158 resultados para Epo


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Background: Nucleoside 5-Azacitidine (5-Aza) in high risk MDS patients (pts) at a dose of 75mg/mq/day subcutaneously for 7 days, every 28 days, induces high hematologic response rates (hematologic improvement (HI) 50-60%, complete remission (CR) 10-30%) and prolongation of survival (at 2 years 50,8%). Aim: The role of 5-Aza in low-risk MDS patients is not well defined but its use in the earlier phases of disease could be more effective and useful to control the expansion of MDS clone and disease progression. In our phase II, prospective, multicentric trial a low-dose schedule of 5-Aza (75 mg/mq daily for 5 consecutive days every 28 days) was given to low-risk MDS pts in order to evaluate its efficacy and tolerability and to identify biological markers to predict the response. Methods: From September 2008 to February 2010, 34 patients were enrolled into the study. Fifteen patients had refractory anemia (RA), 5 patients refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts (RARS), 7 patients refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia (RCMD) and 7 patients refractory anemia with excess blasts-1 (RAEB-1). All patients failed previously EPO therapy and were in chronic red blood cell (RBC) supportive care with a median transfusions requirement of 4 units/monthly. The response treatment criteria was according to IWG 2006. Results: At present time 31 out of 34 pts are evaluable: 12/31 pts (39%) completed the treatment plan (8 courses), 7/31 pts (22%) performed the first 4 courses, 8/31 (26%) made 1 to 3 courses and 4/31 (13%) died during the treatment period. Out of 12 pts who completed the 8 courses of therapy 10 (83%) obtained an HI, 2/12 (17%) maintained a stable disease. Out of 10 pts who obtained HI, 4 pts (40%) achieved a CR. Generally the drug was very well tolerated. The most commonly reported hematologic toxicities were neutropenia (55%) and thrombocytopenia (19%) but they were transitory and usually no delay of treatment was necessary. 2/4 pts died early after the 1th cycle for septic shock and gastrointestinal hemorrage respectively whereas 2/4 pts died in a condition of stable disease after the 4th cycle for pneumonia and respiratory distress. Samples for biologic studies have been collected from the pts before starting the therapy and at the end of 4th and 8th course. Preliminary data on the lipid signalling pathways suggested a direct correlation between PI-PLC-β1 gene expression and 5-Aza responsiveness. Conclusion: Interim analysis of our study based on the small number of cases who completed the treatment program, shows that 83% of pts obtain an HI and 40% obtain a CR. 4 patients died during the treatment and even if the causes were reported as no related to the therapy it has been considered that caution has to be reserved in given 5-Aza in these pts who are elderly and frail. Preliminary data of PI-PLC-β1 gene expression suggest that this and probably other biological markers could help us to know a priori who are the patients who have more chances to respond.


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Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden Untersuchungen zur Expression und Funktion der respiratorischen Proteine Neuroglobin (Ngb) und Cytoglobin (Cygb) in Vertebraten durchgeführt. Beide Globine wurden erst kürzlich entdeckt, und ihre Funktionen konnten trotz vorliegender Daten zur Struktur und biochemischen Eigenschaften dieser Proteine bisher nicht eindeutig geklärt werden. Im ersten Abschnitt der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die zelluläre und subzelluläre Lokalisation von Neuroglobin und Cytoglobin in murinen Gewebeschnitten untersucht. Die Expression von Ngb in neuronalen und endokrinen Geweben hängt offensichtlich mit den hohen metabolischen Aktivitäten dieser Organe zusammen. Insbesondere im Gehirn konnten regionale Unterschiede in der Ngb-Expression beobachtet werden. Dabei korrelierte eine besonders starke Neuroglobin-Expression mit Gehirnbereichen, die bekanntermaßen die höchsten Grundaktivitäten aufweisen. In Anbetracht dessen liegt die Funktion des Neuroglobins möglicherweise im basalen O2-Metabolismus dieser Gewebe, wobei Ngb als O2-Lieferant und kurzfristiger O2-Speicher den vergleichsweise hohen Sauerstoffbedarf vor Ort sicherstellen könnte. Weitere Funktionen in der Entgiftung von ROS bzw. RNS oder die kürzlich publizierte mögliche Rolle des Ngb bei der Verhinderung der Mitochondrien-vermittelten Apoptose durch eine Reduktion des freigesetzten Cytochrom c wären darüber hinaus denkbar. Die Cygb-Expression im Gehirn beschränkte sich auf relativ wenige Neurone in verschiedenen Gehirnbereichen und zeigte dort vorwiegend eine Co-Lokalisation mit der neuronalen NO-Synthase. Dieser Befund legt eine Funktion des Cytoglobins im NO-Metabolismus nahe. Quantitative RT-PCR-Experimente zur mRNA-Expression von Ngb und Cygb in alternden Säugern am Bsp. der Hamsterspezies Phodopus sungorus zeigten keine signifikanten Änderungen der mRNA-Mengen beider Globine in alten im Vergleich zu jungen Tieren. Dies widerspricht publizierten Daten, in denen bei der Maus anhand von Western Blot-Analysen eine Abnahme der Neuroglobin-Menge im Alter gezeigt wurde. Möglicherweise handelt es sich hierbei um speziesspezifische Differenzen. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführte vergleichende Sequenzanalyse der humanen und murinen NGB/Ngb-Genregion liefert zum einen Hinweise auf die mögliche Regulation der Ngb-Expression und zum anderen eine wichtige Grundlage für die funktionellen Analysen dieses Gens. Es konnte ein minimaler Promotorbereich definiert werden, der zusammen mit einigen konservierten regulatorischen Elementen als Basis für experimentelle Untersuchungen der Promotoraktivität in Abhängigkeit von äußeren Einflüssen dienen wird. Bioinformatische Analysen führten zur Identifizierung des sog. „neuron restrictive silencer element“ (NRSE) im Ngb-Promotor, welches vermutlich für die vorwiegend neuronale Expression des Proteins verantwortlich ist. Die kontrovers diskutierte O2-abhängige Regulation der Ngb-Expression konnte hingegen anhand der durchgeführten komparativen Sequenzanalysen nicht bestätigt werden. Es wurden keine zwischen Mensch und Maus konservierten Bindestellen für den Transkriptionsfaktor HIF-1 identifiziert, der die Expression zahlreicher hypoxieregulierter Gene, z.B. Epo und VEGF, vermittelt. Zusammen mit den in vivo-Daten spricht dies eher gegen eine Regulation der Ngb-Expression bei verminderter Verfügbarkeit von Sauerstoff. Die Komplexität der Funktionen von Ngb und Cygb im O2-Stoffwechsel der Vertebraten macht den Einsatz muriner Modellsysteme unerlässlich, die eine sukzessive Aufklärung der Funktionen beider Proteine erlauben. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert auch dazu einen wichtigen Beitrag. Die hergestellten „gene-targeting“-Vektorkonstrukte liefern in Verbindung mit den etablierten Nachweisverfahren zur Genotypisierung von embryonalen Stammzellen die Grundlage zur erfolgreichen Generierung von Ngb-knock out sowie Ngb- und Cygb-überexprimierenden transgenen Tieren. Diese werden für die endgültige Entschlüsselung funktionell relevanter Fragestellungen von enormer Bedeutung sein.


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The tubulin-binding mode of C3- and C15-modified analogues of epothilone A (Epo A) was determined by NMR spectroscopy and computational methods and compared with the existing structural models of tubulin-bound natural Epo A. Only minor differences were observed in the conformation of the macrocycle between Epo A and the C3-modified analogues investigated. In particular, 3-deoxy- (compound 2) and 3-deoxy-2,3-didehydro-Epo A (3) were found to adopt similar conformations in the tubulin-binding cleft as Epo A, thus indicating that the 3-OH group is not essential for epothilones to assume their bioactive conformation. None of the available models of the tubulin-epothilone complex is able to fully recapitulate the differences in tubulin-polymerizing activity and microtubule-binding affinity between C20-modified epothilones 6 (C20-propyl), 7 (C20-butyl), and 8 (C20-hydroxypropyl). Based on the results of transferred NOE experiments in the presence of tubulin, the isomeric C15 quinoline-based Epo B analogues 4 and 5 show very similar orientations of the side chain, irrespective of the position of the nitrogen atom in the quinoline ring. The quinoline side chain stacks on the imidazole moiety of beta-His227 with equal efficiency in both cases, thus suggesting that the aromatic side chain moiety in epothilones contributes to tubulin binding through strong van der Waals interactions with the protein rather than hydrogen bonding involving the heteroaromatic nitrogen atom. These conclusions are in line with existing tubulin polymerization and microtubule-binding data for 4, 5, and Epo B.


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Combined pegylated interferon (PegIFN) and ribavirin represents the standard therapy for patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC), which allows for sustained viral response (SVR) in up to 90% of patients depending on certain viral and host factors. Clinical studies have demonstrated the importance of adherence to therapy, that is, the ability of patients to tolerate and sustain a fully dosed therapy regimen. Adherence is markedly impaired by treatment-related adverse effects. In particular, haemolytic anaemia often requires dose reduction or termination of ribavirin treatment, which compromises treatment efficacy. Recent evidence points to a beneficial role of recombinant erythropoietin (EPO) in alleviating ribavirin-induced anaemia thereby improving quality of life, enabling higher ribavirin dosage and consequently improving SVR. However, no general consensus exists regarding the use of EPO for specific indications: its optimal dosing, treatment benefits and potential risks or cost efficiency. The Swiss Association for the Study of the Liver (SASL) has therefore organized an expert meeting to critically review and discuss the current evidence and to phrase recommendations for clinical practice. A consensus was reached recommending the use of EPO for patients infected with viral genotype 1 developing significant anaemia below 100 g/L haemoglobin and a haematocrit of <30% during standard therapy to improve quality of life and sustain optimal ribavirin dose. However, the evidence supporting its use in patients with pre-existing anaemia, non-1 viral genotypes, a former relapse or nonresponse, liver transplant recipients and cardiovascular or pulmonary disease is considered insufficient.


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To investigate the consequences of inborn excessive erythrocytosis, we made use of our transgenic mouse line (tg6) that constitutively overexpresses erythropoietin (Epo) in a hypoxia-independent manner, thereby reaching hematocrit levels of up to 0.89. We detected expression of human Epo in the brain and, to a lesser extent, in the lung but not in the heart, kidney, or liver of tg6 mice. Although no acute cardiovascular complications are observed, tg6 animals have a reduced lifespan. Decreased swim performance was observed in 5-mo-old tg6 mice. At about 7 mo, several tg6 animals developed spastic contractions of the hindlimbs followed by paralysis. Morphological analysis by light and electron microscopy showed degenerative processes in liver and kidney characterized by increased vascular permeability, chronic progressive inflammation, hemosiderin deposition, and general vasodilatation. Moreover, most of the animals showed severe nerve fiber degeneration of the sciatic nerve, decreased number of neuromuscular junctions, and degeneration of skeletal muscle fibers. Most probably, the developing demyelinating neuropathy resulted in muscular degeneration demonstrated in the extensor digitorum longus muscle. Taken together, chronically increased Epo levels inducing excessive erythrocytosis leads to multiple organ degeneration and reduced life expectancy. This model allows investigation of the impact of excessive erythrocytosis in individuals suffering from polycythemia vera, chronic mountain sickness, or in subjects tempted to abuse Epo by means of gene doping.


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As a noninvasive method, exhaled breath condensate (EBC) has gained importance to improve monitoring of lung diseases and to detect biomarkers. The aim of the study was to investigate, whether erythropoietin (EPO) is detectable in EBC. EBC was collected from 22 consecutive patients as well as from healthy individuals. Using a multiplex fluorescent bead immunoassay, we detected EPO in EBC, as well as tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) in 13 out of 22 patients simultaneously (EPO 0.21 +/- 0.03 in U/mL and TNF-alpha 34.6 +/- 4.2 in pg/mL, mean +/- SEM). No significant differences for EPO levels or correlation between EPO and TNF-alpha were found but TNF-alpha was significantly higher in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) than in non-COPD (obstructive sleep apnoea, OSA, and lung healthy patients). This is the first report of detection of EPO in EBC. Due to the small study size more data is needed to clarify the role of EPO in EBC.


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Nitration of tyrosine residues has been observed during various acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. However, the mechanism of tyrosine nitration and the nature of the proteins that become tyrosine nitrated during inflammation remain unclear. Here we show that eosinophils but not other cell types including neutrophils contain nitrotyrosine-positive proteins in specific granules. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the human eosinophil toxins, eosinophil peroxidase (EPO), major basic protein, eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN) and eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), and the respective murine toxins, are post-translationally modified by nitration at tyrosine residues during cell maturation. High resolution affinity-mass spectrometry identified specific single nitration sites at Tyr349 in EPO and Tyr33 in both ECP and EDN. ECP and EDN crystal structures revealed and EPO structure modeling suggested that the nitrated tyrosine residues in the toxins are surface exposed. Studies in EPO(-/-), gp91phox(-/-), and NOS(-/-) mice revealed that tyrosine nitration of these toxins is mediated by EPO in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and minute amounts of NOx. Tyrosine nitration of eosinophil granule toxins occurs during maturation of eosinophils, independent of inflammation. These results provide evidence that post-translational tyrosine nitration is unique to eosinophils.


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Molecular responses to hypoxia restore oxygen homeostasis and promote cell survival, and are mainly regulated through the activation of the hypoxia-inducible transcription factor (HIF)-1 and its target genes. In this study we questioned whether surgically depleting the liver s arterial blood supply, by clamping the hepatic artery (HA), would be sufficient to mount a hypoxia-driven molecular response, the up-regulation of hepatoprotective genes and thereby protect the liver from subsequent damaging insults.;;The HA of normal male Balb/c mice was clamped with a micro vascular clip for 2 hours. The liver s saturated oxygen concentration (SO2) was measured using an O2C surface probe (LEA-Medizintechnik) and interstitial fluid was collected with microdialysis membranes to monitor tissue damage. Mice without clamping served as sham operated controls. Interstitial fluid was assessed for lactate pyruvate (L/P) and glycerol content and the mRNA of hepatoprotective genes was analyzed by real time PCR. Subsequently, mice received either a tail vein injection of anti-Fas antibody (Jo2, 0.2 mg/kg) or the liver was made ischemic (60min) followed by 6 hours reperfusion. Caspase 3-activity and cleaved lamin A were used to assess apoptosis. In separate groups, animal were monitored for survival.;;After 30min of clamping the HA the SO2 of the liver decreased and remained at a reduced level for up to 2 hours, without an increase in L/P ratio or glycerol release. We demonstrate the activation of a hypoxia-inducible signaling pathway by the stabilization of HIF-1 protein (Western blot) and by an increase of its target gene, Epo, mRNA. There was an up-regulation of the hepatoprotective genes IL-6, IGFBP-1, HO-1 and A20 mRNA. When subsequently injected with Jo2, animals preconditioned with HA clamping, had a significantly decreased caspase-3 activity (avg21044 vs. avg3637; p=0.001, T-test) and there were fewer positive cells for cleaved Lamin A. The survival probability (10.5 hours, n=12) of mice with HA clamping was significantly higher (3.2 hours, n=13; p=0.014, Logrank test). Likewise, survival after 60 minutes of partial hepatic ischemia and 6 hours of reperfusion was reduced from 86% in mice with pretreatment by HA clamping to 56% in sham treated controls.;;This study demonstrates that a localized hypoxic stress can be achieved by surgically removing the livers arterial blood supply. Furthermore it can stimulate a hepatoprotective response that protects the liver against Fas-mediated apoptosis and ischemia-reperfusion injury. Our findings offer an innovative approach to induce hepatoprotective genes to defend the liver against subsequent insults.


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Erythropoietin (EPO) and iron deficiency as causes of anemia in patients with limited renal function or end-stage renal disease are well addressed. The concomitant impairment of red blood cell (RBC) survival has been largely neglected. Properties of the uremic environment like inflammation, increased oxidative stress and uremic toxins seem to be responsible for the premature changes in RBC membrane and cytoskeleton. The exposure of antigenic sites and breakdown of the phosphatidylserine asymmetry promote RBC phagocytosis. While the individual response to treatment with EPO-stimulating agents (ESA) depends on both the RBC's lifespan and the production rate, uniform dosing algorithms do not meet that demand. The clinical use of mathematical models predicting ESA-induced changes in hematocrit might be greatly improved once independent estimates of RBC production rate and/or lifespan become available, thus making the concomitant estimation of both parameters unnecessary. Since heme breakdown by the hemoxygenase pathway results in carbon monoxide (CO) which is exhaled, a simple CO breath test has been used to calculate hemoglobin turnover and therefore RBC survival and lifespan. Future research will have to be done to validate and implement this method in patients with kidney failure. This will result in new insights into RBC kinetics in renal patients. Eventually, these findings are expected to improve our understanding of the hemoglobin variability in response to ESA.


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A systematic comparison has been performed of the morphology and stability of microtubules (MTs) induced by the potent microtubule-stabilizing agents (MSAs) taxol, epothilone B (Epo B), and discodermolide (DDM) under GTP-free conditions. DDM-induced tubulin polymerization occurred significantly faster than that induced by taxol and Epo B. At the same time, tubulin polymers assembled from soluble tubulin by DDM were morphologically distinct (shorter and less ordered) from those induced by either taxol or Epo B, as demonstrated by electron microscopy. Exposure of MSA-induced tubulin polymers to ultrasound revealed the DDM-based polymers to be less stable to this type of physical stress than those formed with either Epo B or taxol. Interestingly, MT assembly in the presence of both DDM and taxol appeared to produce a distinct new type of MT polymer with a mixed morphology between those of DDM- and taxol-induced structures. The observed differences in MT morphology and stability might be related, at least partly, to differences in intramicrotubular tubulin isotype distribution, as DDM showed a different pattern of beta-tubulin isotype usage in the assembly process.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of human recombinant erythropoietin (EPO) on the microcirculation and oxygenation of critically ischemic tissue and to elucidate the role of endothelial NO synthase in EPO-mediated tissue protection. Island flaps were dissected from the back skin of anesthetized male Syrian golden hamsters including a critically ischemic, hypoxic area that was perfused via a collateralized vasculature. Before ischemia, animals received an injection of epoetin beta at a dose of 5,000 U/kg body weight with (n = 7) or without (n = 7) blocking NO synthase by 30 mg/kg body weight L-NAME (Nomega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride). Saline-treated animals served as control (n = 7). Ischemic tissue damage was characterized by severe hypoperfusion and inflammation, hypoxia, and accumulation of apoptotic cell nuclei after 5 h of collateralization. Erythropoietin pretreatment increased arteriolar and venular blood flow by 33% and 37%, respectively (P < 0.05), and attenuated leukocytic inflammation by approximately 75% (P < 0.05). Furthermore, partial tissue oxygen tension in the ischemic tissue increased from 8.2 to 15.8 mmHg (P < 0.05), which was paralleled by a 21% increased density of patent capillaries (P < 0.05) and a 50% reduced apoptotic cell count (P < 0.05). The improved microcirculation and oxygenation were associated with a 2.2-fold (P < 0.05) increase of endothelial NO synthase protein expression. Of interest, L-NAME completely abolished all the beneficial effects of EPO pretreatment. Our study demonstrates that, in critically ischemic and hypoxic collateralized tissue, EPO pretreatment improves tissue perfusion and oxygenation in vivo. This effect may be attributed to NO-dependent vasodilative effects and anti-inflammatory actions on the altered vascular endothelium.


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A green fluorescent 12-aza-epothilone (azathilone) derivative has been prepared through the attachment of the 4-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazole (NBD) fluorophore to the 12-nitrogen atom of the azamacrolide core structure. While less potent than natural epothilones or different N12-acylated azathilone derivatives, NBD-azathilone (3) promotes tubulin assembly, inhibits cancer cell proliferation in vitro and arrests the cell cycle at the G2/M transition. Most significantly, the binding of 3 to cellular microtubules (MTs) could be directly visualized by confocal fluorescence microscopy. Based on competition binding experiments with laulimalide-stabilized MTs in vitro, the N12-Boc substituted azathilone 1, Epo A, and NBD-azathilone (3) all interact with the same tubulin-binding site. Computational studies provided a structural model of the complexes between beta-tubulin and 1 or 3, respectively, in which the NBD moiety of 3 or the BOC moiety of 1 directly and specifically contribute to MT binding. Collectively, these data demonstrate that the cellular effects of 3 and, by inference, also of other azathilones are the result of their interactions with the cellular MT network.


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PURPOSE To identify the mutation responsible for an abnormal electroretinogram (ERG) in a transgenic mouse line (tg21) overexpressing erythropoietin (Epo). The tg21 line was generated on a mixed (C3H; C57BL/6) background and lacked the b-wave component of the ERG. This no-b-wave (nob) ERG is seen in other mouse models with depolarizing bipolar cell (DBC) dysfunction and in patients with the complete form of congenital stationary night blindness (cCSNB). We determined the basis for the nob ERG phenotype and screened C3H mice for the mutation to evaluate whether this finding is important for the vision research community. METHODS ERGs were used to examine retinal function. The retinal structure of the transgenic mice was investigated using histology and immunohistochemistry. Inverse PCR was performed to identify the insertion site of the Epo transgene in the mouse genome. Affected mice were backcrossed to follow the inheritance pattern of the nob ERG phenotype. Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT PCR), Sanger sequencing, and immunohistochemistry were used to identify the mutation causing the defect. Additional C3H sublines were screened for the detected mutation. RESULTS Retinal histology and blood vessel structure were not disturbed, and no loss of DBCs was observed in the tg21 nob mice. The mutation causing the nob ERG phenotype is inherited independently of the tg21 transgene. The qRT PCR experiments revealed that the nob ERG phenotype reflected a mutation in Gpr179, a gene involved in DBC signal transduction. PCR analysis confirmed the presence of the Gpr179(nob5) insertional mutation in intron 1 of Gpr179. Screening for mutations in other C3H-derived lines revealed that C3H.Pde6b(+) mice carry the Gpr179 (nob5) allele whereas C3H/HeH mice do not. CONCLUSIONS We identified the presence of the Gpr179(nob5) mutation causing DBC dysfunction in a C3H-derived transgenic mouse line. The nob phenotype is not related to the presence of the transgene. The Gpr179(nob5) allele can be added to the list of background alleles that impact retinal function in commonly used mouse lines. By providing primers to distinguish between Gpr179 mutant and wild-type alleles, this study allows investigators to monitor for the presence of the Gpr179(nob5) mutation in other mouse lines derived from C3H.


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Recombinant human erythropoietin (EPO) has been successfully tested as neuroprotectant in brain injury models. The first large clinical trial with stroke patients, however, revealed negative results. Reasons are manifold and may include side-effects such as thrombotic complications or interactions with other medication, EPO concentration, penetration of the blood-brain-barrier and/or route of application. The latter is restricted to systemic application. Here we hypothesize that EPO is neuroprotective in a rat model of acute subdural hemorrhage (ASDH) and that direct cortical application is a feasible route of application in this injury type. The subdural hematoma was surgically evacuated and EPO was applied directly onto the surface of the brain. We injected NaCl, 200, 2000 or 20,000IU EPO per rat i.v. at 15min post-ASDH (400μl autologous venous blood) or NaCl, 0.02, 0.2 or 2IU per rat onto the cortical surface after removal of the subdurally infused blood t at 70min post-ASDH. Arterial blood pressure (MAP), blood chemistry, intracranial pressure (ICP), cerebral blood flow (CBF) and brain tissue oxygen (ptiO2) were assessed during the first hour and lesion volume at 2days after ASDH. EPO 20,000IU/rat (i.v.) elevated ICP significantly. EPO at 200 and 2000IU reduced lesion volume from 38.2±0.6mm(3) (NaCl-treated group) to 28.5±0.9 and 22.2±1.3mm(3) (all p<0.05 vs. NaCl). Cortical application of 0.02IU EPO after ASDH evacuation reduced injury from 36.0±5.2 to 11.2±2.1mm(3) (p=0.007), whereas 0.2IU had no effect (38.0±9.0mm(3)). The highest dose of both application routes (i.v. 20,000IU; cortical 2IU) enlarged the ASDH-induced damage significantly to 46.5±1.7 and 67.9±10.4mm(3) (all p<0.05 vs. NaCl). In order to test whether Tween-20, a solvent of EPO formulation 'NeoRecomon®' was responsible for adverse effects two groups were treated with NaCl or Tween-20 after the evacuation of ASDH, but no difference in lesion volume was detected. In conclusion, EPO is neuroprotective in a model of ASDH in rats and was most efficacious at a very low dose in combination with subdural blood removal. High systemic and topically applied concentrations caused adverse effects on lesion size which were partially due to increased ICP. Thus, patients with traumatic ASDH could be treated with cortically applied EPO but with caution concerning concentration.


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The VP1 unique region (VP1u) of human parvovirus B19 (B19V) is the immunodominant part of the viral capsid. Originally inaccessible, the VP1u becomes exposed upon primary attachment to the globoside receptor. To study the function of the exposed VP1u in B19V uptake, we expressed this region as a recombinant protein. Here, we report that purified recombinant VP1u binds and is internalized in UT7/Epo cells. By means of truncations and specific antibodies, we identified the most N-terminal amino acid residues of VP1u as the essential region for binding and internalization. Furthermore, the recombinant VP1u was able to block B19V uptake, suggesting that the protein and the virus undertake the same internalization pathway. Assays with different erythroid and nonerythroid cell lines showed that the N-terminal VP1u binding was restricted to a few cell lines of the erythroid lineage, which were also the only cells that allowed B19V internalization and infection. These results together indicate that the N-terminal region of VP1u is responsible for the internalization of the virus and that the interacting receptor is restricted to B19V-susceptible cells. The highly selective uptake mechanism represents a novel determinant of the tropism and pathogenesis of B19V.