982 resultados para Equatorial Ionosphere
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Ionospheric scintillations are caused by time-varying electron density irregularities in the ionosphere, occurring more often at equatorial and high latitudes. This paper focuses exclusively on experiments undertaken in Europe, at geographic latitudes between similar to 50 degrees N and similar to 80 degrees N, where a network of GPS receivers capable of monitoring Total Electron Content and ionospheric scintillation parameters was deployed. The widely used ionospheric scintillation indices S4 and sigma(phi) represent a practical measure of the intensity of amplitude and phase scintillation affecting GNSS receivers. However, they do not provide sufficient information regarding the actual tracking errors that degrade GNSS receiver performance. Suitable receiver tracking models, sensitive to ionospheric scintillation, allow the computation of the variance of the output error of the receiver PLL (Phase Locked Loop) and DLL (Delay Locked Loop), which expresses the quality of the range measurements used by the receiver to calculate user position. The ability of such models of incorporating phase and amplitude scintillation effects into the variance of these tracking errors underpins our proposed method of applying relative weights to measurements from different satellites. That gives the least squares stochastic model used for position computation a more realistic representation, vis-a-vis the otherwise 'equal weights' model. For pseudorange processing, relative weights were computed, so that a 'scintillation-mitigated' solution could be performed and compared to the (non-mitigated) 'equal weights' solution. An improvement between 17 and 38% in height accuracy was achieved when an epoch by epoch differential solution was computed over baselines ranging from 1 to 750 km. The method was then compared with alternative approaches that can be used to improve the least squares stochastic model such as weighting according to satellite elevation angle and by the inverse of the square of the standard deviation of the code/carrier divergence (sigma CCDiv). The influence of multipath effects on the proposed mitigation approach is also discussed. With the use of high rate scintillation data in addition to the scintillation indices a carrier phase based mitigated solution was also implemented and compared with the conventional solution. During a period of occurrence of high phase scintillation it was observed that problems related to ambiguity resolution can be reduced by the use of the proposed mitigated solution.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) transmits signals in two frequencies. It allows the correction of the first order ionospheric effect by using the ionosphere free combination. However, the second and third order ionospheric effects, which combined may cause errors of the order of centimeters in the GPS measurements, still remain. In this paper the second and third order ionospheric effects, which were taken into account in the GPS data processing in the Brazilian region, were investigated. The corrected and not corrected GPS data from these effects were processed in the relative and precise point positioning (PPP) approaches, respectively, using Bernese V5.0 software and the PPP software (GPSPPP) from NRCAN (Natural Resources Canada). The second and third order corrections were applied in the GPS data using an in-house software that is capable of reading a RINEX file and applying the corrections to the GPS observables, creating a corrected RINEX file. For the relative processing case, a Brazilian network with long baselines was processed in a daily solution considering a period of approximately one year. For the PPP case, the processing was accomplished using data collected by the IGS FORT station considering the period from 2001 to 2006 and a seasonal analysis was carried out, showing a semi-annual and an annual variation in the vertical component. In addition, a geographical variation analysis in the PPP for the Brazilian region has confirmed that the equatorial regions are more affected by the second and third order ionospheric effects than other regions.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The ionosphere is a major source of systematic error in the GPS observables. As this error is directly proportional to the TEC (Total Electron Content), the quality of GPS positioning (especially with single frequency receivers) can be significantly affected by regular changes of TEC. The ionosphere factor is even more relevant in the Brazilian region, where ionospheric phenomena, such as the Equatorial Anomaly, intensify these variations. Taking the above mentioned factors into account, experiments were conducted in this research to evaluate the daily and seasonal behavior of the TEC and the point positioning with GPS (single frequency) in periods of high and low solar activity in the Brazilian region. The results showed a direct correlation between the decrease in electrons density in the ionosphere (period of low solar activity) and improvement in positioning accuracy, as well as a large influence of Equatorial Anomaly on the results of point positioning.
Cada vez mais é crescente o uso do GPS (Global Positioning System ) em estudos da atmosfera terrestre. Neste artigo, a atmosfera superior da Terra, denominada ionosfera, foi estudada durante um período de alta atividade solar (ano de 2001) usando dados de receptores GPS de dupla freqüência localizados na região brasileira, pertencentes à RBMC (Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo). A partir dos dados GPS foram calculados os valores de TEC (Total Electron Content - Conteúdo Total de Elétrons) da ionosfera. Adicionalmente foram incluídos no estudo dados de freqüência crítica da camada F2 advinda de Digissondas localizadas em São Luís/MA (3ºS; 44ºW) e Cachoeira Paulista/SP (22ºS; 45ºW), para fins de comparação. de uma forma geral, os resultados mostraram maiores valores de TEC durante os meses próximos aos equinócios e menores durante os meses de inverno. Quanto à variação diária do TEC, os menores valores foram verificados por volta das 4-6 HL (Hora Local) e os maiores durante o período da tarde, com valores um pouco maiores para São Luís. O segundo pico da anomalia equatorial foi verificado em Cachoeira Paulista nos meses próximos aos equinócios e verão. Na maioria dos meses, uma alta correlação linear foi verificada quando realizada a comparação entre os valores de freqüência crítica da camada F2 e os de TEC, principalmente para São Luís.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The effect of the ionosphere on the signals of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), such as the Global Positionig System (GPS) and the proposed European Galileo, is dependent on the ionospheric electron density, given by its Total Electron Content (TEC). Ionospheric time-varying density irregularities may cause scintillations, which are fluctuations in phase and amplitude of the signals. Scintillations occur more often at equatorial and high latitudes. They can degrade navigation and positioning accuracy and may cause loss of signal tracking, disrupting safety-critical applications, such as marine navigation and civil aviation. This paper addresses the results of initial research carried out on two fronts that are relevant to GNSS users if they are to counter ionospheric scintillations, i.e. forecasting and mitigating their effects. On the forecasting front, the dynamics of scintillation occurrence were analysed during the severe ionospheric storm that took place on the evening of 30 October 2003, using data from a network of GPS Ionospheric Scintillation and TEC Monitor (GISTM) receivers set up in Northern Europe. Previous results [1] indicated that GPS scintillations in that region can originate from ionospheric plasma structures from the American sector. In this paper we describe experiments that enabled confirmation of those findings. On the mitigation front we used the variance of the output error of the GPS receiver DLL (Delay Locked Loop) to modify the least squares stochastic model applied by an ordinary receiver to compute position. This error was modelled according to [2], as a function of the S4 amplitude scintillation index measured by the GISTM receivers. An improvement of up to 21% in relative positioning accuracy was achieved with this technnique.
The extension of the Pangaea started in the Upper Triassic and evolved to uplifts, magmatism and development a triple junction during the Mesozoic, and opening the Central Atlantic Ocean. The Brazilian Equatorial Atlantic margin was formed in three Mesozoic extensional events. The first event is recorded by the Calçoene Graben of the Foz do Amazonas Basin. The second event started in the Valangian and is recognized by the enlargement of the Foz do Amazonas Basin, formation of the Marajó and Grajaú basins, and the Gurupi Graben System. The third event commenced in the Albian related to northwestward progression of the rift system, which enlarged the Foz do Amazonas and formed the Potiguar, Ceará, Barreirinhas and Pará-Maranhão basins. At the end of the Lower Cretaceous the movements attenuated in the Marajó Basin and Gurupi Graben System; the extension concentrated in the Foz do Amazonas, Pará-Maranhão and Barreirinhas basins, and evolved to continental rupture of northern South America and western Africa opening of the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean.
In the present work we use an asymptotic approach to obtain the long wave equations. The shallow water equation is put as a function of an external parameter that is a measure of both the spatial scales anisotropy and the fast to slow time ratio. The values given to the external parameters are consistent with those computed using typical values of the perturbations in tropical dynamics. Asymptotically, the model converge toward the long wave model. Thus, it is possible to go toward the long wave approximation through intermediate realizable states. With this approach, the resonant nonlinear wave interactions are studied. To simplify, the reduced dynamics of a single resonant triad is used for some selected equatorial trios. It was verified by both theoretical and numerical results that the nonlinear energy exchange period increases smoothly as we move toward the long wave approach. The magnitude of the energy exchanges is also modified, but in this case depends on the particular triad used and also on the initial energy partition among the triad components. Some implications of the results for the tropical dynamics are disccussed. In particular, we discuss the implications of the results for El Nĩo and the Madden-Julian in connection with other scales of time and spatial variability. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
The Equatorial Atlantic Margin evolved from three rift systems recorded by a complex set of sedimentary basins developed since Upper Triassic to the Lower Cretaceous (Albian). The first rift system formed Foz do Amazonas Basin in Upper Triassic; the second phase formed Marajó Basin in Berriasian, a new rift in Foz do Amazonas Basin in Valanginian and Bragança-Viseu, Ilha Nova, São Luís e Barreirinhas basins in Aptian; the third phase formed Barreirinhas and Pará- Maranhão basins and a new rifting in the Foz do Amazonas Basin between the Aptian and Albian and evolved to continental break up. The main paleostress field during rift evolution was NE-SW and after the continental break up took the E-W direction, from the development of transform zones in the oceanic crust. From Miocene, South America was subjected to intraplate tectonics, which resulted in formation of E-W transcurrent faults that generated transtensive and transpressive segments that formed sedimentary basins and hills, resulting in changes in the drainage network. In Quaternary the landscape was modified by the last ice age that changed the sea level; the coastal drainage network was drowning resulting in the formation of the current line coast.
The upcoming solar maximum, which is expected to reach its peak around May 2013, occurs at a time when our reliance on high-precision GNSS has reached unprecedented proportions. The perturbations of the ionosphere caused by increased solar activity pose a major threat to these applications. This is particularly true in equatorial regions where high exposure to solar-induced disturbances is coupled with explosive growth of precise GNSS applications. Along with the various types of solar-induced ionospheric disturbances, strong scintillations are amongst the most challenging, causing phase measurement errors up to full losses of lock for several satellites. Brazil, which heavily relies on high-precision GNSS, is one of the most affected regions due notably to the proximity to the southern crest of the ionospheric equatorial anomaly and to the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly. In the framework of the CIGALA project, we developed the PolaRxS™, a GNSS receiver dedicated to the monitoring of ionospheric scintillation indices not only in the GPS L1 band but for all operational and upcoming constellations and frequency bands. A network of these receivers was deployed across the whole Brazilian territory in order to first investigate and secondly to mitigate the impact of scintillation on the different signals, ensuring high precision GNSS availability and integrity in the area. This paper reports on the validation of the PolaRxS™ receiver as an ionospheric scintillation monitor and the first results of the analysis of the data collected with the CIGALA network.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)