goals and based on available scientific knowledge of the resources and of the fishing industry. The definition and selection of management objectives is an important process, to which the scientists must contribute the best way they can, mainly in providing the necessary information and options for management.


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The fishery sector in Uganda has seen important changes in the last two decades. Among the changes registered, is the expansion of fish markets locally, regionally and internationally. Upon which, remarkable benefits have been realized at local and national levels, for instance, it is estimated that an average of 40m$ is being earned annually as foreign exchange. Besides, presently fish accounts for over 50% of total animal protein in take. However, it is argued that sustaining these gains has become an up hill task due to failure to maintain fish quality as a result of the rudimentary and inappropriate sanitary, fish handling and artisanal fish processing practices that both directly and indirectly affect the quality of fish and fish products. Therefore, against this background, a study of 507 respondents was undertaken among the Lake Victoria Communities specifically in Wakiso, Mayuge and Mukono districts. The study examined the perceptions of fishers on the social cultural practices of sanitation, fish handling and artisanal fish processing and consequently identified factors that influenced these practices.


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Holothurians, belonging to the species Holothuria scabra, have been collected by diver-fishermen and processed for export. There is an active fishery for these animals in Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar, off the north-western coast of Sri Lanka. The absence of standardized method of grading has led to unwarranted variation in sale prices and sometimes in loss of foreign exchange in Sri Lanka. In this paper an attempt is made to present a method to grade processed beche-de-mer by using the lenght-weight relationship.


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This paper deals with an extensive study conducted to estimate the extent of weight loss in frozen prawns. The weight Joss varied from 7 to 12% in peeled and deveined (PD), 5 to 7% in headless (HL) and about 7% in cooked and peeled (CP) prawns from the date of processing to the date of inspection, normally within two weeks. To compensate the weight loss nearly 11% of excess material is being added with every frozen block resulting in an average annual loss of Rs. 2.68 crores in foreign exchange. The relevant data pertain to the period 1971 to 1973 and the annual average loss was estimated for the ten years ending 1973.


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Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798) is a popular cultivable species and valuable foreign exchange earning item among all the fishery commodities in Bangladesh. At present with semi-intensive and intensive shrimp culture practices, disease is a problem. Protozoan infection, caused by the Zoothamnium sp. is one of the causes of damage in the total production by growth retardation and mortality. No work has yet been done on shrimp disease in Bangladesh. The present account therefore, constitutes the first report on it from the shrimp culture ponds of Cox's Bazar. The present work includes the occurrence and prevalence of protozoan disease, its seasonal variations and level of infestation in different length groups in Penaeus monodon.


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Seaweed farming is the top foreign exchange earner for the Philippines. Kappaphycus constitutes 80% of the Philippine seaweed export. It is sold in both fresh and dried forms; although dried seaweed has a greater demand, fresh seaweed is highly prices in restaurants. The 3 main seaweed products marketed are agar, alginate and carrageenan. A brief outline is given of farming operations and investment costs and returns.