118 resultados para Estreptococcus agalactiae
Acute meningitis is a medical emergency, particularly in patients with rapidly progressing disease, mental status changes or neurological deficits. The majority of cases of bacterial meningitis are caused by a limited number of species, i.e. Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitis, Listeria monocytogenes, group B Streptococci (Streptococcus agalactiae), Haemophilus influenzae and Enterobacteriaceae. Many other pathogens can occasionally cause bacterial meningitis, often under special clinical circumstances. Treatment of meningitis includes two main goals: Eradication of the infecting organism, and management of CNS and systemic complications. Empiric therapy should be initiated without delay, as the prognosis of the disease depends on the time when therapy is started. One or two blood cultures should be obtained before administering the first antibiotic. Empiric therapy is primarily based on the age of the patient, with modifications if there are positive findings on CSF gram stain or if the patient presents with special risk factors. It is safer to choose regimens with broad coverage, as they can usually be modified within 24-48 hours, when antibiotic sensitivities of the infecting organism become available. Adjunctive therapy with dexamethasone is also administered in severely ill patients concomitantly with the first antibiotic dose. In patients who are clinically stable and are unlikely to be adversely affected if antibiotics are not administered immediately, including those with suspected viral or chronic meningitis, a lumbar puncture represents the first step, unless there is clinical suspicion of an intracerebral mass lesion. Findings in the CSF and on CT scan, if performed, will guide the further diagnostic work-up and therapy in all patients.
Background: The bacterial colonization of the oral mucosa was evaluated in patients with asymptomatic oral lichen planus (OLP) and compared to the microbiologic status in mucosally healthy subjects. Methods: Bacteria from patients with clinically and histopathologically diagnosed OLP from the Stomatology Service, Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology, School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, were collected with a non-invasive swab system. Samples were taken from OLP lesions on the gingiva and from non-affected sites on the contralateral side of the mouth. The control population did not have OLP and was recruited from the student clinic. All samples were processed with the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method using well-defined bacterial species for the analysis. Results: Significantly higher bacterial counts of Bacteroides ureolyticus (P = 0.001), Dialister species (sp.) (P = 0.006), Staphylococcus haemolyticus (P = 0.007), and Streptococcus agalactiae (P = 0.006) were found in samples taken from OLP lesions compared to sites with no clinical evidence of OLP. Significantly higher bacterial counts were found for Capnocytophaga sputigena, Eikenella corrodens, Lactobacillus crispatus, Mobiluncus curtisii, Neisseria mucosa, Prevotella bivia, Prevotella intermedia, and S. agalactiae at sites with lesions in subjects with OLP compared to sites in control subjects (P <0.001). Conclusions: Microbiologic differences were found between sites with OLP and sites in subjects without a diagnosis of OLP. Specifically, higher counts of staphylococci and S. agalactiae were found in OLP lesions.
BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to assess the oral microbiota and clinical data in subjects without access to traditional oral hygiene methods and who ate a diet available in the Stone Age. METHODS: Ten subjects living in an environment replicating the Stone Age for 4 weeks were enrolled in this study. Bleeding on probing (BOP), gingival and plaque indices, and probing depth (PD) were assessed at baseline and at 4 weeks. Microbiologic samples were collected at the mesio-buccal subgingival aspects of all teeth and from the dorsum of the tongue and were processed by checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization methods. RESULTS: No subject had periodontitis. Mean BOP decreased from 34.8% to 12.6% (P <0.001). Mean gingival index scores changed from 0.38 to 0.43 (not statistically significant) and mean plaque scores increased from 0.68 to 1.47 (P <0.001). PD at sites of subgingival sampling decreased (mean difference: 0.2 mm; P <0.001). At week 4, the total bacterial count was higher (P <0.001) for 24 of 74 species, including Bacteroides ureolyticus, Eikenella corrodens, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Capnocytophaga ochracea, Escherichia coli, Fusobacterium nucleatum naviforme, Haemophilus influenzae, Helicobacter pylori, Porphyromonas endodontalis, Staphylococcus aureus (two strains), Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus anginosis, and Streptococcus mitis. Bacterial counts from tongue samples were higher at baseline (P <0.001) for 20 species, including Tannerella forsythia (previously T. forsythensis), Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (previously Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans; serotype a), and Streptococcus spp. CONCLUSIONS: The experimental gingivitis protocol is not applicable if the diet (e.g., Stone Age) does not include refined sugars. Although plaque levels increased, BOP and PD decreased. Subgingival bacterial counts increased for several species not linked to periodontitis, whereas tongue bacterial samples decreased during the study period.
BACKGROUND Streptococcus spp. and other Gram-positive, catalase-negative cocci (PNC) form a large group of microorganisms which can be found in the milk of cows with intramammary infection. The most frequently observed PNC mastitis pathogens (major pathogens) are Streptococcus uberis, Strep. dysgalactiae, and Strep. agalactiae. The remaining PNC include a few minor pathogens and a large nonpathogenic group. Improved methods are needed for the accurate identification and differentiation of PNC. A total of 151 PNC were collected from cows with intramammary infection and conclusively identified by 16S rRNA sequencing as reference method. Nine phenotypic microbiological tests (alpha-hemolysis, CAMP reaction, esculin hydrolysis, growth on kanamycin esculin azide agar and on sodium chloride agar, inulin fermentation, hippurate hydrolysis, leucine aminopeptidase and pyrrolidonyl peptidase activity), multiplex PCR for the three major pathogens (target genes for Strep. uberis, Strep. dysgalactiae and Strep. agalactiae: pauA, 16S rRNA, and sklA3, respectively), and mass spectroscopy using the matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF MS) were evaluated for the diagnosis and discrimination of the three clinically most relevant PNC. RESULTS The probability that a strain of Strep. uberis, Strep. dysgalactiae and Strep. agalactiae was correctly identified by combining the results of the 9 phenotypic tests was 92%, 90%, and 100%, respectively. Applying the multiplex PCR, all strains of the three major pathogens were correctly identified and no false positive results occurred. Correct identification was observed for all strains of Strep. uberis and Strep. agalactiae using MALDI-TOF MS. In the case of Strep. dysgalactiae, some variability was observed at the subspecies level, but all strains were allocated to one single cluster. CONCLUSIONS The results of the present study show that reliable identification of the clinically most relevant PNC (Strep. uberis, Strep. agalactiae and Strep. dysgalactiae) can be obtained by use of a combination of colony morphology, hemolysis type and catalase reaction, and a multiplex PCR with specific primers restricted to these 3 pathogens. The MALDI-TOF MS is a fast method that shows promising results, although identification of Strep. dysgalactiae at the subspecies level is not yet satisfactory.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the costs and outcomes of rescreening for group B streptococci (GBS) compared to universal treatment of term women with history of GBS colonization in a previous pregnancy. STUDY DESIGN: A decision analysis model was used to compare costs and outcomes. Total cost included the costs of screening, intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP), treatment for maternal anaphylaxis and death, evaluation of well infants whose mothers received IAP, and total costs for treatment of term neonatal early onset GBS sepsis. RESULTS: When compared to screening and treating, universal treatment results in more women treated per GBS case prevented (155 versus 67) and prevents more cases of early onset GBS (1732 versus 1700) and neonatal deaths (52 versus 51) at a lower cost per case prevented ($8,805 versus $12,710). CONCLUSION: Universal treatment of term pregnancies with a history of previous GBS colonization is more cost-effective than the strategy of screening and treating based on positive culture results.
The complete 50,237-bp DNA sequence of the conjugative and mobilizing multiresistance plasmid pRE25 from Enterococcus faecalis RE25 was determined. The plasmid had 58 putative open reading frames, 5 of which encode resistance to 12 antimicrobials. Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase and the 23S RNA methylase are identical to gene products of the broad-host-range plasmid pIP501 from Streptococcus agalactiae. In addition, a 30.5-kb segment is almost identical to pIP501. Genes encoding an aminoglycoside 6-adenylyltransferase, a streptothricin acetyltransferase, and an aminoglycoside phosphotransferase are arranged in tandem on a 7.4-kb fragment as previously reported in Tn5405 from Staphylococcus aureus and in pJH1 from E. faecalis. One interrupted and five complete IS elements as well as three replication genes were also identified. pRE25 was transferred by conjugation to E. faecalis, Listeria innocua, and Lactococcus lactis by means of a transfer region that appears similar to that of pIP501. It is concluded that pRE25 may contribute to the further spread of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms via food into the human community.
During my PhD course, I focused my research on antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), in particular on the aspects of their computational design and development. This work led to the development of a new family of AMPs that I designed, starting from the amino acid sequence of a snake venom toxin, the cardiotoxin 1 (CTX-1) of Naja atra. Naja atra atra cardiotoxin 1, produced by Chinese cobra snakes belonging to Elapidae family, is included in the three-finger toxin family and exerts high cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity too. This toxin family is characterized by specific folding of three beta-sheet loops (“fingers”) extending from the central core and by four conserved disulfide bridges. Using as template the first loop of this toxin, different sequences of 20 amino acids linear cationic peptides have been designed in order to avoid toxic effects but to maintain and strengthen the antimicrobial activity. As a result, the sequence NCP-0 (Naja Cardiotoxin Peptide-0) was designed as ancestor and subsequently other 4 variant sequences of NCP0 were developed. These variant sequences have shown microbicidal activity towards a panel of reference strains of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, fungi and an enveloped virus. In particular, the sequence designed as NCP-3 (Naja Cardiotoxin Peptide-3) and its variants NCP-3a and NCP-3b have shown the best antimicrobial activity together with low cytotoxicity against eukaryotic cells and low hemolytic activity. Bactericidal activity has been demonstrated by minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) assay at values below 10 μg/ml for Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Acinetobacter baumannii ( clinical isolates), Moraxella catharralis ATCC 25238, MRSA ATCC 43400, while towards Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Enterococcus hirae ATCC 10541 and Streptococcus agalactiae ATCC 13813 the bactericidal activity was demonstrated even below 1.6 μg/ml concentration. This potent antimicrobial activity was confirmed even for unicellular fungi Candida albicans, Candida glabrata and Malassezia pachydermatis (MBC 32.26-6.4 μg/ml), and also against the fast-growing mycobacteria Mycobacterium smegmatis DSMZ 43756 and Mycobacterium fortuitum DSMZ 46621 (MBC 100 μg/ml). Moreover, NCP-3 has shown a virucidal activity on the enveloped virus Bovine Herpesvirus 1 (BoHV1) belonging to herpesviridae family. The bactericidal activity is maintained in a high salt concentration (125 and 250 mM NaCl) medium and PB +20% Mueller Hinton Medium for E. coli, MRSA and Pseudomonas aeruginosa reference strains. Considering these in vitro obtained data, we propose NCP-3 and its variants NCP-3a and NCP-3b as promising antimicrobial candidates. For this reason, the whole novel AMPs family has been protected by a national patent (n°102015000015951).
Há poucos dados na literatura sobre o transporte transplacentário de imunoglobulinas em gestações múltiplas. O objetivo deste estudo foi observar fatores que influenciam a concentração de imunoglobulina G (IgG) no cordão umbilical dos neonatos e a transferência transplacentária de IgG total e de IgG contra o Streptococcus grupo B (EGB), e lipopolissacarídeos (LPS) de Klebsiella spp. e Pseudomonas spp.. Métodos: estudo prospectivo realizado no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo no período de 2012 a 2013. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue materno e de cordão umbilical no momento do parto. Os critérios de inclusão foram gestações gemelares com ausência de sinais de infecção por HIV, citomegalovírus, Hepatites B e C, toxoplasmose e rubéola e ausência de doenças autoimunes, malformação fetal e síndromes genéticas. A análise multivariada foi realizada para avaliar a associação entre os níveis de IgG em cordão umbilical e as taxas de transferência de anticorpos com a concentração materna de IgG, a corionicidade da gestação, a presença de insuficiência placentária, a restrição de crescimento intrauterino, a idade gestacional de nascimento, o peso de nascimento, o tabagismo, a doença materna e a via de parto. Resultados: a concentração de IgG total em cordão umbilical apresentou correlação positiva com os níveis maternos séricos de IgG total e a idade gestacional do parto. Os níveis de IgG total em cordão umbilical foram significativamente menores em gestações monocoriônicas quando comparadas às dicoriônicas. A taxa de transferência de IgG total apresentou correlação positiva com a idade gestacional do parto, mas negativa com as concentrações maternas de IgG total. As concentrações de IgG contra EGB e LPS de Klebsiella spp. e Pseudomonas spp. apresentaram associação com os níveis maternos de IgG específicos contra esses antígenos e com o diabetes. Os níveis de IgG contra LPS de Klebsiella spp. também foram associados com o peso de nascimento e com hipertensão materna. As taxas de transferência de IgG contra EGB e LPS de Pseudomonas spp. apresentaram correlação com os níveis maternos de IgG específicos contra os antígenos referidos. A taxa de transferência de IgG contra EGB também esteve associada com a idade gestacional do parto, enquanto a taxa de transferência de IgG contra LPS de Pseudomonas spp. apresentou correlação com diabetes. Não houve correlação entre a taxa de transferência de IgG contra a LPS de Klebsiella spp. com nenhum fator analisado. Conclusão: em gestações gemelares, a concentração total de IgG em cordão umbilical foi influenciada pela concentração materna de IgG total, pela idade gestacional do parto e pela corionicidade placentária. As concentrações de IgG total foram significativamente menores em gestações monocoriônicas que em dicoriônicas. As concentrações séricas de IgG contra EGB e LPS de Klebsiella spp. e Pseudomonas spp. em cordão umbilical apresentaram associação com os níveis maternos de IgG específicos contra esses antígenos e com a presença de diabetes. Todos os outros parâmetros estudados apresentaram diferentes associações com as concentrações de IgG e com as taxas de transferências de IgG específicas contra cada antígeno investigado
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a atividade antibacteriana de um extrato aquoso de sementes de açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.), proveniente do Brasil, em isolados clínicos. O extrato revelou atividade antibacteriana em todos os isolados clínicos testados com a exceção de Escherichia coli e de Klebsiella pneumoniae. Os melhores valores de CMIs (concentrações mínimas inibitórias) foram observados para Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA) (0,25 mg/mL), Staphylococcus aureus sensível à meticilina (MSSA), Enterococcus faecalis e Streptococcus agalactiae com um valor de 0,5 mg/mL. O extrato testado parece ser uma opção a explorar no combate de bactérias resistentes.
The bacteriocin class of antimicrobial peptides have emerged as a viable alternative to at least partially fill the void created by the end of the golden age of antibiotic discovery. Along with this potential use in a clinical setting, bacteriocins also play an important role as bio-preservatives in the food industry. This thesis focuses on a specific bacteriocin group, the lantibiotics (Lanthionine-containing antibiotics). Their numerous methods of appliance in a food setting and how their gene-encoded nature can be modified to improve on overall bioactivity and functionality are explored here. The use of a lantibiotic (lacticin 3147) producing starter culture to control the Crohn’s disease-linked pathogen Mycobacterium paratuberculosis was assessed in a raw milk cheese. Although lacticin 3147 production did not effectively control the pathogen, the study provided an impetus to employ a variety of PCR-based mutagenesis techniques with a view to the creation of enhanced lantibiotic derivatives. Through the use of these techniques, a number of enhanced derivatives were generated from the ‘hinge’ region of the nisin peptide. Furthermore, a derivative in which the three hinge amino acids were replaced with three alanines represents the first enhanced derivative of nisin to have been designed through a rational process. This derivative also formed the backbone for the creation of an active, trypsin resistant, variant. Through the employment of further mutagenesis methods a derivative was created with potential use as an oral anti-bacterial in the future. Finally a number of lead nisin derivatives were investigated to assess their anti- Streptococcus agalactiae ability, a mastitis associated pathogen. Also a system was developed to facilitate the large scale production of these candidates, or other nisin derivatives, from dairy substrates.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Veterinárias, Especialidade de Ciências Biológicas e Biomédicas
La infección por estreptococo del grupo B (GBS) es la principal causa de infección bacteriana y mortalidad por sepsis en los recién nacidos. La transmisión hacia el producto se da durante el trabajo de parto, a más de la mortalidad neonatal las secuelas neurológicas son importantes consecuencias de la infección por GBS, por lo tanto la detección y tratamiento oportuno debe realizarse en forma rutinaria. El objetivo de la presente investigación, es detectar la prevalencia de infección por GBS en embarazadas entre 34 a 41 semanas, y los factores que podrían estar asociados a la infección. En el presente estudio la prevalencia encontrada de EGB fue del 15,9. Los factores de riesgo mas importantes encontrados fueron: la edad de 19 a 35 años, el estado civil casada, vivir en medio urbano, la ocupación quehaceres domésticos, el inicio de vida sexual temprana, tener mas de 1 compañero sexual, la multiparidad antecedente de infección urinaria en el embarazo. El hecho de mantener relaciones anales u orales no fue causa significativa de infección de EGB
Background: Le early-onset sepsis (EOS) sono infezioni batteriche invasive definite dalla presenza di batteri nel sangue e/o nel liquor cefalorachidiano che esordiscono nelle prime 72 ore di vita e causano in epoca neonatale mortalità e morbilità importanti. Scopo: Determinare l’eccesso di trattamento antibiotico (Overtreatment index=OI) nei neonati di EG ≥34 settimane con sospetta sepsi ad esordio precoce. Metodi: Tutti i nati dal 1.01.2014 al 31.12.2018 di EG ≥34 settimane presso IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria e l’Ospedale Maggiore di Bologna che hanno ricevuto terapia antibiotica endovenosa nelle prime 168 ore di vita nel sospetto di EOS. Sono stati identificati 2 gruppi: EOS provata (N=7) ed EOS sospetta (N=465). Risultati: L’incidenza di EOS è stata 0.22 su 1000 nati vivi, rispettivamente 0.12/1000 per Streptococcus agalactiae (GBS) e 0.06/1000 per Escherichia coli (E.coli). L’1.75% dei neonati ha ricevuto terapia antimicrobica empirica a largo spettro. L’OI è risultato 68. L’esposizione al trattamento antibiotico nella popolazione è stata di 85 giorni/1000 nati vivi. Tra i fattori di rischio materni, il tampone vagino-rettale (TVR) e l’urinocoltura positiva sono risultati associati al rischio di EOS provata (p=.017, p =.000). I valori di proteina C reattiva (PCR) al T0, T1 e T2 tra i due gruppi sono risultati significativi (p=.000). All’analisi multivariata è stata confermata la significatività delle variabili descritte. (TVR non noto OR=15.1, 95%CI 1.98-115.50, p =.009, urinocoltura positiva OR=30.1, 95%CI 3.6-252.1, p = .002, PCR T0 OR=1.6, 95% CI 1.29-2.07, p = .000.) Conclusioni: L’individuazione precoce di fattori di rischio e la valutazione degli indici di flogosi in neonati sintomatici può ridurre l’OI e la durata della terapia antibiotica in casi di sepsi non confermata. L’uso appropriato degli antibiotici in questa popolazione è particolarmente importante poichè riduce lo sviluppo di germi multiresistenti. Nelle Terapie Intensive Neonatali, i programmi di stewardship antimicrobica dovrebbero guidare la gestione delle sepsi.