908 resultados para Estudantes de pós-graduação
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The design of oral health has as its most important to bring knowledge, prevention and treatment for the population of municipalities that have this important means of promoting health in general. These programs are based on socio-educational projects, such as tooth brushing, educational lectures, projects, preventive and, fluoride use, application of sealants in pits and even the prevention of oral cancer. In the area of healing, the centers of dental specialties (CEO) associated with the PSF are responsible for implementing treatment of periodontal diseases, trauma, restoration of teeth affected by dental caries, prosthesis design for functional rehabilitation of the patient, biopsies of oral lesions , among other specialties. This study aims to evaluate the students of the Graduate Program in Dentistry, Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Campus de Araçatuba, in order to coordinate a program to promote health in their communities. The result based on parameters in the OMS showed that the majority of graduate students of the Faculty of Dentistry Araçatuba acquired knowledge to a reasonable oral health program in their city as a coordinator.
The postgraduation program in Visual Poetics, Master level, to be started in 2011 at the faculty of Architecture, Arts and Communication of the state university of São Paulo "Julio de Mesquita Filho"- Bauru Campus, arises strong and well structured contributing to the strengthening of Arts courses. It is noteworthy that the Visual Poetics area has graduated in its previously existing program, more than 30 (Thirty) masters and 8 (eight) doctors. They are currently linked to state and federal universities of Sao Paulo, Parana, Santa Catarina and Mato Grosso do Sul . Ricardo Nicola is Post-Doctor by IES since 2007: University of Toronto, Canada, is presented as mentor and coordinator of the renaissance process of masters program in Visual Poetics.Nelyse Apparecida Malro Salzedas , graduated as a Professor in 1993 at the same University, she has contributed significantly to the Program implementation and will be vice-coordinator of the project.
The present study scores postures, approaches and themes to permeadt discussions and the process of construction of Course Specialization of communication at the Faculty of architecture, arts and communication (FAAC) of Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Bauru, SP, highlighting the difficulties and the paths chosen in search of professional qualification together organizations. Presentation the investigative process, market over demands from the perspective of organizational communication, to try to understand the multidimensional abilities that the course should provide. Finally, it establishes some modules and thematic for the course, intending to reflect the diversity of communicative functions, which are in the highest capacity of human beings, that is to create your reality and interfere in the direction of society.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
With respect to design, scientific production in the area helps consolidate it as a scientific field can contribute to the development of society through the promotion of the construction of critical knowledge of researchers. Scientific conferences and journals, periodicals and books consist of some of the effective actions for the exchange of knowledge. Through these channels the results of research are disseminated, shared and put into discussion, collaborating with the learning process and cooperation among sectors. Thus, this paper reflects on the evolution of scientific research in the area and attempts to give an overview of current research of Design in Brazil and its correlation with the Graduate Program in Design.
Given the objective of the Educational Observatory Program of putting in conjunction the efforts of graduation and basic school in order to improve the quality of the latter, are sought possibilities offered by such an arrangement for teacher education. The assumed action research methodology is designed as a collective rethinking about the social practice in which participants were immersed. It is identified strong correlation among the school/graduation interaction and the nature of the underlying teacher education design. The constitution of research questions accomplished inside the school and the centrality of Small Research Groups in a broad network of interactions were determinants.
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este texto foi preparado inicialmente para uma palestra aos alunos do PAE - Programa de Apoio ao Ensino, da ECA-USP, em 2002, quando se iniciava o processo do desmembramento do Programa de Artes em três programas autônomos, o que veio a se concretizar em julho de 2006. O texto foi retomado agora, em 2009, como um breve e parcial relato do período
Objetivou-se identificar como os programas de pós-graduação em enfermagem stricto sensu, avaliados pela Área de Enfermagem da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, no triênio 2007-2009, alcançaram a excelência - conceito 6. Estudo descritivo-exploratório, de cunho documental, que investigou os dados dos Cadernos de Indicadores destes programas, disponibilizados no site da mencionada Coordenação, em 2010. Foram analisadas 99 fichas, de 33 programas, referentes ao triênio 2007 a 2009, agrupadas nos sub-itens do quesito Inserção Social e categorias para notas 6/7. Apresentam-se os indicadores de excelência de programas norte-americanos e brasileiros, os resultados da avaliação trienal referentes aos sub-itens do quesito 5 e a descrição do desempenho dos programas indicados para o conceito 6. Conclui-se que a excelência dos programas vem sendo gradativamente conquistada, com desempenho em determinadas categorias, semelhantes às exigidas pelos padrões internacionais, vencendo-se os obstáculos para o alcance desta excelência, em sua plenitude.