962 resultados para Extracting Absolute Roughness


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Absolute Kr 4s-electron photoionization cross sections as a function of the exciting-photon energy between 30 and 90 eV were measured by photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (PIFS). The measurements were compared with available experimental data and theoretical calculations.


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Sweden’s recent report on Urban Sustainable Development calls out a missing link between the urban design process and citizens. This paper investigates if engaging citizens as design agents by providing a platform for alternate participation can bridge this gap, through the transfer of spatial agency and new modes of critical cartography. To assess whether this is the case, the approaches are applied to Stockholm’s urban agriculture movement in a staged intervention. The aim of the intervention was to engage citizens in locating existing and potential places for growing food and in gathering information from these sites to inform design in urban agriculture. The design-based methodologies incorporated digital and bodily interfaces for this cartography to take place. The Urban CoMapper, a smartphone digital app, captured real-time perspectives through crowd-sourced mapping. In the bodily cartography, participant’s used their bodies to trace the site and reveal their sensorial perceptions. The data gathered from these approaches gave way to a mode of artistic research for exploring urban agriculture, along with inviting artists to be engaged in the dialogues. In sum, results showed that a combination of digital and bodily approaches was necessary for a critical cartography if we want to engage citizens holistically into the urban design process as spatial agents informing urban policy. Such methodologies formed a reflective interrogation and encouraged a new intimacy with nature, in this instance, one that can transform our urban conduct by questioning our eating habits: where we get our food from and how we eat it seasonally.


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Ofrece una gran flexibilidad y apoyo para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las ciencias y garantiza una transición fluida de la etapa dos a la etapa tres. Todos los capítulos, en el texto del alumno, cuentan con una amplia gama de funciones: las actividades de iniciación al comienzo de cada capítulo que ilustra la ciencia en el mundo real; preguntas de cada capítulo para reforzar el conocimiento; preguntas para toda la clase o grupo de discusión; consejos, sugerencias y recordatorio del aprendizaje anterior. Al final del capítulo preguntas y resumen de las principales ideas y palabras clave para consolidar los conocimientos.


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Ofrece una gran flexibilidad y apoyo para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las ciencias y garantiza una transición fluida de la etapa dos a la etapa tres. Todos los capítulos, en el texto del alumno, cuentan con una amplia gama de funciones: las actividades de iniciación al comienzo de cada capítulo que ilustra la ciencia en el mundo real; preguntas de cada capítulo para reforzar el conocimiento; preguntas para toda la clase o grupo de discusión; consejos, sugerencias y recordatorio del aprendizaje anterior. Al final del capítulo preguntas y resumen de las principales ideas y palabras clave para consolidar los conocimientos.


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Este CD-ROM recoge todo el material a partir del año ocho del libro del profesor no especialista. contiene: una detallada lista de temas de cada capítulo que acompaña a las notas del profesor; consejos y sugerencias para la enseñanza; planificación de lecciones contienen actividades de iniciación, junto con las tareas propuestas. Un resumen de las notas para cada lección. Al final de la unidad hoja de registro de la prueba.


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Ofrece una gran flexibilidad y apoyo para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las ciencias y garantiza una transición fluida de la etapa clave dos /Key Stage 2) a la etapa clave tres (Key Stage 3). Todos los capítulos cuentan con una amplia gama de actividades: de iniciación a la ciencia en el mundo real; preguntas para reforzar el conocimiento ; preguntas para toda la clase o grupo de discusión ; consejos, sigerencias y recordatorio del aprendizaje anterior. Al final del capítulo hay preguntas y resumen de las principales ideas y palabras clave para consolidar los conocimientos adquiridos.


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CD-ROM donde se recoge todo el material para la transición del nivel dos (Key Stage 2) al nivel tres (Key Stage 3). Contiene una lista detallada de temas de cada capítulo que acompaña a las notas del profesor; consejos y sugerencias para la enseñanza; planificación de lecciones con actividades de iniciación, junto con las tareas propuestas; Un resumen de las notas para cada lección. Al final de la unidad hoja de registro de la prueba.


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La millora de la productivitat i la qualitat són indubtablement dues de les principals exigències del sector productiu modern i factors clau per la competitivitat i la supervivència. Dins aquest sector,la fabricació per arrancada de material juga encara avui en dia un paper protagonista tot i l'aparició de noves tècniques de conformat per addició.Indústries com l'aeronàutica, l'automobilística,la del motlle o l'energètica, depenen en bona part de les prestacions de les màquines-eina. Aquesta Tesi aborda dos aspectes rellevants quan es tracta de millorar de la productivitat i la qualitat del sector productiu: el problema del fimbrament, més conegut per la denominació anglosaxona chatter,i la monitorització de la rugositat superficial en el mecanitzat a alta velocitat.


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The structure of turbulent flow over large roughness consisting of regular arrays of cubical obstacles is investigated numerically under constant pressure gradient conditions. Results are analysed in terms of first- and second-order statistics, by visualization of instantaneous flow fields and by conditional averaging. The accuracy of the simulations is established by detailed comparisons of first- and second-order statistics with wind-tunnel measurements. Coherent structures in the log region are investigated. Structure angles are computed from two-point correlations, and quadrant analysis is performed to determine the relative importance of Q2 and Q4 events (ejections and sweeps) as a function of height above the roughness. Flow visualization shows the existence of low-momentum regions (LMRs) as well as vortical structures throughout the log layer. Filtering techniques are used to reveal instantaneous examples of the association of the vortices with the LMRs, and linear stochastic estimation and conditional averaging are employed to deduce their statistical properties. The conditional averaging results reveal the presence of LMRs and regions of Q2 and Q4 events that appear to be associated with hairpin-like vortices, but a quantitative correspondence between the sizes of the vortices and those of the LMRs is difficult to establish; a simple estimate of the ratio of the vortex width to the LMR width gives a value that is several times larger than the corresponding ratio over smooth walls. The shape and inclination of the vortices and their spatial organization are compared to recent findings over smooth walls. Characteristic length scales are shown to scale linearly with height in the log region. Whilst there are striking qualitative similarities with smooth walls, there are also important differences in detail regarding: (i) structure angles and sizes and their dependence on distance from the rough surface; (ii) the flow structure close to the roughness; (iii) the roles of inflows into and outflows from cavities within the roughness; (iv) larger vortices on the rough wall compared to the smooth wall; (v) the effect of the different generation mechanism at the wall in setting the scales of structures.


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A wind-tunnel study was conducted to investigate ventilation of scalars from urban-like geometries at neighbourhood scale by exploring two different geometries a uniform height roughness and a non-uniform height roughness, both with an equal plan and frontal density of λ p = λ f = 25%. In both configurations a sub-unit of the idealized urban surface was coated with a thin layer of naphthalene to represent area sources. The naphthalene sublimation method was used to measure directly total area-averaged transport of scalars out of the complex geometries. At the same time, naphthalene vapour concentrations controlled by the turbulent fluxes were detected using a fast Flame Ionisation Detection (FID) technique. This paper describes the novel use of a naphthalene coated surface as an area source in dispersion studies. Particular emphasis was also given to testing whether the concentration measurements were independent of Reynolds number. For low wind speeds, transfer from the naphthalene surface is determined by a combination of forced and natural convection. Compared with a propane point source release, a 25% higher free stream velocity was needed for the naphthalene area source to yield Reynolds-number-independent concentration fields. Ventilation transfer coefficients w T /U derived from the naphthalene sublimation method showed that, whilst there was enhanced vertical momentum exchange due to obstacle height variability, advection was reduced and dispersion from the source area was not enhanced. Thus, the height variability of a canopy is an important parameter when generalising urban dispersion. Fine resolution concentration measurements in the canopy showed the effect of height variability on dispersion at street scale. Rapid vertical transport in the wake of individual high-rise obstacles was found to generate elevated point-like sources. A Gaussian plume model was used to analyse differences in the downstream plumes. Intensified lateral and vertical plume spread and plume dilution with height was found for the non-uniform height roughness


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Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data have proved useful in remote sensing studies of deserts, enabling different surfaces to be discriminated by differences in roughness properties. Roughness is characterized in SAR backscatter models using the standard deviation of surface heights (sigma), correlation length (L) and autocorrelation function (rho(xi)). Previous research has suggested that these parameters are of limited use for characterizing surface roughness, and are often unreliable due to the collection of too few roughness profiles, or under-sampling in terms of resolution or profile length (L-p). This paper reports on work aimed at establishing the effects of L-p and sampling resolution on SAR backscatter estimations and site discrimination. Results indicate significant relationships between the average roughness parameters and L-p, but large variability in roughness parameters prevents any clear understanding of these relationships. Integral equation model simulations demonstrate limited change with L-p and under-estimate backscatter relative to SAR observations. However, modelled and observed backscatter conform in pattern and magnitude for C-band systems but not for L-band data. Variation in surface roughness alone does not explain variability in site discrimination. Other factors (possibly sub-surface scattering) appear to play a significant role in controlling backscatter characteristics at lower frequencies.