923 resultados para Equilibrium Poly(hema-co-thfma) Hydrogels


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We tested the hypothesis that the osteoblast differentiation status of bone marrow stem cells (BMSCs) combined with a three-dimensional (3D) structure modulates bone formation when autogenously implanted. Rat BMSCs were aspirated, expanded, and seeded into a 3D composite of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) and calcium phosphate (PLGA/CaP) to produce a hybrid biomaterial. Calvarial defects were implanted with (1) scaffold without cells (SC/NC), (2) scaffold and BMSCs (SC + BMSC), (3) scaffold and osteoblasts differentiated for 7 days (SC + OB7), and (4) for 14 days (SC + OB14). After 4 weeks, there was more bone formation in groups combining scaffold and cells, SC + BMSC and SC + OB7. A nonsignificant higher amount of bone formation was observed on SC + OB14 compared with SC/NC. Additionally, more blood vessels were counted within all hybrid biomaterials, without differences among them, than into SC/NC. These findings provide evidences that the cell differentiation status affects in vivo bone formation in autogenously implanted cell-based constructs. Undifferentiated BMSCs or osteoblasts in early stage of differentiation combined with PLGA/CaP scaffold favored bone formation compared with plain scaffold and that one associated with more mature osteoblasts.


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Nano-biocomposites based on a biodegradable bacterial copolyester, poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate), have been elaborated with an organo-modified montmorillonite (OMMT) clay as nanofiller, and acetyl tributyl citrate as plasticizer. The corresponding (nano)structures, thermal and mechanical properties, permeability, and biodegradability have been determined. Polyhydroxyalkanoates are very thermal sensitive then to follow the degradation the corresponding matrices have been analyzed by size exclusion chromatography. The results indicate that the addition of the plasticizer decreases the thermo-mechanical degradation, during the extrusion. These nano-biocomposites show an intercalated/exfoliated structure with good mechanical and barrier properties, and an appropriated biodegradation kinetic. Intending to understand the changes in the thermal properties, the nano-biocomposites were characterized by thermal gravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. The presence of the OMMT clay did not influence significantly the transition temperatures. However, the filler not only acted as a nucleating agent which enhanced the crystallization, but also as a thermal barrier, improving the thermal stability of the biopolymer. The results indicated that the addition of the plasticizer reduces the glass transition temperature and the crystalline melting temperature. The plasticizer acts as a processing aid and increases the processing temperature range (lower melting temperature).


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Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Arbeit hat zum Ziel, pharmazeutisch-technologische Möglichkeiten der Retardierung bei ausgewählten Antiasthmatika zur pulmonalen Applikation anzuwenden. Dafür sollten Mikropartikel hergestellt und pharmazeutisch sowie biopharmazeutisch charakterisiert werden. Als Modellsubstanzen werden das Glukokortikoid Budesonid und das β2-Sympathomimetikum Salbutamol in Form seiner Base und seines Salzes verwendet. Die Auswahl erfolgt nach physikochemischen (Lipophilie, Molekulargewicht) und therapeutischen (Halbwertszeit der Wirkung, Applikationsfrequenz) Gesichtspunkten. Mikropartikel auf Polymerbasis ermöglichen eine kontrollierte Freigabe der Arzneistoffe über einen vorausbestimmten Zeitraum. Es erfolgt die Auswahl physiologisch unbedenklicher Hilfsstoffe (Polylaktide R 202H/ Poly(laktid-co-glykolide) RG 502H, RG 752-S) mit unterschiedlichen Anteilen an Coglykolid sowie unterschiedlichen Molekulargewichten, die sich prinzipiell zur Verzögerung der Freisetzung eignen und sich bei der parenteralen Applikation bereits bewährt haben. Die Sprühtrocknung wird als geeignetes pharmazeutisch-technologisches Verfahren zur Präparation von Mikropartikeln im Teilchengrößenbereich von 1- 10 Mikrometern beschrieben, welche den Wirkstoff mit möglichst hoher Beladung verkapselt. Die sprühgetrockneten Pulver sollen pharmazeutisch physikochemisch mittels Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (Morphologie), Laserdiffraktometrie (Teilchengrößenverteilung), DSC und Röntgenpulverdiffraktometrie (thermisches Verhalten) und mittels Stickstoff-Tief-Temperatur Adsorptionsverfahren (spezifische Oberfläche) charakterisiert werden. Zusätzlich wird die Wirkstoffbeladung der sprühgetrockneten Polymer-Mikropartikel mittels HPLC ermittelt. Die biopharmazeutische Charakterisierung der sprühgetrockneten Pulver erfolgt über die in-vitro Freigabekinetik und die Stabilität der Mikropartikel. Zusätzlich werden Versuche an Zellkulturen und in-vivo Versuche an Mäusen durchgeführt, um die Effekte der sprühgetrockneten Mikropartikel und des Hilfsstoffs hinsichtlich der Freisetzungsretardierung zu testen. Bei den in-vivo Versuchen werden der Atemwegswiderstand und die Verlängerung der exspiratorischen Phase (penh) als Parameter für einen antiasthmatischen Effekt gewählt. Die Lungenlavage Flüssigkeit wird zusätzlich überprüft. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es mit Hilfe der Sprühtrocknung möglich ist, Polymer-Mikropartikel herzustellen, die aufgrund ihrer Partikelgröße von d50 ≤ 5,8 µm fähig sind, die unteren Abschnitte der Lunge zu erreichen. Die Morphologie der Mikropartikel ist abhängig vom zu versprühenden Produkt. Thermodynamisch und röntgenpulverdiffraktometrisch betrachtet handelt es sich um amorphe Produkte, die aber über lange Zeit in diesem Zustand stabil sind. Die Wiederfindung der eingesetzten Arzneistoffmenge in den sprühgetrockneten Polymer-Mikropartikeln und die Freigabeversuche zur Charakterisierung der Retardierungseigenschaften der verwendeten Polymere ergeben, dass es mit Hilfe der Sprühtrocknung von Budesonid und Salbutamol mit den Polymeren möglich ist, retardierende Mikropartikel herzustellen. Die Wiederfindung von Budesonid und Salbutamol in den sprühgetrockneten Polymer-Mikropartikeln entspricht nahezu der eingesetzten Menge. Bei Salbutamolsulfat ist dies nicht der Fall. In Zellkulturversuchen der murinen Zellinie RAW 264.7 ergaben sich Hinweise darauf, dass bei Konzentrationen von 10-6 M und 10-8 M, die Downregulation der IL-6 Konzentration durch die Sprüheinbettung von 9,1 % Budesonid mit PLGA in stärkerem Ausmaß erfolgte, als bei unverkapseltem Budesonid. Zusätzlich wurden in-vivo Versuche mit intranasaler und intraperitonealer Gabe durchgeführt. Die Budesonid-Polymer Sprüheinbettung wurde mit unverkapseltem Budesonid vergleichen. Nach intraperitonealer Gabe hatte die Sprüheinbettung mit Budesonid die besten Effekte hinsichtlich der Unterdrückung des penh und des Atemwegswiderstands auch bei steigenden Metacholinkonzentrationen. Die Auswertung der Lungenlavage Flüssigkeit zeigt sehr deutlich die Downregulation der IL-6 Konzentration in der Lunge durch die Sprüheinbettung mit Budesonid. Zur Zeit werden Vorbereitungen getroffen, ein Gerät zu testen, das in der Lage ist, ein Mikrospray zu generieren, so dass eine intratracheale Verabreichung möglich wäre.


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A poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-based hydrogel was used as a scaffold for chondrocyte culture. Branched PEG-vinylsulfone macromers were end-linked with thiol-bearing matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-sensitive peptides (GCRDGPQGIWGQDRCG) to form a three-dimensional network in situ under physiologic conditions. Both four- and eight-armed PEG macromer building blocks were examined. Increasing the number of PEG arms increased the elastic modulus of the hydrogels from 4.5 to 13.5 kPa. PEG-dithiol was used to prepare hydrogels that were not sensitive to degradation by cell-derived MMPs. Primary bovine calf chondrocytes were cultured in both MMP-sensitive and MMP-insensitive hydrogels, formed from either four- or eight-armed PEG. Most (>90%) of the cells inside the gels were viable after 1 month of culture and formed cell clusters. Gel matrices with lower elastic modulus and sensitivity to MMP-based matrix remodeling demonstrated larger clusters and more diffuse, less cell surface-constrained cell-derived matrix in the chondron, as determined by light and electron microscopy. Gene expression experiments by real-time RT-PCR showed that the expression of type II collagen and aggrecan was increased in the MMP-sensitive hydrogels, whereas the expression level of MMP-13 was increased in the MMP-insensitive hydrogels. These results indicate that cellular activity can be modulated by the composition of the hydrogel. This study represents one of the first examples of chondrocyte culture in a bioactive synthetic material that can be remodeled by cellular protease activity.


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The processes of adsorption of grafted copolymers onto negatively charged surfaces were studied using a dissipative quartz crystal microbalance (D-QCM) and ellipsometry. The control parameters in the study of the adsorption are the existence or absence on the molecular architecture of grafted polyethyleneglycol (PEG) chains with different lengths and the chemical nature of the main chain, poly(allylamine) (PAH) or poly(L-lysine) (PLL). It was found out that the adsorption kinetics of the polymers showed a complex behavior. The total adsorbed amount depends on the architecture of the polymer chains (length of the PEG chains), on the polymer concentration and on the chemical nature of the main chain. The comparison of the thicknesses of the adsorbed layers obtained from D-QCM and from ellipsometry allowed calculation of the water content of the layers that is intimately related to the grafting length. The analysis of D-QCM results also provides information about the shear modulus of the layers, whose values have been found to be typical of a rubber-like polymer system. It is shown that the adsorption of polymers with a charged backbone is not driven exclusively by the electrostatic interactions, but the entropic contributions as a result of the trapping of water in the layer structure are of fundamental importance.


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The radiation chemistry of poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-hexafluoropropylene) (FEP) with a TFE mole fraction of 0.90 has been studied under vacuum using Co-60 gamma-radiation over a range of temperatures and absorbed doses. The radiolysis temperatures were 300, 363, 423, 523 and 543 K. New structure formation in the copolymers was analysed by solid-state F-19 NMR spectroscopy. The new structures formed in the copolymers have been identified and the G-values for the formation of new chemical structures have been investigated at 363 and 523 K. These two temperatures are just above and just below the polymer T-g and T-m, respectively. At the lower temperature, there was no evidence for any chain branching and an estimate of G(S) of 1.0 was obtained. A value of G(S) of 1.3 and a minimum value of G(X)(Y) of 1.3 were obtained at 523 K. (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.


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The in vitro and in vivo degradation properties of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) scaffolds produced by two different technologies-therm ally induced phase separation (TIPS), and solvent casting and particulate leaching (SCPL) were compared. Over 6 weeks, in vitro degradation produced changes in SCPL scaffold dimension, mass, internal architecture and mechanical properties. TIPS scaffolds produced far less changes in these parameters providing significant advantages over SCPL. In vivo results were based on a microsurgically created arteriovenous (AV) loop sandwiched between two TIPS scaffolds placed in a polycarbonate chamber under rat groin skin. Histologically, a predominant foreign body giant cell response and reduced vascularity was evident in tissue ingrowth between 2 and 8 weeks in TIPS scaffolds. Tissue death occurred at 8 weeks in the smallest pores. Morphometric comparison of TIPS and SCPL scaffolds indicated slightly better tissue ingrowth but greater loss of scaffold structure in SCPL scaffolds. Although advantageous in vitro, large surface area:volume ratios and varying pore sizes in PLGA TIPS scaffolds mean that effective in vivo (AV loop) utilization will only be achieved if the foreign body response can be significantly reduced so as to allow successful vascularisation, and hence sustained tissue growth, in pores less than 300 mu m. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Designing degradable hydrogels is complicated by the structural and temporal complexities of the gel and evolving tissue. A major challenge is to create scaffolds with sufficient mechanical properties to restore initial function while simultaneously controlling temporal changes in the gel structure to facilitate tissue formation. Poly(ethylene glycol) was used in this work, to form biodegradable poly(ethylene glycol)-based hydrogels with hydrolyzable poly-l-lactide segments in the backbone. Non-degradable poly(ethylene glycol) was also introduced in the formulation to obtain control of the degradation profile that encompasses cell growth and new tissue formation. The dependence on polymer composition was observed by higher degradation profiles and decreased mechanical properties as the content of degradable segments was increased in the formulation. Based on in vitro tests, no toxicity of extracts or biomaterial in direct contact with human adipose tissue stem cells was observed, and the ultraviolet light treatment did not affect the proliferation capacity of the cells.


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AIMS To demonstrate the potential use of in vitro poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microparticles in comparison with triamcinolone suspension to aid visualisation of vitreous during anterior and posterior vitrectomy. METHODS PLGA microparticles (diameter 10-60 microm) were fabricated using single and/or double emulsion technique(s) and used untreated or following the surface adsorption of a protein (transglutaminase). Particle size, shape, morphology and surface topography were assessed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and compared with a standard triamcinolone suspension. The efficacy of these microparticles to enhance visualisation of vitreous against the triamcinolone suspension was assessed using an in vitro set-up exploiting porcine vitreous. RESULTS Unmodified PLGA microparticles failed to adequately adhere to porcine vitreous and were readily washed out by irrigation. In contrast, modified transglutaminase-coated PLGA microparticles demonstrated a significant improvement in adhesiveness and were comparable to a triamcinolone suspension in their ability to enhance the visualisation of vitreous. This adhesive behaviour also demonstrated selectivity by not binding to the corneal endothelium. CONCLUSION The use of transglutaminase-modified biodegradable PLGA microparticles represents a novel method of visualising vitreous and aiding vitrectomy. This method may provide a distinct alternative for the visualisation of vitreous whilst eliminating the pharmacological effects of triamcinolone acetonide suspension.


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A novel metathesis catalyst for the polymerisation of acetylene has been developed. The polyacetylene produced by this new catalyst has been characterised by infra-red and NMR spectroscopy. The conductivity of the pristine material has been studied as a function of temperature, pressure and frequency. The effect on the conductivity of doping the material has also been investigated. The new metathesis catalyst has been incorporated into an anionic-to-metathesis transformation reaction. This novel reaction has been used to prepare samples of poly(styrene-co-acetylene). The copolymer has been characterised using U.V./Visible, NMR, infra-red spectroscopy and the surface morphology looked at using scanning electron microscopy. GPC was also used to give some idea of the molecular weights of the materials prepared. The conductivity of the copolymer has been studied as a function of temperature, pressure and frequency. The effect of doping on the conductivity the material has also been investigated. The conductivity results obtained from both materials have been used to try and gain an insight into the mechanism of the conduction processes occurring within the materials. An attempt has also been made to synthesise polyacetylene oligomers (polyenes) by modifying the Ziegler/Natta type catalysts commonly used to synthesise polyacetylene. The polyenes were characterised using U.V./Visible and infra-red spectroscopy together with GPC and GCMS.


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The electrocopolymerization of carbazole and acrylamide on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) from ACN solutions via cyclovoltammetry (CV) was studied in order to evaluate the possibility to deposit uniform and thin but pinhole-free and still reactive coatings onto graphite-like substrates. The morphology of the coatings was investigated using atomic force microscopy and the coating thicknesses and optical parameters were measured using ellipsometry. It was found that under the chosen conditions thin (coating thickness hf>180 nm) and relatively smooth (root mean square surface roughness RMS<150 nm) P(Cz-co-AAm)-coatings exhibiting a uniform globuoidal morphology can be deposited onto graphite. From a certain coating thickness (hf>50 nm) no pinholes could be detected. It was found that the thickness of the deposited coatings increases almost linearly with increasing number of CV-cycles while keeping all other experimental parameters (scan rate and comonomer concentration ratio) constant. No influence of the comonomer concentration ratio on the film thickness and coating appearance could be observed, however, at quite low initial concentrations. However, the CV-scanning rate has quite a significant influence on the thickness of the deposited coatings. Higher scan rates (100 mV/s) result in thin (hf≈22 nm) coatings whereas at lower scan rates (<50 mV/s) coatings with thicknesses of approximately 50 nm were obtained. The optical coating parameters (the refractive index n and extinction coefficient k) seem to be independent of the deposition parameters and therefore averaged values of n̄=1.54±0.03 and k̄=0.08±0.03 were obtained.


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Disulfiram (DS), an anti-alcoholism drug, shows very strong cytotoxicity in many cancer types. However its clinical application in cancer treatment is limited by the very short half-life in the bloodstream. In this study, we developed a poly lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA)-encapsulated DS protecting DS from the degradation in the bloodstream. The newly developed DS-PLGA was characterized. The DS-PLGA has very satisfactory encapsulation efficiency, drug-loading content and controlled release rate in vitro. PLGA encapsulation extended the half-life of DS from shorter than 2 minutes to 7 hours in serum. In combination with copper, DS-PLGA significantly inhibited the liver cancer stem cell population. CI-isobologram showed a remarkable synergistic cytotoxicity between DS-PLGA and 5-FU or Sorafenib. It also demonstrated very promising anticancer efficacy and antimetastatic effect in liver cancer mouse model. Both DS and PLGA are FDA approved products for clinical application. Our study may lead to repositioning of DS into liver cancer treatment.