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Introduction: Among patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) both obstructive and central sleep apnea (SA) are associated with increased sympathetic activity. However, the day-night pattern of cardiac autonomic nervous system modulation in CHF patients with and without sleep apnea is unknown. Material and methods: Twenty-five CHF patients underwent polysomnography with simultaneous beat-to-beat blood pressure (Portapres), respiration and electrocardiogram monitoring. Patients were divided according to the presence (SA, n=17) and absence of SA (NoSA, n=8). Power spectral analyses of heart rate variability (HRV) and spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) were determined in periods with stable breathing while awake at 6 AM, 10 AM, 10 PM, as well as during stage 2 sleep. In addition, muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) was evaluated at 10 AM. Results: RR variance, low-frequency (LF), high-frequency (HF) powers of HRV, and BRS were significantly lower in patients with SA compared with NoSA in all periods. HF power, a marker of vagal activity, increased during sleep in patients with NoSA but in contrast did not change across the 24-hour period in patients with SA. MSNA was significantly higher in patients with SA compared with NoSA. RR variance, LF and HF powers correlated inversely with simultaneous MSNA (r=-0.64, -0.61, and -0.61 respectively; P < 0.01). Conclusions: Patients with CHF and SA present a reduced and blunted cardiac autonomic modulation across the 24-hour period. These findings may help to explain the increased cardiovascular risk in patients with CHF and SA. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The mortality and morbidity caused by alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug misuse represents a significant public health burden (Ezzati et al., 2002). A key part of the public health response is the collection of epidemiological and social science data to define at-risk populations to identify opportunities for intervention and to evaluate the effectiveness of policies in preventing or treating drug misuse and drug-related harm. The systematic use of epidemiological and social science research methods to study illicit drug use is barely 40 years old in the United States and United Kingdom, which have pioneered this approach. Because of the sensitive nature of epidemiological research on illicit drug use a unique set of ethical challenges need to be explicitly addressed by the field. Although ethics guidelines have been proposed (Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences, 1991), scholarship on the ethics of epidemiology is scant, and consensus on core values not yet achieved (Coughlin, 2000).
The molecular pathology of meningiomas and shwannomas involve the inactivation of the NF2 gene to generate grade I tumors. Genomic losses at 1p and 14q are observed in both neoplasms, although more frequently in meningiomas. The inactivation of unidentified genes located in these regions appears associated with tumor progression in meningiomas, but no clues to its molecular/clinical meaning are available in schwannomas. Recent microarray gene expression studies have demonstrated the existence of molecular subgroups in both entities. In the present study, we correlated the presence of genomic deletions at 1p, 14q, and 22q with the expression patterns of 96 tumor-related genes obtained by cDNA low-density microarrays in a series of 65 tumors including 42 meningiomas and 23 schwannomas. Two expression pattern groups were identified by cDNA mycroarray analysis when compared to the expression pattern in normal control RNA in both meningiomas and schwannomas, each one with patterns similar and different from the normal control. Meningioma and schwannoma subgroups differed in the expression of 38 and 16 genes, respectively. Using MLPA and microsatellites, we identified genomic losses at 1p, 14q, and 22q at nonrandom frequencies (12.5-69%) in meningiomas and schwannomas. Losses at 22q were almost equally frequent in both molecular expression subgroups in both neoplasms. However, deletions at 1p and 14q accumulated in meningiomas with a gene expression pattern different from the normal pattern, whereas the inverse situation occurred in schwannomas. Those anomalies characterized the schwannomas with expression pattern similar to the normal control. These findings suggest that deletions at 1p and 14q enhance the development of an abnormal tumor-related gene expression pattern in meningiomas, but this fact is not corroborated in schwannomas. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Bird sex determination using molecular methods has proved to be a valuable tool in different studies. Although it is possible to sex most birds by coupling the CHD assay with others available methods, no sex-determining gene like SRY in mammalians has been identified in birds. The male hypermethylated (MHM) region on the Z chromosome has been found to be hypermethylated in males and hypomethylated in females in birds of the order Galliformes. We analyzed the DNA from feathers of 50 adult chickens to verify the methylation pattern of the MHM region by PCR and the restriction enzyme HpaII (a method named MHM assay). The results, visualized in agarose gel, were compared with PCR amplification of the CHD-Z and CHD-W genes (polyacrylamide gel) and with the birds` phenotype. All males (25) showed hypermethylation of the MHM region, and all females (25) showed hypomethylation. The sexing by MHM assay was in according with phenotype and CHD sexing. To our knowledge, this is the first study that uses the MHM region for sexing birds. Although the real role of the MHM region in the sex determination is still unclear, this could be a universal marker for sexing birds and may be involved in sex determination by its influence on transcriptional processes. The MHM assay could be a good alternative for CHD assay in developmental studies.
Paracoccidioidomycosis has been known for over 100 years, and until now, there were only few estimates of the disease`s incidence. We aim to analyze 1,000 cases treated between 1960 and 1999 at Ribeirao Preto city, Sao Paulo, Brazil, where the disease`s incidence range detected was 1.6 to 3.7 cases per 100,000 habitants per year (mean = 2.7 cases/year). We observed a male to female ratio of 6:1 and an age distribution from 3 to 85 years. The acute/subacute form of the disease accounted for 25.4% of cases. Most of the patients (93.5%) had lived or worked in rural areas before the disease development. Smoking and alcoholism were reported by 64.7% and 37.2% of patients, respectively. Comorbidities identified included tuberculosis (8.3%), Chagas` disease (8.6%), and human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (4.2%). The present study revealed an area in Brazil where paracoccidioidomycosis is hyperendemic (has the highest reported incidence of this disease); this endemic area is probably caused by geological and climatic conditions as well as intensive agriculture.
Aims: To estimate the prevalence of symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) as a function of age and gender, in a representative urban sample from the Brazilian population. Methods: A total of 1,230 inhabitants (51.5% women) aged 15 to 65 years were interviewed by a validated phone survey. Sample size had been previously calculated. TMD symptoms were assessed through five questions, as recommended by the American Academy of Orofacial Pain, in an attempt to identify possible TMD. Data were derived by age and gender. Prevalence of each TMD symptom, and of combination of symptoms, was calculated. Results: At least one TMD symptom was reported by 39.2% of the individuals. Pain related to TMD was noted by 25.6% of the population. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) sound was the most common symptom of TMD, followed by TMJ pain and masticatory muscle pain. All symptoms were more prevalent in women than in men. With men used as the reference, a relative risk (RR) of at least one TMD symptom in women was 1.31 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.14 to 1.52). When at least two symptoms were present, the RR was 1.93 (95% CI = 1.49 to 2.51). For three or more TMD symptoms, the RR was 2.49 (95% CI = 1.67 to 3.71). Women were also more likely than men to have TMD pain (RR = 1.78; 9% CI = 1.45 to 2.18). Conclusion: Individual symptoms, as well as a combination of TMD symptoms, are prevalent in the Brazilian urban population and are more frequent in women than in men. Additional studies should focus on risk factors for and relevance of TMD for the sufferers. J OROFAC PAIN 2010;24:270-278
Objectives.-A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of migraine, episodic tension-type headaches (ETTH), and chronic daily headaches (CDH), as well as the presence of symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in the adult population. Background.-The potential comorbidity of headache syndromes and TMD has been established mostly based on clinic-based studies. Methods.-A representative sample of 1230 inhabitants (51.5% women) was interviewed by a validated phone survey. TMD symptoms were assessed through 5 questions, as recommended by the American Academy of Orofacial Pain, in an attempt to classify possible TMD. Primary headaches were diagnosed based on the International Classification of Headache Disorders. Results.-When at least 1 TMD symptom was reported, any headache happened in 56.5% vs 31.9% (P < .0001) in those with no symptoms. For 2 symptoms, figures were 65.1% vs 36.3% (P < .0001); for 3 or more symptoms, the difference was even more pronounced: 72.8% vs 37.9%. (P < .0001). Taking individuals without headache as the reference, the prevalence of at least 1 TMD symptom was increased in ETTH (prevalence ratio = 1.48, 95% confidence interval = 1.20-1.79), migraine (2.10, 1.80-2.47) and CDH (2.41, 1.84-3.17). At least 2 TMD symptoms also happened more frequently in migraine (4.4, 3.0-6.3), CDH (3.4; 1.5-7.6), and ETTH (2.1; 1.3-3.2), relative to individuals with no headaches. Finally, 3 or more TMD symptoms were also more common in migraine (6.2; 3.8-10.2) than in no headaches. Differences were significant for ETTH (2.7 1.5-4.8), and were numerically but not significant for CDH (2.3; 0.66-8.04). Conclusions.-Temporomandibular disorder symptoms are more common in migraine, ETTH, and CDH relative to individuals without headache. Magnitude of association is higher for migraine. Future studies should clarify the nature of the relationship.
Objectives: To assess the development of face and hyoid bone in children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) through lateral cephalometries. Materials and methods: Children aged 7-10 years with mixed dentition and with no previous otorhinolaryngologic, orthodontic or speech therapy treatments were studied. Twenty nasal breathers were compared to 20 mouth breathing children diagnosed as OSAS patients. All children underwent otorhinolaryngologic evaluation and cephalometries; children with OSAS also underwent nocturnal polysomnography in a sleep laboratory. Results: Children with OSAS presented increase in total and lower anterior heights of the face when compared to nasal breathers. In addition, children with OSAS presented a significantly more anterior and inferior position of the hyoid bone than nasal breathers. No significant differences in upper, anterior or posterior heights of the face were observed between groups. Conclusion: The results suggest that there are evident and early changes in facial growth and development among children with OSAS, characterized by increased total and inferior anterior heights of the face, as well as more anterior and inferior position of the hyoid bone. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Because dry eye disease is rare in children and its pathogenesis is less well known than in adults, its diagnosis is often overlooked. It can occur in association with a number of congenital, autoimmune, endocrine, and inflammatory disorders, or under certain environmental and nutritional conditions. In some cases, early detection allows the underlying cause of the dry eye to be successfully treated and eliminated. In other cases, the disease may represent a lifelong problem, whose proper management can prevent ulceration and scarring of the ocular surface. Because of the association of pediatric dry eye with other conditions, a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment is usually required. The purpose of this review is to enhance physician awareness of dry eye in children, to describe the most frequently associated conditions, and to discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic options available.
During the period of 2006 to 2007, 28 university centers in Brazil used a standardized protocol of investigation to study the epidemiological, clinical and radiological variables of 1036 consecutive patients with the diagnosis of spondyloarthritis (SpA). Validated translated (Portuguese) versions of the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) Disease Activity Index and the Bath AS Functional Index were applied. Patient diagnoses were predominantly AS (72.3%), followed by psoriatic arthritis (13.7%), undifferentiated SpA (6.3%), reactive arthritis (3.6%), juvenile SpA (3.1%) and arthritis related to inflammatory bowel disease (1.0%). There was a predominance of male (73.6%) and white (59.5%) patients. Pure axial disease was observed in 36.7% of the patients, whereas the mixed pattern (axial, peripheral and entheseal) was observed in 47.9%. The most common extra-articular involvement was anterior uveitis (20.2%). HLA-B27 was positive in 69.5% of the tested patients.
Introduction. Capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) are considered amplifying hosts of Rickettsia sp. These rodents are usually parasitized by the tick vector, Amblyomma cajennense, the main vector of rickettsioses in humans and animals in South America. Capybaras can be used as sentinels in detection of circulation of rickettsiae. Objective. Antibodies to rickettsiae of spotted fever group were detected in capybaras in a rural area of Cordoba Province, northern Colombia. Materials and methods. Sera were analyzed from 36 capybaras in a rural area of Monteria (village of San Jeronimo) in Cordoba. For the detection of IgG antibodies, indirect immunofluorescence was performed. The antigens were derived from R. rickettsia strain Taiacu isolated in Brazil. Capybara sera were diluted 1:64 for IFA analysis. Ticks were collected from each capybara (also known as chiguiro) and identified to species. Results. The seroprevalence of spotted fever group Rickettsia was 22% (8 capybaras). Four sera had a titer of 1:64, 3 had a titer of 1:128 and one serum had a titer of 1:512. All ticks removed from the capybaras (n=933) were taxonomically identified as Amblyomma cajennense. Conclusion. Colombia has areas endemic for rickettsioses, as indicated by confirmed annual outbreaks. The current study reports the first evidence of natural rickettsial infection of the spotted fever group in capybaras from Colombia. The findings suggest that capybaras can be used as sentinels for the circulation of rickettsiae and can identify endemic areas for the transmission of rickettsial diseases.
As part of an epidemiological study of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) in Brazil, 252 samples from IBV-suspect flocks were tested and the IBV-positive samples were analysed by sequencing of hypervariable regions 1 and 2 of the S1 gene. A high prevalence of IBV variants was found and the sequence analysis of 41 samples revealed a high molecular similarity among the Brazilian isolates (from 90.2 to 100% and from 85.3 to 100% nucleotide and amino acid identity, respectively). The Brazilian isolates showed low genetic relationship with Massachusetts (63.4 to 70.7%), European (45.9 to 75.6%), American (49.3 to 76.4%) and other reference serotypes (67.5 to 78.8%). The Brazilian isolates branched into one unique cluster, separate from the reference serotypes used for infectious bronchitis control in other countries. The variants analysed in this work had a high similarity with all previously published Brazilian IBV isolates, suggesting the presence and high prevalence of a unique or predominant genotype circulating in Brazil. In addition, the virus neutralization test showed that the three Brazilian isolates analysed in the present study are antigenically related to one another but are different from the Massachusetts serotype. The present study shows that IBVs of a unique genotype can be associated with different clinical diseases, and that low genetic variation was detected in this genotype over a long period of time. The molecular characterization of the Brazilian variants isolated from 2003 to 2009 from different geographic regions of the country shows that only one predominant genotype is widespread in the Brazilian territory, denominated in this study as BR-I genotype.
Due to the scarcity of information related to the epidemiology of Cryptosporidium infection in passerine birds, this study aimed to determine the periodicity of fecal shedding of Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts, after natural infection, and its clinical signs, mortality, and molecular characterization. Four hundred eighty fecal samples were collected from 40 birds, including 372 samples from 31 adult birds and 108 samples from nine young birds (up to 12 months old), housed in five aviaries, monthly from September 2007 to September 2008, with the exception of April. The birds originated from aviaries in which the following species were raised: great-billed seed-finch (Oryzoborus maximiliani), lesser seed-finch (Oryzoborus angolensis), ultramarine grosbeak (Cyanocompsa brissonii), and rusty-collared seedeater (Sporophila collaris). The samples were preserved in 2.5% potassium dichromate at 4A degrees C until processing. The oocysts were purified by centrifugal flotation in Sheather`s solution, followed by genomic DNA extraction and molecular characterization of oocysts using the nested polymerase chain reaction for amplification of fragments of the 18S subunit of rRNA gene. Intermittent shedding of oocysts was observed by positive amplification for Cryptosporidium spp. in 91 (24.5%) samples of adult birds and 14 (13%) of young birds. The sequencing of the amplified fragments enabled the identification of Cryptosporidium galli. Although all the aviaries had birds positive for C. galli, morbidity or mortality was observed in only one aviary and was associated with concomitant infection with Escherichia coli and Isospora sp.
Objective: To determine whether opportunistic oral infections associated to HIV infection (OOI-HIV) are found in HIV+/AIDS patients with immune reconstitution related to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Methods. From among 1100 HIV+/AIDS patients (Service of Internal Medicine, Carlos Haya Hospital, Malaga, Spain) subjected to review of the oral cavity between January 1996 and May 2007, we identified those examined in 1996 and which were again examined between 1997 and 2007, and were moreover receiving HAART. The following data were collected: age, gender, form of contagion, antiretroviral therapy at the time of review, number of CD4+ lymphocytes/ml, and viral load (from 1997 onwards). We identified those subjects with an increase in CD4+ lymphocytes/ ml associated to HAART, and classified them as subjects with quantitative evidence of immune reconstitution (QEIR). Among these individuals with QEIR we moreover identified those with undetectable viral loads (QEIR+VL), and differentiated those patients with an increase in CD4+ lymphocytes > 500/ml (QEIRm+VL). In each group we determined the prevalence of OOI-HIV, following the diagnostic recommendations of the EC-Clearinghouse (CDC-Atlanta, USA - WHO). In addition, we analyzed the prevalence of OOI-HIV in the different groups in relation to the duration of HAART. Results. A total of 86 subjects were included (44 females and 42 males; 19 heterosexuals, 34 male homosexuals, and 33 intravenous drug abusers). Forty-two patients showed QEIR: 21 belonged to the QEIR+VL group, and 17 conformed the QEIRm+VL group. The prevalence of OOI-HIV per group was as follows: QEIR = 54.8%; QEIR+VL = 33%; QEIRm+VL = 35%. The most prevalent lesion in all groups was erythematous candidiasis. OOI-HIV increased with the duration of HAART (p=0.008), and were seen to be dependent upon late appearance of the mycotic lesions ( after 24 months under HAART). Conclusions: It is suggested that opportunistic oral infections associated to HIV infection form part of the clinical picture of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome, though such infections are of late onset.