976 resultados para Esophageal motility
BACKGROUND: Trophoblast invasion is a temporally and spatially regulated scheme of events that can dictate pregnancy outcome. Evidence suggests that the potent mitogen epidermal growth factor (EGF) regulates cytotrophoblast (CTB) differentiation and invasion during early pregnancy. METHODS AND RESULTS: In the present study, the first trimester extravillous CTB cell line SGHPL-4 was used to investigate the signalling pathways involved in the motile component of EGF-mediated CTB migration/invasion. EGF induced the phosphorylation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K)-dependent proteins, Akt and GSK-3β as well as both p42/44 MAPK and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK). EGF-stimulated motility was significantly reduced following the inhibition of PI3-K (P < 0.001), Akt (P < 0.01) and both p42/44 MAPK (P < 0.001) and p38 MAPKs (P < 0.001) but not the inhibition of GSK-3β. Further analysis indicated that the p38 MAPK inhibitor SB 203580 inhibited EGF-stimulated phosphorylation of Akt on serine 473, which may be responsible for the effect SB 203580 has on CTB motility. Although Akt activation leads to GSK-3β phosphorylation and the subsequent expression of β-catenin, activation of this pathway by 1-azakenpaullone was insufficient to stimulate the motile phenotype. CONCLUSION: We demonstrate a role for PI3-K, p42/44 MAPK and p38 MAPK in the stimulation of CTB cell motility by EGF, however activation of β-catenin alone was insufficient to stimulate cell motility.
Purpose: To assess the effect of hyaluronidase on eye and eyelid movements when used as an adjunct in sub-Tenon's anaesthesia. Methods: A total of 60 patients who had sub-Tenon's anaesthesia prior to phacoemulsification surgery were divided into two equal groups in a double-masked randomised controlled fashion. Of these, Group A had 4 ml lignocaine 2%, while Group B had 4ml lignocaine 2% with the addition of sodium hyaluronidase 75 IU/ml. Ocular motility, levator, and orbicularis oculi function were measured in all patients at 5 and 8 min. Levator function was scored from 0 (no function) to 3 (complete function) while orbicularis function was scored from 0 to 2. The score for ocular motility was the sum in four positions of gaze, each position scoring from 0 to 2. Results were compared using a nonparametric test. Results Group B achieved significantly better ocular and lid akinesia than Group A both at 5 and 8 min with P < 0.01. The median scores for levator function at 5 and 8 min were 2 for Group A and 0 for Group B. For orbicularis function, the median scores at both time intervals were 2 for Group A and 1 for Group B. For ocular motility, the median score for Group A at 5 min was 3 and at 8 min was 2.5; for Group B at 5 min was 0.5 and at 8 min was 0. Conclusions: The addition of hyaluronidase in sub-Tenon's anaesthesia has a significant effect in improving ocular and lid (levator and orbicularis) akinesia.
Avian intestinal spirochetosis (AIS) results from the colonization of the ceca and colorectum of poultry by pathogenic Brachyspira species. The number of cases of AIS has increased since the 2006 European Union ban on the use of antibiotic growth promoters, which, together with emerging antimicrobial resistance in Brachyspira, has driven renewed interest in alternative intervention strategies. Probiotics have been reported as protecting livestock against infection with common enteric pathogens, and here we investigate which aspects of the biology of Brachyspira they antagonize in order to identify possible interventions against AIS. The cell-free supernatants (CFS) of two Lactobacillus strains, Lactobacillus reuteri LM1 and Lactobacillus salivarius LM2, suppressed the growth of Brachyspira pilosicoli B2904 in a pH-dependent manner. In in vitro adherence and invasion assays with HT29-16E three-dimensional (3D) cells and in a novel avian cecal in vitro organ culture (IVOC) model, the adherence and invasion of B. pilosicoli in epithelial cells were reduced significantly by the presence of lactobacilli (P < 0.001). In addition, live and heat-inactivated lactobacilli inhibited the motility of B. pilosicoli, and electron microscopic observations indicated that contact between the lactobacilli and Brachyspira was crucial in inhibiting both adherence and motility. These data suggest that motility is essential for B. pilosicoli to adhere to and invade the gut epithelium and that any interference of motility may be a useful tool for the development of control strategies.
A spontaneous high hydrostatic pressure (HHP)-tolerant mutant of Listeria monocytogenes ScottA, named AK01, was isolated previously. This mutant was immotile and showed increased resistance to heat, acid and H2O2 compared with the wild type (wt) (Karatzas, K.A.G. and Bennik, M.H.J. 2002 Appl Environ Microbiol 68: 3183–3189). In this study, we conclusively linked the increased HHP and stress tolerance of strain AK01 to a single codon deletion in ctsR (class three stress gene repressor) in a region encoding a highly conserved glycine repeat. CtsR negatively regulates the expression of the clp genes, including clpP, clpE and the clpC operon (encompassing ctsR itself), which belong to the class III heat shock genes. Allelic replacement of the ctsR gene in the wt background with the mutant ctsR gene, designated ctsRΔGly, rendered mutants with phenotypes and protein expression profiles identical to those of strain AK01. The expression levels of CtsR, ClpC and ClpP proteins were significantly higher in ctsRΔGly mutants than in the wt strain, indicative of the CtsRΔGly protein being inactive. Further evidence that the CtsRΔGly protein lacks its repressor function came from the finding that the Clp proteins in the mutant were not further induced upon heat shock, and that HHP tolerance of a ctsR deletion strain was as high as that of a ctsRΔGly mutant. The high HHP tolerance possibly results from the increased expression of the clp genes in the absence of (active) CtsR repressor. Importantly, the strains expressing CtsRΔGly show significantly attenuated virulence compared with the wt strain; however, no indication of disregulation of PrfA in the mutant strains was found. Our data highlight an important regulatory role of the glycine-rich region of CtsR in stress resistance and virulence.
Food security depends on enhancing production and reducing loss to pests and pathogens. A promising alternative to agrochemicals is the use of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), which are commonly associated with many, if not all, plant species. However, exploiting the benefits of PGPRs requires knowledge of bacterial function and an in-depth understanding of plant-bacteria associations. Motility is important for colonization efficiency and microbial fitness in the plant environment, but the mechanisms employed by bacteria on and around plants are not well understood. We describe and investigate an atypical mode of motility in Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 that was revealed only after flagellum production was eliminated by deletion of the master regulator fleQ. Our results suggest that this ‘spidery spreading’ is a type of surface motility. Transposon mutagenesis of SBW25ΔfleQ (SBW25Q) produced mutants, defective in viscosin production, and surface spreading was also abolished. Genetic analysis indicated growth-dependency, production of viscosin, and several potential regulatory and secretory systems involved in the spidery spreading phenotype. Moreover, viscosin both increases efficiency of surface spreading over the plant root and protects germinating seedlings in soil infected with the plant pathogen Pythium. Thus, viscosin could be a useful target for biotechnological development of plant growth promotion agents.
Dispersal provides the opportunity to escape harm and colonize new patches, enabling populations to expand and persist. However, the benefits of dispersal associated with escaping harm will be dependent on the structure of the environment and the likelihood of escape. Here, we empirically investigate how the spatial distribution of a parasite influences the evolution of host dispersal. Bacteriophages are a strong and common threat for bacteria in natural environments and offer a good system with which to explore parasite-mediated selection on host dispersal. We used two transposon mutants of the opportunistic bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which varied in their motility (a disperser and a nondisperser), and the lytic bacteriophage ФKZ. The phage was distributed either in the central point of colony inoculation only, thus offering an escape route for the dispersing bacteria; or, present throughout the agar, where benefits of dispersal might be lost. Surprisingly, we found dispersal to be equally advantageous under both phage conditions relative to when phages were absent. A general explanation is that dispersal decreased the spatial structuring of host population, reducing opportunities for parasite transmission, but other more idiosyncratic mechanisms may also have contributed. This study highlights the crucial role the parasites can play on the evolution of dispersal and, more specifically, that bacteriophages, which are ubiquitous, are likely to select for bacterial motility.
Resistance of bacteria to phages may be gained by alteration of surface proteins to which phages bind, a mechanism that is likely to be costly as these molecules typically have critical functions such as movement or nutrient uptake. To address this potential trade-off, we combine a systematic study of natural bacteria and phage populations with an experimental evolution approach. We compare motility, growth rate and susceptibility to local phages for 80 bacteria isolated from horse chestnut leaves and, contrary to expectation, find no negative association between resistance to phages and bacterial motility or growth rate. However, because correlational patterns (and their absence) are open to numerous interpretations, we test for any causal association between resistance to phages and bacterial motility using experimental evolution of a subset of bacteria in both the presence and absence of naturally associated phages. Again, we find no clear link between the acquisition of resistance and bacterial motility, suggesting that for these natural bacterial populations, phage-mediated selection is unlikely to shape bacterial motility, a key fitness trait for many bacteria in the phyllosphere. The agreement between the observed natural pattern and the experimental evolution results presented here demonstrates the power of this combined approach for testing evolutionary trade-offs.
A central process in evolution is the recruitment of genes to regulatory networks. We engineered immotile strains of the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens that lack flagella due to deletion of the regulatory gene fleQ. Under strong selection for motility, these bacteria consistently regained flagella within 96 hours via a two-step evolutionary pathway. Step 1 mutations increase intracellular levels of phosphorylated NtrC, a distant homologue of FleQ, which begins to commandeer control of the fleQ regulon at the cost of disrupting nitrogen uptake and assimilation. Step 2 is a switch-of-function mutation that redirects NtrC away from nitrogen uptake and towards its novel function as a flagellar regulator. Our results demonstrate that natural selection can rapidly rewire regulatory networks in very few, repeatable mutational steps.
Dictyostelium is a popular experimental organism, in particular for studies of actin dynamics, cell motility and chemotaxis. We find that the motility of axenic cells is unexpectedly different from other strains during growth. In particular, vegetative AX3 cells do not show detectable localisation of SCAR and its regulatory complex to actin-rich protrusions such as filopodia and pseudopodia. Similarly, a range of different mutations, in particular knockouts of members of the SCAR complex and Ras proteins, cause different phenotypes during vegetative growth in different parental strains. Development reverses this unusual behaviour; aggregation-competent AX3 cells localise SCAR in the same way as cells of other strains and species. Studies on cell motility using vegetative cells should therefore be interpreted with caution.
Radial glia in the developing optic tectum express the key guidance molecules responsible for topographic targeting of retinal axons. However, the extent to which the radial glia are themselves influenced by retinal inputs and visual experience remains unknown. Using multiphoton live imaging of radial glia in the optic tectum of intact Xenopus laevis tadpoles in conjunction with manipulations of neural activity and sensory stimuli, radial glia were observed to exhibit spontaneous calcium transients that were modulated by visual stimulation. Structurally, radial glia extended and retracted many filopodial processes within the tectal neuropil over minutes. These processes interacted with retinotectal synapses and their motility was modulated by nitric oxide (NO) signaling downstream of neuronal NMDA receptor (NMDAR) activation and visual stimulation. These findings provide the first in vivo demonstration that radial glia actively respond both structurally and functionally to neural activity, via NMDAR-dependent NO release during the period of retinal axon ingrowth.
Xylella fastidiosa is an important phytopathogenic bacterium that causes many serious plant diseases, including Pierce`s disease of grapevines. Disease manifestation by X. fastidiosa is associated with the expression of several factors, including the type IV pili that are required for twitching motility. We provide evidence that an operon, named Pil-Chp, with genes homologous to those found in chemotaxis systems, regulates twitching motility. Transposon insertion into the pilL gene of the operon resulted in loss of twitching motility (pilL is homologous to cheA genes encoding kinases). The X. fastidiosa mutant maintained the type IV pili, indicating that the disrupted pilL or downstream operon genes are involved in pili function, and not biogenesis. The mutated X. fastidiosa produced less biofilm than wild-type cells, indicating that the operon contributes to biofilm formation. Finally, in planta the mutant produced delayed and less severe disease, indicating that the Pil-Chp operon contributes to the virulence of X. fastidiosa, presumably through its role in twitching motility.
XIXA doença do refluxo gastroesofágico (DRGE) comumente afeta o esôfago e provavelmente é a condição mais prevalente no segmento alto do trato gastrointestinal, acometendo entre 5 e 45% da população ocidental. A terapêutica atual para essa doença além de medidas gerais e dietéticas, inclui tratamento farmacológico e/ou cirurgia. Ambos podem ser eficazes, mas apresentam elevado custo financeiro. O tratamento com fármacos pode apresentar baixa aderência medicamentosa e a cirurgia tem baixa, mas não desprezível, morbidade e mortalidade. Idealmente o tratamento da DRGE deveria ser eficaz, com baixo risco e com baixo custo. Objetivos: 1. Desenvolver um modelo experimental em suínos para o estudo do Refluxo Gastroesofágico através da Pressão e do Volume de Vazão Gástricos; 2. Avaliar a eficácia do implante endoscópico de PMMA ao nível do Esfíncter Esofágico Inferior (EEI) para aumentar a Pressão de Vazão Gástrica, o Volume de Vazão Gástrico e a Pressão Basal do EEI; 3. Descrever as reações histológicas associadas ao implante de PMMA. Material e Métodos: Suínos da raça Large White, do sexo feminino com 8 semanas de vida foram estudados no experimento. Foi realizada manometria do esfíncter esofágico inferior com registro da pressão basal com cateter de perfusão com água e técnica de retirada lenta. Calculou-se, também, a extensão do EEI. Após, gastrostomia era realizada com colocação intragástrica da extremidade distal de uma sonda de Foley com três vias e um cateter de pHmetria esofágica introduzido via oral com o sensor distal posicionado 5 cm acima do bordo superior de esfíncter esofágico inferior. Iniciava-se, XXentão, a infusão contínua no estômago de uma solução de HCl a 0,02N com medida e registro simultâneos da Pressão e do Volume de Vazão Gástricos e do pH esofágico. Definiu-se a Pressão de Vazão Gástrica (PVG) e o Volume de Vazão Gástrico quando houve brusca e sustentada acidificação do esôfago distal (pH<3). Após, introduzia-se um tubo metálico (Tubo Introdutor ou TI) via oral e, em seguida, o endoscópio, seguindo ambos até o esôfago distal. Cateter de nylon com agulha calibre 16 era introduzido pelo tubo introdutor e o PMMA implantado na área correspondente ao EEI com uma pistola dosadora volumétrica que permitia a injeção de volumes prédeterminados em 3 ou 4 pontos da submucosa (total por ponto = 0,73 ml de PMMA). As medidas de PVG, VVG e pressão basal do EEI foram repetidas após 28 dias, sacrificando-se os animais e removendo-se esôfago médio e distal, junção esofagogástrica, fundo e corpo gástricos para estudo histológico. Previamente ao experimento, três projetos pilotos foram desenvolvidos. O primeiro designado como “Projeto Piloto: Refluxo Gastroesofágico por pHmetria de 24H” (RGE 24H) buscou a via de acesso transnasal para registro de pHmetria por 24 horas. No segundo, designado “Projeto Piloto: Esofagostomia”, para confirmação de refluxo gastroesofágico espontâneo em suínos da raça Large White, utilizou-se anestesia com associação de tiletamina 125 mg e zolazepam 125 mg em combinação com um sedativo, a xilazina a 2% . A pHmetria foi mantida por 24 horas. Os dados descritos por Kadirkamanathan et al. não foram reproduzidos no nosso laboratório. Optou-se então pela realização de um terceiro projeto, “Projeto Piloto: Gastrostomia” para induzir refluxo gastroesofágico através de um modelo experimental e testar a reprodutibilidade da Pressão de Vazão Gástrica. Obteve-se sucesso. Resultados: Trinta e sete animais foram estudados em 60 intervenções no Laboratório de motilidade experimental. O projeto piloto “RGE:24h” foi abandonado após perda de 5 animais pela anestesia com halotano e, solucionada esta questão, a sistemática infecção do tecido celular subcutâneo nasal, dificultando a manutenção do cateter de phmetria em outros 5 animais. No “Projeto Piloto: Esofagostomia”, em cinco animais estudados (cada animal em duas ocasiões diferentes) não se reproduziram os achados de refluxo espontâneo. No terceiro projeto “Projeto Piloto: Gastrostomia” quatro animais foram estudados em dois momentos diferentes obtendo-se sucesso e reprodutibilidade XXIdos dados. Criado o modelo experimental, quatorze suínos foram submetidos ao experimento com implante endoscópico de PMMA com os seguintes resultados: A média dos pesos com 8 semanas de idade foi 14,98 ± 2,43 e 28 dias após o implante, 20,26 ± 3,68. O ganho ponderal foi considerado normal para a espécie. A Pressão de Vazão Gástrica média no dia 1 foi 8,08 mmHg e no dia 28, 10,69mmHg (Teste t de Student: t = 2,72 gl = 13 p = 0,017). Os Volumes de Vazão Gástricos médios foram: 392,86 ml para o dia 1 e 996,71 ml no dia 28 (teste t de Student: t = 11,66 gl = 13 p< 0,001). A Pressão Basal do EEI e o comprimento do esfíncter, não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. PMMA foi identificado como depósitos de grandes vacúolos no tecido intersticial ao exame histológico da junção esofagogástrica associado a histiócitos, plasmócitos e presença de células gigantes tipo Langhans indicando reação tecidual de corpo estranho em todos os animais. Fibrose e macrófagos com vacúolos intracelulares estiveram presentes em menor freqüência. Conclusões: 1. O modelo experimental, em suínos, desenvolvido viabilizou o estudo do Refluxo Gastroesofágico através da Pressão de Vazão Gástrica e Volume de Vazão Gástrico; 2. O implante de PMMA, no presente estudo, aumentou a Pressão de Vazão e o Volume de Vazão Gástricos, mas não a Pressão Basal do EEI, nem tampouco aumentou o seu comprimento; 3. Depósito de PMMA implantado e evidência de processo inflamatório crônico e reação tecidual de corpo estranho foi encontrada no local do implante de PMMA. Macrófagos com vacúolos intracelulares e fibrose foram encontrados com menos freqüência.
A ingestão de substâncias cáusticas constitui importante situação de emergência, tendo em vista a gravidade de suas seqüelas. OBJETIVO: Estudar as alterações morfológicas e funcionais do esôfago de coelhos submetidos à infusão esofágica com soda cáustica (NaOH). MÉTODOS: 88 coelhos foram divididos em 4 grupos: G1 (n=22) foi submetido à infusão esofágica com água destilada; G2, G3 e G4 foram submetidos a infusão esofágica com NaOH a 2%, 4% e 6%, respectivamente. Alterações morfológicas foram estudadas em 12 animais de cada grupo e as alterações manométricas, nos 10 animais restantes. Foram feitas análises do esfíncter inferior do esôfago (EIE), número e amplitude das contrações no terço distal do esôfago. Estes estudos foram realizados antes (momento 1 - M1) e aos 30 minutos, 6 horas e 24 horas após a infusão esofágica (momentos M2, M3 e M4, respectivamente). RESULTADOS: Avaliação macroscópica: G1 - sem alterações; G2 - edema, hiperemia e descamação; G3 - aumento do calibre do esôfago, úlceras, descamação da mucosa; G4 - lesões semelhantes as do G3, porém mais intensas, áreas de extensa hemorragia. Avaliação funcional: a pressão no EIE foi mais elevada em M2 no grupo 2; o número das contrações no terço distal do esôfago foi menor em G3 e G4, e a amplitude das contrações foi menor em G4. CONCLUSÕES: 1) a infusão esofágica com NaOH constitui excelente modelo experimental de esofagite cáustica no coelho; 2) a infusão esofágica com NaOH causa lesões na parede do esôfago, com gravidade proporcional a concentração da solução; 3) a infusão causou espasmo do EIE em M2 e redução do número e amplitude das contrações no terço distal do esôfago.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy of surgical treatment for esophageal perforation. METHODS: A systematic review of the literature was performed. We conducted a search strategy in the main electronic databases such as PubMed, Embase and Lilacs to identify all case series. RESULTS: Thirty three case series met the inclusion criteria with a total of 1417 participants. The predominant etiology was iatrogenic (54.2%) followed by spontaneous cause (20.4%) and in 66.1% the localization was thoracic. In 65.4% and 33.4% surgical and conservative therapy, respectively, was considered the first choice. There was a statistically significance different with regards mortality rate favoring the surgical group (16.3%) versus conservative treatment (21.2%) (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Surgical treatment was more effective and safe than conservative treatment concerning mortality rates, although the possibility of bias due to clinical and methodological heterogeneity among the included studies and the level of evidence that cannot be ruled out.