948 resultados para Estatuto da Metrópole
Las Empresas Públicas creadas mediante Decreto Ejecutivo se encuadran dentro del Derecho Público y su principal objetivo es el manejo de sectores estratégicos y prestación de servicios públicos. A pesar de la importancia que tiene este tipo de empresas dentro del quehacer diario del Estado en la gestión y administración pública, a éstas tras el pronunciamiento del Procurador General del Estado en el año 2010 (Oficio de Absolución de Consulta No. 00146 de 22 de diciembre de 2010), por no ser parte de la Función Ejecutiva, no les es aplicable el Estatuto del Régimen Jurídico Administrativo de la Función Ejecutiva (ERJAFE), norma de carácter general que regula la Administración Pública, lo que ocasiona que varios ámbitos a ser desarrollados por estas empresas queden desamparados y faltos de normativa, entre ellos los procesos de impugnación de los actos administrativos. La importancia del tema radica en el hecho de que el ERJAFE determina los procesos administrativos fundamentales, entre los que se encuentran los procesos de impugnación de actos administrativos, para el correcto desenvolvimiento de la Administración Pública, por lo que la imposibilidad de aplicar esta normativa es crítica y genera inseguridad, tanto para las Empresas Públicas como para sus administrados. Este trabajo busca realizar un análisis de la problemática que aqueja a las Empresas Públicas creadas mediante Decreto Ejecutivo, al momento de atender los procesos de impugnación de los actos administrativos, por la imposibilidad de aplicar el ERJAFE y por no contar con una norma supletoria que subsane este vacío legal, traduciéndose así en inseguridad jurídica para los administrados.
O trabalho tem como temática o processo de implementação das transformações legais realizadas a partir da promulgação do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), em 1990. Especificamente, investiga a nova configuração dos aparatos de atenção jurídico-estatais para os “adolescentes em conflito com a lei” no Rio Grande do Sul, a partir do estudo da implantação das novas políticas sócio-educativas. A pesquisa destaca, desde uma perspectiva antropológica, os modos pelos quais a transformação de princípios é dinamizada em práticas diversas, institucionalizada no seio de entidades específicas e entendida por seus protagonistas privilegiados: os agentes jurídico-estatais, na interface de seus relacionamentos com os adolescentes, familiares e/ou responsáveis.
Seminário realizado no dia 26 de setembro de 2001, para debater a legislação existente sobre as organizações não-governamentais que atendem a interesses públicos.
José Maia
The metropolitan regions of Northeast Brazil are being gradually included in a scenario of international investments, which are motivated by the restructuring of both touristic and real-estate sectors. The new capital, real-estate developers and space configurations that result from this process indicate the need for the creation and implementation of public tools which should, at least, allow the mitigation of the urban impacts and environmental losses resulting from this situation. The effects on landscape and on the socio-spatial configuration result from the intensification caused by the dynamism of the "real estate-tourism" sector. There is a regional integration as an expression of the urban expansion of the metropolitan area of Natal. This study investigates the uniqueness of the restructuring and territorial integration of coastal areas and the strategies of the circuit of capital accumulation formed by linking the real estate to tourism. It is intended to increase the understanding about the strategies of tourism, real estate and public policy agents involved in this territorial reconfiguration and in the fund-raising needed for the investments, to understand the existing social and environmental effects and their future trends and also to understand the forms of spatial production as results from the practices of approaching the land transformation and the tourism valorization of the landscape, in a synchronous manner, first in the Northeast region and, as a focal study, in the Metropolitan Area of Natal. Likewise, it is intended to apprehend the current processes of metropolization of the eastern coast of Rio Grande do Norte, in addition to indicate its physical-territorial transformation and the types of projects/developments promoted by the market in the recent period. Based upon analysis undertaken for the Metropolitan Region of Natal RN, this piece of work presents some considerations on possible legal instruments that can be adjusted to the municipalities which are experiencing the impact of this peculiar and recent phenomenon in the region, caused by the arrival of the real estate-touristic capital. It is also intended to point out basic proposals to the forms of public intervention, in a speculative way, starting from a Metropolitan Planning project within a medium and long term
Um envelhecer saudável compreende fundamentalmente, o atendimento de necessidades que vão além da manutenção de um bom estado de saúde física. Faz-se necessário valorizar o idoso como pessoa socialmente útil, favorecendo, direta e indiretamente, o idoso, a família e comunidade para o alcance de um estilo de vida desejável. Pautando-se nessas reflexões, a partir da importância de um estudo em que se procure avaliar até que ponto, segmentos da sociedade e o próprio idoso, conhecem os direitos deste, e com isto, procurar pontuar conceitos de cidadania, vinculando os idosos a essas práticas, tendo como ponto de partida neste estudo, a saúde, como prática muito questionada no cotidiano. Este estudo, portanto, tem como objetivo verificar o conhecimento de estudantes universitários sobre os direitos do idoso no que se refere à saúde, contemplados no Estatuto do Idoso e explorar os direitos do idoso no âmbito da saúde na concepção de estudantes universitários. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório descritivo, numa abordagem qualitativa, centrando-se na análise dos aspectos legais (jurídicos) sobre o conhecimento dos direitos do idoso no âmbito da saúde pelos estudantes e sua implicação na prática da cidadania. O estudo foi realizado na cidade de João Pessoa - Pb, estudantes universitários de diferentes cursos do Campus I da Universidade Federal da Paraiba. O instrumento utilizado para coleta de dados foi uma entrevista semi-estruturada. Os coletados foram qualitativamente, explorando-se as falas dos sujeitos, utilizando-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo temática categorial. Os resultados encontram-se apresentados em quadros e temas. A partir de diferentes artigos realizados no decorrer do curso. Diante da expressividade dos resultados encontrados nesta pesquisa, é possível afirmar que os estudantes universitários ainda conhecem pouco o direito dos idosos, em particular, no campo da saúde, mesmo os estudantes da referida área. No contexto interdisciplinar este estudo sugere ações dirigidas à população do estudo propiciando pesquisas com maior impacto na mídia dirigida tanto aos idosos como a sociedade em geral
The main goal of this work is to verify the presence of the principle of human dignity, determined by the Constitution of 1988, when Socio Educational Acts from the Statute of Children and adolescent were put in practice, focusing on the treatment designated to the youth whose acts were against the law in the city of Natal, as well as the difficulties to match the legal texts and its reality. It is common knowledge that the law for children and adolescent was based in the principle of human dignity, for its institutes say so. But would the Law match the practice of Socio Educational Acts? Or this law would be an example of good intentions that never left the paper and became reality? First there is an approach on the human dignity principle, with its definition and limitation, according to a theory about the theme. Afterwards it is made a connection between human rights and the principle of human dignity considering historical and social features, for the law is also a reflect of these transformations, we try to show the different laws the country had until today, concerning the children inflicted by poverty and those whose acts were against the law, since the rodas dos expostos, the phase of irregular situation, in which the children were arrested simply because they were beggars, until present time. The theory aspects are shown beside a field research made with the adolescent and staff from CEDUC/Natal, producing a critical view about the subject and showing some solutions for the problems found. At last, it is made a critical analyses of the problems detected on the field research, and, in some cases, a suggestion is given to change the reality
Este trabalho tem como objetivo mostrar como o processo de conhecimento traduz-se numa estrutura triádica, cuja característica não pode prescindir da temporalidade e de seu aspecto social. de outra forma, conforme o dualismo subjacente nas teorias tradicionais, a esfera do conhecimento tornar-se-ia limitada pela inevitabilidade do recurso à coisa-em-si.
This study deals with cognitive competences and abilities that are relevant to selection and education regarding Information Technology (IT). These competences relate to problem solving, decision making, and practical intelligence that regard scholar and extracurricular knowledge mobilization. The research aimed to contribute for the improvement of a selection instrument, consisting of five arrays of skills (dealing with objectives and prospection), as well as the development and comprehension of those skills that are involved in IT education. This is done by means of an analysis on the selection instrument used in the first selective process that occurred at Metropole Digital an Institute at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil. This was evaluated aiming to acknowledge IT education (with basic training and emphasis on Web programming and electronics). The methodology used was of quantitative method involving performance scores relating education delivery. An Anova analysis of variance was done along with descriptive analysis involving socioeconomic data that was not observed in the meaningful relations between parental instruction and student performance in the graduate course. These analyses were able to point out the importance and need of the policies for vacancy reservation on behalf of public school students. A Spearman correlation analysis was done considering the instrument selection performance in the training course. The instrument is presented as a predictor that is significantly moderate and presents a good performance in the course as a whole. A Cluster and Regression analysis was also realized in the process. The first analysis allowed finding performance groups (Clusters) that ranged from medium and inferior. The regression analysis was able to point out association amongst criterion variables and the (average performance in basic and advanced modules) and explanatory (five matrixes). Regression analysis indicated that matrix 1 and matrix 3 were pointed out as being the strongest ones. In all the above analysis, the correlation between the instrument and the course was considered moderate. Thus this can be related in some of the aspects present in the course such as emphasis on evaluation itself as well as in technical contents and practical skills (educational ones) and competences and selection skills. It is known that the mediation of technological artifact in cultural context can foster the development of skills and abilities relevant to IT training. This study provides subsidies to reflect on the adoption of selection instrument and IT training in the Institute. Thus the research offers means to achieve a interdisciplinary discussion and enriching of areas such as Psychology and Information Technology; all of which regarding competencies and skills relevant in IT training
The work however presented try to make an analysis of the relation urban-agricultural in the context of the process of metropolization of Natal. On the basis of this approach searched to argue the estruturation of the Brazilian urban space and the relation with the agricultural one, evidencing an academic debate little contemplated, in view of that the space transformations guided by Brazilian industrialization had earned as endorsement a mere urban direction, fact that neglected factors more complex than they for the urban-agricultural relation in the context of the urbanization and, more recently, of the metropolization. Another important factor in the construction of the work was the contextualization of the urbanization of the Rio Grande do Norte, as well as of the metropolization of Natal, where if the significant presence of an agricultural reality made an analysis of the configuration metropolitan in the present time displaying that also remains and reproduces the metropolis, fact that conditions and justifies the treatment of the reality metropolitan for the bias of the urban-agricultural relation. The approach of this relation was directed for the agricultural nestings of the Region Metropolitan of Natal (RMN), understood as fragments agricultural in the context of the metropolis, in view of that a tenuous correspondence of these nestings with the metropolis in the direction of its integration was observed. As methodology one used bibliographical survey in periodic and books and collected secondary data-collecting next to the IBGE and to the INCRA and still were directed a field research where interviews next to the seated ones had been carried through. In this direction, one evidenced that the metropolization also absorbs and even though it reproduces the ruralidade that if verifies in the RMN finishing for mining the idea of an urban one that it excludes the agricultural one. In the case of the RMN, we have agricultural and the urban one exactly if conforming in one space that is metropolitan
Raciocinando no contexto do programa neomecanicista para a Biologia, estudamos a natureza do processamento de informação no sistema vivo em geral, e no cérebro humano em particular, onde uma aplicação do modelo da Auto-Organização nos conduz à hipótese do Supercódigo. Este seria um programa mental, molecularmente codificado, responsável pelas competências inatas, como a competência lingüística. Fazemos também uma comparação entre nossa hipótese e a da Linguagem do Pensamento, proposta por Jerry Fodor.
Notre intention est montrer comment les conceptions médicales de Descartes, disséminées dans ses oeuvres et dans sa correspondance, se sont constituées a partir de deux questions fondamentales posées par le philosophe: 1 - comment fonctionne-t-il notre organisme; 2 - quel est-t-il la nature du corps animal et, en particulier, du corps humain.