954 resultados para Equine encephalomyelitis
The effects of a low dose of equine purified FSH (eFSH) on incidence of multiple ovulations and embryo recovery rate in mares were studied. During the physiological breeding season in Brazil (19 degrees 45'45'S), 14 Mangalarga Marchador donor mares were used in a crossover study and another 25 mares of the same breed, between 3 years and 12 years of age were used as recipients for the embryo transfers. Donors were monitored during two consecutive oestrus cycles, an untreated control cycle followed by a treated cycle, when eFSH was administered. In both cycles, after an embryo collection attempt on day 8 post-ovulation all mares received 7.5 mg dinoprost and had their two largest follicles tracked daily by ultrasonography until the period of ovulation. Mares were inseminated every 48 h with extended fresh semen from a single stallion after the identification of a 35-mm follicle until the period of ovulation. Ovulations were induced by intravenous administration of 2.500 IU of human chorionic gonadotropin, upon detection of a 35- to 40-mm follicle. In the treated cycle, 5 mg eFSH was given intramuscularly once a day, from day 8 post previous ovulation until at least one follicle reached 35 mm in diameter. Embryo flushes were performed on day 8 of dioestrus (day 0 = ovulation). Treatment with eFSH resulted in higher (p < 0.05) ovulation rate and incidence of multiple ovulations compared to the control (1.6 vs 1.0 and 50% vs 0%, respectively - one mare had triple ovulation). However, embryo recovery rates in the control and treated cycles were similar (0.8 and 1.0, respectively; p > 0.05). Pregnancy rates in the recipient mares following embryo transfer were similar for the control and eFSH cycles (11/11 and 10/14, respectively). Additional studies are necessary in order to develop a low-dose protocol for the use of eFSH that brings a more consistent contribution to the efficiency of commercial equine embryo transfer programs.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Although BCG is the only accepted vaccine against tuberculosis (TB), its protective ability is very limited. Therefore, many new vaccines are being evaluated. Our group has been working on DNAhsp65 - a genetic construction containing the hsp65 gene from Mycobacterium leprae. In previous experimental works, we demonstrated that both DNAhsp65 alone or associated with BCG, in a prime-boost regimen, were effective to control TB. A possible deleterious effect related to autoimmunity needed to be tested because hsp65 is highly homologous to the correspondent mammalian protein. In this investigation we tested the effect of a previous immunization with DNAhsp65 alone or associated with BCG in a rat model of multiple sclerosis. Female Lewis rats were immunized with three doses of DNAhsp65 or primed with BCG followed by two DNAhsp65 boosters. The animals were, then, immunized with myelin associated with complete Freund's adjuvant to develop experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). The following parameters were evaluated: weight loss, clinical score, central nervous system (CNS) inflammation and anti-myelin immune response. No deleterious effect was associated with these immunizations schedules. Immunized animals equally lost weight, the clinical scores were similar and CNS inflammation did not increase. Interestingly, both procedures determined decreased inflammation in the brain and lumbar spinal cord. This was concurrent with a modulatory effect over cytokine production by peripheral lymphoid organs. Cell cultures from spleen and lymph nodes in vitro stimulated with myelin produced less IFN-gamma and IL-10, respectively. This phenomenon was more clear in rats immunized with the genetic vaccine alone than with the prime-boost strategy. Together the results suggest that these strategies for TB prophylaxis would not accelerate or aggravate multiple sclerosis, being therefore, safe in this aspect. In addition, they indicate that these vaccination regimens have a potential anti-inflammatory activity that could be better explored in the future.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O diagnóstico laboratorial da raiva é realizado através de métodos de pesquisa do corpúsculo de Negri, imunofluorescência direta e inoculação em camundongos. Na maioria dos casos, quando a amostra é bem coletada, bem conservada e o profissional responsável possui experiência, verifica-se concordância entre as técnicas utilizadas. A Seção de Raiva e Encefalomielite do Instituto Biológico ao comparar a sensibilidade das três técnicas diagnósticas, em 3713 amostras (córtex cerebral, cerebelo e hipocampo) recebidas no período de 1980-1994, sendo 3010 da espécie bovina (983 positivas) e 703 da espécie eqüina (111 positivas), observou que, no caso da raiva eqüina, esta concordância não é mantida. Verificou-se, nesta espécie, que somente em algumas oportunidades foi possível identificar, pelo método histopatológico, o corpúsculo de Negri. em relação à prova de imunofluorescência pode-se afirmar que a mesma detectou uma porcentagem menor de amostras positivas, provenientes da espécie equina, em compração com as da espécie bovina, sendo esta diferença estatisticamente significativa. A prova biológica foi a mais sensível, porém houve uma diferença, também significativa, entre o período de incubação em camundongos das amostras de origem bovina e das de origem eqüina. A presença pouco frequente de corpúsculos de Negri e o período de incubação em camundongos mais prolongado, das amostras de origem eqüina, sugerem que devem ser intensificados os estudos da patogenia da raiva nesta espécie.
Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an inflammatory disease of the brain and spinal cord that is mediated by CD4+ T lymphocytes specific to myelin components. In this study we compared development of EAE in Lewis rats from two colonies, one kept in pathogen-free conditions (CEMIB colony) and the other (Botucatu colony) kept in a conventional animal facility. Female Lewis rats were immunized with 100 µl of an emulsion containing 50 µg of myelin, associated with incomplete Freund's adjuvant plus Mycobacterium butyricum. Animals were daily evaluated for clinical score and weight. CEMIB colony presented high EAE incidence with clinical scores that varied from three to four along with significant weight losses. A variable disease incidence was observed in the Botucatu colony with clinical scores not higher than one and no weight loss. Immunological and histopathological characteristics were also compared after 20 days of immunization. Significant amounts of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and IL-10 were induced by myelin in cultures from CEMIB animals but not from the Botucatu colony. Significantly higher levels of anti-myelin IgG1 were detected in the CEMIB colony. Clear histopathological differences were also found. Cervical spinal cord sections from CEMIB animals showed typical perivascular inflammatory foci whereas samples from the Botucatu colony showed a scanty inflammatory infiltration. Helminths were found in animals from Botucatu colony but not, as expected, in the CEMIB pathogen-free animals. As the animals maintained in a conventional animal facility developed a very discrete clinical, and histopathological EAE in comparison to the rats kept in pathogen-free conditions, we believe that environmental factors such as intestinal parasites could underlie this resistance to EAE development, supporting the applicability of the hygiene hypothesis to EAE.
Sob anestesia geral, com constante controle sobre a pressão arterial e a saturação de oxigênio da hemoglobina arterial, realizou-se celiotomia em 12 eqüinos. No cólon menor exposto foram demarcados três segmentos de 25cm, separados entre si por igual distância. Dois desses segmentos foram submetidos à isquemia arteriovenosa completa por 90 (grupo A) ou 180 minutos (grupo B). O terceiro segmento foi o grupo-controle. Amostras para histopatologia foram colhidas ao final dos períodos de isquemia e após 90 e 180 minutos de reperfusão no grupo A e após 90 minutos de reperfusão no grupo B. No controle, colheram-se amostras no início e final do procedimento. Avaliaram-se as lesões produzidas na mucosa e na submucosa pelos métodos semiquantitativos-escores para desprendimento de epitélio, edema, hemorragia e infiltrado de neutrófilos, e pelos quantitativos-porcentagem de perda de mucosa (PM) e razão cripta:interstício (C:I). As lesões isquêmicas foram mais intensas no grupo B do que no A para PM, C:I, desprendimento de epitélio e edema de mucosa. As amostras obtidas após a reperfusão revelaram que houve agravamento na PM, C:I, desprendimento de epitélio e edema de submucosa em ambos os grupos. Concluiu-se que a reperfusão agravou as lesões isquêmicas no cólon menor e que o modelo proposto é viável para produção dessas lesões.