913 resultados para Enteric parasites


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The parasitical relationship between the grand piano and the myriad objects used in its preparation as pioneered by John Cage in the late 1940’s is here discussed from a perspective of free improvisation practice. Preparations can be defined as the use of a “non-instrument” object (screws, bolts, rubbers etc…) to alter or modify the behaviour of an instrument or part of an instrument. Although also present in instrumental practices based on the electric guitar or the drum kit, the piano provides a privileged space of exploration given its large‐scale resonant body. It also highlights the transgressive aspect of preparation (the piano to be prepared often belongs to a venue rather than to the pianist herself, hence highlighting relationships of trust, care and respect). Since 2007 I have used a guitar-object (a small wooden board with strings and pick ups) connected to a small amplifier to prepare the grand piano in my free improvisation practice. This paper addresses the different relationships afforded by this type preparation which is characterised by the fact that the object for preparation is in itself an instrument (albeit a simplified one), and the preparation is ephemeral and intrinsic to the performance. The paper also reflects on the process of designing an interface from and for a particular practice and in collaboration with a guitar luthier.


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Cannibalism is ubiquitous in nature and especially pervasive in consumers with stage-specific resource utilization in resource-limited environments. Cannibalism is thus influential in the structure and functioning of biological communities. Parasites are also pervasive in nature and, we hypothesize, might affect cannibalism since infection can alter host foraging behaviour. We investigated the effects of a common parasite, the microsporidian Pleistophora mulleri, on the cannibalism rate of its host, the freshwater amphipod Gammarus duebeni celticus. Parasitic infection increased the rate of cannibalism by adults towards uninfected juvenile conspecifics, as measured by adult functional responses, that is, the rate of resource uptake as a function of resource density. This may reflect the increased metabolic requirements of the host as driven by the parasite. Furthermore, when presented with a choice, uninfected adults preferred to cannibalize uninfected rather than infected juvenile conspecifics, probably reflecting selection pressure to avoid the risk of parasite acquisition. By contrast, infected adults were indiscriminate with respect to infection status of their victims, probably owing to metabolic costs of infection and the lack of risk as the cannibals were already infected. Thus parasitism, by enhancing cannibalism rates, may have previously unrecognized effects on stage structure and population dynamics for cannibalistic species and may also act as a selective pressure leading to changes in resource use.


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Parasites have a variety of behavioural effects on their hosts, which can in turn affect species with which the host interacts. Here we review how these trait-mediated indirect effects of parasites can alter the outcomes of invader-native interactions, illustrating with examples from the literature and with particular regard to the invader-native crustacean systems studied in our laboratories. Parasites may potentially inhibit or exacerbate invasions via their effects on host behaviour, in addition to their direct virulence effects on hosts. In several crustacean systems, we have found that parasites influence both host predation rates on intra- and inter-guild prey and host vulnerability to being preyed upon. These trait effects can theoretically alter invasion impact and patterns of coexistence, as they indirectly affect interactions between predators and prey with the potential for further ramifications to other species in the food web. The fitness consequences of parasite-induced trait-mediated effects are rarely considered in traditional parasitological contexts, but demand attention in the context of ecological communities. We can regard these trait effects as a form of cryptic virulence that only becomes apparent when hosts are examined in the context of the other species with which they interact.


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RESUMO: A Malária é causada por parasitas do género Plasmodium, sendo a doença parasitária mais fatal para o ser humano. Apesar de, durante o século passado, o desenvolvimento económico e a implementação de diversas medidas de controlo, tenham permitido erradicar a doença em muitos países, a Malária continua a ser um problema de saúde grave, em particular nos países em desenvolvimento. A Malária é transmitida através da picada de uma fêmea de mosquito do género Anopheles. Durante a picada, os esporozoítos são injetados na pele do hospedeiro, seguindo-se a fase hepática e obrigatória do ciclo de vida. No fígado, os esporozoítos infetam os hepatócitos onde se replicam, dentro de um vacúolo parasitário (VP) e de uma forma imunitária silenciosa, em centenas de merozoitos. Estas novas formas do parasita são as responsáveis por infetar os eritrócitos, iniciando a fase sanguínea da doença, onde se os primeiros sintomas se manifestam, tais como a característica febre cíclica. A fase hepática da doença é a menos estudada e compreendida. Mais ainda, as interações entre o VP e os organelos da células hospedeira estão ainda pouco caracterizados. Assim, neste estudo, as interações entre os organelos endocíticos e autofágicos da célula hospedeira e o VP foram dissecados, observando-se que os anfisomas, que são organelos resultantes da intersecção do dois processos de tráfego intracelular, interagem com o parasita. Descobrimos que a autofagia tem também uma importante função imunitária durante a fase hepática inicial, ao passo, que durante o desenvolvimento do parasita, já numa fase mais tardia, o parasita depende da interação com os endossomas tardios e anfisomas para crescer. Vesiculas de BSA, EGF e LC3, foram, também, observadas dentro do VP, sugerindo que os parasitas são capazes de internalizar material endocítico e autofágico do hospedeiro. Mais ainda, mostramos que esta interação depende da cinase PIKfyve, responsável pela conversão do fosfoinositidio-3-fosfato no fosfoinositidio-3,5-bifosfato, uma vez que inibindo esta cinase o parasita não é capaz de crescer normalmente. Finalmente, mostramos que a proteína TRPML1, uma proteína efetora do fosfoinositidio-3,5-bifosfato, e envolvida no processo de fusão das membranas dos organelos endocíticos e autofágicos, também é necessária para o crescimento do parasita. Desta forma, o nosso estudo sugere que a membrana do VP funde com vesiculas endocíticas e autofágicas tardias, de uma forma dependente do fositidio-3,5-bifosfato e do seu effetor TRPML1, permitindo a troca de material com a célula hospedeira. Concluindo, os nossos resultados evidenciam que o processo autofágico que ocorre na célula hospedeira tem um papel duplo durante a fase hepática da malaria. Enquanto numa fase inicial os hepatócitos usam o processo autofágico como forma de defesa contra o parasita, já durante a fase de replicação o VP funde com vesiculas autofágicas e endocíticas de forma a obter os nutrientes necessários ao seu desenvolvimento.--------- ABSTRACT: Malaria, which is caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium, is the most deadly parasitic infection in humans. Although economic development and the implementation of control measures during the last century have erradicated the disease from many areas of the world, it remains a serious human health issue, particularly in developing countries. Malaria is transmitted by female mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles. During the mosquito blood meal, Plasmodium spp. sporozoites are injected into the skin dermis of the vertebrate host, followed by an obligatory liver stage. Upon entering the liver, Plasmodium parasites infect hepatocytes and silently replicate inside a host cell-derived parasitophorous vacuole (PV) into thousands of merozoites. These new parasite forms can infect red blood cells initiating the the blood stage of the disease which shows the characteristic febrile malaria episodes. The liver stage is the least characterized step of the malaria infection. Moreover, the interactions between the Plasmodium spp. PV and the host cell trafficking pathways are poorly understood. We dissected the interaction between Plasmodium parasites and the host cell endocytic and autophagic pathways and we found that both pathways intersect and interconnect in the close vicinity of the parasite PV, where amphisomes are formed and accumulate. Interestingly, we observed a clearance function for autophagy in hepatocytes infected with Plasmodium berghei parasites at early infection times, whereas during late liver stage development late endosomes and amphisomes are required for parasite growth. Moreover, we found the presence of internalized BSA, EGF and LC3 inside parasite vacuoles, suggesting that the parasites uptake endocytic and autophagic cargo. Furthermore, we showed that the interaction between the PV and host traffic pathways is dependent on the kinase PIKfyve, which converts the phosphoinositide PI(3)P into PI(3,5)P2, since PIKfyve inhibition caused a reduction in parasite growth. Finally, we showed that the PI(3,5)P2 effector protein TRPML1, which is involved in late endocytic and autophagic membrane fusion, is also required for parasite development. Thus, our studies suggest that the parasite parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM) is able to fuse with late endocytic and autophagic vesicles in a PI(3,5)P2- and TRPML1-dependent manner, allowing the exchange of material between the host cell and the parasites, necessary for the rapid development of the latter that is seen during the liver stage of infection. In conclusion, we present evidence supporting a specific and essential dual role of host autophagy during the course of Plasmodium liver infection. Whereas in the initial hours of infection the host cell uses autophagy as a cell survival mechanism to fight the infection, during the replicative phase the PV fuses with host autophagic and endocytic vesicles to obtain nutrients required for parasite growth.


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Clostridium difficile is a gram positive, spore former, anaerobic bacterium that is able to cause infection and disease, with symptoms ranging from mild diarrhea to pseudomembranous colitis, toxic megacolon, sepsis and death. In the last decade new strains have emerged that caused outbreaks of increased disease severity and higher recurrence, morbidity and mortality rates, and C. difficile is now considered both a main nosocomial pathogen associated with antibiotic therapy as well as a major concern in the community.(...)


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RESUMO: Clostridium difficile é presentemente a principal causa de doença gastrointestinal associada à utilização de antibióticos em adultos. C. difficile é uma bactéria Gram-positiva, obrigatoriamente anaeróbica, capaz de formar endósporos. Tem-se verificado um aumento dos casos de doença associada a C. difficile com sintomas mais severos, elevadas taxas de morbilidade, mortalidade e recorrência, em parte, devido à emergência de estirpes mais virulentas, mas também devido à má gestão do uso de antibióticos. C. difficile produz duas toxinas, TcdA e TcdB, que são os principais fatores de virulência e responsáveis pelos sintomas da doença. Estas são codificadas a partir do Locus de Patogenicidade (PaLoc) que codifica ainda para um regulador positivo, TcdR, uma holina, TcdE, e um regulador negativo, TcdC. Os esporos resistentes ao oxigénio são essenciais para a transmissão do organismo e recorrência da doença. A expressão dos genes do PaLoc ocorre em células vegetativas, no final da fase de crescimento exponencial, e em células em esporulação. Neste trabalho construímos dois mutantes de eliminação em fase dos genes tcdR e tcdE. Mostrámos que a auto-regulação do gene tcdR não é significativa. No entanto, tcdR é sempre necessário para a expressão dos genes presentes no PaLoc. Trabalho anterior mostrou que, com a exceção de tcdC, os demais genes do PaLoc são expressos no pré-esporo. Mostrámos aqui que TcdA é detectada à superfície do esporo maduro e que a eliminação do tcdE não influencia a acumulação de TcdA no meio de cultura ou em associação às células ou ao esporo. Estas observações têm consequências para o nosso entendimento do processo infecioso: sugeremque o esporo possa ser também um veículo para a entrega da toxina nos estágios iniciais da infecção, que TcdA possa ser libertada durante a germinação do esporo, e que o esporo possa utilizar o mesmo receptor reconhecido por TcdA para a ligação à mucosa do cólon.---------------------------ABSTRACT: Clostridium difficile is currently the major cause of antibiotic-associated gastrointestinal diseases in adults. This is a Gram-positive bacterium, endospore-forming and an obligate anaerobe that colonizes the gastrointestinal tract. Recent years have seen a rise in C. difficile associated disease (CDAD) cases, associated with more severe disease symptoms, higher rates of morbidity, mortality and recurrence, which were mostly caused due to the emergence of “hypervirulent” strains but also due to changing patterns of antibiotics use. C. difficile produces two potent toxins, TcdA and TcdB, which are the main virulence factors and the responsible for the disease symptoms. These are codified from a Pathogenicity Locus (PaLoc), composed also by the positive regulator, TcdR, the holin-like protein, TcdE, and a negative regulator, TcdC. Besides the toxins, the oxygen-resistant spores are also essential for transmission of the organism through diarrhea; moreover, spores can accumulate in the environment or in the host, which will cause disease recurrence. The expression of the PaLoc genes occurs in vegetative cells, at the end of the exponential growth phase, and in sporulating cells. In this work, we constructed two in-frame deletion mutants of tcdR and tcdE. We showed that the positive auto regulation of tcdR is not significant. However, tcdR is always necessary for the expression of the PaLoc genes. A previous work showed that, except tcdC, all the PaLoc genes are expressed in the forespore. Here, we detected TcdA at the spore surface. Furthermore, we showed that the in-frame deletion of tcdE does not affect the accumulation of TcdA in the culture medium or in association with cells or spores. This data was important for us to conclude about the infeccious process: it suggests that the spore may be the vehicle for the delivery of TcdA in early stages of infection, that TcdA may be released during spores germination and that this spore may use the same receptor recognized by TcdA to bind to the colonic mucosa.


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Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is responsible for many enterically transmitted viral hepatitides around the world. It is currently one of the waterborne diseases of global concern. In industrialized countries, HEV appears to be more common than previously thought, even if it is rarely virulent. In Switzerland, seroprevalence studies revealed that HEV is endemic, but no information was available on its environmental spread. The aim of this study was to investigate -using qPCR- the occurrence and concentration of HEV and three other viruses (norovirus genogroup II, human adenovirus-40 and porcine adenovirus) in influents and effluents of 31 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Switzerland. Low concentrations of HEV were detected in 40 out of 124 WWTP influent samples, showing that HEV is commonly present in this region. The frequency of HEV occurrence was higher in summer than in winter. No HEV was detected in WWTP effluent samples, which indicates a low risk of environmental contamination. HEV occurrence and concentrations were lower than those of norovirus and adenovirus. The autochthonous HEV genotype 3 was found in all positive samples, but a strain of the non-endemic and highly pathogenic HEV genotype I was isolated in one sample, highlighting the possibility of environmental circulation of this genotype. A porcine fecal marker (porcine adenovirus) was not detected in HEV positive samples, indicating that swine are not the direct source of HEV present in wastewater. Further investigations will be necessary to determine the reservoirs and the routes of dissemination of HEV.


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UNLABELLED: Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of 228 isolates was used to elucidate the origin and dynamics of a long-term outbreak of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) sequence type 228 (ST228) SCCmec I that involved 1,600 patients in a tertiary care hospital between 2008 and 2012. Combining of the sequence data with detailed metadata on patient admission and movement confirmed that the outbreak was due to the transmission of a single clonal variant of ST228, rather than repeated introductions of this clone into the hospital. We note that this clone is significantly more frequently recovered from groin and rectal swabs than other clones (P < 0.0001) and is also significantly more transmissible between roommates (P < 0.01). Unrecognized MRSA carriers, together with movements of patients within the hospital, also seem to have played a major role. These atypical colonization and transmission dynamics can help explain how the outbreak was maintained over the long term. This "stealthy" asymptomatic colonization of the gut, combined with heightened transmissibility (potentially reflecting a role for environmental reservoirs), means the dynamics of this outbreak share some properties with enteric pathogens such as vancomycin-resistant enterococci or Clostridium difficile. IMPORTANCE: Using whole-genome sequencing, we showed that a large and prolonged outbreak of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was due to the clonal spread of a specific strain with genetic elements adapted to the hospital environment. Unrecognized MRSA carriers, the movement of patients within the hospital, and the low detection with clinical specimens were also factors that played a role in this occurrence. The atypical colonization of the gut means the dynamics of this outbreak may share some properties with enteric pathogens.


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In order to fully understand an organism's behaviours the interactions between multiple enemies or selective pressures need to be considered, as these interactions are usually far more complex than the simple addition of their effects in isolation. In this thesis, I consider the impact of multiple enemies (fish predators and parasites) on the behaviour of three larval anurans (Lithobates sylvaticus, L. clamitans and L. catesbeianus). I also determine whether species that differ in life-histories and habitat preferences possess different antipredator mechanisms and how this affects species responses to multiple enemies. I show that the three Ranid larvae respond differently to the trade-off imposed by the presence of both fish predators and trematode parasites within the environment. The two more permanent pond breeders (L. clamitans and L. catesbeianus) increased activity when in the combined presence of predators and parasites. In contrast, the temporary pond breeder (L. sylvaticus) decreased activity in the combined presence of predator and parasites, in the same manner as they responded to fish alone. Further, the presence of fish along with parasites increased the susceptibility of both L. sylvaticus and L. clamitans to trematode infection, whereas parasite infection in L. catesbeianus was unaffected by the presence of fish. A second experiment to assess palatability of the three anuran species to fish, revealed a range of palatabilities, with L. catesbeianus being least palatable, L. clamitans being somewhat unpalatable, and L. sylvaticus being highly palatable. This result helps to explain the species differences in tthe observed behaviour to the combined presence of fish and parasites. In conclusion, the results from this study highlight the importance of considering multiple selective pressures faced by organisms and how this shapes their behaviour.