988 resultados para FISH ABUNDANCE


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Estudio de muestras recolectadas con el BIONESS a varias profundidades en trece estaciones.


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The Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) is a ground nesting colonial seabird. Terns rely primarily on small prey fishes which they obtain through plunge diving for their survival as well as the survival of their offspring during the breeding season. The zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) is a small bivalve mollusk that invaded North American waters in the late 1980's. Through its suspension feeding, the zebra mussel has the ability to alter the entire aquatic ecosystem, ultimately leading to a reduction in pelagic organisms including small prey fish. The objective of the study was to determine what (if any) indirect effects the invasion of the zebra mussel has had on fish prey captured by terns. The study took place in two separate two-year periods, 1990-91 and 1995-96 on a concrete breakwall off the north shore of Lake Erie near Port Colborne, Ontario. Daily nest checks revealed clutch initiation dates, egg-laying chronology, hatching success and morphological egg characteristics (length and breadth). Behavioural observations included time each sex spent in attendance with its brood, the frequency of feeding chicks and the prey species composition and size fed to chicks as well as to females (courtship feeding). Egg sizes did not differ between study periods, nor did feeding rates to chicks, suggesting that food was not a limiting resource. Terns spent less time with their broods (more time foraging) in the 1995-96 period. However, they also had significantly larger broods and fledged more offspring. The time of each individual foraging trip decreased, suggesting that fish were easier to obtain in 1995 and 1996. Lastly, kleptoparasitism rates decreased, suggesting that the costs of foraging (time, energy) actually decreased as fewer birds adopted this strategy to compensate for what I assumed to be a lack of available food (fish). The only significant difference between the periods of 1990, 1991 and 1995, 1996 was a change in diet. Terns delivered significantly fewer rainbow smelt and more emerald shiner in 1995 and 1996. However, the average size of fish delivered did not change. Thus, there was little impact on prey captured by Common Terns in Lake Erie since the invasion of the zebra mussel.


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The broad objective of the present study is to present a synoptic picture of the distribution and abundance of fish eggs and the lmportant groups of fish larvae obtained off the SW coast of India. so as to delineate the spawning areas and seasones of the fish population. with special reference to the scombroid fishes. An attempt was also made to correlate the occurrence of certain categories of larvae and hydrographical factors like temperature and salinity. The present effort was a pioneering one in Indian waters. in as much as it involved systematic and seasonally repetitive collection of ichthyoplankton from a large stretch of our seas and mapping of their distribution and abudance.


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The factors effecting fish species richness, evenness and relative abundance in 19 floodplain lagoons in the Pantanal (Brazil) were examined. Richness and evenness were strongly correlated with the lagoon's: (i) isolation time from the main river; (ii) depth; and (iii) distance from the main river. Abundance of the five dominant fish species was correlated mainly with: (a) macrophyte cover; (b) the distance from the main river; and (c) piscivore abundance. These results suggest that the species select lagoons to avoid or minimize their confinement in inappropriate floodplain habitats. A combination of strategies, together with variations in the lagoon's connection period, determines the diversity and abundance of the fish species in the Nhecolandia Pantanal.


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Monthly samples were taken from April 1992 to March 1993 of fish assemblages present in six permanent lagoons and four ponds, fragmented from them during the drought period and during the terminal phases of desiccation, to evaluate changes in their diversity, abundance and dominance. Their relationships with hydrological and environment conditions were examined. A total of 63 fish species were identified. Species composition and abiotic factors were heterogeneous among the different water bodies. The proportion of piscivores and oxygen concentration were the determining factors for structuring the assemblages. The impact of piscivory upon fish diversity was neutral at the beginning and negative at the end of the dry season. In the terminal phase of desiccation, diversity was higher in ponds that contained a moderate proportion of piscivores than in these containing a higher proportion.


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Historically, the ichthyofauna of large Brazilian rivers has been subject to anthropogenic interference, such as impoundments. Currently, cage fish farming systems are a new source of impact on aquatic ecosystems. The objective of this study was to characterise the impact of freshwater fish farms on the feeding of five species of Neotropical freshwater fish. Specimens of Astyanax altiparanae, Galeocharax knerii, Iheringicthys labrosus, Pimelodus maculatus and Plagioscion squamosissimus were sampled in areas around two systems of cage fish farming (CF), and two control areas (CT) that were not influenced by this activity. Results show that there were significant changes in the diet of trophic generalist species (A. altiparanae, P. maculatus and I. labrosus) accompanied by a related increase in the condition factor values of these species in cage areas. Trophic specialist species, such as the carnivorous fish species G. knerii and P. squamosissimus, presented small differences between the CF and CT areas with regard to diet and showed no differences in other analyses performed. In conclusion, cage fish farms can affect the natural diet of trophic generalist fish species, directly affecting the nutritional status (condition factor), where food wastes was found to be one of the principal items consumed by this trophic guild. Results indicate that these species are responsible for recycling a great quantity of organic matter transferred by this type of activity, which, along with local fishery activities, contribute to mitigation of associated processes of eutrophication. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Mesopelagic fish were collected using a 1 m**2 Double-MOCNESS (Multiple Opening and Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System) and 4.5 m**2 IKMT (Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl). The main portion of the IKMT was 20 mm knotted nylon, and the tail bag was 3 mm knotless nylon. Oblique IKMT tows were made to a maximum depth of 500 m at a tow speed of 3.5 knots. The original cruise plan intended for nighttime IKMT tows, but tow times varied due to operational constraints. The MOCNESS was equipped with 20 nets of 333 µm mesh size; 10 nets per side. The towing speed was 2 knots. Samples were collected to a maximum depth of 1250 m. The first oblique nets sampled from the surface to the max depth, and the other nets sampled depth stratified bins of the water column. MOCNESS hauls were performed during day and night to investigate diel vertical migrations. Mesoplelagic fish were processed on board. All fish were picked from all IKMT nets, most oblique MOCNESS nets, and the left side nets of the depth stratified MOCNESS samples. The Depth stratified nets from the right side of the MOCNESS frame were preserved in 5 % formalin for future quantitative analyses of the nekton. Fish were identified to the lowest possible taxa using Whitehead et al. (1984) and Fahay (2007). Standard length of each fish was measured to the nearest 0.1 mm using a digital caliper. Measured and identified fish were frozen in an -80 °C freezer, and shipped to the University of Hamburg at the end of the cruise.


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Our main goal was to determine if fish distribution and adundance in temporary wetlands were shaped primarily by large-scale (landscape) or small-scale (local) characteristics and to investigate the influence of cattle ranching on fish assemblages. A total of 24 temporary ponds were selected at the Kissimmee Prairie Sanctuary and the Mac- Arthur Agro-Ecology Research Center. Each wetland was sampled for fish using throw traps and dip nets during 1999. Landscape processes (connectivity to permanent water bodies) predominately influenced fish assemblages, although local processes (depth–hydroperiod) were also important. Furthermore, no colonizing species went locally extinct before wetlands began to dry. Our findings suggest that large-scale processes that influence colonization dynamics are of more importance than small-scale processes that influence extinction dynamics. Finally, hydrological changes (ditching) associated with agriculture (cattle ranching) have adversely affected temporary wetland fish assemblages by reducing wetland hydroperiods and connectivity.


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Anthropogenic habitat alterations and water-management practices have imposed an artificial spatial scale onto the once contiguous freshwater marshes of the Florida Everglades. To gain insight into how these changes may affect biotic communities, we examined whether variation in the abundance and community structure of large fishes (SL . 8 cm) in Everglades marshes varied more at regional or intraregional scales, and whether this variation was related to hydroperiod, water depth, floating mat volume, and vegetation density. From October 1997 to October 2002, we used an airboat electrofisher to sample large fishes at sites within three regions of the Everglades. Each of these regions is subject to unique watermanagement schedules. Dry-down events (water depth , 10 cm) occurred at several sites during spring in 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002. The 2001 dry-down event was the most severe and widespread. Abundance of several fishes decreased significantly through time, and the number of days post-dry-down covaried significantly with abundance for several species. Processes operating at the regional scale appear to play important roles in regulating large fishes. The most pronounced patterns in abundance and community structure occurred at the regional scale, and the effect size for region was greater than the effect size for sites nested within region for abundance of all species combined, all predators combined, and each of the seven most abundant species. Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling revealed distinct groupings of sites corresponding to the three regions. We also found significant variation in community structure through time that correlated with the number of days post-dry-down. Our results suggest that hydroperiod and water management at the regional scale influence large fish communities of Everglades marshes.


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Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank the crews, fishermen and scientists who conducted the various surveys from which data were obtained, and Mark Belchier and Simeon Hill for their contributions. This work was supported by the Government of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands. Additional logistical support provided by The South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute with thanks to Paul Brickle. Thanks to Stephen Smith of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) for help in constructing bootstrap confidence limits. Paul Fernandes receives funding from the MASTS pooling initiative (The Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland), and their support is gratefully acknowledged. MASTS is funded by the Scottish Funding Council (grant reference HR09011) and contributing institutions. We also wish to thank two anonymous referees for their helpful suggestions on earlier versions of this manuscript.


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As part of a wider study to develop an ecosystem-health monitoring program for wadeable streams of south-eastern Queensland, Australia, comparisons were made regarding the accuracy, precision and relative efficiency of single-pass backpack electrofishing and multiple-pass electrofishing plus supplementary seine netting to quantify fish assemblage attributes at two spatial scales (within discrete mesohabitat units and within stream reaches consisting of multiple mesohabitat units). The results demonstrate that multiple-pass electrofishing plus seine netting provide more accurate and precise estimates of fish species richness, assemblage composition and species relative abundances in comparison to single-pass electrofishing alone, and that intensive sampling of three mesohabitat units (equivalent to a riffle-run-pool sequence) is a more efficient sampling strategy to estimate reach-scale assemblage attributes than less intensive sampling over larger spatial scales. This intensive sampling protocol was sufficiently sensitive that relatively small differences in assemblage attributes (<20%) could be detected with a high statistical power (1-β > 0.95) and that relatively few stream reaches (<4) need be sampled to accurately estimate assemblage attributes close to the true population means. The merits and potential drawbacks of the intensive sampling strategy are discussed, and it is deemed to be suitable for a range of monitoring and bioassessment objectives.


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1. The ability of many introduced fish species to thrive in degraded aquatic habitats and their potential to impact on aquatic ecosystem structure and function suggest that introduced fish may represent both a symptom and a cause of decline in river health and the integrity of native aquatic communities. 2. The varying sensitivities of many commonly introduced fish species to degraded stream conditions, the mechanism and reason for their introduction and the differential susceptibility of local stream habitats to invasion because of the environmental and biological characteristics of the receiving water body, are all confounding factors that may obscure the interpretation of patterns of introduced fish species distribution and abundance and therefore their reliability as indicators of river health. 3. In the present study, we address the question of whether alien fish (i.e. those species introduced from other countries) are a reliable indicator of the health of streams and rivers in south-eastern Queensland, Australia. We examine the relationships of alien fish species distributions and indices of abundance and biomass with the natural environmental features, the biotic characteristics of the local native fish assemblages and indicators of anthropogenic disturbance at a large number of sites subject to varying sources and intensities of human impact. 4. Alien fish species were found to be widespread and often abundant in south-eastern Queensland rivers and streams, and the five species collected were considered to be relatively tolerant to river degradation, making them good candidate indicators of river health. Variation in alien species indices was unrelated to the size of the study sites, the sampling effort expended or natural environmental gradients. The biological resistance of the native fish fauna was not concluded to be an important factor mediating invasion success by alien species. Variation in alien fish indices was, however, strongly related to indicators of disturbance intensity describing local in-stream habitat and riparian degradation, water quality and surrounding land use, particularly the amount of urban development in the catchment. 5. Potential confounding factors that may influence the likelihood of introduction and successful establishment of an alien species and the implications of these factors for river bioassessment are discussed. We conclude that the potentially strong impact that many alien fish species can have on the biological integrity of natural aquatic ecosystems, together with their potential to be used as an initial basis to find out other forms of human disturbance impacts, suggest that some alien species (particularly species from the family Poeciliidae) can represent a reliable 'first cut' indicator of river health.


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The effects of fish density distribution and effort distribution on the overall catchability coefficient are examined. Emphasis is also on how aggregation and effort distribution interact to affect overall catch rate [catch per unit effort (cpue)]. In particular, it is proposed to evaluate three indices, the catchability index, the knowledge parameter, and the aggregation index, to describe the effectiveness of targeting and the effects on overall catchability in the stock area. Analytical expressions are provided so that these indices can easily be calculated. The average of the cpue calculated from small units where fishing is random is a better index for measuring the stock abundance. The overall cpue, the ratio of lumped catch and effort, together with the average cpue, can be used to assess the effectiveness of targeting. The proposed methods are applied to the commercial catch and effort data from the Australian northern prawn fishery. The indices are obtained assuming a power law for the effort distribution as an approximation of targeting during the fishing operation. Targeting increased catchability in some areas by 10%, which may have important implications on management advice.