380 resultados para FERRIC ALKOXIDES


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Ferric chloride as a new activating agent was used to obtain activated carbons from agroindustrial waste. This material was prepared at three temperatures of pyrolysis, 200, 280 and 400 ºC. The carbonaceous materials obtained after the activation processes showed high specific surface areas (BET), with values higher than 900 m² g-1. The materials showed different behaviors in the adsorption of methylene blue dye and reactive red textile dye in water solutions. An important fact in the use of FeCl3 as an activating agent is that the activation temperature is at 280 ºC, well below of those commonly employed in chemical or physical activations described in the literature.


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The aim of this study was to verify the influence of the apparent molecular size of aquatic humic substances on the effectiveness of coagulation with ferric chloride. Coagulation-filtration tests using jar test and bench-scale sand filters were carried out on samples of water with true color of approximately 100 Hazen units, prepared with aquatic humic substances of different molecular sizes (F1: < 0.45 µm, F2: 100 kDa - 0.45 µm, F3: 30 - 100 kDa and F4': < 30 kDa). For the water samples with lower apparent molecular size fractions, greater dosages of coagulant was needed to remove the color around 5.0 Hanzen units, mainly because these water samples contain higher concentrations of fulvic acids, which exhibited a larger number of negatively-charged groups.


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The oxidation of arsenic (As(III) to As(V)) in water samples was performed by heterogeneous photocatalysis using a TiO2 film immobilized inside a photochemical reactor. After oxidation, As(V) was removed from the water samples by coprecipitation with ferric sulfate. The final conditions of oxidation and arsenic removal (TiO2 film prepared with a suspension: 10% (w/v); pH: 7.0; oxidation time: 30 min and Fe3+ concentration: 50 mg L-1) were applied in natural water samples which were supplemented with 1.0 mg L-1 of As(III) to verify the influence of the matrix. After treatment, more than 99% of arsenic was removed from the water.


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This paper analyses the oxidation of covellite and molybdenite by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain LR using respirometric experiments. The results showed that both sulfides were oxidized by A. ferrooxidans, however, the covellite oxidation was much higher than molybdenite. Regarding the kinetic oxidation, the findings revealed that just molybdenite oxidation followed the classical Michaelis-Menten kinetic. It is probably associated with the pathway which these sulfides react to chemistry-bacterial attack, what is influenced by its electronic structures. Besides, experiments conducted in the presence of Fe3+ did not indicate alterations in molybdenite oxidation. Thus, ferric ions seem not to be essential to the sulfide oxidations.


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The thermochromic behavior exhibited by vanadium(IV) alkoxides, [V2(μ-OPr i)2(OPr i) 6] and [V2(μ-ONep)2(ONep)6 ], OPr i = isopropoxide and ONep = neopentoxide, was studied by molecular modeling using DFT, TDDFT and INDO/S methods. The vibrational and electronic spectra calculated for [V2(μ-OPr i)2(OPr i) 6] were very similar to the experimental data registered for crystalline samples of the complex and for its solutions at low temperature (< 210 K), while spectra recorded at high temperature (> 315 K) were compatible with those calculated for the monomeric form, [V(OPr i)4]. These results consistently point to a monomer/dimer equilibrium as an explanation for the solution thermochromism of {V(OPr i)4}n. In spite of the structural similarity between [V2(μ-ONep)2(ONep)6 ] and [V2(μ-OPr i)2(OPr i) 6] in the solid state, the thermochromic behavior of the former could not be explained by the same model, and the possibility of tetranuclear aggregation at low temperatures was also investigated.


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In this work the preparation and characterization of a supported catalyst intended for degradation of reactive dyes by Fenton-like processes is described. The photocatalyst was prepared by immobilization of Fe3+ into the molecular sieve (4A type) surface and characterized by x-ray diffractometry and infrared, Mössbauer and EPR spectroscopy. The solid containing 0.94% (w/w) of ferric ions was used in degradation studies of aqueous reactive-dyes samples with really promissory results. Generally, Vis-assisted photochemical processes leads to almost total decolorization of all tested dyes at reaction times lower than 30 min. It was also observed that the iron-molecular sieve matrix can be reused.


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Giant extracellular hemoglobins are considered the summit of complexity in systems that carry oxygen, constituting an extraordinary model system to the study of hemoproteins. This class includes the hemoglobin of the annelid Glossoscolex paulistus that presents high cooperativity, great oligomeric and redox stabilities and ability of oligomeric reassociation. These properties have motivated evaluations about its utilization as prototype of artificial blood and biosensor. Kinetic studies involving autoxidation and detailed spectroscopic characterizations of its ferrous and ferric species have propitiated information about the structure-activity relationship of this macromolecule. The present review analyzes several biochemical issues, evaluating the state-of-art of this subject.


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Zn-EDTA degradabilty by catechol-driven Fenton reaction was studied. Response surface methodology central composite design was employed to maximize this complex degradation. Theoretical speciation calculations were in good agreement with the experimental results. Fenton and Fenton type treatments are typically thought to be applicable only in the highly acidic range, representing a major operational constraint. Interestingly, at optimized concentrations, this CAT-driven Fenton reaction at pH 5.5 achieved 100% Zn-EDTA degradation; 60% COD and 17% TOC removals, using tiny amounts of CAT (50 µM), Fe(III) (445 µM) and H2O2 (20 mM) with no evident ferric sludge.


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A facile one-step synthesis of 1H-benzoxazine-2,4-diones from heterocyclic anhydrides and TMSA was described. This paper determines their antimicrobial activity against nine human bacterial pathogens by the broth microdilution method; antioxidant activity by DPPH• inactivation and a ferric-reducing power assay; and toxicity by a brine shrimp, Artemia salina, assay. The 1H-benzoxazine-2,4-dione yields were in the range of 57 to 98%. The novel compound 1H-pyrazino[2,3-][1,3]oxazine-2,4-dione 4c showed the highest antioxidant capacity (DPPH 35.4% and FRAP 0.063 µmol TEs/µmol).


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Direct leaching is an alternative to conventional roast-leach-electrowin (RLE) zinc production method. The basic reaction of direct leach method is the oxidation of sphalerite concentrate in acidic liquid by ferric iron. The reaction mechanism and kinetics, mass transfer and current modifications of zinc concentrate direct leaching process are considered. Particular attention is paid to the oxidation-reduction cycle of iron and its role in direct leaching of zinc concentrate, since it can be one of the limiting factors of the leaching process under certain conditions. The oxidation-reduction cycle of iron was experimentally studied with goal of gaining new knowledge for developing the direct leaching of zinc concentrate. In order to obtain this aim, ferrous iron oxidation experiments were carried out. Affect of such parameters as temperature, pressure, sulfuric acid concentration, ferrous iron and copper concentrations was studied. Based on the experimental results, mathematical model of the ferrous iron oxidation rate was developed. According to results obtained during the study, the reaction rate orders for ferrous iron concentration, oxygen concentration and copper concentration are 0.777, 0.652 and 0.0951 respectively. Values predicted by model were in good concordance with the experimental results. The reliability of estimated parameters was evaluated by MCMC analysis which showed good parameters reliability.


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Turvetuotannon suurimpana ympäristövaikutuksena pidetään tuotantoalueiden valuma-vesistä johtuvia ympäristövaikutuksia. Tiukentunut ympäristölainsäädäntö edellyttää uusilta turvetuotantoalueilta parhaan käyttökelpoisen tekniikan käyttöä valumavesien-käsittelyssä. Parhaaksi käyttökelpoiseksi tekniikaksi luetaan pintavalutus- ja kasvilli-suuskentän sekä kemikaloinnin käyttö valumavesien puhdistuksessa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää painovoimaisen kemiallisen vesienkäsit-telymenetelmän soveltuvuutta pienille turvetuotantoalueille. Tutkimuskohteena oli Lep-pisuo Luumäen kunnassa, jonne rakennettiin 2010 painovoimaisen kemikaloinnin koe-laitteisto. Laitteiston puhdistustulosta tarkasteltiin kemikalointiin tulevan ja lähtevän veden sekä taustanäytepisteiden tarkkailutulosten avulla. Laitteiston toimivuutta arvioi-tiin kemikaalin annostelun ja toimintavarmuuden avulla. Vuoden 2010 tarkkailutuloksista saatiin keskimääräisiksi erotustehokkuuksiksi koko-naisfosforin osalta 65,2 %, kokonaistypen osalta 28,1 % ja CODMn osalta 65,5 %. Ke-mikaloinnista lähtevän veden kokonaisfosforipitoisuus oli 7,7 μg/l, kokonaistyppipitoi-suus 656 μg/l ja CODMn 5,5 mg/l O2. Ferrisulfaatin annostelu oli keskimäärin 81 mg/l, vaihteluvälillä 25–268 mg/l.


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Cyanobacteria are unicellular, non-nitrogen-fixing prokaryotes, which perform photosynthesis similarly as higher plants. The cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 is used as a model organism in photosynthesis research. My research described herein aims at understanding the function of the photosynthetic machinery and how it responds to changes in the environment. Detailed knowledge of the regulation of photosynthesis in cyanobacteria can be utilized for biotechnological purposes, for example in the harnessing of solar energy for biofuel production. In photosynthesis, iron participates in electron transfer. Here, we focused on iron transport in Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 and particularly on the environmental regulation of the genes encoding the FutA2BC ferric iron transporter, which belongs to the ABC transporter family. A homology model built for the ATP-binding subunit FutC indicates that it has a functional ATPbinding site as well as conserved interactions with the channel-forming subunit FutB in the transporter complex. Polyamines are important for the cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In plants, polyamines have special roles in stress response and in plant survival. The polyamine metabolism in cyanobacteria in response to environmental stress is of interest in research on stress tolerance of higher plants. In this thesis, the potd gene encoding an polyamine transporter subunit from Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 was characterized for the first time. A homology model built for PotD protein indicated that it has capability of binding polyamines, with the preference for spermidine. Furthermore, in order to investigate the structural features of the substrate specificity, polyamines were docked into the binding site. Spermidine was positioned very similarly in Synechocystis PotD as in the template structure and had most favorable interactions of the docked polyamines. Based on the homology model, experimental work was conducted, which confirmed the binding preference. Flavodiiron proteins (Flv) are enzymes, which protect the cell against toxicity of oxygen and/or nitric oxide by reduction. In this thesis, we present a novel type of photoprotection mechanism in cyanobacteria by the heterodimer of Flv2/Flv4. The constructed homology model of Flv2/Flv4 suggests a functional heterodimer capable of rapid electron transfer. The unknown protein sll0218, encoded by the flv2-flv4 operon, is assumed to facilitate the interaction of the Flv2/Flv4 heterodimer and energy transfer between the phycobilisome and PSII. Flv2/Flv4 provides an alternative electron transfer pathway and functions as an electron sink in PSII electron transfer.


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The acid mining drainage is considered the most significant environmental pollution problem around the world for the extensive formation acidic leachates containing heavy metals. Adsorption is widely used methods in water treatment due to it easy operation and the availability of a wide variety of commercial adsorbent (low cost). The primary goal of this thesis was to investigate the efficiency of neutralizing agents, CaCO3 and CaSiO3, and metal adsorption materials with unmodified limestone from Company Nordkalk Oy. In addition to this, the side materials of limestone mining were tested for iron adsorption from acidic model solution. This study was executed at Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland. The work utilised fixed-bed adsorption column as the main equipment and large fluidized column. Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and x-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to determine ferric removal and the composition of material respectively. The results suggest a high potential for the studied materials to be used a low cost adsorbents in acid mine drainage treatment. From the two studied adsorbents, the FS material was more suitable than the Gotland material. Based on the findings, it is recommended that further studies might include detailed analysis of Gotland materials.


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The binding of chlorpromazine (CPZ) and hemin to bovine serum albumin was studied by the fluorescence quenching technique. CPZ is a widely used anti-psychotic drug that interacts with blood components, influences bioavailability, and affects function of several biomolecules. Hemin is an important ferric residue of hemoglobin that binds within the hydrophobic region of albumin with high specificity. Quenching of the intrinsic fluorescence of bovine serum albumin (BSA) was observed by selectively exciting tryptophan residues at 290 nm. Emission spectra were recorded in the range from 300 to 450 nm for each quencher addition. Stern-Volmer graphs were plotted, and the quenching constant estimated for BSA solution titrated with hemin at 25ºC was 1.44 (± 0.05) x 10(5) M-1. Results showed that bovine albumin tryptophans are not equally accessible to CPZ, in agreement with the idea that polar or charged quenchers have more affinity for amino acid residues on the outer wall of the protein. Hemin added to albumin solution at a molar ratio of 1:1 quenched about 25% of their fluorescence. The quenching effect of CPZ on albumin-hemin solution was stronger than on pure BSA. This increase can be the result of combined conformational changes in the structure of albumin caused firstly by hemin and then by CPZ. Our results suggest that the primary binding site for hemin on bovine albumin may be located asymmetrically between the two tryptophans along the sequence formed by subdomains IB and IIA, closer to tryptophan residue 212.


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It has been suggested that iron overload may be carcinogenic. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of plasma and prostate carotenoid concentration on oxidative DNA damage in 12-week-old Wistar rats treated with intraperitoneal (ip) ferric nitrilotriacetate (Fe-NTA) (10 mg Fe/kg). Plasma ß-carotene and lycopene concentrations were measured as a function of time after ip injection of carotenoids (10 mg kg-1 day-1 ß-carotene or lycopene) in rats. The highest total plasma concentration was reached 3 and 6 h after ip injection of lycopene or ß-carotene, respectively. After 5 days of carotenoid treatment, lycopene and ß-carotene were present in the 0.10-0.51 nmol/g wet tissue range in the prostate. Using a sensitive method to detected 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodGuo) by HPLC/EC, the level of 8-oxodGuo in rat prostate DNA was significantly higher (6.3 ± 0.6 residues/10(6) dGuo) 3 h after Fe-NTA injection compared with control rats (1.7 ± 0.3 residues/10(6) dGuo). Rats supplemented with lycopene or ß-carotene for 5 days prior to Fe-NTA treatment showed a reduction of about 70% in 8-oxodGuo levels to almost control levels. Compared with control rats, the prostate of Fe-NTA-treated animals showed a 78% increase in malondialdehyde accumulation. Lycopene or ß-carotene pre-treatment almost completely prevented lipid damage. Epidemiological studies have suggested a lower risk of prostate cancer in men reporting a higher consumption of tomato products. However, before associating this effect with tomato sauce constituents, more information is required. The results described here may contribute to the understanding of the protective effects of carotenoids against iron-induced oxidative stress.