946 resultados para Environmental effect


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The intensity of sexual selection is influenced by environmental conditions because these conditions influence signal propagation and the risks of the signal being exploited by predators and parasites. We explore the possibility that spatial or temporal heterogeneity in environmental signalling conditions (in this case light spectrum) may induce fluctuating sexual selection on male behaviour and ornamentation in guppies. We used shade cloth and filters to experimentally manipulate light spectrum, mimicking conditions found naturally: early morning/late afternoon light (SC treatment), midday forest shade (F89 filter treatment) and midday woodland shade (F55 filter treatment). Females were more responsive to male courtship and males were less likely to attempt sneak copulations under F55 light than the other two treatments. By contrast, male display rate was not influenced by treatment. Females tended to prefer the same males under SC and F55 light, but attractiveness in these treatments was unrelated to attractiveness under F89 light. There were similarities among treatments in the traits that females preferred: females preferred males with larger areas of orange in all three treatments. There were, however, also some differences, including preference for larger males under F89 light and for smaller males under the other treatments. Overall, the influence of ambient light spectrum on the relative importance of mate choice and male sneak copulation may have important implications for the mode and strength of sexual selection in different environments. The findings on attractiveness and preference functions, however, suggest that light spectrum only weakly affects the direction of sexual selection by female choice.


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Air temperature, pressure and humidity are environmental factors that affect air density and therefore the relationship between a cyclist’s power output and their velocity. These environmental factors are changeable and are routinely quite different at elite cycling competitions conducted around the world, which means that they have a variable effect on performance in timed events. The present work describes a method of calculating the effect of these environmental factors on timed cycling events and illustrates the magnitude and significance of these effects in a case study. Formulas are provided to allow the calculation of the effect of environmental conditions on performance in a time trial cycling event. The effect of environmental factors on time trial performance can be in the order of 1.5%, which is significant given that the margins between ranked performances is often less than this. Environmental factors may enhance or hinder performance depending upon the conditions and the comparison conditions. To permit the fair comparison of performances conducted in different environmental conditions, it is recommended that performance times are corrected to the time that would be achieved in standard environmental conditions, such as 20 oC, 760 mmHg (1013.25 hPa) and 50% RH.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of environmental variables on dairy buffaloes physiology in two different places after milking, shaded plus artificial ventilation and another one non-shaded, in Ribeira Valley, São Paulo State, Brazil. Data on the respiratory rate (RR) and the surface temperature (ST) at udder, neckmiddle, forehead, back middle and rump were collected in 12 dairy buffaloes at autumn. In the same way, it were recorded the black globe temperature in the sun (GTS) and in the shade (GTNS), air temperature and wind speed at padronized height of 1.60 meters. All data were collected at 10:30am and 1:30pm. The results showed statistical difference among black globe temperature, wind speed, RR and ST (P<0.01) in two treatments.The results showed the necessity of protection against the solar radiation in the buffaloes, even in periods of warm climates.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o efeito de diferentes temperaturas-ambiente durante a primeira semana de vida de pintos de corte sob parâmetros zootécnicos, desenvolvimento visceral e crescimento ósseo. Foram utilizados 240 pintos de um dia, alojados em 3 câmaras climáticas, com temperaturas constantes de 20, 25 e 35°C do 1° ao 7° dia de vida. Diariamente, o consumo de água e ração, bem como o peso vivo, o peso relativo do fígado, moela, coração, saco vitelino e bursa de Fabricius foram avaliados. A tíbia e o fêmur também foram pesados e o comprimento e espessura (diâmetro médio) mensurados. As aves criadas a 20°C ganharam menos peso e consumiram menos ração do que aves mantidas a 25°C e menos água do que aves mantidas a 35°C. O peso relativo do fígado, coração e moela foram afetados pela temperatura ambiente, entretanto, não foi observado efeito da temperatura de criação sobre o peso do saco vitelino e bursa de Fabricius. Os dados mostraram que todos os parâmetros ósseos pesquisados aumentaram com a idade das aves. A temperatura ambiente não afetou a espessura da tíbia e do fêmur, mas foi observado um aumento significativo no peso e comprimento dos ossos com o aumento da temperatura ambiente. Os resultados desse experimento mostraram que o estresse por frio (20°C) reduziu o crescimento ósseo bem como o peso vivo das aves, durante os primeiros sete dias após a eclosão.


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Several studies demonstrate that environmental temperature can influence the immune response of poultry. The objective of this research was to determine at which stage in the life of a bird this effect is greatest. In experiment 1, broiler breeder eggs were incubated at three different temperatures (36.8+/-0.2, 37.8+/-0.2, and 38.8+/-0.2degreesC from the 13th day of incubation to hatching. After hatching, birds were raised in thermoneutral temperature. In experiment 2, 144 1-d-old broiler chicks were distributed into three environmental chambers with different temperatures (18+/-2, 24+/-2, and 32+/-2degreesC). In both experiments, the humoral immune responses to Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and infectious bursal disease (IBDV) were evaluated. NDV and IBDV antibody titers were not significantly different (P > 0.05) among treatments.


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Foram utilizados 50 suínos machos castrados para avaliar o efeito da restrição alimentar qualitativa sobre a digestibilidade dos componentes dietéticos, os órgãos do trato digestório, a composição e a produção fecal. Foram utilizadas cinco dietas experimentais, com níveis de restrição qualitativa de 0, 5, 10, 15 e 20%. Houve redução linear (P<0,001) para todos os coeficientes de digestibilidade, com exceção da fibra em detergente ácido, que apresentou resposta quadrática (P<0,05). Os teores de sólidos totais (P<0,01) e voláteis (P<0,05), e minerais totais (P<0,001) nas fezes aumentaram com os níveis de restrição alimentar, enquanto os níveis de K (P<0,05), Cu (P<0,01) e de N, P, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe e Zn (P<0,001), apresentaram resposta quadrática. A excreção diária de fezes, sólidos totais e voláteis, minerais totais, N, P, K, Mn e Cu (P<0,001), Ca, Na, Mg e Fe (P<0,05) apresentaram aumento em função do nível da restrição alimentar qualitativa. A restrição qualitativa pode ser alternativa para destinação de resíduos da agroindústria, conferindo boas propriedades às fezes suínas, no que diz respeito à utilização para adubação de culturas.


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Sowing is a critical time in the cycle of a crop and the seeds are frequently exposed to adverse conditions that may compromise the establishment of seedlings in the field. on this basis, the objective of the present study was to determine the effect of types of environmental stress on the emergence of sunflower, maize and soybean seeds with different levels of vigor. High vigor seeds were artificially aged in order to obtain medium and low vigor seeds and then they were sown in clay soil in plastic boxes and submitted to the following types of environmental stress during the germination process : 1) high temperature (35degreesC), 2) low temperature (15 or 18degreesC), 3) water excess (Psi > -0.0001 MPa), 4) water deficiency (Psi approximately equal to -1.1; -1.2 and -0.6 MPa for sunflower, maize and soybean, respectively), 5) sowing at a depth of 7 cm and 6) pathogenic infection of sunflower seeds with Alternaria helianthi, of maize seeds with Fusarium moniliforme and of soybean seeds with Colletotrichum dematium, var. truncata. The results were compared to those obtained with controls sown under optimal condition. It was concluded that: 1) the effect of seed vigor on emergence depends on the type of enviromental stress to which the seeds are exposed, 2) the stress to which the the seeds demonstrated highest sensitivity varied with species and 3) high temperature stress was the one that most impaired the emergence of the three species.


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The efficacy of BCG vaccine (attenuated Mycobacterium bovis) against pulmonary tuberculosis varies enormously among different populations. The prevailing hypothesis attributes this variation to interactions between the vaccine and mycobacteria common in the environment. Studies have revealed that most protective antigens expressed by the antituberculous vaccine are conserved in M. avium, supporting the hypothesis that exposure to environmental mycobacteria generates a cross-reactive immune response that interferes with BCG efficacy. In this study we investigated the effect of a prior exposure to heat-killed M. avium on the immune response and the protective efficacy induced by a genetic vaccine pVAXhsp65 (hsp65 gene from M. leprae inserted in pVAX vector) against experimental tuberculosis. To evaluate the effect on the immune response, female BALB/c mice were initially injected with distinct doses (0.08×106, 4×106, and 200×10 6) of heat-killed M. avium by subcutaneous route. Three weeks later, the animals were immunized with 3 doses of DNAhsp65 by intramuscular route (100μg/15 days apart). Control groups received only M. avium, vaccine (pVAXhsp65), vector (pVAX) or saline solution. Cytokine production and antibody levels were determined by ELISA. To evaluate the effect on the protective efficacy, animals were initially sensitized with 200×106 heat-killed CFU of M. avium by subcutaneous route and then immunized with 3 doses of pVAXhsp65 (100μg/15 days apart) by intramuscular route. Control groups were injected with saline, pVAX (4 doses), pVAXhsp65 (4 doses), M. avium or M. avium plus pVAX (3 doses). Fifteen days after last DNA dose, the animals were infected with 1×104 viable CFU of H37Rv M. tuberculosis by intratracheal route. Thirty days after challenge, the animals were sacrificed and the bacterial burden was determined by counting the number of CFU in the lungs. Lung histological sections were also analyzed. Splenic cells from primed animals produced more IL-5 but less IFN-gamma than non-primed ones. Also, prior contact with M. avium determined higher production of IgG1 and IgG2a anti-hsp65 antibodies in comparison to control groups. However, this higher immune response did not decrease the bacterial burden in the lungs. In addition, prior sensitization with M. avium decreased the parenchyma preservation observed in the group immunized only with pVaxhsp65. These results indicate that environmental mycobacteria can interfere with immunity and protective efficacy induced by DNAhsp65.


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Este estudo investigou a importância dos fatores ambientais sobre os padrões de abundância dos decápodos na costa sudeste brasileira. Amostragens foram feitas mensalmente de janeiro/1998 a dezembro/1999 em Ubatumirim e Mar Virado, região de Ubatuba, usando um barco de pesca camaroneiro equipado com redes doublerig. Foram selecionadas seis áreas adjacentes aos costões rochosos. Amostras de água de fundo foram coletadas usando garrafa de Nansen, para mensurar a temperatura e salinidade. Amostras de sedimento foram obtidas utilizando pegador de Van Veen, para determinação da textura e conteúdo de matéria orgânica. A associação dos fatores ambientais com a abundância das espécies foi verificada através da Análise de Correspondência Canônica (α = 0,05). Quarenta e uma espécies de Decapoda foram utilizadas na análise multivariada. A análise indicou que a textura do sedimento (phi) e a temperatura foram os fatores mais fortemente correlacionados (p < 0,05) com a abundância espacial e temporal das espécies. Considerando a região de estudo como zona de transição faunística, incluindo espécies de origem tropical e subantártica, as espécies responderam diferentemente aos fatores ambientais, principalmente à temperatura. Possivelmente os decápodos ajustem sua distribuição de acordo com suas limitações fisiológicas intrínsecas, como resultado dos recursos disponíveis.


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The concentrations of chironomid remains in lake sediments are very variable and, therefore, chironomid stratigraphies often include samples with a low number of counts. Thus, the effect of low count sums on reconstructed temperatures is an important issue when applying chironomid‐temperature inference models. Using an existing data set, we simulated low count sums by randomly picking subsets of head capsules from surface‐sediment samples with a high number of specimens. Subsequently, a chironomid‐temperature inference model was used to assess how the inferred temperatures are affected by low counts. The simulations indicate that the variability of inferred temperatures increases progressively with decreasing count sums. At counts below 50 specimens, a further reduction in count sum can cause a disproportionate increase in the variation of inferred temperatures, whereas at higher count sums the inferences are more stable. Furthermore, low count samples may consistently infer too low or too high temperatures and, therefore, produce a systematic error in a reconstruction. Smoothing reconstructed temperatures downcore is proposed as a possible way to compensate for the high variability due to low count sums. By combining adjacent samples in a stratigraphy, to produce samples of a more reliable size, it is possible to assess if low counts cause a systematic error in inferred temperatures.


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Species variations in formaldehyde solutions and gases were investigated by means of infrared spectral analysis. Double beam infrared spectrometry in conjunction with sodium chloride wafer technique and solvent compensation technique were employed. Formaldehyde species in various solutions were investigated. Formalin 37% was stable for many months. Refrigeration had no effects on its stability. Spectral changes were detected in 1000 ppm formaldehyde solutions. The absorbances of very diluted solutions up to 100 ppm were lower than the detection limit of the instruments. Solvent compensation improved resolution, but was associated with an observed lack of repeatability. Formaldehyde species in animal chambers containing animals and in mobile home air were analyzed with the infrared spectrophotometer equipped with a 10 cm gas cell. Spectra were not different from the spectrum of clean air. A portable single beam infrared spectrometer with a 20 meter pathlength was used for reinvestigation. Indoor formaldehyde could not be detected in the spectral; conversely, an absorption peak at 3.58 microns was found in the spectra of 3 and 15 ppm formaldehyde gas in animal chambers. This peak did not appear in the spectrum of the control chamber. Because of concerns over measurement bias among various analytical methods for formaldehyde, side-by-side comparisons were conducted in both laboratory and field measurements. The chromotropic acid method with water and 1% sodium bisulfite as collection media, the pararosaniline method, and a single beam infrared spectrometer were compared. Measurement bias was elucidated and the extent of the effects of temperature and humidity was also determined. The problems associated with related methods were discussed. ^