975 resultados para Epidermal laminae


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Introdução: Os tumores do Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC) constituem um grupo heterogêneo de neoplasias e representam o tumor sólido mais comum na infância e adolescência (DEANGELIS 2001). A tumorigênese é um processo de múltiplas etapas envolvendo alterações genéticas que levam a transformação progressiva de células normais para a formação de derivados altamente malignos (HANAHAN 2000). O receptor do fator de crescimento epidermal (EGFR) é um receptor transmembrana que atua num sistema de sinalização fundamental para a fisiologia normal da célula e na manutenção do estado tumorigênico (JORISSEM 2003). O EGFR e seus ligantes estão envolvidos em mais de 70% de todas as neoplasias (YARDEN 2001). Em vários tipos de tumores, incluindo os tumores cerebrais, o EGFR é expresso aproximadamente 100 vezes mais do que o número normal de receptores encontrados na superfície de células normais. A hiperexpressão do EGFR e do ErbB2, tem sido associada com neoplasias que apresentam um comportamento clínico mais agressivo (ALROY 1997). Objetivos: Analisar a expressão do gene do EGFR em tumores primários do SNC. Material e Método: Análise de 18 amostras de tumores primários do SNC em crianças de 01 a 14 anos de idade utilizando uma técnica semi-quantitativa de RT-PCR. A coleta das amostras foi feita no período de 2002 a 2004. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por: um astrocitoma grau I, três astrocitomas grau III, três astrocitomas grau IV, três carcinomas de plexo coróide, 1 craniofaringeoma, três ependimomas, um tumor neuroectodérmico primitivo e três meduloblastomas. 33% da amostra apresentou hiperexpressão de EGFR. Ao analisar-se os resultados de expressão do EGFR nas amostras de astrocitomas verificou-se um aumento na expressão do EGFR para os tumores de grau IV, com exceção de uma amostra que apresentou um índice baixo de 0.13 RNAm. Para as demais amostras de astrocitoma grau 3 a expressão do EGFR foi baixa e os pacientes apresentaram sobrevida com doença, uma vez que não foi possível realizar ressecção cirúrgica total. Conclusão:Ainda que este estudo forneça dados de uma população bastante heterogênea é possível evidenciar diferenças nítidas de expressão do EGFR entre as diversas histologias que compreendem os tumores pediátrico do SNC. Tais resultados sugerem um importante papel do EGFR nos tumores cerebrais da infância e encorajam a continuidade de investigações que elucidem a real aplicabilidade deste fator de crescimento como marcador prognóstico e alvo terapêutico.


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AgNORs, e expressão do Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) em células epiteliais de ameloblastomas. Onze casos de ameloblastomas foram submetidos à técnica de hematoxilina e eosina, para análise morfológica; à técnica de impregnação com prata para quantificação das AgNORs e à marcação com anticorpo anti-Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor. Os resultados não revelaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas quanto à quantificação das AgNORs. A expressão do EGFR nas ilhas epiteliais de ameloblastoma não se mostrou uniforme, sendo possível identificar ilhas marcadas e ilhas sem marcação. A localização da marcação também foi variável nas diferentes ilhas epiteliais, sendo a marcação predominante a de citoplasma e raras as de membrana, essas geralmente eram nas ilhas epiteliais de menor tamanho. Concluiu-se que o tumor apresenta um crescimento irregular, com as ilhas de menor tamanho podendo estar associadas a uma maior atividade proliferativa, contribuindo para a infiltração do tumor.


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This study examined the expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) cell-surface receptors, the response to exogenous ligand and the autocrine production of transforming growth factor a (TGF-a) in normal and carcinoma-derived human oral keratinocytes. One of eight malignant cell lines overexpressed EGF receptors, while the remainder expressed receptor numbers similar to normal cells. Exogenous EGF stimulated incorporation of tritiated thymidine in a dose-dependent manner. In keratinocytes expressing normal numbers of EGF receptors, the cellular response to exogenous EGF correlated positively with total EGF receptor number. SCC-derived keratinocytes produced more TGF-a than normal cells. There was no statistical correlation between the autocrine production of TGF-a, EGF cell-surface receptor expression and cellular response to exogenous EGF. While the growth-stimulatory effects of exogenous TGF-cl were inhibited by the addition of a neutralising antibody, the presence of this antibody in conditioned medium failed to produce a similar decrease in growth. The results indicate that overexpression of EGF receptors is not an invariable characteristic of human oral squamous carcinoma-derived cell lines. Further, the contribution of TGF-a to the growth of normal and carcinoma-derived human oral keratinocytes in vitro may be less significant than previously documented.


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Marine and freshwater stingrays are characterized by the presence of one to three mineralized serrated stingers on the tail, which are covered by epidermal cells secreting venom. When these animals are dorsally touched, the stinger can be introduced into the aggressor by a whip reflex mechanism of the tail, causing severe mechanical injuries and inoculating the venom. Accidents in humans are frequent causing intense local pain, oedema and erythema. Bacterial secondary infection is also common. In addition, injuries involving freshwater stingrays frequently cause a persistent cutaneous necrosis. The exact localization of the venom secretory epidermal cells in the stinger is controversial, but it is known that it is preferentially located in the ventrolateral grooves. A comparative morphological analysis of the stinger epidermal tissue of different marine and freshwater Brazilian stingray species was carried out. The results indicate that in freshwater species there is a larger number of protein secretory cells, of two different types, spread over the whole stinger epidermis, while in marine species the protein secretory cells are located only around or inside the stinger ventrolateral grooves. These differences between the stingers of the two groups can justify the more severe envenomation accidents with the freshwater species when compared with the marine species. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Digital techniques have been developed and validated to assess semiquantitatively immunohistochemical nuclear staining. Currently visual classification is the standard for qualitative nuclear evaluation. Analysis of pixels that represents the immunohistochemical labeling can be more sensitive, reproducible and objective than visual grading. This study compared two semiquantitative techniques of digital image analysis with three techniques of visual analysis imaging to estimate the p53 nuclear immunostaining. Methods: Sixty-three sun-exposed forearm-skin biopsies were photographed and submitted to three visual analyses of images: the qualitative visual evaluation method (0 to 4 +), the percentage of labeled nuclei and HSCORE. Digital image analysis was performed using ImageJ 1.45p; the density of nuclei was scored per ephitelial area (DensNU) and the pixel density was established in marked suprabasal epithelium (DensPSB). Results: Statistical significance was found in: the agreement and correlation among the visual estimates of evaluators, correlation among the median visual score of the evaluators, the HSCORE and the percentage of marked nuclei with the DensNU and DensPSB estimates. DensNU was strongly correlated to the percentage of p53-marked nuclei in the epidermis, and DensPSB with the HSCORE. Conclusion: The parameters presented herein can be applied in routine analysis of immunohistochemical nuclear staining of epidermis. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Epidermoid cysts are rare benign tumors that are derived from the development of abnormally situated ectodermal tissue and are often an incidental finding. They are usually diagnosed between 15 and 50 years of age, with both sexes equally affected. In epidermoid cyst management, complete excision is the therapy of choice. The authors reported a case of a 24-year-old man with an epidermoid cyst located on the left side of the face, on the region of mandibular body, which was treated by complete surgical excision. The patient has been followed up for 2 years without signs of recurrence. Copyright © 2013 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze cytokine gene expression in keratinocytes from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). INTRODUCTION: Keratinocytes represent 95% of epidermal cells and can secrete several cytokines. METHODS: Keratinocytes were obtained by laser microdissection from 21 patients with SLE (10 discoid and 11 acute lesions) at involved and uninvolved sites. All patients were receiving a low/moderate prednisone dose and 18 were receiving chloroquine diphosphate. IL-2, IL-5, TNF-α and IFN-γ gene expression was evaluated by real-time PCR and expressed as the ratio (R) to a pool of skin samples from 12 healthy volunteers. RESULTS: Heterogeneity in cytokine gene expression was found among patients with SLE. Eighteen of 38 valid SLE samples (47%) presented overexpression (R>1) of at least one cytokine. Lesional skin samples tended to show higher cytokine expression than samples from uninvolved skin (p = 0.06). IL-5 and IFN-γ were the most commonly overexpressed cytokines. Samples with cytokine overexpression corresponded to more extensive and severe lesions. Prednisone dose did not differ between samples without cytokine overexpression (15.71±3.45 mg/day) and those with overexpressed cytokines (12.68±5.41 mg/day) (p = 0.216). Samples from all patients not receiving diphosphate chloroquine had at least one overexpressed cytokine. CONCLUSIONS: The heterogeneous keratinocyte cytokine gene expression reflects the complex immunological and inflammatory background in SLE. Patients with severe/extensive skin lesions showed a higher frequency of cytokine gene overexpression. Increased IFN-γ and IL-5 expression suggests that Th1 and Th2 cells are involved in SLE skin inflammation. The possibility that prednisone and antimalarial drugs may have contributed to low cytokine gene expression in some samples cannot be ruled out.


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The association between tridimensional scaffolds to cells of interest has provided excellent perspectives for obtaining viable complex tissues in vitro, such as skin, resulting in impressive advances in the field of tissue engineering applied to regenerative therapies. The use of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells in the treatment of dermo-epidermal wounds is particularly promising due to several relevant properties of these cells, such as high capacity of proliferation in culture, potential of differentiation in multiple skin cell types, important paracrine and immunomodulatory effects, among others. Membranes of chitosan complexed with xanthan may be potentially useful as scaffolds for multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells, given that they present suitable physico-chemical characteristics and have adequate tridimensional structure for the adhesion, growth, and maintenance of cell function. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to assess the applicability of bioactive dressings associating dense and porous chitosan-xanthan membranes to multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells for the treatment of skin wounds. The membranes showed to be non-mutagenic and allowed efficient adhesion and proliferation of the mesenchymal stromal cells in vitro. In vivo assays performed with mesenchymal stromal cells grown on the surface of the dense membranes showed acceleration of wound healing in Wistar rats, thus indicating that the use of this cell-scaffold association for tissue engineering purposes is feasible and attractive.