967 resultados para FIXED-DOSE COMBINATION


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This study aims to test the effect of combining the degree and the duration of obesity into a single variable-obese-years-and to examine whether obese-years is a better predictor of the risk of diabetes than simply body mass index (BMI) or duration of obesity. Of the original cohort of the Framingham Heart Study, 5,036 participants were followed up every 2 years for up to 48 years (from 1948). The variable, obese-years, was defined by multiplying for each participant the number of BMI units above 30 kg/m(2) by the number of years lived at that BMI. Associations with diabetes were analyzed by using time-dependent Cox proportional hazards regression models adjusted for potential confounders. The incidence of type-2 diabetes increased as the number of obese-years increased, with adjusted hazard ratios of 1.07 (95% confidence interval: 1.06, 1.09) per additional 10 obese-years. The dose-response relation between diabetes incidence and obese-years varied by sex and smoking status. The Akaike Information Criterion was lowest in the model containing obese-years compared with models containing either the degree or duration of obesity alone. A construct of obese-years is strongly associated with risk of diabetes and could be a better indicator of the health risks associated with increasing body weight than BMI or duration of obesity alone.


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Background: This dose escalation study assessed feasibility of a totally oral chemotherapy regimen using cyclophosphamide and capecitabine. The rationale for this combination was based on the observation that preclinical models of cyclophosphamide up-regulated tumor thymidine phosphorylase and increased the activation of capecitabine. Methods: Eligible patients with advanced cancer were treated with oral cyclophosphamide and capecitabine on a 28-day cycle. If no dose limiting toxicities (DLT) were encountered during the first two treatment cycles, the next patient group was assigned to the next highest dose level until the maximum tolerable dose (MTD) was determined. Results: Twenty-seven patients entered treatment. The majority of non-DLT were grades 1 and 2. DLT experienced in the first 8-week observation period were grade 3 diarrhea (one patient, level III) and grade 3 emesis (two patients, level V). MTD was observed at level 5, 1331 mg/m2/day capecitabine days 1–28 with 125 mg/m2/day cyclophosphamide days 1–14 of the 28-day cycle. The recommended phase II dose is therefore 1331 mg/m2/day capecitabine with 100 mg/m2/day cyclophosphamide. The best response evaluation showed four partial responses (breast, colon, ovary and pancreas). Conclusion: Cyclophosphamide and capecitabine can be combined at their full oral single agent dose with promising tolerability and activity.


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Climate model projections show that climate change will further increase the risk of flooding in many regions of the world. There is a need for climate adaptation, but building new infrastructure or additional retention basins has its limits, especially in densely populated areas where open spaces are limited. Another solution is the more efficient use of the existing infrastructure. This research investigates a method for real-time flood control by means of existing gated weirs and retention basins. The method was tested for the specific study area of the Demer basin in Belgium but is generally applicable. Today, retention basins along the Demer River are controlled by means of adjustable gated weirs based on fixed logic rules. However, because of the high complexity of the system, only suboptimal results are achieved by these rules. By making use of precipitation forecasts and combined hydrological-hydraulic river models, the state of the river network can be predicted. To fasten the calculation speed, a conceptual river model was used. The conceptual model was combined with a Model Predictive Control (MPC) algorithm and a Genetic Algorithm (GA). The MPC algorithm predicts the state of the river network depending on the positions of the adjustable weirs in the basin. The GA generates these positions in a semi-random way. Cost functions, based on water levels, were introduced to evaluate the efficiency of each generation, based on flood damage minimization. In the final phase of this research the influence of the most important MPC and GA parameters was investigated by means of a sensitivity study. The results show that the MPC-GA algorithm manages to reduce the total flood volume during the historical event of September 1998 by 46% in comparison with the current regulation. Based on the MPC-GA results, some recommendations could be formulated to improve the logic rules.


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Pituitary apoplexy (PA) is a rare and potentially life-threatening syndrome resulting from an acute infarction or hemorrhage of the pituitary gland. Although the pathogenesis is not fully understood, some predisposing factors such as pituitary stimulation tests, diabetes mellitus, anticoagulant or antiplatelet aggregation therapy, head trauma, and high blood pressure may play a role in its pathophysiology. Octreotide is the mainstay of medical treatment for acromegaly. The majority of reported complications of octreotide therapy are gastrointestinal. We report the case of a 51-year-old acromegalic woman who developed pituitary apoplexy within the context of high blood pressure and a single dose of long-acting octreotide. Our data suggest that the combination of hypertension and octreotide therapy enhances the risk of pituitary apoplexy.


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Background: The effects of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a) administered in the luteal phase remains controversial. This meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the effect of the administration of a single-dose of GnRH-a in the luteal phase on ICSI clinical outcomes.Methods: The research strategy included the online search of databases. Only randomized studies were included. The outcomes analyzed were implantation rate, clinical pregnancy rate (CPR) per transfer and ongoing pregnancy rate. The fixed effects model was used for odds ratio. In all trials, a single dose of GnRH-a was administered at day 5/6 after ICSI procedures.Results: All cycles presented statistically significantly higher rates of implantation (P < 0.0001), CPR per transfer (P = 0.006) and ongoing pregnancy (P = 0.02) in the group that received luteal-phase GnRH-a administration than in the control group (without luteal-phase-GnRH-a administration). When meta-analysis was carried out only in trials that had used long GnRH-a ovarian stimulation protocol, CPR per transfer (P = 0.06) and ongoing pregnancy (P = 0.23) rates were not significantly different between the groups, but implantation rate was significant higher (P = 0.02) in the group that received luteal-phase-GnRH-a administration. on the other hand, the results from trials that had used GnRH antagonist multi-dose ovarian stimulation protocol showed statistically significantly higher implantation (P = 0.0002), CPR per transfer (P = 0.04) and ongoing pregnancy rate (P = 0.04) in the luteal-phaseGnRH- a administration group. The majority of the results presented heterogeneity.Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that the luteal-phase single-dose GnRH-a administration can increase implantation rate in all cycles and CPR per transfer and ongoing pregnancy rate in cycles with GnRH antagonist ovarian stimulation protocol. Nevertheless, by considering the heterogeneity between the trials, it seems premature to recommend the use of GnRH-a in the luteal phase. Additional randomized controlled trials are necessary before evidence-based recommendations can be provided.


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Five experiments were conducted on commercial farms in Brazil aiming to develop a fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) protocol that achieved pregnancy rates between 40% and 55% in Bos indicus cows. These studies resulted in the development of the following protocol: insertion of all intravaginal device containing 1.9 g of progesterone (CIDR) plus 2.0 mg im estradiol benzoate on Day 0; 12.5 mg im dinoprost tromethamine on Day 7 in cycling cows or oil Day 9 in anestrous cows; CIDR withdrawal plus 0.5 mg im estradiol cypionate plus temporary calf removal on Day 9; TAI (48 h after CIDR withdrawal) plus reuniting of calves with their dams on Day 11. Reduced dose of prostaglandin F(2 alpha) (PGF(2 alpha): 12.5 mg im dinoprost tromethamine) effectively caused luteolysis. In cycling cows, fertility was greater when the treatment with PGF(2 alpha) was administered on Day 7 than oil Day 9, but in anestrous cows, no effects of time of the PGF(2 alpha) treatment were found. Estradiol cypionate effectively replaced estradiol benzoate or gonadotropin-releasing hormone as the ovulatory stimulus, reducing labor and cost. In this protocol, CIDR inserts were successfully used four times (9 d each use) with no detrimental effects on fertility. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2012; 22: 310316 Background. Generalized aggressive periodontitis (GAP) in primary teeth is a rare periodontal disease that occurs during or soon after eruption of the primary teeth. An association with systemic diseases is a possibility. Case Report. A 4-year-old Brazilian girl presented with GAP involving the entire primary dentition. The patient and her parents and sister were subjected to microbiological testing to identify the microorganisms involved in the disease. The patient underwent tooth extraction to eradicate the disease and received a prosthesis for the restoration of masticatory function. After the permanent teeth erupted, fixed orthodontic appliances were place to restore dental arch form and occlusion. Conclusions. The results show the importance of an early diagnosis of GAP and of a multidisciplinary approach involving laboratory and clinical management to treat the disease and to restore masticatory function, providing a better quality of life for patients.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os parâmetros de cães anestesiados com diferentes protocolos de fármacos dissociativos por infusão intravenosa contínua. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 30 cães, machos e fêmeas, clinicamente sadios, distribuídos aleatoriamente em três grupos (G1,G2 e G3) (*)). em G1 utilizou-se levomepromazina como medicação pré-anestésica (MPA), midazolam-cetamina pela via intravenosa em bolus para indução e midazolam-cetamina em infusão intravenosa contínua por 60 minutos para manutenção. em G2 procedeu-se da mesma forma que em G1 elevando-se, porém, a dose de midazolam durante a manutenção. em G3 repetiu-se o tratamento empregado em G2, acrescentando-se a xilazina à manutenção. Após a indução, iniciou-se imediatamente a manutenção anestésica, realizando-se aferições, 15 minutos depois da MPA, em intervalos de 10 minutos, durante a manutenção (M0 a M7). RESULTADOS: em G3 ocorreu bradicardia, bloqueio átrio-ventricular, bradipnéia e hipoxemia e em G1 e G2, discreta hipotensão. CONCLUSÃO: A via intravenosa contínua apresentou vantagens quanto a: não oscilação dos parâmetros e redução no período de recuperação anestésica. A elevação da dose de midazolam resultou em discretas variações paramétricas, estas, acentuadas pelo uso da xilazina, que causou hipoxemia, bradiarritmia, diminuição da freqüência respiratória e volume minuto.


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Acute and chronic nephrotoxicity caused by CsA Continuous administration impair kidney allograft survival. Several clinical and experimental protocols have shown benefits to the kidney after decreasing CsA dose, withdrawing the drug or delaying its introduction after transplantation.FTY720 is a new Compound that has immunosuppressive characteristics and increase allograft survival in animal models without causing the side effects of calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs). FTY720 described mechanism of action that consists to alter the lymphocyte migration pattern without impairment of the immune system response against pathogens.In our mice model, FTY720 administered alone or in combination with CsA during 21 days increased skin allograft survival in a fully mismatched strain combination and did not cause significant changes in renal function. Moreover, renal structure was normal in all groups suggesting that at low doses (10 mg/kg/day) CsA can be associated during short-term period to other immunosuppressive drugs, i.e. FTY720 without affecting the kidney.Combination of immunosuppressive compounds with FTY720 and/or delayed introduction of low cyclosporine dose Could prevent graft rejection and avoid nephrotoxicity. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A regimen of progesterone plus estradiol (P&E) was used as a standard for ovarian synchronization to test the efficacy and evaluate the commercial application of ultrasound-guided follicle ablation as a non-steroidal alternative for ovulation synchronization in mares. Recipient mares at a private embryo transfer facility were at unknown stages of the estrous cycle at the start of the experiment on Day 1 when they were randomly assigned to an ablation group (n = 18-21 mares) or to a ME group (n = 20-21 mares). In the ablation group, mares were lightly sedated and all follicles > 10 mm were removed by transvaginal ultrasound-guided follicle aspiration. In the ME group, a combination of progesterone (150 mg) plus estradiol (10 mg) prepared in safflower oil was given daily (im) for 10 d. Two doses of prostaglandin FZ, (PGF, 10 mg/dose, im) were given 12 h apart on Day 5 in the ablation group, or a single dose on Day 10 in the ME group. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG, 2500 IU/mare, im) was given at a fixed time, 6 and 10 d after PGF treatment in the ablation and ME groups, respectively, with the expectation of a follicle > 30 mm at the time of treatment. In both the ablation and P&E groups, transrectal ultrasonography was done at the start of the study (Day 1) and again on the day of hCG treatment and daily thereafter to determine the presence of a CL, measure diameter of the largest follicle and detect ovulation. The mean interval from the start of the study and from PGF treatment to ovulation was shorter (P < 0.0001) in the ablation group (13.7 and 9.7 d, respectively) compared to the P&E group (22.3 and 13.2 d, respectively). Following fixed-day treatment with hCG after PGF treatment, the degree of ovulation synchronization was not different (P > 0.05) between the ablation and P&E groups within a 2-d (56 and 70%) or 4-d (83% and 90%) period. Although ultrasound-guided follicle ablation may not be practical in all circumstances, it excluded the conventional 10-d regimen of progesterone and estradiol and was considered an efficacious and feasible, non-steroidal alternative for ovulation synchronization in mares during the estrous cycle. (C 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Peginterferon-alpha plus ribavirin is the most effective therapy for chronic hepatitis C. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of peginterferon alpha-2a (40 kDa) plus ribavirin on sustained virological response (SVR) when administered for 24 vs 48 weeks in genotype 1 naive patients. One hundred and seventeen patients were enrolled in this controlled trial. Genotype 1 patients were randomized to 24 weeks treatment vs 48 weeks treatment. Genotype non-1 patients received 24 weeks treatment as an observational group. Outcomes were SVR (defined by hepatitis C virus-RNA-negative at week 24 of follow-up) and tolerability across the study period. The end-of-treatment response was 59% for genotype 1 (24 weeks treatment), 80% for genotype 1 (48 weeks treatment) and 92% for genotype non-1 (24 weeks treatment). The end-of-follow-up response was 19% (95% confidence interval (CI): 7.2-36.4) (genotype 1, 24 weeks) and 48% (95% CI: 30.2-66.9; P = 0.0175) (genotype 1, 48 weeks). Among genotype non-1, SVR was 76% (95% CI: 62.3-86.5). There were no unexpected adverse events.Almost half of the genotype 1 patients achieved an SVR after 48 weeks treatment with peginterferon alpha-2a (40 kDa) and low-dose ribavirin and confirmed that they should be treated for 48 weeks. Safety profile was acceptable.


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The high incidence of tuberculosis around the world and the inability of BCG to protect certain populations clearly indicate that an improved vaccine against tuberculosis is needed. A single antigen, the mycobacterial heat shock protein hsp65, is sufficient to protect BALB/c mice against challenge infection when administered as DNA vaccine in a three-dose-based schedule. In order to simplify the vaccination schedule, we coencapsulated hsp65-DNA and trehalose dimicolate (TDM) into biodegradable poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) microspheres. BALB/c mice immunized with a single dose of DNA-hsp65/TDM-1oaded microspheres produced high levels of IgG2a subtype antibody and high amounts of IFN-gamma in the supernatant of spleen cell cultures. DNA-hsp65/TDM-loaded microspheres were also able to induce high IFN-gamma production in bulk lung cells from challenged mice and confer protection as effective as that attained after three doses of naked DNA administration. This new formulation also allowed a ten-fold reduction in the DNA dose when compared to naked DNA. Thus, this combination of DNA vaccine and adjuvants with immunomodulatory and carrier properties holds the potential for an improved vaccine against tuberculosis.


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Background and Objectives: - The effects of associating lipophilic opioids to local anesthetics in epidural anesthesia are not well defined. There are still questions and controversies about opioid doses to be used and their major effects in the epidural block. This study aimed at evaluating the epidural block effects in humans of the association of different fentanyl and sufentanil doses to bupivacaine with 1:200.000 epinephrine. Methods: - A double-blind randomized study was performed in 94 patients of both genders, physical status ASA I, aged between 18 and 60 years, submitted to lower abdomen, perineal or lower limb surgery. Patients without preanesthetic medication were epidurally injected with 100 mg (20 ml) 0.5% bupivacaine, 0.1 mg (0.1 ml) 1%o epinephrine plus a combination of the following drugs: BUPI Group (15 patients): 2 ml of 0.9% saline solution (SS); FENT50 Group (19 patients): 50 μg (1 ml) fentanyl + 1 ml SS; FENT100 Group (20 patients): 100 μg (2 ml) fentanyl; SUF30 Group (20 patients): 30 μg (0.6 ml) sufentanil + SS (1.4 ml); SUF100 Group (20 patients): 50 μg (1 ml) sufentanil + SS (1 ml). The following parameters were studied: onset of sensory block, analgesic block (onset time) in T12, T10 and T8, analgesic block duration in T10 and T12, motor block degree, consciousness degree, need for supplemental perioperative sedation and analgesia, hypotension, bradycardia and peri and post operative side-effects, analgesia duration, proportion of patients needing supplemental analgesia and evaluation of postoperative pain (pain analog visual scale). Results: Groups were demographically uniform. The addition of fentanyl or sufentanil did not alter major characteristics of perioperative epidural block and has not significantly increased postoperative analgesia duration as compared to the use of bupivacaine only. However, the addition of lipophilic opioids has increased the quality of perioperative anesthetic block, translated into a lesser need for supplemental analgesia (p < 0.02). The increased dose of fentanyl and especially of sufentanil has increased the incidence of perioperative drowsiness (p < 0.001) without significant increase in other side effects. Conclusions: In the conditions and doses used, the addition of lipophilic opioids to bupivacaine and the increased dose of lipophilic opioids have improved anesthetic block quality without changes in the epidural block characteristics or a significant increase in side effects, with the exception of drowsiness mainly caused by sufentanil. However, they were not able to provide a significant increase in postoperative analgesia duration.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of delaying ovulation subsequent to superstimulation of follicular growth in beef cows (Bos indicus) on embryo recovery rates and the capacity of embryos to establish pregnancies. Ovulation was delayed by three treatments using either progesterone (CIDR-B®) or a GnRH agonist (deslorelin). Multiparous Nelore cows (n = 24) received three of four superstimulation treatments in an incomplete block design (n = 18 per group). Cows in Groups CTRL, P48 and P60 were treated with a CIDR-B device plus estradiol benzoate (EB, 4 mg, i.m.) on Day-5, while cows in Group D60 were implanted with deslorelin on Day-7. Cows were superstimulated with FSH (Folltropin-V® 200 mg), from Day 0 to 3, using twice daily injections in decreasing amounts. All cows were treated with a luteolytic dose of prostaglandin on Day 2 (08:00 h). CIDR-B devices were removed as follows: Group CTRL, Day 2 (20:00 h); Group P48, Day 4 (08:00 h); Group P60, Day 4 (20:00 h). Cows in Group CTRL were inseminated at 10, 20 and 30 h after first detected estrus. Ovulation was induced for cows in Group P48 (Day 4, 08:00 h) and Groups P60 and D60 (Day 4, 20:00 h) by injection of LH (Lutropin®, 25 mg, i.m.), and these cows were inseminated 10 and 20 h after treatment with LH. Embryos were recovered on Days 11 or 12, graded and transferred to synchronized recipients. Pregnancies were determined by ultrasonography around Day 100. Data were analyzed by mixed procedure, Kruskal-Wallis and Chi-square tests. The number of ova/embryos, transferable embryos (mean ± S.E.M.) and pregnancy rates (%) were as follows, respectively: Group CTRL (10.8 ± 1.8, 6.1 ± 1.3, 51.5), P48 (12.6 ± 1.9, 7.1 ± 1.0, 52.3), P60 (10.5 ± 1.6, 5.7 ± 1.3, 40.0) and D60 (10.3 ± 1.7, 5.0 ± 1.2, 50.0). There were no significant differences among the groups (P > 0.05). It was concluded that fixed time AI in association with induced ovulation did not influence embryo recovery. Furthermore, pregnancy rates in embryos recovered from cows with delayed ovulation were similar to those in embryos obtained from cows treated with a conventional superstimulation protocol. © 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study aims to compare the efficacy of recombinant LH (rLH) supplementation for ovarian stimulation in gonadotrophin-releasing hormone-antagonist protocol for IVF/intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles. Search strategies included online surveys of databases. The fixed effects model was used for odds ratio (OR) and effect size (weighted mean difference, WMD). Five trials fulfilled the inclusion criteria. When the meta-analysis was carried out, advantages were observed for the LH supplementation protocol with respect to higher serum oestradiol concentrations on the day of human chorionic gonadotrophin administration (P < 0.0001; WMD: 514, 95% CI 368, 660) and higher number of mature oocytes (P = 0.0098; WMD: 0.88, 95% CI 0.21, 1.54). However, these differences were not observed in the total amount of recombinant FSH (rFSH) administered, days of stimulation, number of oocytes retrieved, the clinical pregnancy rate per oocyte retrieval, the implantation rate and miscarriage rate. This result demonstrates that the association of rLH with rFSH may prevent any decrease in oestradiol after antagonist administration and that a significantly higher number of mature oocytes was available for laboratory work. Nevertheless, it failed to show any statistically significant difference in clinically significant end-points in IVF (implantation and pregnancy rates). Additional randomized controlled trials are needed to confirm these results further. © 2007 Published by Reproductive Healthcare Ltd.