780 resultados para Ensino-aprendizagem de Ciências Naturais nos anos iniciais


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This article is about a study about the training needs for teachers of elementary school in the field of Geography. It is our objective to grasp their conceptions of training needs and reflect about their formative needs to teach geography. We consider the training as reflective process that involves the movement of changes and improvement beyond of formal learning, considering its numerous dimensions. We reflected about formative needs in light of the readings of Rodrigues Esteves (1993), Silva (2000), Roberts (2006), Vieira (2010). The discussions about conceptions were based on Ferreira (2007). The empirical reference constitutes to a private school in the city of Ceará-Mirim/RN, SECAT Centro de Ensino. The social subjects of our research are five teachers who work in the initial years of elementary school. We resorted a survey (auto) biographical, based on the studies of Passeggi (2011), Delory (2008), Bertaux (2010) e Josso (2010), since it is our intention to turn to the historicity of the subject and the learning, recognizing the links between him and the world and the experiences based on for learning and adult training. As technical and methodological procedure we will use the Training Narratives, whose application allows the understanding of memories and stories of schooling teachers, since are reported events occurred during the development of the individual through seminars Biographical. We observed on the narratives constructed by the teachers the absence assignments of meanings to a reworking of the theoretical formative needs and questions of its organizing principles. However, we notice the teachers were able to develop senses and means to conceive the phenomenon in study, in a descriptive way, through articulated enunciations, including aspects and opportunities linked to their teaching practices and future formative prospects. Regarding School Geography, we based our studies in the reflections of Smith Junior (1994, 2000), Tonini (2003), Vesentini (2004) and Vlach (1991), among others. We verified that the needs evidenced by the teachers to teach geography were constructed from the contexts of their teaching practices present in their school and professional trajectories. Therefore, we noticed the need for formal pedagogical qualification so that we can conceive the phenomenon in study beyond its descriptive character, understanding that it is necessary to point out reflections and questions about the dynamics of production of global capital, which conveys its interests in the contexts that often emerge formative needs of the educational system.


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El conocimiento químico es muy importante a la comprensión de procesos físicos y químicos que nos acercan, por una opción de una vida mejor con calidad, fomentando y acompañando el desarrollo tecnológico. Sin embargo, la formación de un pensamiento químico fruto de un aprendizaje significativo es hoy, en todo el país, un reto paro los educadores de química. Estúdios señalan la contextualización de los contenidos químicos como recurso para promover una interrelación entre conocimientos escolares y hechos/situaciones presentes en el cotidaiano de los alumnos, añadiendo significado a los contenidos escolares, proporcionando a los alumnos un aprendizaje significativo. Con tal objetivo, la siguiente pesquisa se realizó con la intención de contribuir con la enseñanza de química y con el propósito general de proponer un materila didáctico que presentase una forma contextualizada de trabajar algunos conceptos y contenidos fundamentales a la química, con tema generador de la enseãnaza y aprendizaje a la fabricación de jabones y detergentes. Con objetivo de justificar la elección del planteamiento de la contextualización y la elaboración del material didáctico, se hizo una pesquisa acerca de la enseãnaza de química en al red pública de educación y la relación de ésta con los contextos pertenecentes a la realidad de los alumnos. Se observó que la enseñanza de química actual en la red pública de educación es tradicional y descontextualizada. Los resultados de esta pesquisa muestran la necesidad de cámbios la forma de como se enseñan los contenidos químicos. En la segunda parte de la pesquisa, se produjo la elaboración de la unidad didáctica de enseñanza, con el objetivo de promover el aprendizaje significativo de conocimientos químicos a partir del tema de la fabricación de jabones y detergentes. Se observó que el trabajo alcanzó los objetivos propuestos. Una evaluación cualitativa mostró que los alumnos estuvieron más participativos e interesados al estudiar química de esta forma. Relatos y decalraciones de los alumnos también indicaron que hubo un aprendizaje significativo de los contenidos trabajados y que los alumnos son capaces de transferirlos para la comprensión de situaciones reales. Y una evaluación cuantitativa del material nos reveló que 87,09% de los alumnos obtuvieron apuntes iguales o superiores a la media necesaria para la aprobación. Esperamos que hayamos contribuído para mejorar la calidad de la enseñanaza de química y que este trabajo sea solamente un comienzo de una gran jornada


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Demonstrations are fundamental instruments for Mathematics and, as such, are frequently used by mathematicians, math teachers and students. In fact, demonstrations are part of every Mathematics teaching environment, because Mathematics considers something true when it can be demonstrated. This is in contrast to other fields of knowledge that employ observation and experimentation to validate truth. This dissertation presents a study of the teaching and learning of demonstrations in Mathematics, describing a Teaching Module applied in a course on the Theory of Numbers offered by the Mathematics Department of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte for mathematics majors. The objective of the dissertation was to propose and test a Teaching Module that can serve as a model for teaching demonstrations. The Teaching Module consisted of the following five steps: the application of a survey to determine the students‟ profiles and their previous knowledge of mathematical language and techniques of demonstration; the analysis of a series of dialogues containing arguments in everyday language; the investigation and analysis of the structure of some important techniques of demonstration; a written assessment; and, finally, an interview to further verify the principal results of the Teaching Module. The analysis of the data obtained though the classroom activities, written assessments and interviews led to the conclusion that there was a significant amount of assimilation of the issue at the level of relational understanding, (SKEMP, 1980). These instruments verified that the students attained considerable improvement in their use of mathematical language and of the techniques of demonstration presented. Thus, the evidence supports the conclusion that the proposed Teaching Module is an effective means for the teaching/learning of mathematical demonstration and, as such, provides a methodological guide which may lay the foundations for a new approach to this important subject


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This research part of the educational context of the Federal Rio Grande do Norte, through the resumption of legal frameworks that characterize it as an institution belonging to the Federal Network of Professional Education and Technology Brazilian, with a focus on continued education policies for the servers who work there specifically teachers, especially those who have their work in the Teaching of Natural Science and Mathematics. To do this the cut in an agreement between the IFRN and UFRN PPGECNM through the professional master's degree Teaching of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. This agreement as we have research collaborators 08 master teachers who graduated in the period 2004 to 2010, so we undertook a qualitative and quantitative research aimed to conduct the study in general terms of description and analysis of the impacts caused by the formation of masters IFRN in PPGECNM UFRN, taking into account the production of the same academic (dissertation), his performance in the context of the institution and the historical, social, economic and political aspects involved, and also meet the guidelines of the project at the Observatory in 2008 - MEC / CAPES / BSD-P. We used the theoretical options methodological elements of Comprehensive Interview and multireferentiality, our data collection instrument was the main interview, we also performed the analysis of dissertations by lecturers and teachers featured, from the specific descriptors used in catalogs USP / IFUSP (1992, 1996) and UNICAMP / FE / CEDOC (1998) and by other researchers. In analyzing and understanding the speech of the interviewees were able to identify the implications of teacher education in the school context, the motivation to seek the Master; how was the construction of the object of study of the educational product and its use in teaching practice and intervention, the question of the role of master teachers in the school environment to the post master taking into account changes in professional performance and influence in the working groups, how does the use of research and investigation in the classroom after training and between training and educational quality in the context of IFRN. In reading and analysis of the dissertations were able to identify the main focus and under-explored thematic focus as well as the theoretical methodological references. At the end of the research developed a product that could be used for technical analysis studies and assessment in quantitative terms the results achieved by the master teachers IFRN through his training in PPGECNM UFRN


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Normally initial teacher training has not been sufficient to provide all the tools for an updated and efficient teaching practice. It is presented here one of the ways of working the completion of the initial training through a course of continuing education. This course is based on inquiry teaching which is considered an important teaching strategy for science education. This kind of teaching enables improvement of students reasoning and cognitive skills, the cooperation among them, the understanding of the nature of scientific work, and the motivation to think about the relationship between science, technology, society and environment. For this dissertation a course of continuing education based on this approach was followed in order to evaluate which contributions it can bring to the teaching practice. The course was followed based on three stages: on the first there was a questionnaire and an informal interview; next it happened through participant observation with audio and visual aid; the third stage happened through semi structured interview. The collected information was analyzed based on Content Analysis. An inquiry teaching pedagogical material was produced for the course including some examples and applications of this approach. The aim of the material is that it can be a support for the teachers after de course. The results allowed seeing that the course was very useful, different from the traditional and the teachers that put the approach to use found it to be very positive. Thus it can be said that some of the teachers who participated will try again to apply it, try to contextualize more the teaching situations with the students day to day life, as well make them more active and critic. We can also gather from the study, that the inquiry teaching is a very different tool from what the teacher was taught and is accustomed to use and the theoretical comprehension, acceptance and practice change is a complicated process and demands time


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This dissertation presents the investigation and possible interference in the current teaching of physics, specially of optics, in the eighth grade/ ninth year / fourth cycle of junior high school. The context of the current science teaching is also presented. Besides, the following aspects are discussed: the preparation of the eighth grade teachers, their professional needs, the pedagogical practices and the theoreticmethodological difficulties faced by them. Another important issue in Science Teaching, which is also discussed in this dissertation, is the need for an efficient scientific literacy so that the citizen may express value judgment about Science and Technology issues. The data about the context were gathered from questionaires answered by the teachers. In value of this information, lesson plans were elaborated and implemented. The goal was to point out alternatives for the development of a teaching-learning evaluation which would be both pleasant for the teachers in relation to the implemented methodology, end meaningful for the students by adding elements such as: interdisciplinary approach, contextualization and preparation by competences. Furthermore it was carried out a deeper analysis of the Brazilian curriculum references (LDB, DCN, PCN, RCB) and content aspects (concepts, procedures e attitudes) to be executed by that branch of human knowledge, aiming at a really Contextualized Science Teaching, qualified and pleasant for the eighth grade level. It is also presented in this paper the profile or the Professional which teach this level at state public schools in Russas, state of Ceará, Vale do Jaguaribe Region. The efficacy of the lesson plans were also analysed by using evaluation procedures with the eighth grade students of the following schools: CAIC Senador Carlos Jereissati and EEF Manuel Matoso Filho, from which the concepts acquired during the implementation of the classes became evident in the students


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as crenças de professores das séries iniciais do nível fundamental da cidade de Caicó-RN sobre o ensino de gramática. A partir da aplicação de um questionário, analisam-se as crenças manifestadas no discurso de 20 docentes da rede municipal de ensino do referido município. As questões formuladas visaram investigar as crenças dos informantes sobre o que é ensinar gramática e que dificuldades encontram para realizar o ensino dos conteúdos gramaticais, considerando aspectos teóricos e práticos, entre eles: a construção da concepção sobre ensino de gramática, a participação em projetos de formação continuada na especificidade de ensino de língua, a influência dessa formação sobre o seu fazer pedagógico, e a realização do planejamento de ensino de conteúdos gramaticais. Para fundamentar a reflexão, buscou-se apoio em autores como Abrahão; Barcelos (2006); Antunes (2009; 2007); Neves (2004a; 2004b; 2007; 2010) Silva (2004; 2007), Travaglia (2001; 2004); entre outros, a partir dos quais são abordados os conceitos de língua, linguagem e gramática, relacionando-os ao desenvolvimento da competência linguística/comunicativa no ensino de língua portuguesa. Os dados analisados revelam que a influência das crenças sobre o ensino de gramática no fazer pedagógico do professor se relaciona com sua formação acadêmica, desde a escolha do referencial teórico adotado pelos professores das disciplinas relacionadas ao tema até a metodologia utilizada para trabalhar os conteúdos, considerando as experiências pessoais concretizadas ao longo de sua vida. Além disso, percebeu-se que existe uma forte convergência entre crenças, conhecimentos e experiências práticas. O trabalho conclui-se com uma reflexão sobre as implicações que uma postura reflexiva pode ter no atual panorama de ensino de língua, em geral, e de gramática, em particular.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)