568 resultados para Erasmus Rotterdamilainen
In ensuring the quality of learning and teaching in Higher Education, self-evaluation is an important component of the process. An example would be the approach taken within the CDIO community whereby self-evaluation against the CDIO standards is part of the quality assurance process. Eight European universities (Reykjavik University, Iceland; Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland; Aarhus University, Denmark; Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland; Ume? University, Sweden; Telecom Bretagne, France; Aston University, United Kingdom; Queens University Belfast, United Kingdom) are engaged in an EU funded Erasmus + project that is exploring the quality assurance process associated with active learning. The development of a new self-evaluation framework that feeds into a ?Marketplace? where participating institutions can be paired up and then engage in peer evaluations and sharing around each institutions approach to and implementation of active learning. All of the partner institutions are engaged in the application of CDIO within their engineering programmes and this has provided a common starting point for the partnership to form and the project to be developed. Although the initial focus will be CDIO, the longer term aim is that the approach could be of value beyond CDIO and within other disciplines. The focus of this paper is the process by which the self-evaluation framework is being developed and the form of the draft framework. In today?s Higher Education environment, the need to comply with Quality Assurance standards is an ever present feature of programme development and review. When engaging in a project that spans several countries, the wealth of applicable standards and guidelines is significant. In working towards the development of a robust Self Evaluation Framework for this project, the project team decided to take a wide view of the available resources to ensure a full consideration of different requirements and practices. The approach to developing the framework considered: a) institutional standards and processes b) national standards and processes e.g. QAA in the UK c) documents relating to regional / global accreditation schemes e.g. ABET d) requirements / guidelines relating to particular learning and teaching frameworks e.g. CDIO. The resulting draft self-evaluation framework is to be implemented within the project team to start with to support the initial ?Marketplace? pairing process. Following this initial work, changes will be considered before a final version is made available as part of the project outputs. Particular consideration has been paid to the extent of the framework, as a key objective of the project is to ensure that the approach to quality assurance has impact but is not overly demanding in terms of time or paperwork. In other words that it is focused on action and value added to staff, students and the programmes being considered.
La planificación y puesta en marcha del 2014-15 Erasmus+ EU Prácticas para los estudiantes del Grado Bilingüe de Educación Primaria fue un reto para los tutores de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Educación. Dentro de este proyecto es importante la labor desempeñada por el profesor tutor de la UCM que ha tenido que llevar a cabo una estrecha supervisión de los estudiantes a distancia, orientada sobre todo a fomentar la reflexión crítica sobre el propio proceso de aprendizaje. De esta manera pretende contribuir al desarrollo de un programa de prácticas docentes internacionales, que se espera tenga una continuidad en los próximos cursos académicos. Para ello se analizó los beneficios que la realización del periodo de prácticas en el extranjero reporta a los estudiantes, para detectar sus necesidades reales, con los posibles problemas que puedan surgir y sus causas, y además crear a partir de ello un modelo de Prácticum que se ajuste a los nuevos retos a los que deberán enfrentarse nuestros alumnos como futuros docentes dentro de un contexto global y multi-cultural.
With the evolution of nowadays knowledge-based economies, the labour class becomes more competitive. As a way of getting skills that bring benefits to their careers, university students take advantage of the many opportunities available and go abroad to study. This study develops and empirically tests a structural model that examines the antecedents that influence the decision-making process of an Erasmus student under mobility for studies (EMS) in Aveiro, Coimbra and Porto (2014-2015). Reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis and linear regressions were used to evaluate the model. Based on a survey with a sample of 872 valid responses, this study has demonstrated that EMS students are also influenced by touristic factors, which gives support to what has recently been approached by other authors. Conclusions and suggestions can be applied by other organizations, mainly Higher Education Institutions in order to attract more EMS students.
El objetivo de esta comunicación es dar a conocer el proyecto ERASMUS+ Inside out- Outside In- Building bridges in teacher education through encounters with diversity en el que participan ocho instituciones europeas de formación de profesores de Alemania, Austria, España, Estonia, Finlandia, Hungría, Reino Unido y Suecia, que es la coordinadora. Uno de los retos que deben afrontar los sistemas educativos en el futuro inmediato es sin duda la diversidad cultural del alumnado, en sentido amplio, ya que consideramos que esa diversidad no viene dada sólo por la lengua, procedencia, religión o etnia del alumnado, sino también por las expectativas y valores con que se enfrentan a la educación. Esos diferentes valores están en la base de gran parte del abandono escolar temprano, cuya reducción es uno de los objetivos que se ha marcado la Unión Europea. Esa tasa es en España la más alta de Europa, aunque con enormes diferencias de unas Comunidades Autónomas a otras. Los movimientos migratorios de población de dentro y fuera de la Unión Europea, unidos a la llegada de refugiados, están cambiando la fisonomía de nuestras aulas y exigen de todos los que nos dedicamos a la docencia en todos los niveles cambios para responder a las nuevas demandas. Los conceptos de arraigo y desarraigo (insideness and outsideness) son básicos por sus implicaciones en la creación de espacios de aprendizaje que se reconozcan como tales y que puedan serlo realmente; además, implican romper las fronteras entre educación formal y no formal de forma que cualquier momento y cualquier espacio puedan convertirse en espacios y tiempos educativos.
Erasmus Mundus es un programa de cooperación y movilidad en el ámbito de educación superior que tiene como objetivo mejorar la calidad de la educación superior entre Europa y Latinoamérica.
Il contenuto della tesi è incentrato sul processo di adattamento che lo studente Erasmus assume al momento dell'entrata in contatto con una cultura e dei valori diversi dai propri. L’elaborato si basa sul pensiero di Berry, che ha posto l'attenzione sull'inevitabile processo di adattamento dello studente e studiato strategie con le quali quest'ultimo può confrontarsi alla diversità. Nel primo capitolo si è dapprima analizzato il fenomeno della globalizzazione e il modo in cui la società attuale si adopera ogni giorno per prendere parte al processo di trasformazione, per poi porre l'attenzione sull'università di Bologna e sui progetti di scambio che quest'ultima propone. Nel secondo capitolo si è presentata la struttura dell’intervista sottoposta a cinque studentesse Erasmus outgoing del terzo anno del corso di laurea in Mediazione Linguistica Interculturale di Forlì al fine di far emergere i dettagli principali di quanto vissuto all'estero. Nel terzo e ultimo capitolo si sono analizzati i risultati delle interviste, mettendo in relazione la teoria e la pratica. Alla luce del pensiero di Berry, si è verificato come la realtà sia strettamente relazionata con gli elementi trattati dal sociologo e come le funzionalità delle strategie di adattamento possano essere applicabili a diverse esperienze di scambio all'estero.
Mutations in the Grb10-interacting GYF protein 2 (GIGYF2) gene, within the PARK11 locus, have been nominated as a cause of Parkinson`s disease in Italian and French populations. By sequencing the whole GIGYF2 coding region in forty-six probands (thirty-seven Italians) with familial Parkinson`s disease compatible with an autosomal dominant inheritance, we identified no mutations. Our data add to a growing body of evidence suggesting that GIGYF2 mutations are not a frequent cause of PD. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Galectin-3 (Gal-3) is a member of the P-galactoside-binding lectins family and has been implicated in angiogenesis, tumor invasion, and metastatic process in vitro and in vivo. As we showed recently that advanced melanoma patients presented high serum level of Gal-3, we investigated the association of this protein with the outcome of melanoma patients. Whether this protein could be a biomarker has riot been assessed, and we compared the prognostic value of serum Gal-3 in multivariate analysis with lactate dehydrogenase, C-reactive protein and S100B. We conclude that Gal-3 could be of prognostic value in melanoma patients; more precisely, this protein has a strong independent prognostic signification with a cut-off value of 10 ng/ml. After these data, we believe that serum Gal-3 measurement can have an important role in the follow-up and management of advanced American Joint Commission on Cancer stage III and stage IV melanoma patients. Further studies will uncover whether Gal-3 will be able to open new therapeutic perspectives. Melanoma Res 19:316-320 (C) 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
HENRE II (Higher Education Network for Radiography in Europe)
A partir do ano 2007/2008 todos os cursos do ISCAP foram adequados ao Processo de Bolonha, o que pressupõe várias mudanças a nível dos papéis do professor e do aluno, das metodologias e da avaliação. A carga horária semanal das disciplinas da Matemática foi bastante reduzida, por isso foi necessário desenvolver novas estratégias e metodologias de apoio ao aluno. Para complementar as aulas teóricas e práticas desenvolvemos um projecto com o nome MatActiva baseado na plataforma Moodle, disponibilizada pelo PAOL (Projecto de Apoio On-Line). O Moodle permite usar a linguagem TEX para criar materiais que utilizam símbolos matemáticos. Fazendo uso desta funcionalidade, criámos um conjunto de recursos interactivos de fácil utilização. No MatActiva os estudantes têm acesso a um conjunto diversificado de materiais: apontamentos teóricos que lhes fornecem, não só os pré-requisitos necessários para as disciplinas de matemática, mas também material de acompanhamento aos respectivos programas. Para isso, criaram-se vários recursos sendo os testes de escolha múltipla os mais procurados pelos alunos. Estes testes podem ser realizados e corrigidos on-line e para cada resposta errada existe um feedback de resolução. Como o ISCAP recebe alunos ERASMUS e estes frequentam a disciplina de Matemática, foi também desenvolvido material em inglês. Os principais objectivos do nosso projecto são motivar os alunos, encoraja-los a superar as suas dificuldades de uma forma autónoma, permitindo-lhes aumentar a sua autoconfiança e gosto pela aprendizagem da Matemática, assim como fomentar a comunicação professor-aluno e aluno-aluno.
The aim of this article is to present a Project in the Oporto’s Institute of Accounting and Administration, which pretends to contribute for a change in the way of teaching and learning Mathematics. One of the main objectives of this project is to innovate the teaching and learning processes, exploring technologies as a pedagogical resource and to induce higher motivation to students, improve the rate of success and make available to students a set of materials adapted to their needs. This concern is justified due to the fact that students have a weak preparation, without consolidated basis. Since the year 2007/2008 the courses were adjusted to the Bologna process, which requires several changes in teacher’s and student’s roles, methodologies and assessment. The number of weekly classes has been reduced, so it was necessary to develop new strategies and methodologies to support the student. With the implementation of the Bologna Process in the Accounting degree, we felt a great need to provide other types of activities to students. To complement our theoretical and practical classes we have developed a project called MatActiva based on the Moodle platform offered by PAOL - Projecto de Apoio On-Line (Online Support Project). Moodle allows us to use the language TEX to create materials that use mathematical symbols. Using this functionality, we created a set of easy to use interactive resources. In MatActiva project, the students have access to a variety of different materials. We have followed a strategy that makes the project compatible with the theoretical and practical subjects/classes, complementing them. To do so, we created some resources, for instance multiple-choice tests, which are the most accessed by the students. These tests can be realized and corrected on-line and for each wrong answer there is a feedback with the resolution. We can find other types of resources: diagnostic tests, theoretical notes. There are not only the pre-requirements for subjects mathematics, but also materials to help students follow up the programs. We also developed several lessons. This activity consists of a number of pages, where each page has contents and leads to other pages, based on the student's progress. The teacher creates the choices and determines the next page that the student will see, based upon their knowledge. There is also an area of doubts, where the students can place all the mathematical doubts they have, and a teacher gives the answers or clues to help them in their work. MatActiva also offers an area where we can find some humour, curiosities, contests and games including mathematical contents to test the math skills, as well as links to pages about mathematical contents that could be useful for the study. Since ISCAP receives ERASMUS students and some of them attend mathematics, we developed some materials in English, so they can also use MatActiva. The main objectives of our project are not only to bring success in the subjects of mathematics, but also to motivate the students, encourage them to overcome theirs difficulties through an auto-study giving them more confidence and improve their relationship with the mathematics as well as the communication between students and teachers and among students.
In this paper we will talk about a math project submitted to the Lifelong Learning Programme. European higher education needs a reform in order to play its full role in the Europe of Knowledge. Modernisation of higher education is necessary in the areas of curricula (Bologna process), funding and governance so that higher education institutions can face the challenges posed by globalisation and contribute more effectively to the training and retraining of the European workforce. On the other hand Mathematics is an essential component of all educational systems. Mathematical literacy is being scrutinized in assessment efforts such as the OCDE Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). This showed a low level in Europe. Due to the Bologna Process, which brought several didactical implications for Higher Education (HE) institutions, there is the need of lifelong learning. This evolution is in conflict with the earlier mentioned lack of competencies on basic sciences, such as Mathematics. Forced by this duality, efforts are combined to share expertise in the Math field and the integration of pedagogical methodologies becomes a necessity. Thus, several European countries have proposed an International Project to the Lifelong Learning Programme, Action ERASMUS Modernisation of Higher Education, to make institutions more attractive and more responsive to the needs of the labour market, citizens and society at large. One of the main goals of the project is to attract students to math through high-quality instructional units in an understandable, exciting and attractive way.
AGM and Conference in Mechelen 27 – 30 April 2010
Background: The Erasmus program is a subprogram of the Lifelong Learning program, exclusive for Higher Education that promotes (among other initiatives), the mobility of students(studies, training or internships). The mobility of students of higher education seeks to improve the quality and development of future professionals, providing a multidisciplinary and multicultural experience. Setting: Academic Pharmacy/Pharmacy Technicians Methods: We conducted a descriptive and transversal study on the implementation of the mobility program and analyze the results, which involved applying a survey to students. Results: Since 2009/2010, the Pharmacy Degree at ESTSP has established 7 SMs protocols resulting in an average mobility of 5 students IN and 7 Students OUT. We have also endeavoured in SMp Protocols for extracurricular training with an average of 3 students OUT. The application process is normally open during the year before the mobility period. For most of the students involved, this was a first time opportunity to be in a foreign country and more than 70% choose the mobility program because it is seen as a possibility to improve their curriculum, for personal development or even to pursue employment opportunities abroad. The mobility for teachers is also encouraged. Conclusions: The exchange of experiences and training, acquired during cooperation activities should be an element of continuous dynamics and institutional affirmation. Initiatives such as the ERASMUS Program contribute to the educational and scientific enrichment, and promote international competitiveness among Higher Education Institutions.
In 2012 we were awarded an Erasmus Intensive Programme grant to facilitate OPTIMAX 2013, a three week duration residential summer school held within the UK during August 2013. The summer school helped to further develop student radiographer skills in optimising x-radiation dose and image quality. With a major emphasis on visual techniques to determine image quality, lesion visibility, lesion detection performance and physical measures of image quality (eg signal to noise ratio (SNR)) we conducted controlled laboratory experiments on phantoms using Computed Radiography, CT and Full Field Digital Mammography. Mathematical modelling was used for radiation dose estimation. Sixty seven people from 5 European countries participated. This included 49 PhD, MSc and BSc students. Discipline areas included radiography, physics, biomedical science and nuclear medicine.